994 resultados para Carbon Partitioning


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The Ocean Drilling Program Leg 175 recovered a unique series of stratigraphically continuous sedimentary sections along the SW African margin, an area which is presently affected by active coastal upwelling. The accumulation rates of organic and inorganic carbon are a major component of this record. Four Leg 175 sites (1082, 1084, 1085, 1087) are chosen as part of a latitudinal transect from the present northern to southern boundaries of the Benguela Current upwelling system, to decipher the Pliocene-Pleistocene history of biogenic production and its relationship with global and local changes in oceanic circulation and climate. The pattern of CaCO3 and Corg mass accumulation rates (MARs) over 0.25-Myr intervals indicates that the evolution of carbon burial is highly variable between the northern and the southern Benguela regions, as well as between sites that have similar hydrological conditions. This, as well as the presence over most locations of high-amplitude, rapid changes of carbon burial, reflect the partitioning of biogenic production and patterns of sedimentation into local compartments over the Benguela margin. The combined mapping of CaCO3 and Corg MARs at the study locations suggests four distinct evolutionary periods, which are essentially linked with major steps in global climate change: the early Pliocene, the mid-Pliocene warm event, a late Pliocene intensification of northern hemisphere glaciation and the Pleistocene. The early Pliocene spatially heterogeneous patterns of carbon burial are thought to reflect the occurrence of mass-gravitational movements over the Benguela slope which resulted in disruption of the recorded biogenic production. This was followed (3.5-3 Ma) by an episode of peak carbonate accumulation over the whole margin and, subsequently, by the onset of Benguela provincialism into a northern and a southern sedimentary regime near 2 Ma. This mid and late Pliocene evolution is interpreted as a direct response to changes in the ventilation of bottom and intermediate waters, as well as to dynamics of the subtropical gyral circulation and associated wind stress.


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Los estudios sobre la asignación del carbono en los ecosistemas forestales proporcionan información esencial para la comprensión de las diferencias espaciales y temporales en el ciclo del carbono de tal forma que pueden aportar información a los modelos y, así predecir las posibles respuestas de los bosques a los cambios en el clima. Dentro de este contexto, los bosques Amazónicos desempeñan un papel particularmente importante en el balance global del carbono; no obstante, existen grandes incertidumbres en cuanto a los controles abióticos en las tasas de la producción primaria neta (PPN), la asignación de los productos de la fotosíntesis a los diferentes componentes o compartimentos del ecosistema (aéreo y subterráneo) y, cómo estos componentes de la asignación del carbono responden a eventos climáticos extremos. El objetivo general de esta tesis es analizar los componentes de la asignación del carbono en bosques tropicales maduros sobre suelos contrastantes, que crecen bajo condiciones climáticas similares en dos sitios ubicados en la Amazonia noroccidental (Colombia): el Parque Natural Nacional Amacayacu y la Estación Biológica Zafire. Con este objetivo, realicé mediciones de los componentes de la asignación del carbono (biomasa, productividad primaria neta, y su fraccionamiento) a nivel ecosistémico y de la dinámica forestal (tasas anuales de mortalidad y reclutamiento), a lo largo de ocho años (20042012) en seis parcelas permanentes de 1 hectárea establecidas en cinco tipos de bosques sobre suelos diferentes (arcilloso, franco-arcilloso, franco-arcilloso-arenoso, franco-arenoso y arena-francosa). Toda esta información me permitió abordar preguntas específicas que detallo a continuación. En el Capítulo 2 evalúe la hipótesis de que a medida que aumenta la fertilidad del suelo disminuye la cantidad del carbono asignado a la producción subterránea (raíces finas con diámetro <2 mm). Y para esto, realicé mediciones de la masa y la producción de raíces finas usando dos métodos: (1) el de los cilindros de crecimiento y, (2) el de los cilindros de extracción secuencial. El monitoreo se realizó durante 2.2 años en los bosques con suelos más contrastantes: arcilla y arena-francosa. Encontré diferencias significativas en la masa de raíces finas y su producción entre