996 resultados para Casearia sylvestris Sw
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Solubility represents a limiting factor when testing new compounds in animal experiments, since solubilizing agents generally have pharmacological effects that can interfere with the studied substance. Vehicles are commonly used for solubilizing certain substances including apolar and polar extracts obtained from medicinal plants. In this study, fifteen vehicles were investigated on mice neuromuscular preparations. A known in vitro neuroblocker myotoxin from Bothrops jararacussu venom, bothropstoxin-I, was used as a pharmacological tool for testing the medicinal potential of apolar and polar extracts (hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate and methanol) obtained from Casearia sylvestris Sw. leaves, which in turn were used for testing their solubility and concomitantly to produce no change on basal response of indirectly stimulated mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations. Taken together in vitro biological system and extracts solubility, our results showed that dimethyl sulphoxide and polyethylene glycol 400 were the better vehicles, and methanol extract solubilized on PEG 400 was the only one able to act against the paralysis induced by the myotoxin. Thus, this study points out to the relevant role that vehicles exhibit for extracting the potential pharmacological activity of plants in a given test system.
Evaluation of pH and Calcium Ion Release of Calcium Hydroxide Pastes Containing Different Substances
Introduction: The objective of this study was to evaluate the pH and calcium ion release of calcium hydroxide pastes associated with different substances. Methods: Forty acrylic teeth with simulated root canals were divided into 4 groups according to the substance associated to the calcium hydroxide paste: chlorhexidine (CHX) in 2 formulations (1% solution and 2% gel), Casearia sylvestris Sw extract, and propylene glycol (control). The teeth with pastes and sealed coronal accesses were immersed in 10 mL deionized water. After 10 minutes, 24 hours, 48 hours, and 7, 15, and 30 days, the teeth were removed to another container, and the liquid was analyzed. Calcium ion release was measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and pH readings were made with a pH meter. Data were analyzed statistically by analysis of variance and Tukey test (alpha = 0.05). Results: Calcium analysis revealed significant differences (P < .05) for 1% CHX solution and 2% CHX gel at 10 minutes. After 24 hours, 2% CHX gel x Control and 2% CHX gel x 1% CHX solution differed significantly (P < .05). After 48 hours, there were significant differences (P < .05) for 2% CHX gel x Control and Extract x Control. No differences (P > .05) were observed among groups in the other periods. Regarding the pH, there were significant differences (P < .05) for 2% CHX gel x Control and 2% CHX gel x 1% CHX solution after 48 hours and for 2% CHX gel x Control after 15 days. In the other periods, no differences (P > .05) were observed among groups. Conclusions: All pastes behaved similarly in terms of pH and calcium ion release in the studied periods. (J Endod 2009;35:1274-1277)
Foi caracterizada a fisionomia e a estrutura do componente arbóreo de um fragmento de floresta estacional montana situado a 900 m de altitude. A área de estudo (8º11'144" -8º12'27" S e 36º23'730" -36º24'638" W) apresenta solos profundos e precipitação média anual de 948 mm ano-1. Foram amostrados todos os indivíduos vivos ou mortos, ainda em pé, com diâmetro a altura do peito > 5 cm, em 50 parcelas contíguas de 10 x 20 m, e tomadas as seguintes medidas: altura total, diâmetro do caule e área de cobertura da copa. As espécies foram classificadas quanto ao tamanho foliar, deciduidade e composição do limbo. Um total de 62 espécies (um taxon não identificado) foi amostrado. Densidade total, área basal total, altura e diâmetro médios e máximos dos indivíduos vivos foram 1.553 ind ha-1, 39 m² ha-1, 10,3 e 30 m e 14,2 e 105,0 cm, respectivamente. Cerca de 50% dos indivíduos vivos ocorreram abaixo de 10 m de altura. A distribuição das áreas basais e cobertura de copa por classe de altura indicou dois intervalos de concentração: 7-13 e 19-22 m. A área representa uma floresta estacional montana de transição entre as florestas ombrófilas e estacionais. A maioria das espécies é perenifólia e apresenta folhas simples e micrófilas (Casearia sylvestris Sw., Guapira nitida (Schmidt) Lundell, Marlierea clausseniana (O. Berg) Kiaersk., Ocotea aff. elegans Mez, Plinia sp., entre outras), ocupando o dossel da floresta juntamente com espécies notófilas (Amaioua cf. guianensis Aubl. e Roupala paulensis Sleumer) e mesófilas (Fabaceae sp. e Inga marginata Willd., entre outras). Entre as emergentes predominam espécies com folhas caducifólias e compostas, como Copaifera trapezifolia Hayne e Eriotheca crenulaticalyx A. Robyns.
