929 resultados para Capacitação e gestão tecnológica - Setor sucroalcooleiro


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The purpose of this work is to study the incorporation of hydrogen production (Case A) and the process of gasification of sugarcane bagasse associated with combined cycle gas turbine and steam turbine (Case B) for Distillery Pioneers process. These technologies can be used to improve the energy supply in the sugarcane mill. Initially the processes for obtaining sugar and ethanol from sugarcane is discussed, with a theoretical introduction to hydrogen, the process of steam reforming and gasification of biomass (bagasse) by inserting a turbine associated with the recovery boiler gas. Subsequently makes up the energy and exergy analysis of the incorporation of the above technologies. In end stage makes it an ecological analysis considering or not the carbon cycle (photosynthesis), to determine the levels of emissions of pollutants, carbon dioxide equivalent, indicators of pollution and ecological efficiencies associated with technological developments proposed. It is concluded that hydrogen production by steam reforming of ethanol and gasification of bagasse are viable alternatives from the point of view of technical and environmental applications in the biofuels industry, contributing to the development of the sector in the country


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This work studies the incorporation of new technologies in the sugarcane sector. Are considered the ethanol steam reforming and the gasification of sugarcane bagasse(by-product) processes associated with combined cycle systems (Gas Turbine + Steam Turbine), aggregating hydrogen production and increased electricity supply in the sector, respectively. To verify the technical feasibility of the incorporation processes was performed a thermodynamic analysis, considering data from a typical Brazilian Sugar Cane Industry. In another step the economic viability study of the hydrogen production process was made, with consideration on hydrated and anhydrous ethanol steam reform, comparing the cost of hydrogen production. Also considered studies of economic engineering of the gasification process and the generation of electricity associated. As conclusions, it follows that the ethanol steam reforming is a great alternative for hydrogen production, presenting production cost relatively low, especially when is considered the steam reforming of hydrated ethanol. For the gasification process associated with combined cycle, can be observed an increase of 8.56 times of the electricity production in the sugar cane industry, indicating a positive annual saving when the sales price of the supply electricity is greater than 0.070 US$/kWh. Finally it can be concluded that the incorporation of these new processes allow greater profitability and operational flexibility of Brazilian sugarcane mills


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In this work is studied the fluid dynamic characteristics of sugarcane bagasse for gasification applications and use of syngas in the sugarcane sector. This is an experimental work, which is initially performed the particle size separation of sugarcane bagasse particles, using appropriate equipment. Through the experiment is possible to determine the average diameter of particles pomace typical sugarcane mill. The equipment used for the grading sieve separation assembly consists of several dimensions, arranged vertically and which shows adequate for good separation from the pulp. Later, it makes immediate analysis for the determination of moisture, ash, volatile materials and fixed carbon. The study also determines the gross calorific value and allows analysis of densities of particles of sugar cane bagasse. Also studied the bagasse morphology using electron microscopes, where it was possible to visualize the geometry of the particles of bagasse. The use of Electronic Scanning Microscopy (SEM) provided better understand the morphology and particle size measured by using photography methods. Two methods for determining the sphericity of the particles were also used. The experiments carried out using appropriate standards and specific equations, allowing compare the present results with the values found by several researchers. Subsequently, fluid dynamic simulations were performed for the determination of porosity and minimum fluidization velocity theoretical. It follows that the sphericity and porosity of the bagasse particles influence the minimum fluidization velocity of biomass


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A busca por novas fontes de energia é consequência do aumento da demanda de energia consumida no mundo. Com a instabilidade política dos países detentores das maiores reservas de combustíveis fósseis e a eminência do esgotamento dos recursos naturais surge a preocupação de produzir uma energia mais limpa, desta forma, surgem os estudos com a biomassa, no caso, a cana de açúcar. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo entender as relações do cultivo cana e da produção de etanol, caracterizando seus impactos socioambientais. Além disso, procura demonstrar a manifestação de um dos efeitos negativos gerados na fase agrícola. A prática da queima da cana é muito antiga, porém ainda muito utilizada. Esta gera efeitos diretos na saúde do trabalhador e da população, neste sentido, procuramos saber se a população está ciente desta prática e das suas implicações. Portanto, esta pesquisa justifica-se para colaborar com os estudos ligados a produção de energias mais limpas, para alcançar o desenvolvimento sustentável


