857 resultados para Central Valley Project (Calif.)


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Cover title.


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Shipping list number: 2011-0290-P (pt. 1), 2011-0295-P (pt. 2), 2011-0289-P (pt. 3), 2011-0325-P (pt. 4), 2012-0066-P (pt. 5), 2012-0308-P (pt. 6), 2012-0320-P (pt. 7), 2012-0014-P (pt. 8), 2011-0356-P (pt. 9).


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California Office of Traffic Safety, Sacramento


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A brief abstract of the study on water resources administration made by the Syracuse University Research Group, giving the basic recommendations of the study and the reasoning behind them.


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A near-bottom geological and geophysical survey was conducted at the western intersection of the Siqueiros Transform Fault and the East Pacific Rise. Transform-fault shear appears to distort the east flank of the rise crest in an area north of the fracture zone. In ward-facing scarps trend 335° and do not parallel the regional axis of spreading. Small-scale scarps reveal a hummocky bathymetry. The center of spreading is not a central peak but rather a 20-40 m deep, 1 km wide valley superimposed upon an 8 km wide ridge-crest horst. Small-scale topography indicates widespread volcanic flows within the valley. Two 0.75 km wide blocks flank the central valley. Fault scarps are more dominant on the western flank. Their alignment shifts from directions intermediate to parallel to the regional axis of spreading (355°). A median ridge within the fracture zone has a fault-block topography similar to that of the East Pacific Rise to the north. Dominant eastward-facing scarps trending 335° are on the west flank. A central depression, 1 km wide and 30 m deep, separates the dominantly fault-block regime of the west from the smoother topography of the east flank. This ridge originated by uplift due to faulting as well as by volcanism. Detailed mapping was concentrated in a perched basin (Dante's Hole) at the intersection of the rise crest and the fracture zone. Structural features suggest that Dante's Hole is an area subject to extreme shear and tensional drag resulting from transition between non-rigid and rigid crustal behavior. Normal E-W crustal spreading is probably taking place well within the northern confines of the basin. Possible residual spreading of this isolated rise crest coupled with shear drag within the transform fault could explain the structural isolation of Dante's Hole from the remainder of the Siqueiros Transform Fault.


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We provide a comprehensive study of out-of-sample forecasts for the EUR/USD exchange rate based on multivariate macroeconomic models and forecast combinations. We use profit maximization measures based on directional accuracy and trading strategies in addition to standard loss minimization measures. When comparing predictive accuracy and profit measures, data snooping bias free tests are used. The results indicate that forecast combinations, in particular those based on principal components of forecasts, help to improve over benchmark trading strategies, although the excess return per unit of deviation is limited.


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ResumenEl artículo es un análisis de la construcción del poder en el mundo predominantemente rural del Valle Central, fundamentado en la interacción entre los agentes del Estado y las comunidades campesinas. Propone develar una dimensión de las prácticas hegemónicas en la organización del trabajo colectivo para el desarrollo de la infraestructura requerida por el proceso de mercantilización de la economía. El poder directriz de los agentes del Estado es afirmado, disputado y negociado por comunidades campesinas, cruzadas por diferencias y conflictos económicos y regionales. Puntos de encuentro y fractura entre las comunidades se integran a las construcciones discursivas que, sutil o abiertamente, enfrentan las políticas públicas.AbstractThis article constitutes an analysis of the construction of power, in a predominantly rural world of the Central Valley of Costa Rica, based on the interaction between government agents and rural communities. It intends to unveil a dimension of hegemonic practices in the organization of collective work for the development of infrastructure required for the process of commercialization of the economy. The steering power of the government agents is acknowledged, debated on, and negotiated by the peasant communities, intersected by economic and regional differences and conflicts. Points of coincidence and fracture between communities are woven into the discursive constructions facing public policies, whether in a subtle or open manner. 