Evaluation of pH and Calcium Ion Release of Calcium Hydroxide Pastes Containing Different Substances
Introduction: The objective of this study was to evaluate the pH and calcium ion release of calcium hydroxide pastes associated with different substances. Methods: Forty acrylic teeth with simulated root canals were divided into 4 groups according to the substance associated to the calcium hydroxide paste: chlorhexidine (CHX) in 2 formulations (1% solution and 2% gel), Casearia sylvestris Sw extract, and propylene glycol (control). The teeth with pastes and sealed coronal accesses were immersed in 10 mL deionized water. After 10 minutes, 24 hours, 48 hours, and 7, 15, and 30 days, the teeth were removed to another container, and the liquid was analyzed. Calcium ion release was measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and pH readings were made with a pH meter. Data were analyzed statistically by analysis of variance and Tukey test (alpha = 0.05). Results: Calcium analysis revealed significant differences (P < .05) for 1% CHX solution and 2% CHX gel at 10 minutes. After 24 hours, 2% CHX gel x Control and 2% CHX gel x 1% CHX solution differed significantly (P < .05). After 48 hours, there were significant differences (P < .05) for 2% CHX gel x Control and Extract x Control. No differences (P > .05) were observed among groups in the other periods. Regarding the pH, there were significant differences (P < .05) for 2% CHX gel x Control and 2% CHX gel x 1% CHX solution after 48 hours and for 2% CHX gel x Control after 15 days. In the other periods, no differences (P > .05) were observed among groups. Conclusions: All pastes behaved similarly in terms of pH and calcium ion release in the studied periods. (J Endod 2009;35:1274-1277)
Considerando o uso popular de Casearia sylvestris Sw., Salicaceae, para o tratamento de problemas gástricos e resultados pré-clínicos que mostraram potencial atividade anti-ulcerogênica, foi realizado um screening farmacológico para avaliar a atividade biológica de outras espécies de Salicaceae. Para isso, foi utilizado um ensaio de inibição de proteases como um modelo farmacológico molecular para screening de extratos com atividade anti-ulcerogênica. Os extratos etanólico e aquoso dos galhos e folhas de C. gossypiosperma, C. decandra e C. rupestris mostraram inibição da atividade da pepsina em aproximadamente 50% com a concentração de 1 μg/mL. Curiosamente, C. obliquoa e Flacourtia ramontchi não apresentaram atividade sobre a pepsina, mas seus extratos mais apolares mostraram atividade inibitória sobre a subtilisina. A fração enriquecida de diterpenos clerodânicos mostrou atividade inibitória (42,75%) sobre a pepsina com a concentração de 1 μg/mL, mas não sobre a subtilisina (23,76%). Os resultados obtidos com os extratos e folhas das espécies testadas mostraram um padrão de atividade diferente sobre os dois tipos de proteases, a pepsina e a subtilisina, as quais estão relacionadas com diferentes tipos de atividades biológicas. Ainda mais, os resultados com a fração enriquecida de diterpenos clerodânicos sugerem que estas substâncias podem estar relacionadas com a atividade do extrato bruto de C. sylvestris.
Essential oils from, Salvia officinalis L. (SO), Mentha sylvestris L. (MS), Casearia sylvestris Sw. (CS), Mentha piperita L. (MP), Ocimum micrantum Willd. (OM) and Mentha arvensis L. (MA), plants used in Brazilian popular medicine were extracted using method I, as described in the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia, in order to obtain the phytochemical profile and to evaluate their antimicrobial activity against the following microorganisms: Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus luteus, Escherichia coli, Serratia marcescens, Candida albicans and Aspergilus oryzae. Test was made by means of the disk-plaque diffusion test in liquid medium using 1% essential oil. In the disk-plaque diffusion test, all the essential oils exhibited activity against B. subtilis, but OM showed the greatest inhibition zone and was the only one to show activity against S. aureus. Samples of SO, MS, MP, OM and MA were active against M. luteus, E. coli and S. marcescens, while A. oryzae was sensitive to MS, MP, OM and MA. No sample, however, was active against C. albicans. In the liquid medium test, significant results were observed for OM and MA, which inhibited the growth of all microorganisms for 24 hours, and OM continued active against E. coli and A. oryzae until the last reading.
