964 resultados para Children education


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Un reportaje periodístico que brinda un panorama amplio sobre el proceso que enfrentan los niños, niñas y adolescentes víctimas de desplazamiento forzado al llegar a la ciudad de Bogotá e ingresar a los colegios distritales.


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La escolarización de los niños que proceden de la inmigración, especialmente la extracomunitaria, comporta dificultades que, aunque a veces se niegan, son evidentes para cualquier persona que trabaja en el mundo de la educación. Así, la creciente diversidad étnica y lingüística, y otros fenómenos, como la incorporación tardía, es vista por bastantes profesoras y profesores como una "carga" suplementarias en su quehacer educativo diario. De hecho, en la concepción clásica del trabajo escolar, la consideración de un aumento de las dificultades cuando aumenta la diversidad siempre ha estado presente y, nos guste o no, nuestro sistema educativo, como la mayoría de sistemas educativos, sigue siendo bastante clásico. Sin embargo, es de justicia señalar que las modificaciones , incluidas las innovaciones, que los sistemas educativos han sufrido en el tiempo han ido de la mano de adaptarlos a la creciente diversidad social que se iba incorporando. En los últimos años, está afirmación debe relativizarse, al menos en el sentido que toma en el texto. Así, en muchos países occidentales, las actuales reformas educativas buscan su adaptabilidad sobre la base de la segregación


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El artículo repasa algunos aspectos sobre la relación entre educación escolar e inmigración. Así, al inicio se analizan de manera descriptiva las características de la inmigración ligada a la sociedad de la información y sus repercusiones educativas. Igualmente, se repasan algunos trabajos sobre el rendimiento académico de la infancia y la adolescencia extranjera, y se enfatiza el factor lingüístico como una de las fuentes explicativas de dicho rendimiento. En este sentido, se muestran varias investigaciones dedicadas a conocer los factores que inciden en el aprendizaje por el alumnado extranjero de la lengua de la escuela y, finalmente, se ofrecen varios criterios para encarar con éxito la relación entre escolarización e inmigración


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No Brasil, o Ensino Religioso na Educação Infantil ainda não é uma realidade, é controversa a sua natureza, a sua finalidade e sua prática pedagógica. Pretendemos com esse trabalho, desenvolvido como uma oficina com professoras desse segmento, evidenciar as concepções das fontes do Ensino Religioso, caracterizá-lo como disciplina e demonstrar sua especificidade. Como exemplo, trataremos do tema Amazônia. Em nossa tese de doutoramento em Ciências da Religião objetivamos construir uma epistemologia do Ensino Religioso.


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Consciente das particulares obrigações da Companhia de Jesus em matéria de ensino, o Padre Alexandre de Gusmão (1629-1724), com a Arte de criar bem os filhos na idade da puerícia (1685), pretendia «um perfeito menino», educado, desde tenra idade, segundo os princípios da doutrina cristã e em «santos e honestos costumes». Logo que a criança tomasse conhecimento da realidade e começasse a discernir o bom do mau, deveria conhecer o Criador e os principais mistérios da fé. Os pais deveriam afastar os filhos do pecado e do vício, e incutir-lhes a piedade e o temor a Deus. Neste projecto pedagógico, reconhecia-se ser a educação dos filhos dever inalienável dos pais, cujo exemplo constituía «o melhor documento». Para que soubessem agir correctamente era-lhes especialmente dedicada a segunda parte da obra em apreço, com o sugestivo título de Como se hão-de haver os pais na criação dos meninos. Com este envolvimento, Gusmão tinha, igualmente, consciência da necessidade de reformar a família e, por natural extensão, a própria sociedade. Contudo, da boa criação dos meninos beneficiava também a república. Largamente apoiado nas Sagradas Escrituras, na História, nos filósofos da Antiguidade Clássica, bem como em muitos autores cristãos, Alexandre de Gusmão, para corroborar o seu pensamento pedagógico, utilizou situações exemplares e referências das autoridades, de modo que as suas ideias prevalecessem, sem possibilidade de quaisquer contestações gratuitas. Por diversas vezes, repetiu a mesma ideia, como a sublinhar propositadamente a mensagem que desejava transmitir.Gusmão entendia que a educação deveria conduzir à salvação. A boa criação dos meninos implicava obediência, devoção e piedade. Os pais e os mestres, que se demitissem deste propósito, haveriam de prestar contas a Deus e receber severos castigos divinos. Com esta comunicação, pretendemos dar a conhecer os princípios pedagógicos defendidos por Alexandre de Gusmão na obra em análise, salientando como a Escola deveria servir as letras, os bons costumes e a religião católica.


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Presents the story of two students at the Victorian College for the Deaf (VCD). They are Bethany Rose and Scott Masterson, two ordinary teenagers, who live in the extraordinary world of the deaf. But, to both, it is a world of rich culture, full of human possibility. It has its own language, Auslan, with its own rules, challenges and inspirations. It is a culture which very few people know or fully understand. This documentary gives footage of the last few months of Bethany and Scott's schooling at the college. These teenagers have dreams of success in life, and are eager to enter the wider world. The Victorian College for the Deaf is the first school for deaf kids, as well as being the only school in Australia where the Australian sign language (Auslan) is used from Prep to Year 12, helping its students prepare for life in the adult world.


