884 resultados para Canopy cover
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A utilização de ecossistemas naturais como meta a ser atingida e a seleção de indicadores para monitoramento dos projetos são temas controversos na ciência e na prática da restauração. Analisamos a vegetação ripária em quatro remanescentes de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, para verificar se alguns atributos dessas comunidades se repetem em diferentes locais, podendo ser referência para esta região fitogeográfica. Instalamos dez parcelas de 100 m² em cada local, amostramos plantas lenhosas com altura ≥ 0,5 m, divididas em estrato regenerante (DAP < 5 cm) e estrato arbóreo (DAP ≥ 5 cm) e classificamos as espécies com base em atributos funcionais, raridade e status de ameaça. Contabilizamos lianas, pteridófitas e árvores com epífitas. As variáveis estruturais de densidade (estrato arbóreo e regenerante e árvores com epífitas), área basal e cobertura de copas não diferiram entre locais. Foram pouco variáveis entre as áreas a riqueza rarefeita para 100 indivíduos no estrato arbóreo, a riqueza total estimada por Jackknife e as proporções de espécies raras, tolerantes à sombra, de crescimento lento e zoocóricas. Porém, analisando-se a proporção de indivíduos na comunidade, somente a tolerância à sombra foi pouco variável. Para as outras variáveis analisadas não existem padrões que possam ser considerados referência para esta região fitogeográfica. No entanto, ainda que para algumas variáveis existam padrões, sua utilização como meta da restauração depende de: 1) prazos longos para monitoramento de projetos e, sobretudo, 2) estudos que demonstrem que os ecossistemas restaurados podem, um dia, igualar aos ecossistemas pré-existentes.
Bordas são áreas de transição entre dois ecossistemas e podem ter origem natural ou antrópica. A influência de borda inclui tanto os efeitos diretos, relacionados às alterações microambientais, como os efeitos indiretos que afetam as interações entre espécies. Adicionalmente, estudos sugerem que a orientação cardinal pode modificar os efeitos microambientais da borda. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência de borda sobre os fatores microambientais, as condições edáficas locais, a densidade e a riqueza de espécies em um Cerrado sensu stricto em Itirapina, SP, Brasil. Especificamente, nós investigamos se as características microambientais (umidade relativa do ar (%), radiação fotossinteticamente ativa (PAR), temperatura e porcentagem de abertura de dossel), as condições edáficas e a composição da vegetação diferem entre parcelas (36 parcelas de 25 × 2 m distanciadas 50 m entre si) distribuídas na borda e no interior, orientadas a leste e a sul do Cerrado estudado. Todos os indivíduos lenhosos com circunferência a 30 cm da base do caule ≥ 3 cm foram amostrados e marcados. As variáveis microambientais e as amostras de solo para análises químicas e granulométricas (0-20 cm de profundidade) foram coletadas em três pontos de cada parcela. Foi registrado um total de 120 espécies distribuídas em 40 famílias. Dentre os parâmetros estruturais da vegetação, somente a densidade absoluta foi significativamente maior no interior sul do fragmento. As variáveis microambientais diferiram significativamente entre as faces leste e sul, mas não entre borda e interior. Os parâmetros microambientais e estruturais não caracterizaram uma influência da borda. Entretanto, a orientação cardinal leste e sul e fatores microambientais associados, e a presença de determinados nutrientes no solo como o Mn, influenciaram a estrutura da vegetação de Cerrado e a sua composição em espécies. Nossos resultados ressaltam a importância de considerar a orientação cardinal, além da composição de nutrientes no solo, e dos fatores microambientais, para compreender as variações da vegetação em escala local.
The present study aimed to analyze the floristic and structural descriptors of tree species natural regeneration in a forest sector with synchronized bamboo (Merostachys multiramea Hackel) die-off (CT) and an adjacent area with continuous canopy cover (ST) in an araucaria forest fragment in the municipality of Lages, Santa Catarina state. A total of 14, 5x5m, plots (six plots in CT sector and eight in ST sector) were allocated, where all tree species regenerative individual with circumference at breast height smaller than 15cm and height higher than 25cm was measured (diameter at soil level) and identified. The richest families were: Myrtaceae (nine), Solanaceae (six) and Aquifoliaceae (four). The Shannon Diversity Index in ST and CT sectors were respectively 2.73 and 2.31. The species with the highest importance values in CT sector were Solanum variabile, Piptocarpha angustifolia, Mimosa scabrella, Jacaranda puberula and Solanum pseudoquina. In ST sector, the species with highest importance values were Myrsine lorentziana, Casearia decandra, Cinnamodendron dinisii, Drimys brasiliensis and Ilex paraguariensis. The results showed that the synchronized bamboo die-off influenced the spatial variation in the floristic and structural descriptors of the tree species natural regeneration.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA
Pós-graduação em Biociências - FCLAS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Regeneration microsites are characterized by diverse combinations of attributes which assure the best conditions for seed germination and seedling establishment. By understanding these attributes, we can contribute to determining better management methodologies for reestablishing ecological process in sites under restoration. Thus, we sought to characterize and differentiate the micro-site conditions of restoration plantings to indentify likely physical-chemical limitations for the establishment of native tree species in the forest understory. This study was carried out in reforestation plantings with different ages (10, 22 and 55 years). The physical-chemical characterization of the micro-site of regeneration of the study areas was carried out by evaluating the soil compression level, porosity, humidity, organic matter and nutrients content and granulometry, as well as litter dry mass and canopy cover. An increase on the canopy cover and soil porosity, humidity, clay and organic matter content were observed in the oldest restored areas, as well as a decrease in soil compression. Thus, these findings demonstrated that the evaluated microsite properties are in process of restoration. Therefore, microsite conditions for seedling establishment become even more similar to reference ecosystems as restoration planting evolve.
