873 resultados para Cardiologia pediátrica


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Este trabalho discute a percepção e o uso da tecnologia de informação como auxiliar no processo de decisão pelo médico especializado em Cardiologia, discutindo não só os aspectos da tecnologia em si, como também a postura dos médicos diante das inovações.


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Objectivo: Proceder à validação da equação de Slaugther e col., (1988), na estimação da percentagem de massa gorda (%MG), em crianças com 9 anos de idade, tendo a DXA como método de referência. Metodologia: A avaliação da composição corporal foi realizada em 450 crianças, das quais 219 eram raparigas (idade: 9.74 ± 0.33 anos; altura: 136.88 ± 6.8 cm; peso: 33.77 ± 8.16 kg; índice de massa corporal (IMC): 17.85 ± 3.16 kg/m2) e 231 eram rapazes (idade: 9.75 ± 0.33 anos; altura: 137.17 ± 6.97cm; peso: 34.3 ± 8.09 kg; IMC: 18.09 ± 3.17 kg/m2), pela DXA (QDR – 1500: Hologic, Waltham, MA, pencil beam mode, software version 5.67 anhanced whole body analisis) e pelas pregas adiposas subcutâneas, cujo os valores das pregas adiposas tricipital e geminal foram utilizados na equação desenvolvida por Slaugther e col., (1988). Na análise estatística, foram utilizadas a comparação de médias, a regressão linear e a concordância entre os métodos. Resultados: A %MG obtida por ambos os métodos apresentou diferenças significativas (p<0.05) entre os géneros, sendo as raparigas as que apresentam, em média, maiores valores de gordura corporal. Tanto para os rapazes como para as raparigas a %MGDXA é superior à %MGSKF. Na predição dos valores de %MG, a equação de Slaugther e col., (1988) tem para ambos os sexos (raparigas: r=0.94; EPE=3.2 e rapazes: r=0.96; EPE=2.7) uma correlação elevada com reduzido erro padrão de estimação com a DXA. Na análise de concordância entre os métodos, os rapazes parecem apresentar uma maior concordância entre o método alternativo e o método de referência, com os limites de concordância a variarem entre -9.26 e 1.57, enquanto nas raparigas variam entre -11.19 e 3.16. Em ambos os sexos é visível a subestimação, em valor médio, do método de referência, com uma média da diferença a situar-se nos -3.8% e -4.0%, respectivamente para rapazes e raparigas. Discussão: A equação de Slaugther e col., (1988) explica, para as raparigas, 87.5% da variância do método de referência, enquanto nos rapazes, 91.3% da variância é explicada.A diferença entre os métodos alternativo e de referência está dependente do nível de adiposidade, sendo que o método alternativo tende a sobrestimar a %MG nas crianças mais magras e a subestimar nas mais gordas. A equação de Slaugther e col., (1988) apresentou uma validade aceitável na avaliação da composição corporal num grupo de crianças, constituindo uma alternativa rápida na estimação da composição corporal numa avaliação inicial em escolas, clubes e estudos de larga escala. Contudo a sua utilidade, para uma correcta intervenção na saúde da criança, pode apresentar uma validade limitada, pelo que pode ser justificada a utilização de um método mais válido em termos clínicos, como a DXA.


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Cancer goes on to be a frightening disease by humanity, simetimes,it is considered as death, suffering and stigma synonym. Occurring at childhood, this meaning seems to acquire a more intense conotation, having in view of the perplexity and godliness feeling in the presence of the precocity of events, nearly always associated to the death. A psychologist co-existence with the cancer children is going acquiring, thus, a permeated sense by incognitas , fears and fantasy, which raised us the following question: how does the psychologist that answers children with cancer lives this experience? Therefore, the aim this research was to understand this co-existence experience. Our theoretical perspective comes from an existencial fenomenology and, more specifically, the Humanistic Approach and Martin Heidegger Existencial Ontology. The metodology is qualitative of phenomenological character. The access instrument to the experience was the narrative, such as purpose by Walter Benjamin. They were carried out nine semi-open interviews with psychologists who work on pediatric oncology services of Natal-RN city. Such interviews were recorded in cassette, transcripted and later, re-educated. These interviews were recorded, transcribed and later on edited with the help of the interviewee and turned into a text. The narrative comprehension was carried out on Heidegger Existencial Ontology, on dada exaustive reading and the clipping of indicative passages of experience sense of being psychologist on this area. The research suggests that the experience is oriented of clinic kowing-doing, being crossed by implications of key thematics which indicate the care as central ontologic element that orientates the way as these professionals come being in the world in association with the clientèle. Besides, the caring experience of these children acquire the sense of true living experience, since the cancer undoes the immortality illusion, launching the psychologist to his/her condition of being to the death and with that, calling him/her the authenticity. Is is only not dealt with to experience the anguish and the death imminence, but above all, re-meaning them in favour of a continual learning, of quality answering , besides other possibilities. Working with child cancer brings news perspectives and world views, making the psychologist a more human people and sensitive to the distracted needs. And we believe that, regardless of area which actuates, being psychologist is a particular way which choose to be citizen. Is is a project that will be delimited by society, history and culture and after all, by us like human being. Therefore, we understand that the results this research suggest the discussed thematic deepening on this intervention field in order to new sense possibilities can arise giving origin to other reflections about the clinical practice, the professional formation in Psychology and other possible developments


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The tales of children's literature, in their plots, mark existential dilemmas belonging in human‟s lives, such as death, situations of separation, loss, abandonment, fear, challenges, achievements and other elements that make them suitable material to assist children in their developmental process. Such elements, present in children‟s storybooks, are close to the experiences lived by the children in the context of hospitalization in a special manner. With that said this study focus on the understanding of the therapeutic possibilities of the tales of children's literature in the care of hospitalized children in Pediatric Intensive Care Units (UTIPED) based on the Heidegger's concept of Care and adopting the Phenomenology as the method. The UTIPED of a state public hospital located in the municipality of Natal/RN was elected as the study site and four hospitalized children aged between six and nine years, all males, presenting different clinical conditions were selected to participate in the study following age and clinical conditions as the selective criteria. The procedure of corpus construction included eight individual sessions of storytelling accompanied by the use of ludic resources. The phenomenological understanding about the therapeutic possibilities of tales was structured under three main elements: (1) the ludic axis; (2) the reflective axis; and (3) the affective axis. The appropriateness of the proposed therapy in the context of the UTIPED and the potential of the tales as a protection factor to the child was evident. The storytelling activity framed a scenario of care unusual in the context of intensive care units, establishing a symbolic space for children‟s expression. Therefore, this study indicates this therapeutic proposal for children‟s care in the UTIPED that considers their evolutionary stage, their clinical conditions at the time and especially their emotional needs during their immersion in a diverse and foreign environment which is filled with potentially harmful elements to their full development.