951 resultados para Candida albicans morphology and interaction with Pseudomonas aeruginosa


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The Fc gamma receptor-associated gamma and zeta subunits contain a conserved cytoplasmic motif, termed the immunoglobulin gene tyrosine activation motif, which contains a pair of YXXL sequences. The tyrosine residues within these YXXL sequences have been shown to be required for transduction of a phagocytic signal. We have previously reported that the gamma subunit of the type IIIA Fc gamma receptor (Fc gamma RIIIA) is approximately 6 times more efficient in mediating phagocytosis than the zeta subunit of Fc gamma RIIIA. By exchanging regions of the cytoplasmic domains of the homologous gamma and zeta chains, we observed that the cytoplasmic area of the gamma chain bearing a pair of the conserved YXXL sequences is important in phagocytic signaling. Further specificity of phagocytic signaling is largely determined by the two internal XX amino acids in the YXXL sequences. In contrast, the flanking amino acids of the YXXL sequences including the seven intervening amino acids between the two YXXL sequences do not significantly affect the phagocytic signal. Furthermore, the protein-tyrosine kinase Syk, but not the related kinase ZAP-70, stimulated Fc gamma RIIIA-mediated phagocytosis. ZAP-70, however, increased phagocytosis when coexpressed with the Src family kinase Fyn. These data demonstrate the importance of the two specific amino acids within the gamma subunit YXXL cytoplasmic sequences in phagocytic signaling and explain the difference in phagocytic efficiency of the gamma and zeta chains. These results indicate the importance of Syk in Fc gamma RIIIA-mediated phagocytosis and demonstrate that ZAP-70 and syk differ in their requirement for a Src-related kinase in signal transduction.


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Reduced organic sulfur (ROS) compounds are environmentally ubiquitous and play an important role in sulfur cycling as well as in biogeochemical cycles of toxic metals, in particular mercury. Development of effective methods for analysis of ROS in environmental samples and investigations on the interactions of ROS with mercury are critical for understanding the role of ROS in mercury cycling, yet both of which are poorly studied. Covalent affinity chromatography-based methods were attempted for analysis of ROS in environmental water samples. A method was developed for analysis of environmental thiols, by preconcentration using affinity covalent chromatographic column or solid phase extraction, followed by releasing of thiols from the thiopropyl sepharose gel using TCEP and analysis using HPLC-UV or HPLC-FL. Under the optimized conditions, the detection limits of the method using HPLC-FL detection were 0.45 and 0.36 nM for Cys and GSH, respectively. Our results suggest that covalent affinity methods are efficient for thiol enrichment and interference elimination, demonstrating their promising applications in developing a sensitive, reliable, and useful technique for thiol analysis in environmental water samples. The dissolution of mercury sulfide (HgS) in the presence of ROS and dissolved organic matter (DOM) was investigated, by quantifying the effects of ROS on HgS dissolution and determining the speciation of the mercury released from ROS-induced HgS dissolution. It was observed that the presence of small ROS (e.g., Cys and GSH) and large molecule DOM, in particular at high concentrations, could significantly enhance the dissolution of HgS. The dissolved Hg during HgS dissolution determined using the conventional 0.22 μm cutoff method could include colloidal Hg (e.g., HgS colloids) and truly dissolved Hg (e.g., Hg-ROS complexes). A centrifugal filtration method (with 3 kDa MWCO) was employed to characterize the speciation and reactivity of the Hg released during ROS-enhanced HgS dissolution. The presence of small ROS could produce a considerable fraction (about 40% of total mercury in the solution) of truly dissolved mercury (< 3 kDa), probably due to the formation of Hg-Cys or Hg-GSH complexes. The truly dissolved Hg formed during GSH- or Cys-enhanced HgS dissolution was directly reducible (100% for GSH and 40% for Cys) by stannous chloride, demonstrating its potential role in Hg transformation and bioaccumulation.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Epithelial cells in oral cavities can be considered reservoirs for a variety of bacterial species. A polymicrobial intracellular flora associated with periodontal disease has been demonstrated in buccal cells. Important aetiological agents of systemic and nosocomial infections have been detected in the microbiota of subgingival biofilm, especially in individuals with periodontal disease. However, non-oral pathogens internalized in oral epithelial cells and their relationship with periodontal status are poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to detect opportunistic species within buccal and gingival crevice epithelial cells collected from subjects with periodontitis or individuals with good periodontal health, and to associate their prevalence with periodontal clinical status. Quantitative detection of total bacteria and Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterococcus faecalis in oral epithelial cells was determined by quantitative real-time PCR using universal and species-specific primer sets. Intracellular bacteria were visualized by confocal microscopy and fluorescence in situ hybridization. Overall, 33 % of cell samples from patients with periodontitis contained at least one opportunistic species, compared with 15 % of samples from healthy individuals. E. faecalis was the most prevalent species found in oral epithelial cells (detected in 20.6 % of patients with periodontitis, P = 0.03 versus healthy individuals) and was detected only in cells from patients with periodontitis. Quantitative real-time PCR showed that high levels of P. aeruginosa and S. aureus were present in both the periodontitis and healthy groups. However, the proportion of these species was significantly higher in epithelial cells of subjects with periodontitis compared with healthy individuals (P = 0.016 for P. aeruginosa and P = 0.047 for S. aureus). Although E. faecalis and P. aeruginosa were detected in 57 % and 50 % of patients, respectively, with probing depth and clinical attachment level ≥6 mm, no correlation was found with age, sex, bleeding on probing or the presence of supragingival biofilm. The prevalence of these pathogens in epithelial cells is correlated with the state of periodontal disease.