los bosques y, también con respecto a la profundidad del suelo (010 y 1020 cm). El bosque sobre arena-francosa asignó más carbono a las raíces finas que el bosque sobre arcillas. La producción de raíces finas en el bosque sobre arena-francosa fue dos veces más alta (media ± error estándar = 2.98 ± 0.36 y 3.33 ± 0.69 Mg C ha1 año1, con el método 1 y 2, respectivamente), que para el bosque sobre arcillas, el suelo más fértil (1.51 ± 0.14, método 1, y desde 1.03 ± 0.31 a 1.36 ± 0.23 Mg C ha1 año1, método 2). Del mismo modo, el promedio de la masa de raíces finas fue tres veces mayor en el bosque sobre arena-francosa (5.47 ± 0.17 Mg C ha1) que en el suelo más fértil (de 1.52 ± 0.08 a 1.82 ± 0.09 Mg C ha1). La masa de las raíces finas también mostró un patrón temporal relacionado con la lluvia, mostrando que la producción de raíces finas disminuyó sustancialmente en el período seco del año 2005. Estos resultados sugieren que los recursos del suelo pueden desempeñar un papel importante en los patrones de la asignación del carbono entre los componentes aéreo y subterráneo de los bosques tropicales; y que el suelo no sólo influye en las diferencias en la masa de raíces finas y su producción, sino que también, en conjunto con la lluvia, sobre la estacionalidad de la producción. En el Capítulo 3 estimé y analicé los tres componentes de la asignación del carbono a nivel del ecosistema: la biomasa, la productividad primaria neta PPN, y su fraccionamiento, en los mismos bosques del Capítulo 2 (el bosque sobre arcillas y el bosque sobre arena-francosa). Encontré diferencias significativas en los patrones de la asignación del carbono entre los bosques; el bosque sobre arcillas presentó una mayor biomasa total y aérea, así como una PPN, que el bosque sobre arena-francosa. Sin embargo, la diferencia entre los dos bosques en términos de la productividad primaria neta total fue menor en comparación con las diferencias entre la biomasa total de los bosques, como consecuencia de las diferentes estrategias en la asignación del carbono a los componentes aéreo y subterráneo del bosque. La proporción o fracción de la PPN asignada a la nueva producción de follaje fue relativamente similar entre los dos bosques. Nuestros resultados de los incrementos de la biomasa aérea sugieren una posible compensación entre la asignación del carbono al crecimiento de las raíces finas versus el de la madera, a diferencia de la compensación comúnmente asumida entre la parte aérea y la subterránea en general. A pesar de estas diferencias entre los bosques en términos de los componentes de la asignación del carbono, el índice de área foliar fue relativamente similar entre ellos, lo que sugiere que el índice de área foliar es más un indicador de la PPN total que de la asignación de carbono entre componentes. En el Capítulo 4 evalué la variación espacial y temporal de los componentes de la asignación del carbono y la dinámica forestal de cinco tipos e bosques amazónicos y sus respuestas a fluctuaciones en la precipitación, lo cual es completamente relevante en el ciclo global del carbono y los procesos biogeoquímicos en general. Estas variaciones son así mismo importantes para evaluar los efectos de la sequía o eventos extremos sobre la dinámica natural de los bosques amazónicos. Evalué la variación interanual y la estacionalidad de los componentes de la asignación del carbono y la dinámica forestal durante el periodo 2004−2012, en cinco bosques maduros sobre diferentes suelos (arcilloso, franco-arcilloso, franco-arcilloso-arenoso, franco-arenoso y arena-francosa), todos bajo el mismo régimen local de precipitación en la Amazonia noroccidental (Colombia). Quería examinar sí estos bosques responden de forma similar a las fluctuaciones en la precipitación, tal y como pronostican muchos modelos. Consideré las siguientes preguntas: (i) ¿Existe una correlación entre los componentes de la asignación del carbono y la dinámica forestal con la precipitación? (ii) ¿Existe correlación entre los bosques? (iii) ¿Es el índice de área foliar (LAI) un indicador de las variaciones en la producción aérea o es un reflejo de los cambios en los patrones de la asignación del carbono entre bosques?. En general, la correlación entre los componentes aéreo y subterráneo de la asignación del carbono con la precipitación sugiere que los suelos juegan un papel importante en las diferencias espaciales y temporales de las respuestas de estos bosques a las variaciones en la precipitación. Por un lado, la mayoría de los bosques mostraron que los componentes aéreos de la