981 resultados para Causal Relationships


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During recent decades anthropogenic activities have dramatically impacted the Black Sea ecosystem. High levels of riverine nutrient input during the 1970s and 1980s caused eutrophic conditions including intense algal blooms resulting in hypoxia and the subsequent collapse of benthic habitats on the northwestern shelf. Intense fishing pressure also depleted stocks of many apex predators, contributing to an increase in planktivorous fish that are now the focus of fishing efforts. Additionally, the Black Sea's ecosystem changed even further with the introduction of exotic species. Economic collapse of the surrounding socialist republics in the early 1990s resulted in decreased nutrient loading which has allowed the Black Sea ecosystem to start to recover, but under rapidly changing economic and political conditions, future recovery is uncertain. In this study we use a multidisciplinary approach to integrate information from socio-economic and ecological systems to model the effects of future development scenarios on the marine environment of the northwestern Black Sea shelf. The Driver–Pressure–State-Impact-Response framework was used to construct conceptual models, explicitly mapping impacts of socio-economic Drivers on the marine ecosystem. Bayesian belief networks (BBNs), a stochastic modelling technique, were used to quantify these causal relationships, operationalise models and assess the effects of alternative development paths on the Black Sea ecosystem. BBNs use probabilistic dependencies as a common metric, allowing the integration of quantitative and qualitative information. Under the Baseline Scenario, recovery of the Black Sea appears tenuous as the exploitation of environmental resources (agriculture, fishing and shipping) increases with continued economic development of post-Soviet countries. This results in the loss of wetlands through drainage and reclamation. Water transparency decreases as phytoplankton bloom and this deterioration in water quality leads to the degradation of coastal plant communities (Cystoseira, seagrass) and also Phyllophora habitat on the shelf. Decomposition of benthic plants results in hypoxia killing flora and fauna associated with these habitats. Ecological pressure from these factors along with constant levels of fishing activity results in target stocks remaining depleted. Of the four Alternative Scenarios, two show improvements on the Baseline ecosystem condition, with improved waste water treatment and reduced fishing pressure, while the other two show a worsening, due to increased natural resource exploitation leading to rapid reversal of any recent ecosystem recovery. From this we conclude that variations in economic policy have significant consequences for the health of the Black Sea, and ecosystem recovery is directly linked to social–economic choices.


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This paper presents a new algorithm for learning the structure of a special type of Bayesian network. The conditional phase-type (C-Ph) distribution is a Bayesian network that models the probabilistic causal relationships between a skewed continuous variable, modelled by the Coxian phase-type distribution, a special type of Markov model, and a set of interacting discrete variables. The algorithm takes a dataset as input and produces the structure, parameters and graphical representations of the fit of the C-Ph distribution as output.The algorithm, which uses a greedy-search technique and has been implemented in MATLAB, is evaluated using a simulated data set consisting of 20,000 cases. The results show that the original C-Ph distribution is recaptured and the fit of the network to the data is discussed.


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Background There has been an explosion in research into possible associations between periodontitis and various systemic diseases and conditions. Aim To review the evidence for associations between periodontitis and various systemic diseases and conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, chronic kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cognitive impairment, obesity, metabolic syndrome and cancer, and to document headline discussions of the state of each field. Periodontal associations with diabetes, cardiovascular disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes were not discussed by working group 4. Results Working group 4 recognized that the studies performed to date were largely cross-sectional or case-control with few prospective cohort studies and no randomized clinical trials. The best current evidence suggests that periodontitis is characterized by both infection and pro-inflammatory events, which variously manifest within the systemic diseases and disorders discussed. Diseases with at least minimal evidence of an association with periodontitis include COPD, pneumonia, chronic kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cognitive impairment, obesity, metabolic syndrome and cancer. The working group agreed that there is insufficient evidence to date to infer causal relationships with the exception that organisms originating in the oral microbiome can cause lung infections. Conclusions The group was unanimous in their opinion that the reported associations do not imply causality, and establishment of causality will require new studies that fulfil the Bradford Hill or equivalent criteria. Precise and community-agreed case definitions of periodontal disease states must be implemented systematically to enable consistent and clearer interpretations of studies of the relationship to systemic diseases. The members of the working group were unanimous in their opinion that to develop data that best inform clinicians, investigators and the public, studies should focus on robust disease outcomes and avoid surrogate endpoints. It was concluded that because of the relative immaturity of the body of evidence for each of the purported relationships, the field is wide open and the gaps in knowledge are large. © 2013 European Federation of Periodontology and American Academy of Periodontology.


