990 resultados para Canada. 1993 Sept. 14.


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Contient : 1 « Estat du payement » des « gens de guerre... en garnison au païs de Piedmont et marquisat de Saluces... Paris, le XXIIIIe jour de may, l'an mil cinq cens soixante sept ». Signé : « CHARLES » ; 2 « Estat des lieutenans generaux du roy, gouverneurs et cappitaines des villes et places, gentilzhommes et autres, entretenus au païs de Piedmont... pour les mois de janvier, fevrier et mars M.V.C.LXXI » ; 3 « Permission d'aller trouver le roy » Charles IX, accordée au « chevallier Monluc, gouverneur de Pinerol », par « LODOVICO, duc de Nyvernois, prince de Menthoue,... gouverneur et lieutenant general pour le roy deça les montz... A Pinerol, le vingtiesme jour d'octobre mil cinq cens soixante sept » ; 4 « Estatz et appoinctemens des gouverneurs et autres personnes au pays de Piedmont » ; 5 « Inventaire des pieces d'artillerie, harquebouzes à crocq, pouldres, bouletz et autres municions d'artillerie... aux villes et places fortes de... Piedmont, marquisat de Saluces, chasteau d'Exilles en Daulphiné ». Copie ; 6 « Inventaire general des pieces d'artillerye et autres munitions estans es villes et places fortes du païs de Piedmont qui sont soubz l'obeissance du roy » ; 7 « Estat par estimation de la recepte et despence du revenu de la recette generale de Piedmont pour l'année mil cinq cens soixante huict » ; 8 « Estat par estimation de partie du revenu liquide du dommayne que le roy a au marquisat de Saluces, en l'année mil V.C. soixante huict » ; 9 « Estat abregé des parties inopinés ordonnés par le seigneur Ludovic de Birague, lieutenant general pour le roy au gouvernement du païs de Piedmont en l'absence de monseigneur le duc de Nevers, durant l'année entiere finie en decembre mil V.C. soixante huit et jusques au dernier julliet M.V.C.LXIX » ; 10 « Estat de la recepte et despence faicte par le tresorier Petremol pour l'exercice de la guerre du costé de Piedmont, pour l'année M.V.C.LXIX, en vertu des mandemens... de messieurs les tresoriers de l'espargne jusques au XIIIe jour de fevrier M.V.C.LXX » ; 11 « Suisses de la garde du lieutenant general au pays de Piedmont et marquisat de Saluces » ; 12 « Estat abregé de la despence faicte pour le payement des estatz... et entretenemens ordonnez sur l'estat de Piedmont, en l'année M. V.C.LXX » ; 13 « Inventaire des pieces d'artillerie, pouldres, boulletz et aultres munitions d'icelle qui sont pour le roy aux villes et places fortes du gouvernement de Piedmont et marquisat de Saluces... Faict le premier jour d'octobre l'an mil V.C. soixante sept » ; 14 « Estat des pieces d'artillerie qui sont de present au magazin et chasteau de Pynerol... Faict à Pynerol, le vingt neufme jour de janvier, l'an mil V.C. soixante et dix » ; 15 « Estat de ce qui est necessaire faire pour le faict de l'artillerie deça les monts, tant à Pynerol, Carmaignolles que à Savillan » ; 16 « Despartement des assignations baillées à l'extraordinaire de la guerre du costé de Piedmont... 1572 » ; 17 « Estat des compagnies qui retournent en Piemont » ; 18 « Estat par le menu de la despence en laquelle il est besoing et necessaire d'employer la somme de quatre mil livres tournois ordonnée par Sa Majesté en la presente année M.V.C. soixante sept, pour le radoub et remontaige de partie des pieces d'artillerie estans en son païs de Piemont et marquisat de Salluces, raffraichissement de pouldres... 1567 » ; 19 « Estat de la recette et deppence faite pour la fortiffication des trois places de Piemont » ; 20 Ordre de payement donné au « tresorier de l'extraordinaire de la guerre, maistre Jherosme... 1568 ». Minute ; 21 Lettre de « LEFEVRE,... à monseigneur le duc de Nevers, gouverneur et lieutenant general pour le roy en Piedmont... De Paris, ce XIIe jour de novembre 1571 » ; 22 « Estat du departement faict par monseigneur le duc de Nyvernois,... de la somme de quatre cens livres tournois... employez sur l'estat de l'extraordinaire des guerres au chapitre de Piedmont, pour appoincter plusieurs capitaines et gentilzhommes durant la presente année mil cinq cens soixante huict » ; 23 Lettre, en italien, de « LODOVICO GONZAGA [duc de Nevers]... al capitano Francesco Ghiglino,... Di Pineruolo, li 18 d'ottobre 1567 » ; 24 Lettre, en italien, de « LODOVICO GONZAGA [duc de Nevers]... al signor Alessandro Purpurato,... Di Pinaruolo, li 16 di ottobre 1567 » ; 25 Copie d'une « lectre de creance » délivrée par LOUIS DE GONZAGUE, duc de Nevers, au « sieur de La Chastre, gentilhomme ordinaire de la chambre du roy » Charles IX ; 26 « Estat... pour le paiement... des gens de guerre au pays de Piedmont et marquisat de Saluces. 1560 » ; 27 « Estat des assignations donés au tresorier Le Fevre pour l'extraordinaire de Piemont et autres provinces soubs sa charge, pour la presente anée 1572 » ; 28 « Estat des diminutions faictes en l'estat de l'extraordinaire des guerres sur le chapitre de Piedmont pour le moys d'avril mil cinq cens soixante sept » ; 29 Pouvoirs donnés à son secrétaire « Guy Cottignon » par « Ludovico, duc de Nivernoys,... A Carmaignolles, le XVIIIe jour d'octobre, l'an mil cinq cens soixante sept ». Copie ; 30 « Estat de la recepte et despence faicte au marquisat de Salluces par Mr Henry de Savoye, receveur general audit pays, durant l'année mil cinq cens soixante neuf » ; 31 « Estat de la recepte et despence du revenu ordinaire des terres que Sa Majesté tient en Piemont, faicte par Mr Henry de Savoye,... durant l'année mil cinq cens soixante neuf »