asignación del carbono son susceptibles a las fluctuaciones en la precipitación; sin embargo, el bosque sobre arena-francosa solamente presentó correlación con la lluvia con el componente subterráneo (raíces finas). Por otra parte, a pesar de que el noroeste Amazónico es considerado sin una estación seca propiamente (definida como <100 mm meses −1), la hojarasca y la masa de raíces finas mostraron una alta variabilidad y estacionalidad, especialmente marcada durante la sequía del 2005. Además, los bosques del grupo de suelos francos mostraron que la hojarasca responde a retrasos en la precipitación, al igual que la masa de raíces finas del bosque sobre arena-francosa. En cuanto a la dinámica forestal, sólo la tasa de mortalidad del bosque sobre arena-francosa estuvo correlacionada con la precipitación (ρ = 0.77, P <0.1). La variabilidad interanual en los incrementos en el tallo y la biomasa de los individuos resalta la importancia de la mortalidad en la variación de los incrementos en la biomasa aérea. Sin embargo, las tasas de mortalidad y las proporciones de individuos muertos por categoría de muerte (en pie, caído de raíz, partido y desaparecido), no mostraron tendencias claras relacionadas con la sequía. Curiosamente, la hojarasca, el incremento en la biomasa aérea y las tasas de reclutamiento mostraron una alta correlación entre los bosques, en particular dentro del grupo de los bosques con suelos francos. Sin embargo, el índice de área foliar estimado para los bosques con suelos más contrastantes (arcilla y arena-francosa), no presentó correlación significativa con la lluvia; no obstante, estuvo muy correlacionado entre bosques; índice de área foliar no reflejó las diferencias en la asignación de los componentes del carbono, y su respuesta a la precipitación en estos bosques. Por último, los bosques estudiados muestran que el noroeste amazónico es susceptible a fenómenos climáticos, contrario a lo propuesto anteriormente debido a la ausencia de una estación seca propiamente dicha. ABSTRACT Studies of carbon allocation in forests provide essential information for understanding spatial and temporal differences in carbon cycling that can inform models and predict possible responses to changes in climate. Amazon forests play a particularly significant role in the global carbon balance, but there are still large uncertainties regarding abiotic controls on the rates of net primary production (NPP) and the allocation of photosynthetic products to different ecosystem components; and how the carbon allocation components of Amazon forests respond to extreme climate events. The overall objective of this thesis is to examine the carbon allocation components in old-growth tropical forests on contrasting soils, and under similar climatic conditions in two sites at the Amacayacu National Natural Park and the Zafire Biological Station, located in the north-western Amazon (Colombia). Measurements of above- and below-ground carbon allocation components (biomass, net primary production, and its partitioning) at the ecosystem level, and dynamics of tree mortality and recruitment were done along eight years (20042012) in six 1-ha plots established in five Amazon forest types on different soils (clay, clay-loam, sandy-clay-loam, sandy-loam and loamy-sand) to address specific questions detailed in the next paragraphs. In Chapter 2, I evaluated the hypothesis that as soil fertility increases the amount of carbon allocated to below-ground production (fine-roots) should decrease. To address this hypothesis the standing crop mass and production of fine-roots (<2 mm) were estimated by two methods: (1) ingrowth cores and, (2) sequential soil coring, during 2.2 years in the most contrasting forests: the clay-soil forest and the loamy-sand forest. We found that the standing crop fine-root mass and its production were significantly different between forests and also between soil depths (0–10 and 10–20 cm). The loamysand forest allocated more carbon to fine-roots than the clay-soil forest, with fine-root production in the loamy-sand forest twice (mean ± standard error = 2.98 ± 0.36 and 3.33 ± 0.69 Mg C ha −1 yr −1, method 1 and 2, respectively) as much as for the more fertile claysoil forest (1.51 ± 0.14, method 1, and from 1.03 ± 0.31 to 1.36 ± 0.23 Mg C ha −1 yr −1, method 2). Similarly, the average of standing crop fine-root mass was three times higher in the loamy-sand forest (5.47 ± 0.17 Mg C ha1) than in the more fertile soil (from 1.52 ± 0.08 a 1.82 ± 0.09 Mg C ha1). The standing crop fine-root mass also showed a temporal