949 resultados para Carvalho, Luiz Fernando


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O trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da ingestão de rações com diferentes níveis de fósforo, por cabritos em crescimento, sobre a perda endógena fósforo. Dezoito animais da raça Saanen, machos, castrados, com 4 a 5 meses de idade, peso vivo médio de 25 ± 1,2 kg, foram alojados, por 45 dias, em gaiolas de metabolismo. Os animais receberam rações com três níveis de P (0,08; 0,15; e 0,38% na matéria seca) e semelhantes níveis de proteína bruta, energia metabolizável e relação Ca:P. Após 38 dias de fase pré-experimental, os animais receberam injeção (0,5 mL) com 7,4 Mbq de 32P (Na2HPO4 - livre de carregador), via jugular esquerda. Foram coletados sangue, fezes, urina e sobras das rações. Utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, fazendo-se a análise de regressão para o P ingerido. A ingestão média de P variou de 20,9 a 132,3 mg P/kg PV/dia e influenciou a excreção de P fecal. A quantidade de P endógeno variou de 7,6 a 45,4 mg/kg PV/dia e foi também influenciado pela ingestão de matéria seca e P inorgânico no plasma. A exigência líquida de mantença para os caprinos estudados foi de 6,87 mg/kg PV/dia.


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SiC fiber-reinforced SiC matrix composite (SiCf/SiC) is one of the leading candidates in ceramic materials for engineering applications due to its unique combination of properties such as high thermal conductivity, high resistance to corrosion and working conditions. Fiber-reinforced composites are materials which exhibit a significant improvement in properties like ductility in comparison to the monolithic SiC ceramic. The SiCf/SiC composite was obtained from a C/C composite precursor using convertion reaction under high temperature and controlled atmosphere. In this work, SiC phase presented the stacking faults in the structure, being not possible to calculate the unit cell size, symmetry and bond lengths but it seem equal card number 29-1129 of JCPDS.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Tendo como objeto de estudo o livro Lavoura arcaica, de Raduan Nassar, e a obra cinematográfica homônima, de Luiz Fernando Carvalho, este trabalho se debruça sobre as análises possíveis no processo de adaptação como recriação da obra, interpretando temas como a família, as paixões proibidas e o trágico. Para tal estudo, a visão teórica de autores como Freud, Bataille, Marcuse, Bakhtin e Nietzsche, em seus pontos convergentes, auxilia a compreensão secular de interditos, proibições e transgressões, presentes na obra de Nassar.


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The aim of this study was to estimate the association between exposure to particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter and hospitalization for respiratory diseases. It was an ecological time series study with daily indicators of hospitalization for respiratory diseases in children up to 10 years, living in Piracicaba, SP, Southeastern Brazil, between August 1, 2011 and July 31, 2012. We used generalized additive model for the Poisson regression. The relative risks were RR = 1.008; 95%CI 1.001; 1.016 for lag 1 and RR = 1.009; 95%CI 1.001; 1.017 for lag 3. The increment of 10 mu g/m(3) in particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter implies increase in relative risk between 7.9 and 8.6 percentage points. In conclusion, exposure to particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter was associated with hospitalization for respiratory diseases in children.


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Objective: to identify patterns in the spatial and temporal distribution of cases of dengue fever occurring in the city of Cruzeiro, state of Sao Paulo (SP).Methods: an ecological and exploratory study was undertaken using spatial analysis tools and data from dengue cases obtained on the SinanNet. The analysis was carried out by area, using the IBGE census sector as a unit. The months of March to June 2006 and 2011 were assessed, revealing progress of the disease. TerraView 3.3.1 was used to calculate the Global Moran's I, month to month, and the Kernel estimator.Results: in the year 2006, 691 cases of dengue fever (rate of 864.2 cases/100,000 inhabitants) were georeferenced; and the Moran's I and p-values were significant in the months of April and May (TM = 0.28; p = 0.01; I-M = 0.20; p = 0.01) with higher densities in the central, north, northeast and south regions. In the year 2011, 654 cases of dengue fever (rate of 886.8 cases/100,000 inhabitants) were georeferenced; and the Moran's I and p-values were significant in the months of April and May (I, = 0.28; p = 0.01; I-M = 0.16; p = 0.05) with densities in the same regions as 2006. The Global Moran's I is a global measure of spatial autocorrelation, which indicates the degree of spatial association in the set of information from the product in relation to the average. The I varies between -1 and +1 and can be attributed to a level of significance (p-value). The positive value points to a positive or direct spatial autocorrelation.Conclusion: we were able to identify patterns in the spatial and temporal distribution of dengue cases occurring in the city of Cruzeiro, SP, and locate the census sectors where the outbreak began and how it evolved.


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Objectives: To determine the micro-hardness profile of two dual cure resin cements (RelyX - U100 (R), 3M-ESPE and Panavia F 2.0 (R), Kuraray) used for cementing fiber-reinforced resin posts (Fibrekor (R) - Jeneric Pentron) under three different curing protocols and two water storage times. Material and methods: Sixty 16mm long bovine incisor roots were endodontically treated and prepared for cementation of the Fibrekor posts. The cements were mixed as instructed, dispensed in the canal, the posts were seated and the curing performed as follows: a) no light activation; b) light-activation immediately after seating the post, and; c) light-activation delayed 5 minutes after seating the post. The teeth were stored in water and retrieved for analysis after 7 days and 3 months. The roots were longitudinally sectioned and the microhardness was determined at the cervical, middle and apical regions along the cement line. The data was analyzed by the three-way ANOVA test (curing mode, storage time and thirds) for each cement. The Tukey test was used for the post-hoc analysis. Results: Light-activation resulted in a significant increase in the microhardness. This was more evident for the cervical region and for the Panavia cement. Storage in water for 3 months caused a reduction of the micro-hardness for both cements. The U100 cement showed less variation in the micro-hardness regardless of the curing protocol and storage time. Conclusions: The micro-hardness of the cements was affected by the curing and storage variables and were material-dependent.