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The Military Monitor was a weekly periodical that was published every Monday. The first issue was printed for August 17, 1812 and is believed to have ceased in 1814, as the last issue located was April 2, 1814. The periodical was suspended with the November 23, 1812 issue and resumed with the December 14, 1812 issue. The quote at the top of the first page is "The public good our end". The periodical's various authors included: Desnoues, Joseph, 1794?-1837. O'Connor, Thomas, 1770-1855. Hardcastle, John, 1778?-1835. Van Pelt, Peter, 1779?-1843. Wall, Stephen. Van Riper, Nicholas. Other authors are believed to be the American Antiquarian Society. Proprietors: T. O'Connor and S. Wall, 1812; T. O'Connor, 1812- . Printers: Hardcastle and Van Pelt, for T. O'Connor and S. Wall, Sept. 14-Oct. 5, 1812; J. Desnoues, Oct. 12, 1812- ; N. Van Riper, Nov. 6, 1813- . This issue was included in a bound volume of the Military Monitor and American Register. Other Dates included are: 1812 October 12 1812 October 19 1812 November 23 1812 December 14 1812 December 21 1813 January 11 1813 February 1 1813 March 29 1813 April 5 1813 April 12 1813 April 26 1813 May 31


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The Military Monitor was a weekly periodical that was published every Monday. The first issue was printed for August 17, 1812 and is believed to have ceased in 1814, as the last issue located was April 2, 1814. The periodical was suspended with the November 23, 1812 issue and resumed with the December 14, 1812 issue. The quote at the top of the first page is "The public good our end". The periodical's various authors included: Desnoues, Joseph, 1794?-1837. O'Connor, Thomas, 1770-1855. Hardcastle, John, 1778?-1835. Van Pelt, Peter, 1779?-1843. Wall, Stephen. Van Riper, Nicholas. Other authors are believed to be the American Antiquarian Society. Proprietors: T. O'Connor and S. Wall, 1812; T. O'Connor, 1812- . Printers: Hardcastle and Van Pelt, for T. O'Connor and S. Wall, Sept. 14-Oct. 5, 1812; J. Desnoues, Oct. 12, 1812- ; N. Van Riper, Nov. 6, 1813- . This issue was included in a bound volume of the Military Monitor and American Register. Other Dates included are: 1812 August 31 1812 December 14 1812 November 23 1812 October 12 1812 October 19 1813 April 5 1813 April 12 1813 April 26 1813 February 1 1813 January 11 1813 March 29