pattern related to rainfall, with the production of fine-roots decreasing substantially in the dry period of the year 2005. These results suggest that soil resources may play an important role in patterns of carbon allocation of below-ground components, not only driven the differences in the biomass and its production, but also in the time when it is produced. In Chapter 3, I assessed the three components of stand-level carbon allocation (biomass, NPP, and its partitioning) for the same forests evaluated in Chapter 2 (clay-soil forest and loamy-sand forest). We found differences in carbon allocation patterns between these two forests, showing that the forest on clay-soil had a higher aboveground and total biomass as well as a higher above-ground NPP than the loamy-sand forest. However, differences between the two types of forests in terms of stand-level NPP were smaller, as a consequence of different strategies in the carbon allocation of above- and below-ground components. The proportional allocation of NPP to new foliage production was relatively similar between the two forests. Our results of aboveground biomass increments and fine-root production suggest a possible trade-off between carbon allocation to fine-roots versus wood growth (as it has been reported by other authors), as opposed to the most commonly assumed trade-off between total above- and below-ground production. Despite these differences among forests in terms of carbon allocation components, the leaf area index showed differences between forests like total NPP, suggesting that the leaf area index is more indicative of total NPP than carbon allocation. In Chapter 4, I evaluated the spatial and temporal variation of carbon allocation components and forest dynamics of Amazon forests as well as their responses to climatic fluctuations. I evaluated the intra- and inter-annual variation of carbon allocation components and forest dynamics during the period 2004−2012 in five forests on different soils (clay, clay-loam, sandy-clay-loam, sandy-loam and loamy-sand), but growing under the same local precipitation regime in north-western Amazonia (Colombia). We were interested in examining if these forests respond similarly to rainfall fluctuations as many models predict, considering the following questions: (i) Is there a correlation in carbon allocation components and forest dynamics with precipitation? (ii) Is there a correlation among forests? (iii) Are temporal responses in leaf area index (LAI) indicative of variations of above-ground production or a reflection of changes in carbon allocation patterns among forests?. Overall, the correlation of above- and below-ground carbon allocation components with rainfall suggests that soils play an important role in the spatial and temporal differences of responses of these forests to rainfall fluctuations. On the one hand, most forests showed that the above-ground components are susceptible to rainfall fluctuations; however, there was a forest on loamy-sand that only showed a correlation with the below-ground component (fine-roots). On the other hand, despite the fact that north-western Amazonia is considered without a conspicuous dry season (defined as <100 mm month−1), litterfall and fine-root mass showed high seasonality and variability, particularly marked during the drought of 2005. Additionally, forests of the loam-soil group showed that litterfall respond to time-lags in rainfall as well as and the fine-root mass of the loamy-sand forest. With regard to forest dynamics, only the mortality rate of the loamy-sand forest was significantly correlated with rainfall (77%). The observed inter-annual variability of stem and biomass increments of individuals highlighted the importance of the mortality in the above-ground biomass increment. However, mortality rates and death type proportion did not show clear trends related to droughts. Interestingly, litterfall, above-ground biomass increment and recruitment rates of forests showed high correlation among forests, particularly within the loam-soil forests group. Nonetheless, LAI measured in the most contrasting forests (clay-soil and loamysand) was poorly correlated with rainfall but highly correlated between forests; LAI did not reflect the differences in the carbon allocation components, and their response to rainfall on these forests. Finally, the forests studied highlight that north-western Amazon forests are also susceptible to climate fluctuations, contrary to what has been proposed previously due to their lack of a pronounced dry season.


