115 resultados para Celentani, Gennaro.


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Igor Stravinskij (1882-1971) utilizzò di sovente fonti preesistenti come parte integrante del proprio artigianato compositivo. In questa tesi dottorale ho studiato il processo creativo di Stravinskij negli anni Venti sulle musiche di Pëtr Il'ič Čajkovskij (1840-1893). Nella prima parte della dissertazione ho indagato la Sleeping Princess (1921) e il successivo Mariage d’Aurore (1922-1929), entrambi allestiti dai Ballets russes di Sergej Djagilev (1872-1929). Dopo aver localizzato e contestualizzato le fonti manoscritte e i materiali d’uso, ho ricostruito le ri-orchestrazioni effettuate da Stravinskij della Danse russe (Coda del Pas de deux n. 28) e del Presto del Finale (n. 30), che erano a tutt’oggi inedite. La ricerca sulla Sleeping Princess si è rivelata fondamentale per la conseguente analisi del Baiser de la Fée (1928, Ballets de Mme Ida Rubinstein), balletto basato su pezzi pianistici e romanze per voce e pianoforte di Čajkovskij. Grazie allo studio dello Skizzenbuch VIII, della partitura pianistica manoscritta e di tutte le fonti rinvenute, ho gettato ulteriore luce sul processo compositivo di Stravinskij sulle fonti čajkovskiane. Ho rinvenuto nuove appropriazioni che finora non erano note.


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Questo lavoro è imperniato sullo studio di uno dei melodrammi più interessanti della fine del XVII secolo: “Il carceriere di sé medesimo” di Lodovico Adimari (1644-1708) e Alessandro Melani (1639-1703), allestito per la prima volta a Firenze nel 1681, e ripreso nel giro di una ventina d’anni a Reggio (1684), a Bologna (1697) e a Vienna (1702). L’opera vanta un’origine drammatica di spicco: risale infatti alla commedia “Guardarse a sí mismo” di Pedro Calderón de la Barca (1600-1681) mediata dal “Geôlier de soi-mesme” di Thomas Corneille (1625-1709), e presenta qualità poetiche e musicali evidenti, assicurate dai nomi del poeta Lodovico Adimari e del compositore Alessandro Melani. A ciò si aggiungano una tradizione articolata in quattro allestimenti, nonché un elevato numero di testimoni superstiti: cinque edizioni del libretto (testimoniate da numerosi esemplari) e il numero fortunatissimo di tre partiture manoscritte, conservate a Parigi, Bologna e Modena. La tesi contiene l’edizione critica del “Carceriere di sé medesimo” di Adimari con tutte le varianti accumulatesi nella riedizione del libretto e nella copiatura della partitura, l’analisi del dramma, a partire dal confronto tra i testi di Calderón, Corneille e Adimari, e lo studio delle sue componenti drammatiche, formali e contenutistiche. Si aggiunge uno studio sul contesto storico-musicale degli allestimenti di Firenze, Reggio, Bologna e Vienna, nonché l’edizione dei restanti tre drammi di Adimari: la commedia “Le gare dell’amore e dell’amicizia” (1679), e il dramma per musica “L’amante di sua figlia” (1684).


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Con il presente elaborato ci si propone di analizzare le caratteristiche fondamentali dell’ambito normativo nel quale i dispositivi medici si collocano e le conseguenze di tale aspetto regolatorio sulla circolazione dei prodotti stessi nel mercato dell’Unione Europea, con particolare riguardo agli aspetti di classificazione in base alla classe di rischio.


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Nowadays, soy is one of the most used ingredients in the formulation of fish feed, due to the ample market supply, lower market price, high protein concentration and favorable amino acid composition. Nevertheless, soybean meal products are rich and primary diet source of phytoestrogens, as genistein, which may have a potential negative impact on growth, hormonal regulation and lipid metabolism in fish. The principal aim of this study was to better understand in vivo and in vitro genistein’s effects on lipid metabolism of rainbow trout. In adipose tissue it was showed an unclear role of genistein on lipid metabolism in rainbow trout, and in liver an anti-obesogenic effect, with an up-regulation of autophagy-related genes LC3b (in adipose tissue) and ATG4b (in liver and adipose tissue), a down-regulation of apoptosis-related genes CASP3 (in adipose tissue) and CASP8 (in liver). An increase of VTG mRNA levels in liver was also observed. Genistein partially exerted these effects via estrogen- receptor dependent mechanism. In white muscle, genistein seemed to promote lipid turnover, up-regulating lipogenic (FAS and LXR) and lipolytic (HSL, PPARα and PPARβ) genes. It seemed that genistein could exert its lipolytic role via autophagic way (up-regulation of ATG4b and ATG12l), not through an apoptotic pathway (down-regulation of CASP3). The effects of genistein on lipid-metabolism and apoptosis-related genes in trout muscle were not dose-dependent, only on autophagy-related genes ATG4B and ATG12l. Moreover, a partial estrogenic activity of this phytoestrogen was also seen. Through in vitro analysis (MTT and ORO assay), instead, it was observed an anti-obesogenic effect of genistein on rainbow trout adipocytes, and this effect was not mediated by ERs. Both in vivo and in vitro, genistein exerted its effects in a dose-dependent manner.


