63 resultados para Carrots


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Relationships between endogenous levels of polyamines by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and gas chromatography (GC), nitrate and response to the application of ethylene were established between organic and conventional vegetables (broccoli, collard greens, carrots and beets), both raw and cooked. Responses to ethylene showed that organic plants were less responsive to the growth regulator. The levels of free polyamines obtained by TLC were higher in organic vegetables. Organic broccoli showed higher levels of putrescine (Put), and cooking resulted in lowering the overall content of these amines. Conventional collard green showed the highest level of putrescine in the leaves compared with organic. Tubers of carrots and beets contain the highest levels of Put. These plants also contain high levels of spermine. GC analysis showed the highest polyamines contents compared with those obtained by TLC. Cooking process decreased putrescine and cadaverine content, both in conventionally and organically grown vegetables. Organic beets contain lower NO3(-) compared with its conventional counterpart.


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Mycobacterium bovis, the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis, has become established in free-ranging white-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus in northeastern Michigan. The practice of supplemental feeding of white-tailed deer during the winter is believed to contribute to transmission of M. bovis between deer. The current study was conducted to determine the ability of M. bovis to survive on various feedstuffs commonly used as supplemental feed for deer in northeast Michigan (i.e., apples, corn, carrots, sugar beets, potatoes, and hay) and the effect of maintenance at 220 C, 8 C, and 23 C on survival. Mycobacterium bovis survived on all feedstuffs at all temperatures tested for at least 7 days. At 23 C, M. bovis could still be isolated from samples of apples, corn and potatoes at 112 days. This study suggests that contamination of feedstuffs by M. bovis-infected deer could act as a source of indirect transmission between deer because M. bovis is able to survive in temperatures similar to those recorded during winter months in northeastern Michigan. Current efforts to ban or control supplemental feeding of deer should have a positive effect on decreasing transmission of M. bovis among deer.


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A 3-inch-diameter plastic tube mounted on a truck was designed for distributing bait (cut carrots or grain) for mammal control. Baits are fed into the tube by an operator standing in the truck bed. The device is light-weight and detachable and permits rapid, accurate placement of bait along a line on the ground or in a plowed furrow.


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Growth potential (delta) is defined as the difference between the population of a microorganism at the end of shelf-life of specific food and its initial population. The determination of 6 of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes in RTE vegetables can be very useful to determine likely threats to food safety. However, little is known on the behavior of these microorganisms in several RTE vegetables. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the delta of both pathogens in nine different types of RTE vegetables (escarole, collard green, spinach, watercress, arugula, grated carrot, green salad, and mix for yakisoba) stored at refrigeration (7 degrees C) and abuse temperature (15 degrees C). The population of aerobic microorganisms and lactic acid bacteria, including those showing antimicrobial activity has been also determined. Results indicated that L monocytogenes was able to grow (delta >= 0.5 log(10)) in more storage conditions and vegetables than Salmonella. Both microorganisms were inhibited in carrots, although a more pronounced effect has been observed against L monocytogenes. The highest 5 values were obtained when the RTE vegetables were stored 15 degrees C/6 days in collard greens (delta=3.3) and arugula (delta=3.2) (L monocytogenes) and arugula (delta=4.1) and escarole (delta=2.8) (Salmonella). In most vegetables and storage conditions studied, the counts of total aerobic microorganisms raised significantly independent of the temperature of storage (p<0.05). Counts of lactic acid bacteria were higher in vegetables partially or fully stored at abuse temperature with recovery of isolates showing antimicrobial activity. In conclusion, the results of this study show that Salmonella and L monocytogenes may grow and reach high populations in RTE vegetables depending on storage conditions and the definition of effective intervention strategies are needed to control their growth in these products. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective parameters that could provide a basis for food texture selection for elderly or dysphagic patients have not been established. We, therefore, aimed to develop a precise method of measuring large particles (>2 mm in diameter) in a bolus and an analytical method to provide a scientific rationale for food selection under masticatory dysfunction conditions. We developed a new illumination system to evaluate the ability of twenty female participants (mean age, 23.4 +/- 4.3 years) to masticate carrots, peanuts and beef with full, half and one quarter of the number of masticatory strokes. We also evaluated mastication under suppressed force, regulated by 20% electromyographic of the masseter muscle. The intercept and inclination of the regression line for the distribution of large particles were adopted as coefficients for the discrimination of masticatory efficiency. Single set of coefficient thresholds of 0.10 for the intercept and 1.62 for the inclination showed excellent discrimination of masticatory conditions for all three test foods with high specificity and sensitivity. These results suggested that our method of analysing the distribution of particles >2 mm in diameter might provide the basis for the appropriate selection of food texture for masticatory dysfunction patients from the standpoint of comminution.


