825 resultados para Child just starting school


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Esta pesquisa investiga a infância na cidade de Belém do Pará, na primeira metade do século passado (1900 1950). A intenção é entender a realidade de crianças que viveram em uma época marcada por grandes transformações em nível econômico, político, social e cultural. A cidade de Belém vive, à época, um dos momentos mais prósperos de sua história, devido à grande produção da borracha que representava, até o final do século XIX, um dos maiores produtos de comercialização e exportação do país.Desta forma, o estudo procurou entender o contexto histórico, especialmente, na primeira metade do século XX. O apogeu da borracha levou a cidade a um surpreendente desenvolvimento, chegando a ser comparada às grandes cidades da Europa. Porém, todo o projeto modernizador executado na cidade traz conseqüências e contradições, que agravados pelo declínio da economia da borracha favoreceu, consideravelmente, as diferenças entre a elite emergente, que usufrui de todas as regalias oferecidas na cidade, e a classe menos favorecida que é colocada à margem de todo o processo. Dentro de todo esse cenário, encontra-se a criança que começa a ser vista como sujeito de direitos, no entanto, pouco se faz para que seus direitos sejam garantidos. Para entender a infância nesse período foram utilizadas narrativas de velhos que foram selecionados de acordo com os seguintes critérios: ter idade a partir de 80 anos; ter vivido a infância na cidade de Belém; ter condições físicas e psicológicas para lembrar e narrar sua infância. As narrativas foram determinantes para entender, por exemplo, aspectos da composição familiar que, naquele momento, eram marcados pelo respeito, pela obediência e, sobretudo, pela imposição; a relação da criança com o espaço público; a chegada da criança à escola para estudar, mesmo com todas as dificuldades impostas por um sistema que se encontrava em formação; as alternativas de lazer encontradas pelas crianças; as políticas de assistência à criança desamparada; entre outros. Além de autores que discutem e realizam pesquisa no âmbito da história oral como: Thompson, Alberti, Bosi, Vidal, dialogamos com outros da área da infância como: Kramer, Tozoni-Reis, Demartini, Rizzini, Ariès, e, também na área da historiografia e história da Amazônia como: Sarges, Figueiredo, Salles, Mendes, entre outros. Finalmente, a pesquisa privilegiou as narrativas que, em constante diálogo com os referenciais teóricos, foram o fio condutor da construção da história da infância na cidade de Belém.


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This article portrays pathways and studies, arising from research already completed on relationships that constitute the process of appropriation-objectification of the world of human culture by the child at the School for Children, under the gaze of Historical-Cultural Approach. The studies had been configured in accord with a theoretical look that understands the relations as propeller of the humanization process and the child as capable to learn since very small. Initially, there is deepening of theoretical issues concerning the regularities of human development between three and six years old, based on the propositions of the Historical-Cultural Approach. Subsequently, it presents results of the routes methodological that integrated observation sessions of educational practice in schools in early childhood education, involving the relationship between children, adults and objects, as well as sessions of designs and semi-structured interviews with the children. These results show the resulting analysis of the pedagogical implications of the propositions of the HistoricalCultural Approach about the humanization process, mediation and activity.


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This study aimed at analyzing the meanings of Children and Child Rights awarded by the kindergarten children and their educators, parents and teacher. Interest in the subject arose from the participation of the University Extension Project, conducted at the Department of Education, UNESP, Bauru, called The Rights of the Child: ECA in school. Since then, the question arose: to what extent we have visibility of meanings that educators and the child has on the Rights of the Child relating to the specifics of childhood? The research followed the tenets of qualitative research, methodological procedures and adopting the observation in a classroom from kindergarten (K II), semi-structured interview through leisure moments, with the class of aged five years and a questionnaire for family and teacher. The research adopted as reference material, studies of the area of Sociology of Childhood, History of Childhood, Public Policy, Legislation Related to the theme, and an overview of psychogenic to talk about the morality of children. The results showed that parents and caregivers understand childhood as a stage of child development, marked by jokes and fancies, in which the family and the school has an important role in this process. In what concerns the children's rights, there are contradictions in the legal aspects and the situation of children today. The results showed that children's childhood is characterized by recreational activities, and adults are responsible for caring for them. And it comes on the Rights of the Child noted that there is a confusion between rights and duties because they are in a phase of moral heteronomy. The findings indicate the need for wide dissemination on the Statute of Children and Adolescents, especially in preschools in line with families to practice it a new look at childhood, conceiving children as subjects... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The aim of this study is to investigate the importance of playfulness and interpersonal relationships at school. The methodology of the study was divided into three phases: the first phase was a survey and analysis of studies in the field of childhood playfulness and interpersonal relationships, from a reference from a multidisciplinary reference, supported in the areas of Educational Psychology and history and sociology of childhood and the second was the realization of an empirical study in a classroom of 1st year of elementary school, in which we use as instruments the use of participant observation, semistructured interviews with six selected students and collected school records and the third phase focused on analysis of data from a qualitative perspective with dialogues between literature in the area and data analysis. Among the main directions of study have the following problematizations: school world not adapted in order to enroll in elementary school, lack of playfulness, interpersonal relations in this context. By analyzing this information and the main results we have the advancement of education in the new environment where playfulness, as the jokes were not taken during the year by the teacher, but remained present in the actions of children, highlighting also the symbolism and sets of rules. Interpersonal relationships were present at all times, between being a friend, share and discuss, through the interactions. Therefore, we consider that there are still challenges to deal with this new child who enters school as it relates to your mood, the play, study or friendship