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Background In Enterobacteriaceae, β-lactam antibiotic resistance involves murein recycling intermediates. Murein recycling is a complex process with discrete steps taking place in the periplasm and the cytoplasm. The AmpG permease is critical to this process as it transports N-acetylglucosamine anhydrous N-acetylmuramyl peptides across the inner membrane. In Pseudomonadaceae, this intrinsic mechanism remains to be elucidated. Since the mechanism involves two cellular compartments, the characterization of transporters is crucial to establish the link. Results Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 has two ampG paralogs, PA4218 (ampP) and PA4393 (ampG). Topology analysis using β-galactosidase and alkaline phosphatase fusions indicates ampP andampG encode proteins which possess 10 and 14 transmembrane helices, respectively, that could potentially transport substrates. Both ampP and ampG are required for maximum expression of β-lactamase, but complementation and kinetic experiments suggest they act independently to play different roles. Mutation of ampG affects resistance to a subset of β-lactam antibiotics. Low-levels of β-lactamase induction occur independently of either ampP or ampG. Both ampG and ampP are the second members of two independent two-gene operons. Analysis of the ampG and ampPoperon expression using β-galactosidase transcriptional fusions showed that in PAO1, ampGoperon expression is β-lactam and ampR-independent, while ampP operon expression is β-lactam and ampR-dependent. β-lactam-dependent expression of the ampP operon and independent expression of the ampG operon is also dependent upon ampP. Conclusions In P. aeruginosa, β-lactamase induction occurs in at least three ways, induction at low β-lactam concentrations by an as yet uncharacterized pathway, at intermediate concentrations by an ampPand ampG dependent pathway, and at high concentrations where although both ampP and ampGplay a role, ampG may be of greater importance. Both ampP and ampG are required for maximum induction. Similar to ampC, ampP expression is inducible in an ampR-dependent manner. Importantly, ampP expression is autoregulated and ampP also regulates expression of ampG. Both AmpG and AmpP have topologies consistent with functions in transport. Together, these data suggest that the mechanism of β-lactam resistance of P. aeruginosa is distinct from well characterized systems in Enterobacteriaceae and involves a highly complicated interaction between these putative permeases and known Amp proteins.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative opportunistic pathogen. Several antibiotic resistant strains of P. aeruginosa are commonly found as secondary infection in immune-compromised patients leaving significant mortality and healthcare cost. Pseudomonas aeruginosa successfully avoids the process of phagocytosis, the first line of host defense, by secreting several toxic effectors. Effectors produced from P. aeruginosa Type III secretion system are critical molecules required to disrupt mammalian cell signaling and holds particular interest to the scientists studying host-pathogen interaction. Exoenzyme S (ExoS) is a bi-functional Type III effector that ADP-ribosylates several intracellular Ras (Rat sarcoma) and Rab (Response to abscisic acid) small GTPases in targeted host cells. The Rab5 protein acts as a rate limiting protein during phagocytosis by switching from a GDP- bound inactive form to a GTP-bound active form. Activation and inactivation of Rab5 protein is regulated by several Rab5-GAPs (GTPase Activating Proteins) and Rab5-GEFs (Rab5-Guanine nucleotide Exchange Factors). Some pathogenic bacteria have shown affinity for Rab proteins during infection and make their way inside the cell. This dissertation demonstrated that Rab5 plays a critical role during early steps of P. aeruginosa invasion in J774-Eclone macrophages. It was found that live, but not heat inactivated, P. aeruginosa inhibited phagocytosis that occurred in conjunction with down-regulation of Rab5 activity. Inactivation of Rab5 was dependent on ExoS ADP-ribosyltransferase activity, and more than one arginine sites in Rab5 are possible targets for ADP-ribosylation modification. However, the expression of Rin1, but not other Rab5GEFs (Rabex-5 and Rap6) reversed this down-regulation of Rab5 in vivo. Further studies revealed that the C-terminus of Rin1 carrying Rin1:Vps9 and Rin1:RA domains are required for optimal Rab5 activation in conjunction with active Ras. These observations demonstrate a novel mechanism of Rab5 targeting to phagosome via Rin1 during the phagocytosis of P. aeruginosa. The second part of this dissertation investigated antimicrobial activities of Dehydroleucodine (DhL), a secondary metabolite from Artemisia douglasiana, against P. aeruginosa growth and virulence. Populations of several P. aeruginosa strains were completely susceptible to DhL at a concentration between 0.48~0.96 mg/ml and treatment at a threshold concentration (0.12 mg/ml) inhibited growth and many virulent activities without damaging the integrity of the cell suggesting anti-Pseudomonas activity of DhL.