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Eine Pollenallergie geht häufig mit einer sekundären Nahrungsmittelallergie einher, die durch die Kreuzreaktivität zwischen dem Pollen- und dem Nahrungsmittelallergen verursacht wird. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine Kohorte von 20 Allergikern mit einer Typ I-Allergie gegen Birkenpollen und einer assoziierten Nahrungsmittelallergie gegen Haselnüsse und/oder Karotten in Bezug auf eine allergenspezifische IgE-Antwort, T-Zellantwort und vor allen Dingen hinsichtlich der T-Zellkreuzreaktivität zwischen den rekombinanten Allergenen Bet v 1, Cor a 1 und Dau c 1 charakterisiert. Verwendet wurde hierzu ein Zellkultursystem mit primären CD4+ T-Zellen ohne die Zugabe von exogenem IL-2 oder wiederholten Stimulationen. Zur Analyse der T-Zellkreuzreaktivität kamen zwei unterschiedliche Analyseverfahren zum Einsatz: zum einen der bewährte 3H-Thymidinassay und zum anderen eine neue durchflusszytometrische Methode, die auf der Verwendung von zwei unterschiedlichen Proliferationsfarbstoffen basiert.rnBei der Charakterisierung der T-Zellantwort konnte festgestellt werden, dass eine robuste Th2-Antwort vorliegt, die stark von dem Zytokin IL-5 dominiert wird, begleitet von einer signifikanten Produktion von IL-9 und IL-13, allerdings ohne die Beteiligung von IL-4.rnDes Weiteren konnte zum ersten Mal mit Hilfe eines dosisabhängigen Inhibitions-ELISA eine B-Zellkreuzreaktivität zwischen Bet v 1 und Cor a 1 gezeigt werden, wobei das Cor a 1-reaktive IgE prädominant ist und eine Subpopulation des Bet v 1-reaktiven IgE darstellt.rnMittels 3H-Thymidinassay konnte eine T-Zellkreuzreaktivität zwischen Bet v 1, Cor a 1 und in einem geringeren Maße zu Dau c 1 bei primären T-Zellen von Allergikern gezeigt werden. Ebenso konnte die Kreuzreaktivität zwischen Bet v 1 und Cor a 1 durch die neue durchflusszytometrische Methode bewiesen werden. Zusätzlich ist es mit Hilfe dieser neuen Methode nun möglich, zwischen den einzelnen T-Zellsubpopulationen zu unterscheiden, die sowohl nach primärer und sekundärer oder ausschließlich nach sekundärer Stimulation proliferieren. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass die kreuzreaktiven T-Zellen aus der T-Zellsubpopulation hervorgehen, die bereits nach der primären Stimulations stark proliferiert haben. Somit kann also innerhalb des T-Zellrepertoires der allergischen Spender eine Prädominanz der kreuzreaktiven T-Zellsubpopulationen festgestellt werden. Eine monospezifische T-Zellsubpopulation konnte unter Verwendung der neuen Methode nicht detektiert werden.rnDas Ausmaß von Qualität und Quantität einer Kreuzreaktivität kann nun visualisiert werden, was dazu beitragen kann, das Protokoll einer SIT zu verbessern und optimal an den individuellen Patienten anzupassen, um möglicherweise eine größere Chance auf eine erfolgreiche Therapie in Aussicht zu stellen.


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The skin irritant polyyne falcarinol (panaxynol, carotatoxin) is found in carrots, parsley, celery, and in the medicinal plant Panax ginseng. In our ongoing search for new cannabinoid (CB) receptor ligands we have isolated falcarinol from the endemic Sardinian plant Seseli praecox. We show that falcarinol exhibits binding affinity to both human CB receptors but selectively alkylates the anandamide binding site in the CB(1) receptor (K(i)=594nM), acting as covalent inverse agonist in CB(1) receptor-transfected CHO cells. Given the inherent instability of purified falcarinol we repeatedly isolated this compound for biological characterization and one new polyyne was characterized. In human HaCaT keratinocytes falcarinol increased the expression of the pro-allergic chemokines IL-8 and CCL2/MCP-1 in a CB(1) receptor-dependent manner. Moreover, falcarinol inhibited the effects of anandamide on TNF-alpha stimulated keratinocytes. In vivo, falcarinol strongly aggravated histamine-induced oedema reactions in skin prick tests. Both effects were also obtained with the CB(1) receptor inverse agonist rimonabant, thus indicating the potential role of the CB(1) receptor in skin immunopharmacology. Our data suggest anti-allergic effects of anandamide and that falcarinol-associated dermatitis is due to antagonism of the CB(1) receptor in keratinocytes, leading to increased chemokine expression and aggravation of histamine action.