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Several syntheses have already been reported for cis-trikentrins and herbindoles, which are indole alkaloids unsubstituted at the C2 and C3 positions that bear a trans-1,3-dimethylcyclopentyl unit. Herein, we describe the first asymmetric and stereoselective synthesis of the more challenging trans-trikentrin A as its naturally occurring isomer. Different approaches were investigated and the strategy of choice was a combination of an enzymatic kinetic resolution and a thallium(III)-mediated ring contraction. The antiproliferative activities of the natural product and related intermediates have been tested against human tumor cell lines, leading to the discovery of new compounds with potent antitumor activity.


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The operator effect is a well-known methodological bias already quantified in some taphonomic studies. However, the replicability effect, i.e., the use of taphonomic attributes as a replicable scientific method, has not been taken into account to the present. Here, we quantified for the first time this replicability bias using different multivariate statistical techniques, testing if the operator effect is related to the replicability effect. We analyzed the results reported by 15 operators working on the same dataset. Each operator analyzed 30 biological remains (bivalve shells) from five different sites, considering the attributes fragmentation, edge rounding, corrasion, bioerosion and secondary color. The operator effect followed the same pattern reported in previous studies, characterized by a worse correspondence for those attributes having more than two levels of damage categories. However, the effect did not appear to have relation with the replicability effect, because nearly all operators found differences among sites. Despite the binary attribute bioerosion exhibited 83% of correspondence among operators it was the taphonomic attributes that showed the highest dispersion among operators (28%). Therefore, we conclude that binary attributes (despite showing a reduction of the operator effect) diminish replicability, resulting in different interpretations of concordant data. We found that a variance value of nearly 8% among operators, was enough to generate a different taphonomic interpretation, in a Q-mode cluster analysis. The results reported here showed that the statistical method employed influences the level of replicability and comparability of a study and that the availability of results may be a valid alternative to reduce bias.


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Este projeto tem como objetivo analisar a adaptação da obra de Ariano Suassuna, Romance d A Pedra do Reino e o príncipe do sangue do vai-e-volta, para a minissérie, intitulada A Pedra do Reino, dirigida por Luiz Fernando Carvalho e exibida pela Rede Globo entre os dias 12 e 16 de junho de 2007. Esta análise será realizada a partir da cena da auto-coroação da personagem Quaderna, usando a metodologia proposta por Umberto Eco em Para uma investigação semiológica sobre a mensagem televisual , artigo integrante da obra Apocalípticos e integrados, com a qual pretendemos elucidar o uso de signos na adaptação e fidelidade desta com a obra original.(AU)


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Este projeto tem como objetivo analisar a adaptação da obra de Ariano Suassuna, Romance d A Pedra do Reino e o príncipe do sangue do vai-e-volta, para a minissérie, intitulada A Pedra do Reino, dirigida por Luiz Fernando Carvalho e exibida pela Rede Globo entre os dias 12 e 16 de junho de 2007. Esta análise será realizada a partir da cena da auto-coroação da personagem Quaderna, usando a metodologia proposta por Umberto Eco em Para uma investigação semiológica sobre a mensagem televisual , artigo integrante da obra Apocalípticos e integrados, com a qual pretendemos elucidar o uso de signos na adaptação e fidelidade desta com a obra original.(AU)


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Essa pesquisa objetiva a análise da relação entre religião e política, em perspectiva de gênero considerando a atuação de parlamentares evangélicos/as na 54ª Legislatura (de 2011 a 2014) e a forma de intervenção desses atores no espaço político brasileiro quanto à promulgação de leis e ao desenvolvimento de políticas públicas que contemplem, dentre outras, a regulamentação do aborto, a criminalização da homofobia, a união estável entre pessoas do mesmo sexo e os desafios oriundos dessa posição para o Estado Brasileiro que se posiciona como laico. Ora, se laico remete à ideia de neutralidade estatal em matéria religiosa, legislar legitimado por determinados princípios fundamentados em doutrinas religiosas, pode sugerir a supressão da liberdade e da igualdade, o não reconhecimento da diversidade e da pluralidade e a ausência de limites entre os interesses públicos / coletivos e privados / particulares. Os procedimentos metodológicos para o desenvolvimento dessa pesquisa fundamentam-se na análise e interpretação bibliográfica visando estabelecer a relação entre religião e política, a conceituação, qualificação e tipificação do fenômeno da laicidade; levantamento documental; análise dos discursos de parlamentares evangélicos/as divulgados pela mídia, proferidos no plenário e adotados para embasar projetos de leis; pesquisa qualitativa com a realização de entrevistas e observações das posturas públicas adotadas pelos/as parlamentares integrantes da Frente Parlamentar Evangélica - FPE. Porquanto, os postulados das Ciências da Religião devidamente correlacionados com a interpretação do conjunto de dados obtidos no campo de pesquisa podem identificar o lugar do religioso na sociedade de forma interativa com as interfaces da laicidade visando aprofundar a compreensão sobre a democracia, sobre o lugar da religião nas sociedades contemporâneas e sobre os direitos difusos, coletivos e individuais das pessoas.