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Realistic Evaluation assumes that all programmes implemented in practice have an underlying theory to explain how a particular intervention is meant to work. The purpose of realist evaluation is to test the theoretical propositions underpinning the implementation of a programme in order to understand how and why it works, or might not work, in certain circumstances. The first stage of the realist evaluation is to track and articulate the programme theories to determine the evidence on the ‘official conjecture’ (Pawson et al 2004 pg 16) of how the programme is suppose to work in practice. These official conjectures are then tested and refined by gathering empirical evidence to establish causal relationships between a programme and its outcome. Evaluation of the factors and interactions between factors, supporting or hindering the implementation of a programme in practice facilitate theory refinement. Theory refinement is viewed as an iterative and cyclical process undertaken to synthesise the empirical evidence and develop mid-range theories which can be generalised and applied to other programmes to improve implementation and sustainability. In this symposium an example of realist evaluation used to test and refine the theory underpinning the implementation of Early Warning Systems (EWS) is provided to clarify how this theory driven approach can be applied in practice.


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Os ecossistemas de água doce – responsáveis por funções ambientais importantes e pelo fornecimento de bens e serviços insubstituíveis – têm vindo a ser severamente afectados por perturbações antropogénicas. A conversão de floresta em terreno agrícola afecta os sistemas aquáticos através de uma série de mecanismos: sedimentação; excesso de nutrientes; contaminação; alterações hidrológicas; e remoção de vegetação ripícola. As comunidades de macroinvertebrados de água doce – devido à sua diversidade, ubiquidade e sensibilidade às perturbações ambientais – revelam-se como particularmente adequadas para estudos de avaliação da integridade ecológica destes sistemas expostos simultaneamente a múltiplos factores de impacto. O uso sistemático de respostas biológicas para avaliação de mudanças ambientais – ou biomonitorização – pode ser levado a cabo através de diversas metodologias, que, de uma forma geral, não consideram aspectos funcionais das comunidades biológicas e têm aplicabilidade geograficamente restrita. A biomonitorização através de atributos biológicos (características que reflectem a adaptação das espécies ao seu meio ambiente) revela-se como uma ferramenta promissora na resolução dos problemas referidos, apresentando vantagens adicionais: relações causa-efeito directas; melhoria na diferenciação de impactos; e integração da variabilidade natural. O presente estudo apresenta uma revisão critica do estado-da-arte actual na área do uso de atributos biológicos em biomonitorização. Até à data de publicação, não estava disponível nenhum outro trabalho com a base conceptual do uso de atributos de macroinvertebrados enquanto descritores de comunidades e para efeitos de biomonitorização e gestão de sistemas de água doce. Descrevem-se as teorias ecológicas de suporte destas metodologias (conceitos de habitat-molde e de filtros paisagísticos) e os estudos que aplicaram estas teorias em cenários reais, tendo-se chamado a atenção para questões técnicas e possíveis soluções. As necessidades futuras nesta área englobam: o desenvolvimento de uma só ferramenta de biomonitorização de aplicação alargada; uma maior compreensão da variabilidade natural nas comunidades biológicas; diminuição dos efeitos de soluções de compromisso biológico e sindromas; realização de estudos autoecológicos adicionais; e detecção de impactos específicos em cenários de impacto complexos. Um dos objectivos deste estudo foi contribuir para a melhoria das técnicas de biomonitorização através de atributos, focalizando em comunidades de macroinvertebrados ribeirinhas em diferentes regiões biogeográficas (as bacias hidrográficas dos rios: Little e Salmon em New Brunswick, Canadá; Anllóns na Galiza, Espanha; Reventazón em Cartago, Costa Rica). Em cada região, foram estudados gradientes de uso agrícola de solo, incluindo desde bacias hidrográficas quase exclusivamente cobertas por floresta até bacias sob a influência maioritária de actividades agrícolas intensivas. Em cada gradiente de uso de solo, a caracterização da comunidade biológica (por amostragem de macroinvertebrados em troços de rápidos) foi acompanhada pela caracterização do habitat