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The Military Monitor was a weekly periodical that was published every Monday. The first issue was printed for August 17, 1812 and is believed to have ceased in 1814, as the last issue located was April 2, 1814. The periodical was suspended with the November 23, 1812 issue and resumed with the December 14, 1812 issue. The quote at the top of the first page is "The public good our end". The periodical's various authors included: Desnoues, Joseph, 1794?-1837. O'Connor, Thomas, 1770-1855. Hardcastle, John, 1778?-1835. Van Pelt, Peter, 1779?-1843. Wall, Stephen. Van Riper, Nicholas. Other authors are believed to be the American Antiquarian Society. Proprietors: T. O'Connor and S. Wall, 1812; T. O'Connor, 1812- . Printers: Hardcastle and Van Pelt, for T. O'Connor and S. Wall, Sept. 14-Oct. 5, 1812; J. Desnoues, Oct. 12, 1812- ; N. Van Riper, Nov. 6, 1813- . This issue was included in a bound volume of the Military Monitor and American Register. Other Dates included are: 1812 August 31 1812 October 12 1812 October 19 1812 December 14 1812 December 21 1813 January 11 1813 February 1 1813 March 29 1813 April 5 1813 April 12 1813 April 26 1813 May 31


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The Military Monitor was a weekly periodical that was published every Monday. The first issue was printed for August 17, 1812 and is believed to have ceased in 1814, as the last issue located was April 2, 1814. The periodical was suspended with the November 23, 1812 issue and resumed with the December 14, 1812 issue. The quote at the top of the first page is "The public good our end". The periodical's various authors included: Desnoues, Joseph, 1794?-1837. O'Connor, Thomas, 1770-1855. Hardcastle, John, 1778?-1835. Van Pelt, Peter, 1779?-1843. Wall, Stephen. Van Riper, Nicholas. Other authors are believed to be the American Antiquarian Society. Proprietors: T. O'Connor and S. Wall, 1812; T. O'Connor, 1812- . Printers: Hardcastle and Van Pelt, for T. O'Connor and S. Wall, Sept. 14-Oct. 5, 1812; J. Desnoues, Oct. 12, 1812- ; N. Van Riper, Nov. 6, 1813- . This issue was included in a bound volume of the Military Monitor and American Register. Other Dates included are: 1812 August 31 1812 October 19 1812 November 23 1812 December 14 1812 December 21 1813 January 11 1813 February 1 1813 March 29 1813 April 5 1813 April 12 1813 April 26 1813 May 31


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The Military Monitor was a weekly periodical that was published every Monday. The first issue was printed for August 17, 1812 and is believed to have ceased in 1814, as the last issue located was April 2, 1814. The periodical was suspended with the November 23, 1812 issue and resumed with the December 14, 1812 issue. The quote at the top of the first page is "The public good our end". The periodical's various authors included: Desnoues, Joseph, 1794?-1837. O'Connor, Thomas, 1770-1855. Hardcastle, John, 1778?-1835. Van Pelt, Peter, 1779?-1843. Wall, Stephen. Van Riper, Nicholas. Other authors are believed to be the American Antiquarian Society. Proprietors: T. O'Connor and S. Wall, 1812; T. O'Connor, 1812- . Printers: Hardcastle and Van Pelt, for T. O'Connor and S. Wall, Sept. 14-Oct. 5, 1812; J. Desnoues, Oct. 12, 1812- ; N. Van Riper, Nov. 6, 1813- . This issue was included in a bound volume of the Military Monitor and American Register. Other Dates included are: 1812 August 31 1812 October 12 1812 November 23 1812 December 14 1812 December 21 1813 January 11 1813 February 1 1813 March 29 1813 April 5 1813 April 12 1813 April 26