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A cultura da cana de açúcar é de relevante importância social e econômica no Estado de São Paulo devido, principalmente à produção de açúcar e biocombustível, movimentando um representativo volume monetário, bem como relevante quantidade de empregos temporários gerados no período de colheita. Analisando a situação, do corte manual versos o corte mecanizado verificamos que ainda é uma atividade frequentemente associada à poluição ambiental pela queima prévia da palha. Neste contexto a mecanização necessariamente deve se dar ao mesmo tempo que a criação de novos postos de trabalho, ou seja, a adoção de novas tecnologias e o estabelecimento de políticas públicas garantidoras do nível de empregos e renda perdidos. Percebe-se necessidade de intervenção governamental no sentido de elaboração de políticas publicas desenvolvidas com apelo regional, a fim de assegurarem meios de sobrevivência. O sistema da cana-de-açúcar é complexo e o objetivo deste trabalho é discutir a recolocação dos cortadores de cana em atividades que lhe proporcionem renda, dignidade e melhor qualidade de vida. Portanto as políticas publicas devem ser planejadas priorizando o desenvolvimento regional tanto na região de destino, quanto nas regiões de origem dos trabalhadores, de forma a diminuir a necessidade de migração, fixando o homem em suas oportunidades assegurando meios de sobrevivência. A iniciativa governamental de qualificação através do PlanSeQ Plano Setorial de Qualificação é muito interessante porém se comparada à necessidade do setor ainda representa pouco pela necessidade da mecanização.


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This work evaluates the existing potential in the state of Sao Paulo for the generation of electrical energy using the sugar cane bagasse as fuel. As the bagasse is a by-product of the sugarcane and alcohol industry and it is produced in large scale in the country, mainly in the state of Sao Paulo, it is important to develop researches that aim the best utilization of this input. In order to determine its potential, at first, a study was conducted considering the utilization of the cogeneration, which is a common practice in the plants of the sector. However, it was concluded that the cogeneration could provide a higher quantity of energy if more modern technologies and more efficient processes were used. Another study to estimate the potential considered a system of gasification of the sugar cane bagasse integrated with the combined cycle (BIG/GTCC). It was concluded that this technology can provide a considerable increase in the electrical supply. In this work it was also developed an energetic study based on real data from a plant located in the state of Sao Paulo. A thermodynamic analysis was done in the existing equipment of the cogeneration section of the plant. And another analysis was done considering the implementation of the BIG/GTCC technology to the cogeneration system. Comparing the results of both settings, it was concluded that the utilization of the sugar cane bagasse integrated to a combined cycle increased considerably the efficiency in the generation of electricity of the plant, increasing more than six times its production capacity of electrical energy


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This work evaluates the existing potential in the state of Sao Paulo for the generation of electrical energy using the sugar cane bagasse as fuel. As the bagasse is a by-product of the sugarcane and alcohol industry and it is produced in large scale in the country, mainly in the state of Sao Paulo, it is important to develop researches that aim the best utilization of this input. In order to determine its potential, at first, a study was conducted considering the utilization of the cogeneration, which is a common practice in the plants of the sector. However, it was concluded that the cogeneration could provide a higher quantity of energy if more modern technologies and more efficient processes were used. Another study to estimate the potential considered a system of gasification of the sugar cane bagasse integrated with the combined cycle (BIG/GTCC). It was concluded that this technology can provide a considerable increase in the electrical supply. In this work it was also developed an energetic study based on real data from a plant located in the state of Sao Paulo. A thermodynamic analysis was done in the existing equipment of the cogeneration section of the plant. And another analysis was done considering the implementation of the BIG/GTCC technology to the cogeneration system. Comparing the results of both settings, it was concluded that the utilization of the sugar cane bagasse integrated to a combined cycle increased considerably the efficiency in the generation of electricity of the plant, increasing more than six times its production capacity of electrical energy


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