circundante (incluindo propriedades da bacia hidrográfica, análise química das águas e outras propriedades à escala local). A comunidade de macroinvertebrados foi caracterizada através de informação taxonómica, métricas estruturais, índices de diversidade, métricas de tolerância, índices bióticos e através da compilação de atributos biológicos e fisiológicos gerais, de história de vida e de resistência a perturbações. Análises estatísticas univariadas e multivariadas foram usadas para evidenciar os gradientes biológicos e físico-químicos, confirmar a sua co-variação, testar a significância da discriminação de níveis de impacto e estabelecer comparações inter-regionais. A estrutura de comunidades revelou os complexos gradientes de impacto, que por sua vez co-variaram significativamente com os gradientes de uso de solo. Os gradientes de impacto relacionaram-se sobretudo com entrada de nutrientes e sedimentação. Os gradientes biológicos definidos pelas medidas estruturais seleccionadas co-variaram com os gradientes de impacto estudados, muito embora apenas algumas variáveis estruturais tenham individualmente discriminado as categorias de uso de solo definidas a priori. Não foi detectada consistência nas respostas das medidas estruturais entre regiões biogeográficas, tendo-se confirmadado que as interpretações puramente taxonómicas de impactos são difíceis de extrapolar entre regiões. Os gradientes biológicos definidos através dos atributos seleccionados também co-variaram com os gradientes de perturbação, tendo sido possível obter uma melhor discriminação de categorias de uso de solo. Nas diferentes regiões, a discriminação de locais mais impactados foi feita com base num conjunto similar de atributos, que inclui tamanho, voltinismo, técnicas reproductivas, microhabitat, preferências de corrente e substrato, hábitos alimentares e formas de resistência. Este conjunto poderá vir a ser usado para avaliar de forma predictiva os efeitos das modificações severas de uso de solo impostas pela actividade agrícola. Quando analisadas simultaneamente através dos atributos, as comunidades das três regiões permitiram uma moderada mas significativa discriminação de níveis de impacto. Estas análises corroboram as evidências de que as mudanças nas comunidades de macroinvertebrados aquáticos em locais sob a influência de agricultura intensiva podem seguir uma trajectória convergente no espaço multidimensional, independentemente de factores geográficos. Foram fornecidas pistas para a identificação de parâmetros específicos que deverão ser tidos em conta no planeamento de novos programas de biomonitorização com comunidades de macroinvertebrados bentónicos, para aplicação numa gestão fluvial verdadeiramente ecológica, nestas e noutras regiões. Foram ainda sugeridas possíveis linhas futuras de investigação.


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Purpose – The purpose of the research is to examine whether need for achievement moderates the relationship between job-demand for learning and job-related learning. Design/methodology/approach – Data were obtained from 153 participants full-time. The scales for job-demand for learning and job-related learning were developed for this research, whilst the scale for need for achievement was obtained from an external source. Hierarchical regression analysis was used in testing the hypothesized moderating effects. Findings – It was found that need for achievement moderates the relationship between job-demand for learning and job-related learning. Specifically, although job-demand for learning is correlated positively to job-related learning for both the high and the low need for achievement groups, this correlation is stronger amongst the high group. Research limitations/implications – The use of a cross-sectional design in this study prohibits inferences being drawn regarding the causal relationships between job-demand for learning, need for achievement and job-related learning. Practical implications – Job-related learning can be facilitated through increasing the need for achievement by allowing employees to establish their own learning and performance goals rather than by imposing such goals on them. The redesign of jobs to create challenges for employees is an equally important practical consideration. Originality/value – This research provides a succinct view of the relationship between an external factor, job-demand for learning, and an internal motivator, need for achievement. It emphasizes the degree to which organizations can facilitate learning through design of challenging jobs, to the extent of the individuals’ motivation.