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This paper has as its theme the relationship between child corporeity and school culture. The purpose is thus to discuss the school culture, in its dimensions to school times and spaces and to reflect on the influence of these dimensions in the construction of children corporeity who attending primary and the first grade of nine year elementary school.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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En el contexto de la endemia tracomatosa que afectó a diversas regiones españolas hasta la década de 1960, se analizan los determinantes epidemiológicos del tracoma infantil y su abordaje desde el modelo de asistencia preventiva que encerraba el concepto de salud comunitaria que se perfiló en el período de entreguerras. La detección precoz de casos, unida a actividades preventivas, educativas, terapéuticas y de inspección, como las que llevaron a cabo las enfermeras visitadoras, contribuyeron al control de la enfermedad. Los resultados reafirman la validez de las estrategias de intervención horizontal de mejora de las condiciones higiénicas y de los factores medioambientales que explicaban la prevalencia del tracoma.


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Introducción: La obesidad en la población infantil y juvenil en España se sitúa actualmente en el 13,9%, y el sobrepeso se encuentra en el 26,3%. Esto hace que sea fundamental la adopción en los primeros años de vida de unos hábitos alimentarios correctos, donde la educación alimentaria y nutricional, desarrollada dentro de los programas de educación para la salud en el medio escolar, juega un papel fundamental. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar, mediante revisión bibliométrica, la producción científica existente sobre programas o intervenciones de educación alimentaria y nutricional desarrollados en el medio escolar en España que muestran influencia en la salud y/o en los hábitos alimentarios de los escolares. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal de los resultados obtenidos en la búsqueda bibliográfica de las bases de datos Medline, Cochrane Library Plus en Español, Cuiden, Excelencia clínica, IBECS, Scielo, CSIC (ICYT, ISOC e IME), Lilacs, Cuidatge y Teseo. Se estudiaron indicadores bibliométricos: bases de datos, revistas, documentos publicados, idiomas, autoría, Índice de colaboración y grado de obsolescencia (Semiperíodo de Burton y Kebler e Índice de Price), entre otros. Resultados: La búsqueda proporcionó un total de 148 registros. La tasa final de artículos pertinentes fue de 49 (33,11%). La base de datos que más registros pertinentes proporcionó fue Medline con 24 (48,98%). 42 de los registros seleccionados (85,71%) pertenecían a artículos originales. La revista Nutrición Hospitalaria fue la que presentó mayor número de publicaciones, con 11 (22,45%). El Semiperíodo de Burton y Kebler fue de 6 años y el Índice de Price fue de 42,86%. Conclusiones: Existe una gran producción de artículos científicos relacionados con programas de educación alimentaria y nutricional en el medio escolar en España, lo cual es un indicador de la importancia de la adquisición de hábitos alimentarios saludables en la población infantil y juvenil y del interés que despiertan.


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Caveolae are striking morphological features of the plasma membrane of mammalian cells. Caveolins, the major proteins of caveolae, play a crucial role in the formation of these invaginations of the plasma membrane; however, the precise mechanisms involved are only just starting to be unravelled. Recent studies suggest that caveolae are stable structures first generated in the Golgi complex. Their formation and exit from the Golgi complex is associated with caveolin oligomerisation, acquisition of detergent insolubility, and association with cholesterol. Modelling of caveolin-membrane interactions together with in vitro studies of caveolin peptides are providing new insights into how caveolin-lipid interactions could generate the unique architecture of the caveolar domain.


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This study aims to diagnose and analyze the use of film in school space, more precisely, in the teaching of history, from the theoretical perspective of the German historian Jörn Rüsen and thus try to observe together with the assumptions of the Didactics of History elements such as public uses that are made for cinema history. In this sense, research propositions movies found in textbooks of history, paths to offer insights about the impacts caused by learning the historical film narrative, this being a learning also occurs in everyday life of students and not just in school space. For both, the textbooks present in Memorial do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD), approved in the following editions PNLD/2005 and PNLD/2008 were used. To perform this diagnostic use, in addition to books, the Call Notices and Guides Textbook PNLD as a way to understand how to perform the theoretical and methodological discussions and recommendations about the potential of cinematic narrative for history lessons and these possible approaches to the theory of history.


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This paper provides an empirical test of the child quantity–quality (QQ) trade-off predicted by unified growth theory. Using individual census returns from the 1911 Irish census, we examine whether children who attended school were from smaller families—as predicted by a standard QQ model. To measure causal effects, we use a selection of models robust to endogeneity concerns which we validate for this application using an Empirical Monte Carlo analysis. Our results show that a child remaining in school between the ages of 14 and 16 caused up to a 27 % reduction in fertility. Our results are robust to alternative estimation techniques with different modeling assumptions, sample selection, and alternative definitions of fertility. These findings highlight the importance of the demographic transition as a mechanism which underpinned the expansion in human capital witnessed in Western economies during the twentieth century.