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Understanding a population's dietary behavior is important to promote behaviors which have the most beneficial impact on health. The most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans (2005) identifies carotenoids as a key nutrient to be consumed through increased intake of fruits and vegetables (FV). While some studies have included or focused on the Hispanic population, few have focused only on Mexican-American populations and staged its intake of FV. Stage of change behavior theory has been used to understand the adoption and promotion of healthy behaviors such as increased intake of FV. It has been shown to effectively aid interventionists' understanding of dietary behavior. Intake patterns of FV of older women, rural residents, and adolescents of Mexican American descent have been conducted but not by stages of change. This study aimed to determine the relationship between stages of change for fruits and vegetables (SOC-FV) and total carotene intake to assess the quality of SOC-FV as a surrogate measure of total carotene. ^ Data from the 2000 Qué Sabrosa Vida Community Nutrition Survey (QSV-CNS) were analyzed to identify the SOC-FV and sources of carotenes in a Mexican American population 18-60 yrs. of the Paso del Norte region. A 107 item interviewer administered food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) specifically calibrated for a Mexican American population was used to collect usual intake of total carotene. The QSV survey study population included 963 participants, 590 (61.3%) women and 373 (38.7%) men. A statistically significant mean difference in caloric intake between men and women was found (p-value = <0.01). When total carotene intake was adjusted for energy, there were significant differences between men and women (p-value = <0.0001) with women consuming a higher amount of total carotene (406 RE/kcal 1,000) than men (332 RE/kcal 1000). The food sources of total carotene for both genders included many items found in a traditional Mexican American diet. Chile, after carrots, was the highest contributor of dietary carotene. Total carotene intake was not associated with stages of change among women or men and their distributions were not linear. Mean differences of total carotene by stages of change were significant for women for pre-contemplation/contemplation (p-value = 0.04) and preparation (p-value = 0.0004) but not for men. ^ SOC-FV may serve as a surrogate measure for dietary carotene intake. This study's Mexican American population had a high carotene quality diet derived from traditional food items irrespective of their stage of change for fruits and vegetables. To better understand this population's dietary intake a measure for acculturation should be included. Interventions aimed at Mexican American populations should aim to promote traditional diets consistent with cultural practices.^ ^


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El objetivo fue determinar, durante dos años, el contenido de β-caroteno y su relación con el Índice de Color (IC), de ocho cultivares comerciales del tipo 'Flakkee' cultivadas en el INTA La Consulta. El diseño experimental a campo utilizado fue en bloques al azar con 3 repeticiones. Se evaluó β-caroteno (espectrofotometría a 450 nm) y se calculó el IC, mediante captación de imagen digital con PC y escáner, midiendo L, a y b del Sistema CIELAB. Los datos fueron analizados por ACP (análisis de componentes principales), la visualización de la variabilidad, por cartografiado de datos, análisis de varianza, pruebas de diferencia de medias y correlaciones. Los contenidos de β-carotenos y el IC de los cultivares se mantuvieron constantes durante los dos años estudiados, resultando las cultivares Natasha, Flakesse y Colmar las de mayor valor nutricional en cuanto a aporte de β-carotenos. En el rango de valores menores de 18 mg%g de β-carotenos, se observó una correlación positiva significativa en las cultivares Supreme, Spring y Laval. No se encontró una correlación alta lineal entre el IC y el contenido de β-carotenos. El uso del IC resulta adecuado para predecir, en un intervalo de valores, el contenido de β-carotenos en cultivares de zanahoria.


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Telomerase activity is developmentally regulated in mammals. Here we examine telomerase activity in plants, whose development differs in fundamental ways from that of animals. Using a modified version of the telomere repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) assay, we detected an activity in extracts from carrots, cauliflower, soybean, Arabidopsis, and rice with all the characteristics expected for a telomerase synthesizing the plant telomere repeat sequence TTTAGGG. The activity was dependent on RNA and protein components, required dGTP, dATP, and dTTP, but not dCTP, and generated products with a seven nucleotide periodicity. Telomerase activity was abundant in cauliflower meristematic tissue and undifferentiated cells from Arabidopsis, soybean, and carrot suspension cultures, but was low or not detectable in a sampling of differentiated tissues from mature plants. Telomerase from cauliflower meristematic tissues exhibited relaxed DNA sequence requirements, which might reflect the capacity to form telomeres on broken chromosomes in vivo. The dramatic differences in telomerase expression and their correlation with cellular proliferation capacity mirror changes in human telomerase levels during differentiation and immortalization. Hence, telomerase activation appears to be a conserved mechanism involved in conferring long-term proliferation capacity.