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Three components of carbon allocation, biomass, flux, and partitioning, were measured in two contrasting Amazon forests growing under similar climatic conditions. Allocation to aboveground compartments was highest in a high-stature forest growing on clay soils, while allocation to fine roots was higher in a short-stature forest growing on white sands. Differences in carbon allocation components where not proportional between the two forests, with soils controlling a trade-off between allocation to fine roots versus aboveground parts.


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Salt accumulation in spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaves first inhibits photosynthesis by decreasing stomatal and mesophyll conductances to CO2 diffusion and then impairs ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (S. Delfine, A. Alvino, M. Zacchini, F. Loreto [1998] Aust J Plant Physiol 25: 395–402). We measured gas exchange and fluorescence in spinach recovering from salt accumulation. When a 21-d salt accumulation was reversed by 2 weeks of salt-free irrigation (rewatering), stomatal and mesophyll conductances and photosynthesis partially recovered. For the first time, to our knowledge, it is shown that a reduction of mesophyll conductance can be reversed and that this may influence photosynthesis. Photosynthesis and conductances did not recover when salt drainage was restricted and Na content in the leaves was greater than 3% of the dry matter. Incomplete recovery of photosynthesis in rewatered and control leaves may be attributed to an age-related reduction of conductances. Biochemical properties were not affected by the 21-d salt accumulation. However, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activity and content were reduced by a 36- to 50-d salt accumulation. Photochemical efficiency was reduced only in 50-d salt-stressed leaves because of a decrease in the fraction of open photosystem II centers. A reduction in chlorophyll content and an increase in the chlorophyll a/b ratio were observed in 43- and 50-d salt-stressed leaves. Low chlorophyll affects light absorptance but is unlikely to change light partitioning between photosystems.


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A semi-arid mangrove estuary system in the northeast Brazilian coast (Ceará state) was selected for this study to (i) evaluate the impact of shrimp farm nutrient-rich wastewater effluents on the soil geochemistry and organic carbon (OC) storage and (ii) estimate the total amount of OC stored in mangrove soils (0–40 cm). Wastewater-affected mangrove forests were referred to as WAM and undisturbed areas as Non-WAM. Redox conditions and OC content were statistically correlated (P < 0.05) with seasonality and type of land use (WAM vs. Non-WAM). Eh values were from anoxic to oxic conditions in the wet season (from − 5 to 68 mV in WAM and from < 40 to > 400 mV in Non-WAM soils) and significantly higher (from 66 to 411 mV) in the dry season (P < 0.01). OC contents (0–40 cm soil depth) were significantly higher (P < 0.01) in the wet season than the dry season, and higher in Non-WAM soils than in WAM soils (values of 8.1 and 6.7 kg m− 2 in the wet and dry seasons, respectively, for Non-WAM, and values of 3.8 and 2.9 kg m− 2 in the wet and dry seasons, respectively, for WAM soils; P < 0.01). Iron partitioning was significantly dependent (P < 0.05) on type of land use, with a smaller degree of pyritization and lower Fe-pyrite presence in WAM soils compared to Non-WAM soils. Basal respiration of soil sediments was significantly influenced (P < 0.01) by type of land use with highest CO2 flux rates measured in the WAM soils (mean values of 0.20 mg CO2 h− 1–g− 1 C vs. 0.04 mg CO2 h− 1–g− 1 C). The OC storage reduction in WAM soils was potentially caused (i) by an increase in microbial activity induced by loading of nutrient-rich effluents and (ii) by an increase of strong electron acceptors [e.g., NO3−] that promote a decrease in pyrite concentration and hence a reduction in soil OC burial. The current estimated OC stored in mangrove soils (0–40 cm) in the state of Ceará is approximately 1 million t.