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The Military Monitor was a weekly periodical that was published every Monday. The first issue was printed for August 17, 1812 and is believed to have ceased in 1814, as the last issue located was April 2, 1814. The periodical was suspended with the November 23, 1812 issue and resumed with the December 14, 1812 issue. The quote at the top of the first page is "The public good our end". The periodical's various authors included: Desnoues, Joseph, 1794?-1837. O'Connor, Thomas, 1770-1855. Hardcastle, John, 1778?-1835. Van Pelt, Peter, 1779?-1843. Wall, Stephen. Van Riper, Nicholas. Other authors are believed to be the American Antiquarian Society. Proprietors: T. O'Connor and S. Wall, 1812; T. O'Connor, 1812- . Printers: Hardcastle and Van Pelt, for T. O'Connor and S. Wall, Sept. 14-Oct. 5, 1812; J. Desnoues, Oct. 12, 1812- ; N. Van Riper, Nov. 6, 1813- . This issue was included in a bound volume of the Military Monitor and American Register. Other Dates included are: 1812 August 31 1812 October 12 1812 October 19 1812 November 23 1812 December 14 1812 December 21 1813 January 11 1813 February 1 1813 March 29 1813 April 12 1813 April 26 1813 May 31


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The Military Monitor was a weekly periodical that was published every Monday. The first issue was printed for August 17, 1812 and is believed to have ceased in 1814, as the last issue located was April 2, 1814. The periodical was suspended with the November 23, 1812 issue and resumed with the December 14, 1812 issue. The quote at the top of the first page is "The public good our end". The periodical's various authors included: Desnoues, Joseph, 1794?-1837. O'Connor, Thomas, 1770-1855. Hardcastle, John, 1778?-1835. Van Pelt, Peter, 1779?-1843. Wall, Stephen. Van Riper, Nicholas. Other authors are believed to be the American Antiquarian Society. Proprietors: T. O'Connor and S. Wall, 1812; T. O'Connor, 1812- . Printers: Hardcastle and Van Pelt, for T. O'Connor and S. Wall, Sept. 14-Oct. 5, 1812; J. Desnoues, Oct. 12, 1812- ; N. Van Riper, Nov. 6, 1813- . This issue was included in a bound volume of the Military Monitor and American Register. Other Dates included are: 1812 August 31 1812 October 12 1812 October 19 1812 November 23 1812 December 14 1812 December 21 1813 January 11 1813 February 1 1813 March 29 1813 April 5 1813 April 26 1813 May 31


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The Military Monitor was a weekly periodical that was published every Monday. The first issue was printed for August 17, 1812 and is believed to have ceased in 1814, as the last issue located was April 2, 1814. The periodical was suspended with the November 23, 1812 issue and resumed with the December 14, 1812 issue. The quote at the top of the first page is "The public good our end". The periodical's various authors included: Desnoues, Joseph, 1794?-1837. O'Connor, Thomas, 1770-1855. Hardcastle, John, 1778?-1835. Van Pelt, Peter, 1779?-1843. Wall, Stephen. Van Riper, Nicholas. Other authors are believed to be the American Antiquarian Society. Proprietors: T. O'Connor and S. Wall, 1812; T. O'Connor, 1812- . Printers: Hardcastle and Van Pelt, for T. O'Connor and S. Wall, Sept. 14-Oct. 5, 1812; J. Desnoues, Oct. 12, 1812- ; N. Van Riper, Nov. 6, 1813- . This issue was included in a bound volume of the Military Monitor and American Register. Other Dates included are: 1812 August 31 1812 October 12 1812 October 19 1812 November 23 1812 December 14 1812 December 21 1813 January 11 1813 February 1 1813 April 5 1813 April 12 1813 March 29 1813 May 31


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The Military Monitor was a weekly periodical that was published every Monday. The first issue was printed for August 17, 1812 and is believed to have ceased in 1814, as the last issue located was April 2, 1814. The periodical was suspended with the November 23, 1812 issue and resumed with the December 14, 1812 issue. The quote at the top of the first page is "The public good our end". The periodical's various authors included: Desnoues, Joseph, 1794?-1837. O'Connor, Thomas, 1770-1855. Hardcastle, John, 1778?-1835. Van Pelt, Peter, 1779?-1843. Wall, Stephen. Van Riper, Nicholas. Other authors are believed to be the American Antiquarian Society. Proprietors: T. O'Connor and S. Wall, 1812; T. O'Connor, 1812- . Printers: Hardcastle and Van Pelt, for T. O'Connor and S. Wall, Sept. 14-Oct. 5, 1812; J. Desnoues, Oct. 12, 1812- ; N. Van Riper, Nov. 6, 1813- . This issue was included in a bound volume of the Military Monitor and American Register. Other Dates included are: 1812 August 31 1812 October 12 1812 October 19 1812 November 23 1812 December 14 1812 December 21 1813 January 11 1813 March 29 1813 April 5 1813 April 12 1813 April 26 1813 May 31