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There are a considerable number of programs and agencies that count on the existence of a unique relationship between nature and human development. In addition, there are significant bodies of literature dedicated to understanding developmentally focused nature-based experiences. This research project was designed to flirther the understanding of this phenomenon. Consequently, the purpose of this research endeavour was to discover the essence ofthe intersection ofpersonal transformation and nature-based leisure, culminating in a rich and detailed account of this otherwise tacit phenomenon. As such, this research built on the assumption of this beneficial intersection of nature and personal transformation and contributes to the understanding ofhow this context is supporting or generating of selfactualization and positive development. Heuristic methods were employed because heuristics is concerned with the quality and essence of an experience, not causal relationships (Moustakas, 1990). Heuristic inquiry begins with the primary researcher and her personal experience and knowledge of the phenomenon. This study also involved four other coresearchers who had also experienced this phenomenon intensely. Co-researchers were found through purposeful and snowball sampling. Rich narrative descriptions of their experiences were gathered through in-depth, semi-structured interviews, and artifact elicitation was employed as a means to get at co-researchers' tacit knowledge. Each coresearcher was interviewed twice (the first interview focused on personal transformation, the second on nature) for approximately four and a half hours in total. Transcripts were read repeatedly to discern patterns that emerged from the study of the narratives and were coded accordingly. Individual narratives were consolidated to create a composite narrative of the experience. Finally, a creative synthesis was developed to represent the essence of this tacit experience. In conclusion the essence of the intersection of nature-based leisure and personal transformation was found to lie in the convergence of the lived experience of authenticity. The physical environment of nature was perceived and experienced to be a space and context of authenticity, leisure experiences were experienced as an engagement of authenticity, and individuals themselves encountered a true or authentic self that emanated from within. The implications of these findings are many, offering suggestions, considerations and implications from reconsidered approaches to environmental education to support for selfdirected human development.


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La consommation des jeunes placés dans les centres jeunesse du Québec est bien documentée, mais leurs motivations à consommer, à changer ou à parler de leur consommation avec un intervenant demeurent inconnues. Par ailleurs, très peu de chercheurs se sont intéressés aux particularités du processus de changement à l’adolescence et encore moins à ce processus dans un contexte d’autorité. Pour ces raisons, la présente recherche donne la parole aux jeunes afin de mieux comprendre leur usage de substances psychoactives, leur désir éventuel de réduire ou d’arrêter leur consommation, leur ouverture à réfléchir ou à discuter de leur consommation et leur ouverture envers les interventions disponibles. Basés sur une collecte de données qualitatives composée de 27 entrevues avec les jeunes hébergés au Centre jeunesse de Montréal et de huit mois d’observations participantes dans les unités de vie, les résultats indiquent que la majorité des adolescents interviewés disent consommer diverses substances psychoactives pour lesquelles ils identifient différentes sources de motivation, autant à consommer qu’à changer leur consommation. De plus, ces sources de motivation identifiées sont plus ou moins associées au contexte d’autorité dans lequel les jeunes sont placés. Ainsi, si certains jeunes estiment que la possibilité de changement est facilitée par l’environnement contrôlé du Centre jeunesse, pour d’autres, les contraintes de ce milieu de vie ne semblent pas avoir d’impact sur leur motivation. Par ailleurs, les jeunes démontrent différents degrés d’ouverture envers les interventions disponibles et envers les éducateurs qui les côtoient. En général, les approches compréhensives et moins autoritaires semblent encourager un certain investissement de la relation entre jeunes et éducateurs et peuvent potentiellement faciliter l’établissement d’une relation d’aide et le changement de comportement. En utilisant le cadre théorique proposé, une combinaison du Modèle transthéortique du changement et de la Théorie de l’auto-détermination, il apparaît limité de considérer les jeunes en difficulté comme étant motivés ou non motivés à changer leur consommation. Les analyses démontrent que les perceptions de la nécessité ou des possibilités d’amorcer un processus de changement varient beaucoup d’un jeune à l’autre. Ainsi, l’approche choisie pour intervenir auprès des jeunes en difficulté devrait prendre en considération les nuances et la dynamique des motivations afin de mieux adapter les services offerts et de mieux comprendre les raisons associées au succès et à l’échec de certaines interventions et intervenants vis-à-vis de certains adolescents. En outre, afin de favoriser une perception positive du « placement » et pour que les jeunes le voient comme une « opportunité de changement », il apparaît important d’examiner la fréquence et l’intensité des interventions contraignantes appliquées dans les centres de réadaptation. Finalement, il importe de mentionner que les conclusions de cette étude exploratoire ne permettent d’établir des relations causales entre l’approche choisie par l’intervenant, la motivation à changer et l’ouverture des jeunes. Cependant, les données obtenues permettent d’analyser en profondeur les représentations que les jeunes ont des relations entre ces trois éléments.


