958 resultados para Capacitação tecnológica - Setor sucroalcooleiro
A cultura da cana de açúcar é de relevante importância social e econômica no Estado de São Paulo devido, principalmente à produção de açúcar e biocombustível, movimentando um representativo volume monetário, bem como relevante quantidade de empregos temporários gerados no período de colheita. Analisando a situação, do corte manual versos o corte mecanizado verificamos que ainda é uma atividade frequentemente associada à poluição ambiental pela queima prévia da palha. Neste contexto a mecanização necessariamente deve se dar ao mesmo tempo que a criação de novos postos de trabalho, ou seja, a adoção de novas tecnologias e o estabelecimento de políticas públicas garantidoras do nível de empregos e renda perdidos. Percebe-se necessidade de intervenção governamental no sentido de elaboração de políticas publicas desenvolvidas com apelo regional, a fim de assegurarem meios de sobrevivência. O sistema da cana-de-açúcar é complexo e o objetivo deste trabalho é discutir a recolocação dos cortadores de cana em atividades que lhe proporcionem renda, dignidade e melhor qualidade de vida. Portanto as políticas publicas devem ser planejadas priorizando o desenvolvimento regional tanto na região de destino, quanto nas regiões de origem dos trabalhadores, de forma a diminuir a necessidade de migração, fixando o homem em suas oportunidades assegurando meios de sobrevivência. A iniciativa governamental de qualificação através do PlanSeQ Plano Setorial de Qualificação é muito interessante porém se comparada à necessidade do setor ainda representa pouco pela necessidade da mecanização.
This work evaluates the existing potential in the state of Sao Paulo for the generation of electrical energy using the sugar cane bagasse as fuel. As the bagasse is a by-product of the sugarcane and alcohol industry and it is produced in large scale in the country, mainly in the state of Sao Paulo, it is important to develop researches that aim the best utilization of this input. In order to determine its potential, at first, a study was conducted considering the utilization of the cogeneration, which is a common practice in the plants of the sector. However, it was concluded that the cogeneration could provide a higher quantity of energy if more modern technologies and more efficient processes were used. Another study to estimate the potential considered a system of gasification of the sugar cane bagasse integrated with the combined cycle (BIG/GTCC). It was concluded that this technology can provide a considerable increase in the electrical supply. In this work it was also developed an energetic study based on real data from a plant located in the state of Sao Paulo. A thermodynamic analysis was done in the existing equipment of the cogeneration section of the plant. And another analysis was done considering the implementation of the BIG/GTCC technology to the cogeneration system. Comparing the results of both settings, it was concluded that the utilization of the sugar cane bagasse integrated to a combined cycle increased considerably the efficiency in the generation of electricity of the plant, increasing more than six times its production capacity of electrical energy
This work evaluates the existing potential in the state of Sao Paulo for the generation of electrical energy using the sugar cane bagasse as fuel. As the bagasse is a by-product of the sugarcane and alcohol industry and it is produced in large scale in the country, mainly in the state of Sao Paulo, it is important to develop researches that aim the best utilization of this input. In order to determine its potential, at first, a study was conducted considering the utilization of the cogeneration, which is a common practice in the plants of the sector. However, it was concluded that the cogeneration could provide a higher quantity of energy if more modern technologies and more efficient processes were used. Another study to estimate the potential considered a system of gasification of the sugar cane bagasse integrated with the combined cycle (BIG/GTCC). It was concluded that this technology can provide a considerable increase in the electrical supply. In this work it was also developed an energetic study based on real data from a plant located in the state of Sao Paulo. A thermodynamic analysis was done in the existing equipment of the cogeneration section of the plant. And another analysis was done considering the implementation of the BIG/GTCC technology to the cogeneration system. Comparing the results of both settings, it was concluded that the utilization of the sugar cane bagasse integrated to a combined cycle increased considerably the efficiency in the generation of electricity of the plant, increasing more than six times its production capacity of electrical energy
A responsabilidade socioambiental tem fomentado novas relações no ambiente organizacional, para promover uma forma de desenvolvimento que ampare as dimensões econômica, ambiental e social, corroborando com os pressupostos estabelecidos pelo desenvolvimento sustentável. Assim, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo identificar as ações de gerenciamento ambiental na Pioneiros Bionergia S.A. O estudo de caso se deu por meio de observação sistemática, entrevista semiestruturada e análise documental. Os resultados apontam que a empresa se preocupa com a responsabilidade ambiental, investindo em inovações que reutilizem os resíduos para gerar novos processos de produção e, assim, contribuir com o meio ambiente. Além disso, a empresa seleciona os fornecedores que não problema com a legislação ambiental e trabalhista.