This study compared the morphological and anatomical variations of the leaves of four shade-tolerant tree species Allophylus edulis (St.-Hil.) Radlk (Sapindaceae), Casearia sylvestris Sw. (Salicaceae), Cupania vernalis Cambess. (Sapindaceae) and Luehea divaricata Mart. (Malvaceae) from a fragment of Araucaria forest in two developmental stages. Morphological and anatomical traits, such as leaf and tissue thickness, leaf area, leaf dry mass, specific leaf area, leaf density and stomata density were measured from 30 leaves of each developmental stage. The phenotypic plasticity index was also calculated for each quantitative trait. The results showed that the four species presented higher mean values for specific leaf area and spongy/palisade parenchyma ratio at young stage, and higher mean values for stomata density, total and palisade parenchyma thickness in the adult stage. The plasticity index demonstrated that L. divricata presented highest plasticity for both the morphological and anatomical traits while A. edulis displayed the lowest plasticity index. The results of this study indicated that the leaves of these species exhibited distinct morphological traits at each stage of development to cope with acting environmental factors.
Baccharis dracunculifolia DC (Asteraceae), a native plant from Brazil, commonly known as `Alecrim-do-campo` is widely used in folk medicine to treat inflammation, hepatic disorders and stomach ulcers, and it is the most important botanical source of Southeastern Brazilian propolis, known as green propolis. Its essential oil is composed of non-oxygenated and oxygenated terpenes. In this work, the effects of the essential oil obtained from the aerial parts of R dracunculifolia on gastric ulcers were evaluated. The antiulcer assays were undertaken using the following protocols in rats: nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID)-induced ulcer, ethanol-induced ulcer, stress-induced ulcer, and determination of gastric secretion using ligated pylorus. The treatment in the doses of 50, 250 and 500 mg/kg of R dracunculifolia essential oil significantly diminished the lesion index, the total lesion area and the percentage of lesions in comparison with both positive and negative control groups. With regard to the model of gastric secretion a reduction of gastric juice volume and total acidity was observed, as well as an increase in the gastric pH. No sign of toxicity was observed in the acute toxicity study. Considering the results, it is suggested that the essential oil of B. dracunculifolia could probably be a good therapeutic agent for the development of new phytotherapeutic medicine for the treatment of gastric ulcer. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The aqueous extract prepared from Schizolobium parahyba (Sp) leaves, a native plant from Atlantic Forest (Brazil), was tested to analyse its ability to inhibit some biological and enzymatic activities induced by Bothrops alternatus (BaltCV) and Bothrops moojeni (BmooCV) snake venoms. Sp inhibited 100% of lethality, blood incoagulability, haemorrhagic and indirect haemolytic activities at a 1:10 ratio (venom/extract, w/w), as well as coagulant activity at a 1:5 ratio (venom/extract, w/w) induced by both venoms. BaltCV fibrinogenolytic activity was also neutralized by Sp at a 1:10 ratio, resulting in total protection of fibrinogen B beta chain and partial protection of A alpha chain. Interaction tests have demonstrated that, at certain extract/proteins ratios, Sp precipitates proteins non-specifically suggesting the presence of tannins, which are very likely responsible for the excellent inhibiting effects of the analysed ophidian activities. Sp aqueous extract chromatography on Sephadex LH-20 was carried out aiming at the separation of these compounds that mask the obtained results. Thus, the fractionation of Sp resulted in three fractions: F1 (methanolic fraction); F2 (methanol:water fraction, 1:1 v/v); and F3 (aqueous fraction). These fractions were analysed for their ability to inhibit the BaltCV fibrinogenolytic activity. F1 inhibited 100% the venom fibrinogenolytic activity without presenting protein precipitation effect; F2 showed only partial inhibition of this venom activity. Finally, F3 did not inhibit fibrinogen proteolysis, but presented strong protein precipitating action. We conclude that Sp aqueous extract, together with tannins, also contains other compounds that can display specific inhibitory activity against snake venom toxins.
Phospholipases A(2) (PLA(2)) are enzymes commonly found in snake venoms from Viperidae and Elaphidae families, which are major components thereof. Many plants are used in traditional medicine its active agents against various effects induced by snakebite. This article presents the PLA(2) BthTX-I structure prediction based on homology modeling. In addition, we have performed virtual screening in a large database yielding a set of potential bioactive inhibitors. A flexible docking program was used to investigate the interactions between the receptor and the new ligands. We have performed molecular interaction fields (MIFs) calculations with the phospholipase model. Results confirm the important role of Lys49 for binding ligands and suggest three additional residues as well. We have proposed a theoretically nontoxic, drug-like, and potential novel BthTX-I inhibitor. These calculations have been used to guide the design of novel phospholipase inhibitors as potential lead compounds that may be optimized for future treatment of snakebite victims as well as other human diseases in which PLA(2) enzymes are involved.