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Extended cluster radio galaxies show different morphologies com- pared to those found isolated in the field. Indeed, symmetric double radio galaxies are only a small percentage of the total content of ra- dio loud cluster galaxies, which show mainly tailed morphologies (e.g. O’Dea & Owen, 1985). Moreover, cluster mergers can deeply affect the statistical properties of their radio activity. In order to better understand the morphological and radio activity differences of the radio galaxies in major mergeing and non/tidal-merging clusters, we performed a multifrequency study of extended radio galax- ies inside two cluster complexes, A3528 and A3558. They belong to the innermost region of the Shapley Concentration, the most massive con- centration of galaxy clusters (termed supercluster) in the local Universe, at average redshift z ≈ 0.043. We analysed low frequency radio data performed at 235 and 610 MHz with Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) and we combined them with proprietary and literature observations, in order to have a wide frequency range (150 MHz to 8.4 GHz) to perform the spectral analysis. The low frequency images allowed us to carry out a detailed study of the radio tails and diffuse emission found in some cases. The results in the radio band were also qualitatively compared with the X-ray information coming from XMM-Newton observations, in order to test the interaction between radio galaxies and cluster weather. We found that the brightest central galaxies (BCGs) in the A3528 cluster complex are powerful and present substantial emission from old relativistic plasma characterized by a steep spectrum (α > 2). In the light of observational pieces of evidence, we suggest they are possible re-started radio galaxies. On the other hand, the tailed radio galaxies trace the host galaxy motion with respect to the ICM, and our find- ings is consistent with the dynamical interpretation of a tidal interaction (Gastaldello et al. 2003). On the contrary, the BCGs in the A3558 clus- ter complex are either quiet or very faint radio galaxies, supporting the hypothesis that clusters mergers quench the radio emission from AGN.


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In most patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and stroke, there is thrombotic embolization from the left atrial appendage (LAA). Percutaneous closure of the LAA is a novel alternative for the treatment of patients with AF at a high risk of stroke, in whom long-term anticoagulation therapy is not possible or not desired. This study details the initial experience with the Amplatzer Cardiac Plug (ACP) in humans.


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The relative safety of drug-eluting stents and bare-metal stents, especially with respect to stent thrombosis, continues to be debated. In view of the overall low frequency of stent thrombosis, large sample sizes are needed to accurately estimate treatment differences between stents. We compared the risk of thrombosis between bare-metal and drug-eluting stents.


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Recent investigations of the tumor microenvironment have shown that many tumors are infiltrated by inflammatory and lymphocytic cells. Increasing evidence suggests that the number, type and location of these tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in primary tumors has prognostic value, and this has led to the development of an 'immunoscore. As well as providing useful prognostic information, the immunoscore concept also has the potential to help predict response to treatment, thereby improving decision- making with regard to choice of therapy. This predictive aspect of the tumor microenvironment forms the basis for the concept of immunoprofiling, which can be described as 'using an individual's immune system signature (or profile) to predict that patient's response to therapy' The immunoprofile of an individual can be genetically determined or tumor-induced (and therefore dynamic). Ipilimumab is the first in a series of immunomodulating antibodies and has been shown to be associated with improved overall survival in patients with advanced melanoma. Other immunotherapies in development include anti-programmed death 1 protein (nivolumab), anti-PD-ligand 1, anti-CD137 (urelumab), and anti-OX40. Biomarkers that can be used as predictive factors for these treatments have not yet been clinically validated. However, there is already evidence that the tumor microenvironment can have a predictive role, with clinical activity of ipilimumab related to high baseline expression of the immune-related genes FoxP3 and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase and an increase in tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes. These biomarkers could represent the first potential proposal for an immunoprofiling panel in patients for whom anti-CTLA-4 therapy is being considered, although prospective data are required. In conclusion, the evaluation of systemic and local immunological biomarkers could offer useful prognostic information and facilitate clinical decision making. The challenge will be to identify the individual immunoprofile of each patient and the consequent choice of optimal therapy or combination of therapies to be used.