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The word ‘asset’ was originally taken into the English language, from the Latin ‘ad satis’ and French ‘asez’, as a term used at law meaning sufficient estate or effects to discharge debts. It later came to be used in the sense of property available for the payment of debts. Assets were understood to be property (objects owned and rights of ownership) that could be exchanged for cash. The importance of factual knowledge of the money equivalents of property and debts, in managing mercantile affairs, was emphasised in accounting manuals during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The rights of investors and creditors to factual up-to-date information about the financial state of affairs of companies, given the advent of limited liability, underscored the early company legislation that required the preparation and auditing of statements of property and debts. During the latter part of the nineteenth century the emphasis in accounting moved away from assets as exchangeable property to assets as deferred costs. Expectations took the place of observables. The abstract (expectational) notion of assets as ‘future economic benefits’ was embraced by accountants in the absence of rigorous definitions of the elements and functions of dated statements of financial position and performance. Assets are quantified financially by a heterogeneous mass of potentially inconsistent rules that, by and large, have no regard for the empirical nature of measurement. Consequently, accountants have failed to provide the community with up-to-date factual information about the financial state of affairs and performance of business entities - and, hence, with an informative basis for financial action.


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It has been found that incorporating preferences leads to improvements in target skills for children with autism. No studies have been found, however, that assess the preferences of children for prosody of teacher instruction. Prosody has been defined by fluency of speech, modification of pitch and stress of syllables. This research assessed the preference for, and effectiveness of, prosody of instruction by teachers of children with autism. The preferences of children with autism for monotone, conversational and enthusiastic voice prosodies were assessed. The children's teachers made recording of their own voice reading a story passage in the three selected prosodies. The children with autism were requested to listen to these recordings and select a preferred prosody over thirty three trials. Chi square analyses were conducted to determine the significant preferences from these trials. The selections of prosody of the children with autism were compared with the selections of typical children of the same age. Significant preferences were found for three children with autism and seven typical children. The three children with autism with significant preferences were observed in their classrooms. Teachers were cued with flashcards to use the different prosodies and the children's responses were recorded. An additional twenty instructions were recorded in which the teachers were not given a cue for voice prosody Chi square and Fisher's exact tests indicated that children's preferences did not influence their responses to prosody during classroom instruction. In other words the response in class was not related to prosody preference. Overall children were more likely to not respond to the monotone prosody. The enthusiastic and conversational prosodies were equally effective. Therefore it was concluded that continued and varied use of enthusiastic and conversational prosodies during classroom instruction would be effective for children with autism. It was recommended that future research focus on evaluating the effectiveness of variety of prosody for children with autism.


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It is an accepted fact that resilience is a multifaceted phenomenon which has been proven to affect the learning, growth and development of individuals. A childs formative years are a time when resilience needs to be promoted so they can cope with the challenges of life. This paper reports some of the findings of an Australian Research Council-funded longitudinal study which investigated resilience in the context of significant transitions in the lives of children and young adults. This study explored the conditions and characteristics of resilience, looking at the educational, health, work-related or leisure interventions that support and foster resilience. Outlined in this paper are findings from the early years cohort of the study involving teachers pedagogy informing the practical approaches and strategies that promote and protect resilience in young children. It is argued that teachers working with young children need to be mindful of using enabling strategies in which their practice works purposively with the school environment and the building of relationships.


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This study aims to verify the impact of the Bolsa Família Program (BFP) in income and school attendance of poor Brazilian families. It is intended to also check the existence of a possible negative effect of the program on the labor market, titled as sloth effect. For such, microdata from the IBGE Census sample in 2010 were used. Seeking to purge possible selection biases, methodology of Quantilic Treatment Effect (QTE) was applied, in particular the estimator proposed by Firpo (2007), which assumes an exogenous and non-conditional treatment. Moreover, Foster- Greer-Thorbecke (FGT) index was calculated to check if there are fewer households below the poverty line, as well as if the inequality among the poor decreases. Human Opportunity Index (HOI) was also calculated to measure the access of young people / children education. Results showed that BFP has positively influenced the family per capita income and education (number of children aged 5-17 years old attending school). As for the labor market (worked hours and labor income), the program showed a negative effect. Thus, when compared with not benefiting families, those families who receive the BFP have: a) a higher family income (due to the shock of the transfer budget money) b) more children attending school (due to the conditionality imposed by the program); c) less worked hours (due to sloth effect in certain family groups) and d) a lower income from work. All these effects were potentiated separating the sample in the five Brazilian regions, being observed that the BFP strongly influenced the Northeast, showing a greater decrease in income inequality and poverty, and at the same time, achieved a greater negative impact on the labor market