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The isoleucine and valine biosynthetic enzyme acetolactate synthase (Ilv2p) is an attractive antifungal drug target, since the isoleucine and valine biosynthetic pathway is not present in mammals, Saccharomyces cerevisiae ilv2Delta mutants do not survive in vivo, Cryptococcus neoformans ilv2 mutants are avirulent, and both S. cerevisiae and Cr. neoformans ilv2 mutants die upon isoleucine and valine starvation. To further explore the potential of Ilv2p as an antifungal drug target, we disrupted Candida albicans ILV2, and demonstrated that Ca. albicans ilv2Delta mutants were significantly attenuated in virulence, and were also profoundly starvation-cidal, with a greater than 100-fold reduction in viability after only 4 h of isoleucine and valine starvation. As fungicidal starvation would be advantageous for drug design, we explored the basis of the starvation-cidal phenotype in both S. cerevisiae and Ca. albicans ilv2Delta mutants. Since the mutation of ILV1, required for the first step of isoleucine biosynthesis, did not suppress the ilv2Delta starvation-cidal defects in either species, the cidal phenotype was not due to alpha-ketobutyrate accumulation. We found that starvation for isoleucine alone was more deleterious in Ca. albicans than in S. cerevisiae, and starvation for valine was more deleterious than for isoleucine in both species. Interestingly, while the target of rapamycin (TOR) pathway inhibitor rapamycin further reduced S. cerevisiae ilv2Delta starvation viability, it increased Ca. albicans ilv1Delta and ilv2Delta viability. Furthermore, the recovery from starvation was dependent on the carbon source present during recovery for S. cerevisiae ilv2Delta mutants, reminiscent of isoleucine and valine starvation inducing a viable but non-culturable-like state in this species, while Ca. albicans ilv1Delta and ilv2 Delta viability was influenced by the carbon source present during starvation, supporting a role for glucose wasting in the Ca. albicans cidal phenotype.


