979 resultados para Carbon isotopes, Salt Ranges, Kashmir, Himalaya, Nepal, rifting, sequence stratigraphy
Isotopic characterization of carbon in the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) pool is fundamental for a wide array of scientific studies directly related to gas hydrate research. In order to generate integrated and internally consistent data of d13C of DIC in pore waters from Hydrate Ridge, we used the modern continuous flow technology of a GasBench II automated sampler interfaced to a gas source stable isotope mass spectrometer for the rapid determination (~80 samples/day) of d13C DIC in small-volume water samples. The overall precision of this technique is conservatively estimated to be better than ±0.15 per mil (1 sigma), which is similar to the precision of methods in current use. Here we present the data generated from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 204 pore water samples.
Gas hydrates represent one of the largest pools of readily exchangeable carbon on Earth's surface. Releases of the greenhouse gas methane from hydrates are proposed to be responsible for climate change at numerous events in geological history. Many of these inferred events, however, were based on carbonate carbon isotopes which are susceptible to diagenetic alterations. Here we propose a molecular fossil proxy, i.e., the "Methane Index (MI)", to detect and document the destabilization and dissociation of marine gas hydrates. MI consists of the relative distribution of glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), the core membrane lipids of archaea. The rational behind MI is that in hydrate-impacted environments, the pool of archaeal tetraether lipids is dominated by GDGT-1, -2 and -3 due to the large contribution of signals from the methanotrophic archaeal community. Our study in the Gulf of Mexico cold-seep sediments demonstrates a correlation between MI and the compound-specific carbon isotope of GDGTs, which is strong evidence supporting the MI-methane consumption relationship. Preliminary applications of MI in a number of hydrate-impacted and/or methane-rich environments show diagnostic MI values, corroborating the idea that MI may serve as a robust indicator for hydrate dissociation that is useful for studies of global carbon cycling and paleoclimate change.
In order to investigate a possible connection between tropical northeast (NE) Atlantic primary productivity, Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), and drought in the Sahel region during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1), we used dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) assemblages, Mg/Ca based reconstructed temperatures, stable carbon isotopes (d13C) and geochemical parameters of a marine sediment core (GeoB 9508-5) from the continental slope offshore Senegal. Our results show a two-phase productivity pattern within HS1 that progressed from an interval of low marine productivity between ~ 19 and 16 kyr BP to a phase with an abrupt and large productivity increase from ~ 16 to 15 kyr BP. The second phase is characterized by distinct heavy planktonic d13C values and high concentrations of heterotrophic dinocysts in addition to a significant cooling signal based on reconstructions of past sea surface temperatures (SST). We conclude that productivity variations within HS1 can be attributed to a substantial shift of West African atmospheric processes. Taken together our results indicate a significant intensification of the North East (NE) trade winds over West Africa leading to more intense upwelling during the last millennium of HS1 between ~ 16 and 15 kyr BP, thus leaving a strong imprint on the dinocyst assemblages and sea surface conditions. Therefore, the two-phase productivity pattern indicates a complex hydrographic setting suggesting that HS1 cannot be regarded as uniform as previously thought.
An Eocene-Oligocene oxygen and carbon isotope history based on planktonic and benthic foraminifers from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 71 cores has been constructed for the Maurice Ewing Bank of the eastern Falkland Plateau, Southwest Atlantic Ocean. Specifically, the cores cover portions of the middle Eocene, upper Eocene, and lower Oligocene. Surface water isotopic temperatures postulated for the middle Eocene at Site 512 fluctuated within about four degrees but generally averaged about 9°C. Bottom isotopic temperatures at Site 512 (water depth, 1846 m) were generally a degree lower than surface water temperatures. Surface water isotopic temperatures at Site 511 initially averaged about 11°C during the late Eocene, but dropped to an average of 7°C in the early Oligocene. Bottom isotopic temperatures at Site 511 (water depth, 2589 m) generally record temperatures between 12.5°C and 8°C, similar to the range in the surface water isotopic temperatures. During the early Oligocene, bottom isotopic temperatures dropped sharply and averaged about 2°C (very close to present-day values). Surface water temperature values also decreased to an average of about 7°C, therefore leading to a significant divergence between surface and bottom water isotopic temperatures during the early Oligocene. Comparisons among Southern Ocean DSDP Sites 511, 512, and 277, and between these and other DSDP sites from central and northern latitudes (Sites 44, 167, 171, 292, 357, 398, 119, and 401) show that much of the Eocene was characterized by relatively warm temperatures until sometime in either the middle Eocene, late Eocene, or early Oligocene. At each site, conspicuous 18O enrichments occur in both the benthic and planktonic foraminifers over a relatively short period of time. Although a general trend toward a climatic deterioration is evident, the density of data points among the various studies is still too sparse to determine either synchrony or time-transgression between the major isotopic events. A close correlation could be made between the Site 511 oxygen isotope temperature curve and paleoclimatic trends derived independently from radiolarian studies. The sharp temperature drop and the divergence between bottom and surface water temperatures during the early Oligocene apparently reflect a major expansion of the antarctic water mass. The migration of the boundary between the subantarctic and antarctic water masses over the site at this time would account in part for the sharp temperature changes. Sharp changes of this nature would not necessarily be noted in other geographic areas, particularly those to the north which have different oceanographic regimes.