Throughout the Upper Great Lakes region, alterations to historic disturbance regimes have influenced plant community dynamics in hemlock-hardwood forests. Several important mesic forest species, eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis), eastern white pine (Pinus strobus), and Canada yew (Taxus canadensis), are in decline due to exploitive logging practices used at the turn of the 20th century and the wave of intense fires that followed. Continued regeneration and recruitment failure is attributed to contemporary forest management practices and overbrowsing by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Therefore, I examined the influence of two concurrent disturbances, overstory removal and herbivory, on plant community dynamics in two hemlock-hardwood forests. I measured the post-disturbance regeneration response (herbaceous and woody species) inside and outside of deer exclosures in 20 artificial canopy gaps (50 – 450 m2) and monitored survival and growth for hundreds of planted seedlings. The results of this research show that interacting disturbances can play a large role in shaping plant community composition and structure in hemlock-hardwood forests. White-tailed deer herbivory homogenized the post-disturbance plant communities across the experimental gradient of gap areas, essentially making species compositions in small gaps “look like” those in large gaps. Deer browsing also influenced probability of survival for planted Canada yew cuttings; all else being equal an individual was nearly seven times more likely to survive if protected from herbivory (P < 0.001). In contrast, the ability of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) to persist under high levels of herbivory and respond rapidly to overstory release appears to be related to the presence of stem layering(i.e., portions of below-ground prostrate stem). Layering occurred in 52% of excavated saplings (n = 100) and was significantly associated with increased post-disturbance height growth. Understory light was also important to planted seedling establishment and height growth. Higher levels of direct under-canopy light negatively impacted survival for shade-tolerant hemlock and Canada yew, while an increase in diffuse light was linked to a higher probability of survival for yellow birch and height growth for hemlock and Canada yew. Increases in white pine height growth were also significantly associated with a decrease in canopy cover.
En 1976 se sembró E. lehmanniana Nees en la Reserva de Ñacuñán. Se evaluaron, después de 24 años de la siembra, la tasa lineal de dispersión, la abundancia y el impacto de esta especie exótica sobre la comunidad de gramíneas perennes nativas. Se compararon sitios dominados por la especie exótica con otros que incluían sólo vegetación nativa. Para comparar la cobertura de la canopia de las gramíneas, la cantidad de especies por parcela y la abundancia de la especie exótica se usó la prueba de Mann- Whitney. La especie exótica se dispersó 32 m año-1. Ella estaba presente en los caminos internos de la Reserva donde la vegetación nativa leñosa había sido eliminada y en el 45 % de los sitios ubicados en áreas no disturbadas adyacentes a los caminos. La cobertura total de las gramíneas nativas se redujo significativamente en los sitios donde la especie exótica estaba presente. La cantidad total de gramíneas por parcela no fue afectada por la presencia de E. lehmanniana. Pappophprum caespitosum, la gramínea dominante en Ñacuñán, y Sporobolus cryptandrus presentaron cobertura más baja en los sitios dominados por la especie exótica que en aquéllos no disturbados. La introducción de E. lehmanniana tuvo un impacto negativo en la composición de la comunidad de gramíneas perennes nativas en los sitios disturbados de la Reserva.
The conservation of birds and their habitats is essential to maintain well-functioning ecosystems including human-dominated habitats. In simplified or homogenized landscapes, patches of natural and semi-natural habitat are essential for the survival of plant and animal populations. We compared species composition and diversity of trees and birds between gallery forests, tree islands and hedges in a Colombian savanna landscape to assess how fragmented woody plant communities affect forest bird communities and how differences in habitat characteristics influenced bird species traits and their potential ecosystem function. Bird and tree diversity was higher in forests than in tree islands and hedges. Soil depth influenced woody species distribution, and canopy cover and tree height determined bird species distribution, resulting in plant and bird communities that mainly differed between forest and non-forest habitat. Bird and tree species and traits widely co-varied. Bird species in tree islands and hedges were on average smaller, less specialized to habitat and more tolerant to disturbance than in forest, but dietary differences did not emerge. Despite being less complex and diverse than forests, hedges and tree islands significantly contribute to the conservation of forest biodiversity in the savanna matrix. Forest fragments remain essential for the conservation of forest specialists, but hedges and tree islands facilitate spillover of more tolerant forest birds and their ecological functions such as seed dispersal from forest to the savanna matrix.
Changes in land use and land cover throughout the eastern half of North America have caused substantial declines in populations of birds that rely on grassland and shrubland vegetation types, including socially and economically important game birds such as the Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus; hereafter bobwhites). As much attention is focused on habitat management and restoration for bobwhites, they may act as an umbrella species for other bird species with similar habitat requirements. We quantified the relationship of bobwhites to the overall bird community and evaluated the potential for bobwhites to act as an umbrella species for grassland and shrubland birds. We monitored bobwhite presence and bird community composition within 31 sample units on selected private lands in the south-central United States from 2009 to 2011. Bobwhites were strongly associated with other grassland and shrubland birds and were a significant positive predictor for 9 species. Seven of these, including Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii), Dicksissel (Spiza americana), and Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum), are listed as species of conservation concern. Species richness and occupancy probability of grassland and shrubland birds were higher relative to the overall bird community in sample units occupied by bobwhites. Our results show that bobwhites can act as an umbrella species for grassland and shrubland birds, although the specific species in any given situation will depend on region and management objectives. These results suggest that efficiency in conservation funding can be increased by using public interest in popular game species to leverage resources to meet multiple conservation objectives.