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Notre recherche étudie les particularités esthétiques et matérialistes de l’oeuvre du bédéiste américain Jack Kirby (1917-1994) et la manière dont elles répondent d’agencements qui visent à déconstruire et reconstruire les formes sur la page. Contemporain de Will Eisner, Kirby est largement considéré comme l'auteur et dessinateur le plus influent de son époque, co-signant les premières aventures de certains des super-héros qui perdurent et qui sont aujourd’hui la manne de l’industrie hollywoodienne (Captain America, les Fantastic Four, Hulk, etc.). Son oeuvre protéiforme est composée de superpositions de textures, d’objets récupérés, de figures déviées et trouve dans son rapport à la matière les principaux axiomes qui la définissent. Cherchant dans son travail à cerner les fonctions des nombreux amoncellements de points noirs (baptisés kirby dots par la critique et l’industrie), nous nous écartons des modèles d’analyse sémiologiques pour constituer une approche écosophique de la bande dessinée. Dans cette dernière, nous avons recours à la schizo-analyse théorisée par Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari dans leur ouvrage L’Anti-OEdipe (1972) afin de cerner les conditions de la production de sens et de non-sens du point kirbyen. Pour ce faire, nous proposons de reconsidérer la BD comme une écologie séquentialisée, composée de cases sans icônes, c’est-à-dire d’un espace pris au plus près de la planche, pour soi et en soi, sans rapport de causalité fixe ou de structure prédéterminée. Nous envisageons ensuite les territorialités archaïques de la bande dessinée pour mieux définir son ontogénie, puis pour étudier les rapports machiniques et schizos qu’entretiennent entre eux les différents espaces (que nous distinguons en espaces striés et en espaces lisses) ainsi que les différents traits de la planche. Finalement, nous expliquerons en quoi le point kirbyen apparaît comme une machine abstraite, c’est-à-dire une instance capable d’auto-générer, d’auto-poïétiser, son propre mystère représentationnel.