The chronostratigraphy of Guandao section has served as the foundation for numerous studies of the end-Permian extinction and biotic recovery in south China. Guandao section is continuous from the Permian-Triassic boundary to the Upper Triassic.Conodonts enable broad delineation of stage and substage boundaries and calibration of foraminifer biostratigraphy as follows. Changhsingian- Griesbachian: first Hindeodus parvus, and first appearance of foraminifers Postcladella kalhori and Earlandia sp. Griesbachian-Dienerian: first Neospathodus dieneri, and last appearance of foraminifer P. grandis. Dienerian-Smithian: first Novispathodus waageni and late Dienerian first appearance of foraminifer Hoyenella ex gr. sinensis. Smithian-Spathian: first Nv? crassatus and last appearance of foraminifers Arenovidalina n. sp. and Glomospirella cf. vulgaris. Spathian-Aegean: first Chiosella timorensis and first appearance of foraminifer Meandrospira dinarica. Aegean-Bithynian: first Nicoraella germanica and first appearance of foraminifer Pilammina densa. Bithynian-Pelsonian: after last Neogondolella regalis, prior to first Paragondolella bulgarica and first appearance of foraminifer Aulotortus eotriasicus. Pelsonian-Illyrian: first Pg. excelsa and last appearance of foraminifers Meandrospira ? deformata and Pilamminella grandis. Illyrian-Fassanian: first Budurovignathus truempyi, and first appearance of foraminifers Abriolina mediterranea and Paleolituonella meridionalis. Fassanian-Longobardian: first Bv. mungoensis and last appearance of foraminifer A. mediterranea. Longobardian-Cordevolian: first Quadralella polygnathiformis and last appearance of foraminifers Turriglomina mesotriasica and Endotriadella wirzi. The section contains primary magnetic signature with frequent reversals occurring around the Permian-Triassic, Olenekian-Anisian, and Anisian-Ladinian boundaries. Predominantly normal polarity occurs in the lower Smithian, Bithynian, and Longobardian-Cordevolian. Predominantly reversed polarity occurs in the upper Griesbachian, Induan-Olenekian, Pelsonian and lower Illyrian. Reversals match well with the GPTS. Large amplitude carbon isotope excursions, attaining values as low as -2.9 per mil d13C and high as +5.7 per mil d13C, characterize the Lower Triassic and basal Anisian. Values stabilize around +2 per mil d13C through the Anisian to Carnian. Similar signatures have been reported globally. Magnetic susceptibility and synthetic gamma ray logs show large fluctuations in the Lower Triassic and an overall decline in magnitude of fluctuation through the Middle and Upper Triassic. The largest spikes in magnetic susceptibility and gamma ray, indicating greater terrestrial lithogenic flux, correspond to positive d13C excursions. Several volcanic ash horizons occur in the Lower Triassic and Olenekian-Anisian boundary. High resolution U-Pb analysis of zircons provide a robust age of 247.2 Ma for the Olenekian-Anisian boundary.
A detailed oxygen and carbon isotope study of the upper Maestrichtian-lower Paleocene section of Hole 516F from the Rio Grande Rise reveals that large isotopic anomalies are clearly associated with the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. Across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, the total carbonate content reaches a maximum exceeding 80% before rapidly decreasing in covariance with the carbon isotope record. This strong covariance between d13C and percent CaCO3 suggests either a significant reduction in primary productivity or a rapid shoaling of the calcium carbonate compensation depth. Importantly, the d13C record 2 Ma after the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary remained depleted in 13C by at least 0.5 per mil compared to the late Maestrichtian.
(Table 4 and 5) Oxygen and carbon isotopes from Inoceramus and paleotemperature at DSDP Hole 75-530A