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ResumenEn este artículo se analizan los cambios operados en la inversión agropecuaria durante el inicio de la expansión cafetalera. El estudio se ciñe exclusivamente a la región de la provincia de Heredia que se ubica en el Valle Central. Por comprender la evolución económica de la región, se elaboró un análisis de los diversos sectores sociales poseedores de unidades productivas que comprende desde las décadas de finales del S.XVIII hasta mediados del S.XIX.AbstractThe article discusses changes in agricultural investment during the early development of coffee cultivation. The study focuses on the party of the province of Heredia wich is within the Central Valley. To explain economic change in the region, social sectors involved in various productive units from the late 18


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ResumenAnaliza cuánto y de qué manera se diversificaron los patrones de consumo en San José, con el aumento decidido de los ingresos que experimentaron los pobladores del Valle Central gracias a la producción y venta del café, después de 1850.AbstractThe author analyses how and to what extent consumption patterns in San José became more diversified as income expanded for inhabitants of the Central Valley, thanks to production and sale of coffee after 1850.


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ResumenEstudio la estructura socio ocupacional en las labores agropecuarias de San Rafael de Heredia y en los migrantes al noroeste del Valle Central, a la luz del censo poblacional de 1927.AbstractThis article focuses on the social/occupational structure in agriculture, as regards the area of San Rafael Heredia and migrants toward the northwestern Central Valley, in light of information from the 1927 population census manuscripts.


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The purpose of this research was to analyze whether the use of technological resources may be feasible in the implementation of the environmental culture cross-cutting factor for sustainable development, which focuses on environmental issues related to the contents of the Science study program for the seventh year of the basic general education. The research design is qualitative with a dominant approach and uses some quantitative elements specifically in the design of instruments and some data analysis techniques. The type of study was developed with a multi-method approach; a trend that has been shaping a research style which integrates various methods in a single design. For this, we identified the didactic strategies and their relationship to both, technology and the environmental axis for sustainable development, used by six Science teachers of the 7th grade, in public institutions of the province of Heredia, Central Valley, Costa Rica, as well as the opinion of 20 students from that same grade. The main results include the opinions of the students, who showed a considerable interest in classes where technological resources are used. However, teachers do not show great interest or positive opinions on this matter; in addition, they are not well trained on the use of technological resources. It was also identified that the teaching personal who participated in the study do not develop this curricular axis.