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The Military Monitor was a weekly periodical that was published every Monday. The first issue was printed for August 17, 1812 and is believed to have ceased in 1814, as the last issue located was April 2, 1814. The periodical was suspended with the November 23, 1812 issue and resumed with the December 14, 1812 issue. The quote at the top of the first page is "The public good our end". The periodical's various authors included: Desnoues, Joseph, 1794?-1837. O'Connor, Thomas, 1770-1855. Hardcastle, John, 1778?-1835. Van Pelt, Peter, 1779?-1843. Wall, Stephen. Van Riper, Nicholas. Other authors are believed to be the American Antiquarian Society. Proprietors: T. O'Connor and S. Wall, 1812; T. O'Connor, 1812- . Printers: Hardcastle and Van Pelt, for T. O'Connor and S. Wall, Sept. 14-Oct. 5, 1812; J. Desnoues, Oct. 12, 1812- ; N. Van Riper, Nov. 6, 1813- . This issue was included in a bound volume of the Military Monitor and American Register. Other Dates included are: 1812 August 31 1812 October 12 1812 October 19 1812 November 23 1812 December 14 1812 December 21 1813 February 1 1813 March 29 1813 April 5 1813 April 12 1813 April 26 1813 May 31


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The Military Monitor was a weekly periodical that was published every Monday. The first issue was printed for August 17, 1812 and is believed to have ceased in 1814, as the last issue located was April 2, 1814. The periodical was suspended with the November 23, 1812 issue and resumed with the December 14, 1812 issue. The quote at the top of the first page is "The public good our end". The periodical's various authors included: Desnoues, Joseph, 1794?-1837. O'Connor, Thomas, 1770-1855. Hardcastle, John, 1778?-1835. Van Pelt, Peter, 1779?-1843. Wall, Stephen. Van Riper, Nicholas. Other authors are believed to be the American Antiquarian Society. Proprietors: T. O'Connor and S. Wall, 1812; T. O'Connor, 1812- . Printers: Hardcastle and Van Pelt, for T. O'Connor and S. Wall, Sept. 14-Oct. 5, 1812; J. Desnoues, Oct. 12, 1812- ; N. Van Riper, Nov. 6, 1813- . This issue was included in a bound volume of the Military Monitor and American Register. Other Dates included are: 1812 August 31 1812 October 12 1812 October 19 1812 November 23 1812 December 14 1812 December 21 1813 January 11 1813 February 1 1813 April 5 1813 April 12 1813 April 26 1813 May 31


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The Military Monitor was a weekly periodical that was published every Monday. The first issue was printed for August 17, 1812 and is believed to have ceased in 1814, as the last issue located was April 2, 1814. The periodical was suspended with the November 23, 1812 issue and resumed with the December 14, 1812 issue. The quote at the top of the first page is "The public good our end". The periodical's various authors included: Desnoues, Joseph, 1794?-1837. O'Connor, Thomas, 1770-1855. Hardcastle, John, 1778?-1835. Van Pelt, Peter, 1779?-1843. Wall, Stephen. Van Riper, Nicholas. Other authors are believed to be the American Antiquarian Society. Proprietors: T. O'Connor and S. Wall, 1812; T. O'Connor, 1812- . Printers: Hardcastle and Van Pelt, for T. O'Connor and S. Wall, Sept. 14-Oct. 5, 1812; J. Desnoues, Oct. 12, 1812- ; N. Van Riper, Nov. 6, 1813- . This issue was included in a bound volume of the Military Monitor and American Register. Other Dates included are: 1812 August 31 1812 October 12 1812 October 19 1812 November 23 1812 December 14 1812 December 21 1813 January 11 1813 February 1 1813 March 29 1813 April 5 1813 April 12 1813 April 26