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Siloxanes are widely used in personal care and industrial products due to their low surface tension, thermal stability, antimicrobial and hydrophobic properties, among other characteristics. Volatile methyl siloxanes (VMS) have been detected both in landfill gas and biogas from anaerobic digesters at wastewater treatment plants. As a result, they are released to gas phase during waste decomposition and wastewater treatment. During transformation processes of digester or landfill gas to energy, siloxanes are converted to silicon oxides, leaving abrasive deposits on engine components. These deposits cause increased maintenance costs and in some cases complete engine overhauls become necessary. The objectives of this study were to compare the VMS types and levels present in biogas generated in the anaerobic digesters and landfills and evaluate the energetics of siloxane transformations under anaerobic conditions. Siloxane emissions, resulting from disposal of silicone-based materials, are expected to increase by 29% within the next 10 years. Estimated concentrations and the risk factors of exposure to siloxanes were evaluated based on the initial concentrations, partitioning characteristics and persistence. It was determined that D4 has the highest risk factor associated to bioaccumulation in liquid and solid phase, whereas D5 was highest in gas phase. Additionally, as siloxanes are combusted, the particle size range causes them to be potentially hazardous to human health. When inhaled, they may affix onto the alveoli of the lungs and may lead to development of silicosis. Siloxane-based COD-loading was evaluated and determined to be an insignificant factor concerning COD limits in wastewater. Removal of siloxane compounds is recommended prior to land application of biosolids or combustion of biogas. A comparison of estimated costs was made between maintenance practices for removal of siloxane deposits and installation/operation of fixed-bed carbon absorption systems. In the majority of cases, the installation of fixed-bed adsorption systems would not be a feasible option for the sole purpose of siloxane removal. However they may be utilized to remove additional compounds simultaneously.


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No clear scenario has yet been able to explain the full carbon drawdown that occurred during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM); however, increased export production (EP) in the Subantarctic Zone (SAZ) of the Southern Ocean due to iron (Fe) fertilisation has been proposed to have provided a key mechanism affecting the air-sea partitioning of carbon. We chronicle changes in marine EP based on four sediment cores in Subtropical Waters (STW) and SAZ around New Zealand since the LGM. For the first time in this region, we present 230-Thorium normalised fluxes of biogenic opal, carbonate (CaCO3), excess Barium (xsBa), and organic Carbon (Corg). In STW and SAZ, these flux variations show that EP did not change markedly since the LGM. The only exception was a site in the SAZ close to the STF, where we suggest the STF shifted over the core site, driving increased EP. To understand why EP was mostly low and constant we investigated dust deposition changes by measuring lithogenic fluxes at the four sites. These data are coherent with an increased dust deposition in the southwest Pacific during the LGM. Additionally, we infer an increased lithogenic material discharge from erosion and glacier melts during the deglaciation, limited to the Campbell Plateau. Therefore, we propose that even though increased glacial dust deposition may have relieved Fe limitation within the SAZ, the availability of silicic acid (Si(OH)4) limited any resultant increase in carbon export during the LGM. Consequently, we infer low Si(OH)4 concentrations in the SAZ that have not significantly changed since the LGM. This result suggests that both Si(OH)4 and Fe co-limit EP in the SAZ around New Zealand, which would be consistent with modern process studies.