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Este avance de investigación pretende ofrecer una visión preliminar de un fenómeno bastante reciente que se está dando en Costa Rica y particularmente en el Valle Central: la urbanización del espacio agrícola. Este proceso se está desarrollando más allá del espacio suburbano y presenta una especialidad diferente, ya que aquí la organización social campesina y las actividades agropecuarias siguen siendo predominantes. Sin embargo, esta extremadamente vinculado con el proceso de metropolizacion que surge en el país. Se está asistiendo, pues, a una reubicación de los espacios residenciales de las clases de mejores ingresos, las cuales influenciadas tal vez por un modelo ideológico importado, buscan poder disfrutar de las ventajas que ofrece el espacio rural pero con la posibilidad de seguir trabajando en la ciudad y seguir gozando de los servicios urbanos. La  rural-urbanización dentro de una estrategia global de estructuración del espacio puede ser considerada como un mecanismo de selección y una apropiación de los mejores lugares donde se dará la futura de expansión urbana. Desde esta perspectiva, resulta interesante llamar la atención de cómo ciertos sectores sociales están proyectando desde ahora la futura expansión del espacio metropolitano.   SUMMARY This preliminary investigative report presents a viewpoint about a very recent phenomenon that is occurring in Costa Rica and especially in the Central Valley: the urbanization of the agrarian space. This process is developing beyond the suburban areas and presents a different spacial structure because in these areas, the rural social structures and the livestock and agricultural activities are still predominant. Nevertheless, such activities are very much related to the urbanization process occurring in the country. As such, we are witnessing a reubication of the residential structure of the high-income classes, of which, influenced perhaps by an improved idiologic model, hope to enjoy the advantages offered by a rural area but also taking advantage of the convenience offered by the urban benefits; plus the opportunity to keep working in the city. The process of rural urbanization conceived in a global strategy of spatial structures, can be considered as a selection and appropriation mechanism of the best areas for the future urban expansion. From this perspective, it is interesting to call attention to the process by which certain social sectors are now projecting the future organization of the metropolitan area.  In reference to the real-estate capital invested in the study areas, and specifically to Costa Rica capital, this investment in the promotion of real-estate, acts as a shelter sector, by changing the course of direction of the capital accumulated in the other economic sectors, especially considering that the real-estate sector insures more secure profits in spite of the relatively insignificant recuperation rate of the capital investment comparison to the industrial sector, where more capital risks occur, above all during an economic crisis.  At present, the zones influenced by rural urbanization are affected by a modification in their productive structure, in other words, what were once agricultural zones, are now converted to residential zones. This produces spectacular changes in the composition of the work force by producing service-oriented employment that leads to the following abandonment of the agricultural activities.  From a social point of view, this rural urbanization pattern provokes a marked spatial segregation, in which an exclusive high income social group with a particularly consuming life style is noted at one level, and on the other, social groups that inhered patterns of rural life with more traditional lifestyles. In reference to the community level in the study areas, localized conflicts have emerged between local people and the new residents. These conflicts are highly conditioned by the insertion in the communities of these new residents.       RESUME   Ce document préliminaire décrit un phénomène assez récent au Costa Rica, qui affecte plus particulièrement la « Vallée Centrale ». il s’agit de l’urbanisation de l’espace agricole.  Ce sont des espaces franchement ruraux, bien au-delà des banlieues, qui sont affectés par ce processus qui, en conséquence, montre des caractères différents: comme se maintien de la organisation social liée aux activités agricoles; en face l’infiltration d’un autre mode de vie dû à sa transformation en espace résidentiel pour classes aux revenus élevés qui, peut-être, influencées par un modèle culturel importé, préfèrent une localisation qui puisée leus offrir à  la fois les avantages de vivre dans un espace rural avec ceux de la ville, lieu de travail suffisamment proche dont elles continuent à pouvoir utiliser ses services. Ce modèle culturel doit être considère en fonction du processus de métropolitain apparu dan le pays. L’urbanisation de l’espace rural, dans une stratégie globale de structuration de l’espace peut se considérer comme un mécanisme de sélection et d’appropriation des meilleurs sites de l’expansion urbaine future.  Dans cette perspective, il est intéressant de constater qu’il existe déjà, de la part certains secteurs sociaux, un projet d’organisation de l’espace métropolitain futur. Le foncier est considéré comme un secteur refuge pour les capitaux nationaux d’où l’intérêt de la spéculation pour ces zones. En effet, ce placement, plus sûr, malgré un plus faible taux de récupération du capital, est préfère à d’ autres- comme l’investissement industriel- plus rentables, mais plus risqués, surtout en temps de crise. L’urbanisation de l’espace rural s’accompagne d’une modification des structures productives : moins d’agriculture et évolution de l’emploi vers le tertiaire liée à la présence de nouveaux résidents. Du point de vue social, cette situation se traduit par une très nette ségrégation spatiale. D’un côte, un group socio-économique aux revenus élèves représentant  la société de consommation ; de l’autre, les ruraux au style de vie plus traditionnel. Il en résulte une certaine tension entre les deux groupes.


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Knowledge of direct and diffuse solar radiation in the area is vital importance for the use of solar energy, since it is a prerequesite information for the assessment and design of solar energy system. The work presented here focus on calculation and plotting of contours values of direct and diffuse solar radiation maps based on sixty two scattered radiometric stations nation wide. In the plotting of these contours experimental and predicted values are used, these are compared with the period of dry and rainy season into the six main climate regions of Costa Rica: Central Valley, North Pacific, Central Pacific, South Pacific, North Zone and Caribbean Region. The observed daily mean levels of direct solar radiation oscillate between 6.1 and 10.1 MJ/m2 with higher values in the North Pacific, western part of the Central Valley and in the tops of the highest mountains. The lowest values agree with the North Zone and the Caribbean Region. The highest values of diffuse solar radiation agree with the North Zone and the South Pacific. It is observed an increase of 40% of the direct radiation during dry season months.