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Una de las actuaciones posibles para la gestión de los residuos sólidos urbanos es la valorización energética, es decir la incineración con recuperación de energía. Sin embargo es muy importante controlar adecuadamente el proceso de incineración para evitar en lo posible la liberación de sustancias contaminantes a la atmósfera que puedan ocasionar problemas de contaminación industrial.Conseguir que tanto el proceso de incineración como el tratamiento de los gases se realice en condiciones óptimas presupone tener un buen conocimiento de las dependencias entre las variables de proceso. Se precisan métodos adecuados de medida de las variables más importantes y tratar los valores medidos con modelos adecuados para transformarlos en magnitudes de mando. Un modelo clásico para el control parece poco prometedor en este caso debido a la complejidad de los procesos, la falta de descripción cuantitativa y la necesidad de hacer los cálculos en tiempo real. Esto sólo se puede conseguir con la ayuda de las modernas técnicas de proceso de datos y métodos informáticos, tales como el empleo de técnicas de simulación, modelos matemáticos, sistemas basados en el conocimiento e interfases inteligentes. En [Ono, 1989] se describe un sistema de control basado en la lógica difusa aplicado al campo de la incineración de residuos urbanos. En el centro de investigación FZK de Karslruhe se están desarrollando aplicaciones que combinan la lógica difusa con las redes neuronales [Jaeschke, Keller, 1994] para el control de la planta piloto de incineración de residuos TAMARA. En esta tesis se plantea la aplicación de un método de adquisición de conocimiento para el control de sistemas complejos inspirado en el comportamiento humano. Cuando nos encontramos ante una situación desconocida al principio no sabemos como actuar, salvo por la extrapolación de experiencias anteriores que puedan ser útiles. Aplicando procedimientos de prueba y error, refuerzo de hipótesis, etc., vamos adquiriendo y refinando el conocimiento, y elaborando un modelo mental. Podemos diseñar un método análogo, que pueda ser implementado en un sistema informático, mediante el empleo de técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial.Así, en un proceso complejo muchas veces disponemos de un conjunto de datos del proceso que a priori no nos dan información suficientemente estructurada para que nos sea útil. Para la adquisición de conocimiento pasamos por una serie de etapas: - Hacemos una primera selección de cuales son las variables que nos interesa conocer. - Estado del sistema. En primer lugar podemos empezar por aplicar técnicas de clasificación (aprendizaje no supervisado) para agrupar los datos y obtener una representación del estado de la planta. Es posible establecer una clasificación, pero normalmente casi todos los datos están en una sola clase, que corresponde a la operación normal. Hecho esto y para refinar el conocimiento utilizamos métodos estadísticos clásicos para buscar correlaciones entre variables (análisis de componentes principales) y así poder simplificar y reducir la lista de variables. - Análisis de las señales. Para analizar y clasificar las señales (por ejemplo la temperatura del horno) es posible utilizar métodos capaces de describir mejor el comportamiento no lineal del sistema, como las redes neuronales. Otro paso más consiste en establecer relaciones causales entre las variables. Para ello nos sirven de ayuda los modelos analíticos - Como resultado final del proceso se pasa al diseño del sistema basado en el conocimiento. El objetivo principal es aplicar el método al caso concreto del control de una planta de tratamiento de residuos sólidos urbanos por valorización energética. En primer lugar, en el capítulo 2 Los residuos sólidos urbanos, se trata el problema global de la gestión de los residuos, dando una visión general de las diferentes alternativas existentes, y de la situación nacional e internacional en la actualidad. Se analiza con mayor detalle la problemática de la incineración de los residuos, poniendo especial interés en aquellas características de los residuos que tienen mayor importancia de cara al proceso de combustión.En el capítulo 3, Descripción del proceso, se hace una descripción general del proceso de incineración y de los distintos elementos