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This brief looks at Kazakhstan’s chairmanship through the prism of the EU’s relations with Central Asian states and examines what lessons the EU can draw from the Kazakhstan chairmanship. The OSCE Chairmanship and the agreement to hold the 2010 OSCE Summit in Astana, despite it not having a Summit-like agenda were significant ‘carrots’ given to Kazakhstan. Did these carrots bring any results, and is there any reason to offer more such carrots to Kazakhstan or to other Central Asian states?


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There are two reasons for the virtual nature of the West’s dialogue with Ukraine. The first is institutional as the EU has until now only been willing to use ‘carrots’ and ‘sticks’ in ‘enlargement-heavy’ (i.e. full membership) whereas it has only used ‘carrots,’ but never ‘sticks’, in ‘enlargement-light’ (i.e. the DCFTA). European Council Foreign Relations Senior Fellows Nicu Popescu and Andrew Wilson argue that the EU should be more willing to use both carrots and sticks; that is integrating its soft and hard power. The second is a disconnection between the West and Kyiv over definitions of democracy. The Ukrainian authorities have until now wanted to have their cake and eat it, too; rolling back democracy in Kyiv while claiming to sign up to ‘European values’ in Brussels.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of using monosodium glutamate (MSG) as a means to increase palatability and prospective consumption of vegetables at a congregate meal site with Cuban-American clients. Thirty to 32 subjects participated in hedonic testing each day. MSG-enhanced (2 g MSG/500 g vegetable) and non-enhanced beets, string beans, carrots and peas were evaluated for palatability, preference and prospective consumption. Results showed that MSG significantly increased both palatability and prospective consumption of string beans (ps < .05) but not of the other 3 vegetables tested. These findings provide some evidence that MSG can be used to increase the palatability of vegetables served at congregate meal sites. However, these results suggest that older adults may not find the palatability of some vegetables to be improved by MSG and that optimal flavor enhancement cannot be achieved by adding the same amount of MSG to every vegetable.


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Antioxidant enzymes (catalase and peroxidase) and carotenoids (lutein and â-carotene) are often used as biomarkers of metal contamination of water and agricultural soils. In this study, the effects of heavy metals present in irrigation water on the aforementioned carotenoids of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) and carrots (Daucus carota L.), cultivated in a greenhouse and irrigated with a water solution including different levels of Cr(VI) and Ni(II) were investigated. These results were compared to the levels of the same metabolites that had been assessed in market-available potato and carrot samples. The findings indicated that the levels of the examined metabolites on the treated with Cr and Ni samples, resemble the levels of the same parameters in the market samples, originating from polluted areas. Therefore, the antioxidant enzymes, catalase and peroxidase, and the carotenoids, lutein and â-carotene, could be handled as indicators of heavy metal pollution.


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This dissertation explores three aspects of the economics and policy issues surrounding retail payments (low-value frequent payments): the microeconomic aspect, by measuring costs associated with retail payment instruments; the macroeconomic aspect, by quantifying the impact of the use of electronic rather than paper-based payment instruments on consumption and GDP; and the policy aspect, by identifying barriers that keep countries stuck with outdated payment systems, and recommending policy interventions to move forward with payments modernization. Payment system modernization has become a prominent part of the financial sector reform agenda in many advanced and developing countries. Greater use of electronic payments rather than cash and other paper-based instruments would have important economic and social benefits, including lower costs and thereby increased economic efficiency and higher incomes, while broadening access to the financial system, notably for people with moderate and low incomes. The dissertation starts with a general introduction on retail payments. Chapter 1 develops a theoretical model for measuring payments costs, and applies the model to Guyana—an emerging market in the midst of the transition from paper to electronic payments. Using primary survey data from Guyanese consumers, the results of the analysis indicate that annual costs related to the use of cash by consumers reach 2.5 percent of the country’s GDP. Switching to electronic payment instruments would provide savings amounting to 1 percent of GDP per year. Chapter 2 broadens the analysis to calculate the macroeconomic impacts of a move to electronic payments. Using a unique panel dataset of 76 countries across the 17-year span from 1998 to 2014 and a pooled OLS country fixed effects model, Chapter 2 finds that on average, use of debit and credit cards contribute USD 16.2 billion to annual global consumption, and USD 160 billion to overall annual global GDP. Chapter 3 provides an in-depth assessment of the Albanian payment cards and remittances market and recommends a set of incentives and regulations (both carrots and sticks) that would allow the country to modernize its payment system. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the lessons of the dissertation’s research and brings forward issues to be explored by future research in the retail payments area.