Plant-antivenom is a computational Websystem about medicinal plants with anti-venom properties. The system consists of a database of these plants, including scientific publications on this subject and amino acid sequences of active principles from venomous animals. The system relates these data allowing their integration through different search applications. For the development of the system, the first surveys were conducted in scientific literature, allowing the creation of a publication database in a library for reading and user interaction. Then, classes of categories were created, allowing the use of tags and the organization of content. This database on medicinal plants has information such as family, species, isolated compounds, activity, inhibited animal venoms, among others. Provision is made for submission of new information by registered users, by the use of wiki tools. Content submitted is released in accordance to permission rules defined by the system. The database on biological venom protein amino acid sequences was structured from the essential information from National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Plant-antivenom`s interface is simple, contributing to a fast and functional access to the system and the integration of different data registered on it. Plant-antivenom system is available on the Internet at http://gbi.fmrp.usp.br/plantantivenom.
O conhecimento da anatomia da folha é crucial para o entendimento da adaptação das plantas ao ambiente. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a anatomia da lâmina foliar de 11 espécies lenhosas, frequentes nas savanas do extremo norte da Amazônia, com ênfase na identificação de atributos adaptativos a ecossistemas abertos, sujeitos a forte insolação e déficit hídrico sazonal. Amostras de folhas foram coletadas e processadas segundo técnicas usuais para estudos de anatomia e histoquímica. Bowdichia virgilioides, Byrsonima coccolobifolia, By. crassifolia, By. verbascifolia, Casearia sylvestris, Curatella americana, Erythroxylum suberosum, Himatanthus articulatus, Miconia albicans, Roupala montana e Xylopia aromatica apresentaram caracteres típicos de plantas heliófilas e xerófilas, como cutícula espessa e estômatos predominantes na face abaxial, além de forte investimento em tecido fotossintético. Em oito das onze espécies, o parênquima paliçádico (PP) ocupa 50% ou mais do espaço do mesofilo. Curatella americana, mesofilo isobilateral, e Bo. virgilioides, mesofilo homogêneo, foram as espécies com maior investimento em PP (~80% e 100%, respectivamente). Além disso, destaca-se a presença de hipoderme (Bo. virgilioides e X. aromatica) ou de epiderme estratificada, densos indumentos, idioblastos cristalíferos e extensões da bainha de feixes. Em síntese, este conjunto de atributos estruturais protege a lâmina foliar contra o excesso de luminosidade, aumenta a resistência mecânica, minimiza a transpiração e contribui para manutenção do balanço hídrico da planta, favorecendo, portanto, o estabelecimento destas espécies nas savanas sazonais do norte da Amazônia.
We have observed that several plants used popularly as anti-snake venom show anti-inflammatory activity. From the list prepared by Rizzini, Mors and Pereira some species have been selected and tested for analgesic activity (number of contortions) and anti-inflammatory activity (Evans blue dye diffusion - 1% solution) according to Whittle's technique (intraperitoneal administration of 0.1 N-acetic acid 0.1 ml/10 g) in mice. Previous oral administration of a 10% infusion (dry plant) or 20% (fresh plant) corresponding to 1 or 2 g/Kg of Apuleia leiocarpa, Casearia sylvestris, Brunfelsia uniflora, Chiococca brachiata, Cynara scolymus, Dorstenia brasiliensis, Elephantopus scaber, Marsypianthes chamaedrys, Mikania glomerata and Trianosperma tayuya demonstrated analgesic and/or anti-inflammatory activities of varied intensity
The side effects and the emerging resistance to the available drugs against leishmaniasis and trypanosomiasis led to the urgent need for new therapeutic agents against these diseases. Thirty one extracts of thirteen medicinal plants from the Brazilian Cerrado were therefore evaluated in vitro for their antiprotozoal activity against promastigotes of Leishmania donovani, and amastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi. Among the selected plants, Casearia sylvestris var. lingua was the most active against both L. donovani and T. cruzi. Fifteen extracts were active against promastigotes of L. donovani with concentrations inhibiting 50% of parasite growth (IC50) between 0.1-10 µg/ml, particularly those of Annona crassiflora (Annonaceae), Himatanthus obovatus (Apocynaceae), Guarea kunthiana (Meliaceae), Cupania vernalis (Sapindaceae), and Serjania lethalis (Sapindaceae). With regard to amastigotes of T. cruzi, extracts of A. crassiflora, Duguetia furfuracea (Annonaceae), and C. sylvestris var. lingua were active with IC50 values between 0.3-10 µg/ml. Bioassay fractionations of the more active extracts are under progress to identify the active antiparasite compounds.