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We investigated total storage and landscape partitioning of soil organic carbon (SOC) in continuous permafrost terrain, central Canadian Arctic. The study is based on soil chemical analyses of pedons sampled to 1 m depth at 35 individual sites along three transects. Radiocarbon dating of cryoturbated soil pockets, basal peat and fossil wood shows that cryoturbation processes have been occurring since the Middle Holocene and that peat deposits started to accumulate in a forest-tundra environment where spruce was present (~6000 cal yrs BP). Detailed partitioning of SOC into surface organic horizons, cryoturbated soil pockets and non-cryoturbated mineral soil horizons is calculated (with storage in active layer and permafrost calculated separately) and explored using principal component analysis. The detailed partitioning and mean storage of SOC in the landscape are estimated from transect vegetation inventories and a land cover classification based on a Landsat satellite image. Mean SOC storage in the 0-100 cm depth interval is 33.8 kg C/m**2, of which 11.8 kg C/m**2 is in permafrost. Fifty-six per cent of the total SOC mass is stored in peatlands (mainly bogs), but cryoturbated soil pockets in Turbic Cryosols also contribute significantly (17%). Elemental C/N ratios indicate that this cryoturbated soil organic matter (SOM) decomposes more slowly than SOM in surface O-horizons.


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It has been proposed that increasing levels of pCO2 in the surface ocean will lead to more partitioning of the organic carbon fixed by marine primary production into the dissolved rather than the particulate fraction. This process may result in enhanced accumulation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the surface ocean and/or concurrent accumulation of transparent exopolymer particles (TEPs), with important implications for the functioning of the marine carbon cycle. We investigated this in shipboard bioassay experiments that considered the effect of four different pCO2 scenarios (ambient, 550, 750 and 1000 µatm) on unamended natural phytoplankton communities from a range of locations in the northwest European shelf seas. The environmental settings, in terms of nutrient availability, phytoplankton community structure and growth conditions, varied considerably between locations. We did not observe any strong or consistent effect of pCO2 on DOC production. There was a significant but highly variable effect of pCO2 on the production of TEPs. In three of the five experiments, variation of TEP production between pCO2 treatments was caused by the effect of pCO2 on phytoplankton growth rather than a direct effect on TEP production. In one of the five experiments, there was evidence of enhanced TEP production at high pCO2 (twice as much production over the 96 h incubation period in the 750 ?atm treatment compared with the ambient treatment) independent of indirect effects, as hypothesised by previous studies. Our results suggest that the environmental setting of experiments (community structure, nutrient availability and occurrence of phytoplankton growth) is a key factor determining the TEP response to pCO2 perturbations.


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Siloxanes are widely used in personal care and industrial products due to their low surface tension, thermal stability, antimicrobial and hydrophobic properties, among other characteristics. Volatile methyl siloxanes (VMS) have been detected both in landfill gas and biogas from anaerobic digesters at wastewater treatment plants. As a result, they are released to gas phase during waste decomposition and wastewater treatment. During transformation processes of digester or landfill gas to energy, siloxanes are converted to silicon oxides, leaving abrasive deposits on engine components. These deposits cause increased maintenance costs and in some cases complete engine overhauls become necessary. ^ The objectives of this study were to compare the VMS types and levels present in biogas generated in the anaerobic digesters and landfills and evaluate the energetics of siloxane transformations under anaerobic conditions. Siloxane emissions, resulting from disposal of silicone-based materials, are expected to increase by 29% within the next 10 years. Estimated concentrations and the risk factors of exposure to siloxanes were evaluated based on the initial concentrations, partitioning characteristics and persistence. It was determined that D4 has the highest risk factor associated to bioaccumulation in liquid and solid phase, whereas D5 was highest in gas phase. Additionally, as siloxanes are combusted, the particle size range causes them to be potentially hazardous to human health. When inhaled, they may affix onto the alveoli of the lungs and may lead to development of silicosis. Siloxane-based COD-loading was evaluated and determined to be an insignificant factor concerning COD limits in wastewater. ^ Removal of siloxane compounds is recommended prior to land application of biosolids or combustion of biogas. A comparison of estimated costs was made between maintenance practices for removal of siloxane deposits and installation/operation of fixed-bed carbon absorption systems. In the majority of cases, the installation of fixed-bed adsorption systems would not be a feasible option for the sole purpose of siloxane removal. However they may be utilized to remove additional compounds simultaneously.^