de una planta incineradora: desde la recepción y almacenamiento de los residuos, pasando por los distintos tipos de hornos y las exigencias de los códigos de buena práctica de combustión, el sistema de aire de combustión y el sistema de humos. Se presentan también los distintos sistemas de depuración de los gases de combustión, y finalmente el sistema de evacuación de cenizas y escorias.El capítulo 4, La planta de tratamiento de residuos sólidos urbanos de Girona, describe los principales sistemas de la planta incineradora de Girona: la alimentación de residuos, el tipo de horno, el sistema de recuperación de energía, y el sistema de depuración de los gases de combustión Se describe también el sistema de control, la operación, los datos de funcionamiento de la planta, la instrumentación y las variables que son de interés para el control del proceso de combustión.En el capítulo 5, Técnicas utilizadas, se proporciona una visión global de los sistemas basados en el conocimiento y de los sistemas expertos. Se explican las diferentes técnicas utilizadas: redes neuronales, sistemas de clasificación, modelos cualitativos, y sistemas expertos, ilustradas con algunos ejemplos de aplicación.Con respecto a los sistemas basados en el conocimiento se analizan en primer lugar las condiciones para su aplicabilidad, y las formas de representación del conocimiento. A continuación se describen las distintas formas de razonamiento: redes neuronales, sistemas expertos y lógica difusa, y se realiza una comparación entre ellas. Se presenta una aplicación de las redes neuronales al análisis de series temporales de temperatura.Se trata también la problemática del análisis de los datos de operación mediante técnicas estadísticas y el empleo de técnicas de clasificación. Otro apartado está dedicado a los distintos tipos de modelos, incluyendo una discusión de los modelos cualitativos.Se describe el sistema de diseño asistido por ordenador para el diseño de sistemas de supervisión CASSD que se utiliza en esta tesis, y las herramientas de análisis para obtener información cualitativa del comportamiento del proceso: Abstractores y ALCMEN. Se incluye un ejemplo de aplicación de estas técnicas para hallar las relaciones entre la temperatura y las acciones del operador. Finalmente se analizan las principales características de los sistemas expertos en general, y del sistema experto CEES 2.0 que también forma parte del sistema CASSD que se ha utilizado.El capítulo 6, Resultados, muestra los resultados obtenidos mediante la aplicación de las diferentes técnicas, redes neuronales, clasificación, el desarrollo de la modelización del proceso de combustión, y la generación de reglas. Dentro del apartado de análisis de datos se emplea una red neuronal para la clasificación de una señal de temperatura. También se describe la utilización del método LINNEO+ para la clasificación de los estados de operación de la planta.En el apartado dedicado a la modelización se desarrolla un modelo de combustión que sirve de base para analizar el comportamiento del horno en régimen estacionario y dinámico. Se define un parámetro, la superficie de llama, relacionado con la extensión del fuego en la parrilla. Mediante un modelo linealizado se analiza la respuesta dinámica del proceso de incineración. Luego se pasa a la definición de relaciones cualitativas entre las variables que se utilizan en la elaboración de un modelo cualitativo. A continuación se desarrolla un nuevo modelo cualitativo, tomando como base el modelo dinámico analítico.Finalmente se aborda el desarrollo de la base de conocimiento del sistema experto, mediante la generación de reglas En el capítulo 7, Sistema de control de una planta incineradora, se analizan los objetivos de un sistema de control de una planta incineradora, su diseño e implementación. Se describen los objetivos básicos del sistema de control de la combustión, su configuración y la implementación en Matlab/Simulink utilizando las distintas herramientas que se han desarrollado en el capítulo anterior.Por último para mostrar como pueden aplicarse los distintos métodos desarrollados en esta tesis se construye un sistema experto para mantener constante la temperatura del horno actuando sobre la alimentación de residuos.Finalmente en el capítulo Conclusiones, se presentan las conclusiones y resultados de esta tesis.