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The metalloproteases ZapA of Proteus mirabilis and LasB of Pseudomonas aeruginosa are known to be virulence factors their respective opportunistic bacterial pathogens, and are members of the structurally related serralysin and thermolysin families of bacterial metalloproteases respectively. Secreted at the site of infection, these proteases play a key role in the infection process, contributing to tissue destruction and processing of components of the host immune system. Inhibition of these virulence factors may therefore represent an antimicrobial strategy, attenuating the virulence of the infecting pathogen. Previously we have screened a library of N-alpha mercaptoamide dipeptide inhibitors against both ZapA and LasB, with the aim of mapping the S1' binding site of the enzymes, revealing both striking similarities and important differences in their binding preferences. Here we report the design, synthesis, and screening of several inhibitor analogues, based on two parent inhibitors from the original library. The results have allowed for further characterization of the ZapA and LasB active site binding pockets, and have highlighted the possibility for development of broad-spectrum bacterial protease inhibitors, effective against enzymes of the thermolysin and serralysin metalloprotease families.


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Monitoring the emergence and transmission of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains among cystic fibrosis (CF) patients is important for infection control in CF centers internationally. A recently developed multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme is used for epidemiologic analyses of P. aeruginosa outbreaks; however, little is known about its suitability for isolates from CF patients compared with that of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-PCR (ERIC-PCR). As part of a prevalence study of P. aeruginosa strains in Australian CF clinics, we compared the discriminatory power and concordance of ERIC-PCR, PFGE, and MLST among 93 CF sputum and 11 control P. aeruginosa isolates. PFGE and MLST analyses were also performed on 30 paired isolates collected 85 to 354 days apart from 30 patients attending two CF centers separated by 3,600 kilometers in order to detect within-host evolution. Each of the three methods displayed high levels of concordance and discrimination; however, overall lower discrimination was seen with ERIC-PCR than with MLST and PFGE. Analysis of the 50 ERIC-PCR types yielded 54 PFGE types, which were related by ≤ 6 band differences, and 59 sequence types, which were classified into 7 BURST groups and 42 singletons. MLST also proved useful for detecting novel and known strains and for inferring relatedness among unique PFGE types. However, 47% of the paired isolates produced PFGE patterns that within 1 year differed by one to five bands, whereas with MLST all paired isolates remained identical. MLST thus represents a categorical analysis tool with resolving power similar to that of PFGE for typing P. aeruginosa. Its focus on highly conserved housekeeping genes is particularly suited for long-term clinical monitoring and detecting novel strains.


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Pyocyanin is a versatile and multifunctional phenazine, widely used as a bio-control agent. Besides its toxicity in higher concentration, it has been applied as bio-control agents against many pathogens including the Vibrio spp. in aquaculture systems. The exact mechanism of the production of pyocyanin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa is well known, but the genetic modification of pyocyanin biosynthetic pathways in P. aeruginosa is not yet experimented to improve the yield of pyocyanin production. In this context, one of the aims of this work was to improve the yield of pyocyanin production in P. aeruginosa by way of increasing the copy number of pyocyanin pathway genes and their over expression. The specific aims of this work encompasses firstly, the identification of probiotic effect of P. aeruginosa isolated from various ecological niches, the overexpression of pyocyanin biosynthetic genes, development of an appropriate downstream process for large scale production of pyocyanin and its application in aquaculture industries. In addition, this work intends to examine the toxicity of pyocyanin on various developmental stages of tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon), Artemia nauplii, microbial consortia of nitrifying bioreactors (Packed Bed Bioreactor, PBBR and Stringed Bed Suspended Bioreactor, SBSBR) and in vitro cell culture systems from invertebrates and vertebrates. The present study was undertaken with a vision to manage the pathogenic vibrios in aquaculture through eco-friendly and sustainable management strategies with the following objectives: Identification of Pseudomonas isolated from various ecological niches and its antagonism to pathogenic vibrios in aquaculture.,Saline dependent production of pyocyanin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa originated from different ecological niches and their selective application in aquaculture,Cloning and overexpression of Phz genes encoding phenazine biosynthetic pathway for the enhanced production of pyocyanin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa MCCB117,Development of an appropriate downstream process for large scale production of pyocyanin from PA-pUCP-Phz++; Structural elucidation and functional analysis of the purified compoundToxicity of pyocyanin on various biological systems.