O modelo brasileiro de utilização de recursos provenientes de biomassa pode ser considerado como referência na utilização em substituição da matriz energética. Dentre eles o etanol vem se destacando como uma fonte de bioenergia cada vez mais utilizada, principalmente na frota de veículos, tal incentivo vem sendo sedimentado ao longo de quase quatro décadas desde a primeira crise do petróleo com a implantação do PROALCOOL até o desenvolvimento e a aplicação da tecnologia de carros bicombustíveis conhecidos como veículos flex, que hoje representam aproximadamente 90% dos automóveis vendidos. O presente trabalho buscará identificar a existência de uma relação entre os indicadores de produção de automóveis, o aumento de produção de etanol e as variáveis macroeconômicas pelos índices de INCC, IPCA e IGP-M que são amplamente conhecidos e reconhecidos pelo governo, empresários e população. Foi utilizada a técnica multivariada de regressão e correlação com auxilio do oftware SPSS. Os resultados sugerem que existe uma correlação entre os índices macroeconômicos mais baixos e o aumento da produção de automóveis e de etanol.
Parte 1 Conceitos e aplicações: Fundamentos da Certificação, Luis Fernando Guedes Pinto e Laura de Santis Prada - Possibilidades na cana-de-açúcar, Luís Fernando Guedes Pinto, Laura de Santis Prada e Isabel Cristina Rodrigues. Parte 2: Perspectivas do Setor: Produção e suas alternativas, Francisco Alves e Tamás Szmrecsányi - Mercados de Açúcar Orgânico, Antonio Oswaldo Storel Júnior e Pedro Ramos. Parte 3: Desafios Socioambientais: Relações de Trabalho, Marcelo Paixão e Francisco Alves - Agroindústria e Meio-Ambiente, Daniel Bertoli Gonçalves, José Maria Gusman Ferraz e Tamás Szmrecsányi - Especificidades do Nordeste, Paulo José Adissi e Wagner Spagnul
The main objective of this dissertation is to examine the implications of technological capacities in the improvement of technical performance indexes, specifically at the company level. These relationships were examined in a small sample of metal-working enterprises in the state of Rio de Janeiro (1960 to 2006). Although diverse studies on technological competences have been carried out in the last twenty years, a gap in empirical studies still exist that correlate the performance of companies in the context of developing countries, especially in Brazil. Aiming to contribute to a reduction of these gaps, this dissertation examines the questions by the light of available models in literature, which opting themselves to using operational indexes of companies. For drawing the accumulation of technological competences in this study, the metric proposal by Figueiredo (2000) shall be used indicating the levels of technological qualification in process, product, and equipment functions. The empirical evidence examined in this dissertation is both qualitative and quantitative in nature and were collected, first hand, through extensive field research involving informal interviews, meetings, direct-site observation and document analysis. In relation to the results, the evidence suggests that: - In terms of technological accumulation, a company reached Level 5 of technological capacity in process and organization of production as well as product and equipment. Three companies obtained Level 4 in the function process function while two others had reached the same technological level in the functions of product and equipment. Two companies had reached Level 3 in the product and equipment functions and one remained this level in the function of process; - In terms of the rate of accumulation of technological capacities, the observed companies had reached Level 4 needs 29 years in process function, 32 years in product function and 29 years in equipment function; - In terms of improvement performance pointers, a company which reached Level 5 of technological capacity improved in 70% of its indicators of performance, while the company that had achieved Level 4 had raised its pointers 60% and the other companies had gotten improved in the order of 40%. It was evidenced that the majority of the pointers of the companies with higher levels of technological capacities had obtained better performance. This dissertation contributes to advancing the strategic management of companies in metal-working segment to understanding internal accumulation of technological capacity and indicators of performance especially in the field of empirical context studied. This information offers management examples of how to improve competitive performance through the accumulation of technological capacities in the process, product and equipment functions.