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Phytochemical-rich foods have been shown to be effective at reversing age-related deficits in memory in both animals and humans. We show that a supplementation with a blueberry diet (2% w/w) for 12 weeks improves the performance of aged animals in spatial working memory tasks. This improvement emerged within 3 weeks and persisted for the remainder of the testing period. Memory performance correlated well with the activation of cAMP-response element-binding protein (CREB) and increases in both pro- and mature levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the hippocampus. Changes in CREB and BDNF in aged and blueberry-supplemented animals were accompanied by increases in the phosphorylation state of extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK1/2), rather than that of calcium calmodulin kinase (CaMKII and CaMKIV) or protein kinase A. Furthermore, age and blueberry supplementation were linked to changes in the activation state of Akt, mTOR, and the levels of Arc/Arg3.1 in the hippocampus, suggesting that pathways involved in de novo protein synthesis may be involved. Although causal relationships cannot be made among supplementation, behavior, and biochemical parameters, the measurement of anthocyanins and flavanols in the brain following blueberry supplementation may indicate that changes in spatial working memory in aged animals are linked to the effects of flavonoids on the ERK-CREB-BDNF pathway. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All Fights reserved.


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The aim of this introductory paper, and of this special issue of Cognition and Emotion, is to stimulate debate about theoretical issues that will inform child anxiety research in the coming years. Papers included in this special issue have arisen from an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC, UK) funded seminar series, which we called Child Anxiety Theory and Treatment (CATTS). We begin with an overview of the CATTS project before discussing (1) the application of adult models of anxiety to children, and (2) the role of parents in child anxiety. We explore the utility of adult models of anxiety for child populations before discussing the problems that are associated with employing them uncritically in this context. The study of anxiety in children provides the opportunity to observe the trajectory of anxiety and to identify variables that causally influence its development. Parental influences are of particular interest and new and imaginative strategies are required to isolate the complex network of causal relationships therein. We conclude by suggesting that research into the causes and developmental course of anxiety in children should be developed further. We also propose that, although much is known about the role of parents in the development of anxiety, it would be useful for research in this area to move towards an examination of the specific processes involved. We hope that these views represent a constructive agenda for people in the field to consider when planning future research.


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The paper analyses the impact of a priori determinants of biosecurity behaviour of farmers in Great Britain. We use a dataset collected through a stratified telephone survey of 900 cattle and sheep farmers in Great Britain (400 in England and a further 250 in Wales and Scotland respectively) which took place between 25 March 2010 and 18 June 2010. The survey was stratified by farm type, farm size and region. To test the influence of a priori determinants on biosecurity behaviour we used a behavioural economics method, structural equation modelling (SEM) with observed and latent variables. SEM is a statistical technique for testing and estimating causal relationships amongst variables, some of which may be latent using a combination of statistical data and qualitative causal assumptions. Thirteen latent variables were identified and extracted, expressing the behaviour and the underlying determining factors. The variables were: experience, economic factors, organic certification of farm, membership in a cattle/sheep health scheme, perceived usefulness of biosecurity information sources, knowledge about biosecurity measures, perceived importance of specific biosecurity strategies, perceived effect (on farm business in the past five years) of welfare/health regulation, perceived effect of severe outbreaks of animal diseases, attitudes towards livestock biosecurity, attitudes towards animal welfare, influence on decision to apply biosecurity measures and biosecurity behaviour. The SEM model applied on the Great Britain sample has an adequate fit according to the measures of absolute, incremental and parsimonious fit. The results suggest that farmers’ perceived importance of specific biosecurity strategies, organic certification of farm, knowledge about biosecurity measures, attitudes towards animal welfare, perceived usefulness of biosecurity information sources, perceived effect on business during the past five years of severe outbreaks of animal diseases, membership in a cattle/sheep health scheme, attitudes towards livestock biosecurity, influence on decision to apply biosecurity measures, experience and economic factors are significantly influencing behaviour (overall explaining 64% of the variance in behaviour).


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The integration of high-resolution archaeological, textual, and environmental data with longer-term, low-resolution data affords greater precision in identifying some of the causal relationships underlying societal change. Regional and microregional case studies about the Byzantine world—in particular, Anatolia, which for several centuries was the heart of that world—reveal many of the difficulties that researchers face when attempting to assess the influence of environmental factors on human society. The Anatolian case challenges a number of assumptions about the impact of climatic factors on socio-political organization and medium-term historical evolution, highlighting the importance of further collaboration between historians, archaeologists, and climate scientists.


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In order to gain insights into events and issues that may cause errors and outages in parts of IP networks, intelligent methods that capture and express causal relationships online (in real-time) are needed. Whereas generalised rule induction has been explored for non-streaming data applications, its application and adaptation on streaming data is mostly undeveloped or based on periodic and ad-hoc training with batch algorithms. Some association rule mining approaches for streaming data do exist, however, they can only express binary causal relationships. This paper presents the ongoing work on Online Generalised Rule Induction (OGRI) in order to create expressive and adaptive rule sets real-time that can be applied to a broad range of applications, including network telemetry data streams.