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INTRODUCTION: Cystic fibrosis (CF) almost always leads to chronic airway infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Despite advances in antibiotic therapy, after chronic infection rapid deterioration in lung function occurs, increasing morbidity and mortality. Prevention of infection by vaccination is desirable, but earlier trials produced disappointing results. The promising short term immunogenicity and safety of a new P. aeruginosa vaccine prompted us to evaluate its long term efficacy. We conducted a 10-year retrospective analysis of outcomes in a group of vaccinated patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 1989-1990, 30 young children with CF, mean age 7 years, with no prior history of infection with P. aeruginosa, were vaccinated against P. aeruginosa with a polyvalent conjugate vaccine. We report the follow-up of 26 of these patients from 1989 to 2001. The patients were given yearly vaccine boosters. Comparisons were made with a CF patient control group matched for gender, age and, where possible, genetic mutation. Vaccinated patients and controls were attending a single CF clinic and received the same clinical management throughout the study period. Main outcomes were time to infection, proportion of patients infected, development of P. aeruginosa mucoid phenotype, lung function and body weight. RESULTS: The time to infection with P. aeruginosa was longer in the vaccination group than in the control group, and fewer vaccinated patients than controls became chronically infected (32% versus 72%; P < 0.001). The proportion of mucoid infections was higher in the control group (44%) than in the vaccinated group (25%). Patients >/=18 years of age at the end of the study had a lower mean forced expiratory volume at 1 s (FEV1) than did those 13-17 years of age, but this difference was small in the vaccinated group (73.6% versus 83.7%) compared with the controls (48.0% versus 78.7%). In the >/=18 year age category the mean FEV1% at 10 years was 73.6% (vaccinated) and 48.0% (controls) (P < 0.05). In the vaccinated group only 11 (44%) of 25 patients were underweight at the 10-year follow-up compared with 18 (72%) of 25 at the beginning of the study. In the control group 17 (68%) of 25 patients were underweight at 10-year follow-up compared with 16 (64%) of 25 at the beginning of the study. CONCLUSION: Regular vaccination of young CF patients for a period of 10 years with a polyvalent conjugate vaccine reduced the frequency of chronic infection with P. aeruginosa. This was associated with better preservation of lung function. Vaccinated patients gained more weight during the study period, a possible indication of an improved overall health status.


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Patients with cystic fibrosis (CF; N = 26) and with no prior history of infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa were immunized with an octavalent O-polysaccharide-toxin A conjugate vaccine. During the next 4 years, 16 patients (61.5%) remained free of infection and 10 (38.5%) became infected. Total serum antilipopolysaccharide (LPS) antibody levels induced by immunization were comparable in infected and noninfected patients. In contrast, 12 of 16 noninfected versus 3 of 10 infected patients (p = 0.024) mounted and maintained a high-affinity anti-LPS antibody response. When compared retrospectively with the rate in a group of age- and gender-matched, nonimmunized, noncolonized patients with CF, the rate at which P. aeruginosa infections were acquired was significantly lower (p < or = 0.02) among all immunized versus nonimmunized patients during the first 2 years of observation. Subsequently, only those immunized patients who maintained a high-affinity anti-LPS antibody response had a significant reduction (p < or = 0.014) in the rate of infection during years 3 and 4. Smooth, typeable strains of P. aeruginosa predominated among immunized patients; rough, nontypeable strains were most frequently isolated from nonimmunized patients. Mucoid variants were isolated from one immunized patient versus six nonimmunized patients. These results indicate that the induction of a high-affinity P. aeruginosa anti-LPS antibody response can influence the rate of infection in patients with CF.


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Chitinase (EC is an important enzyme for the remodeling of chitin in the cell wall of fungi. We have cloned three chitinase genes (CHT1, CHT2, and CHT3) from the dimorphic human pathogen Candida albicans. CHT2 and CHT3 have been sequenced in full and their primary structures have been analyzed: CHT2 encodes a protein of 583 aa with a predicted size of 60.8 kDa; CHT3 encodes a protein of 567 aa with a predicted size of 60 kDa. All three genes show striking similarity to other chitinase genes in the literature, especially in the proposed catalytic domain. Transcription of CHT2 and CHT3 was greater when C. albicans was grown in a yeast phase as compared to a mycelial phase. A transcript of CHT1 could not be detected in either growth condition.