51 resultados para Calculators
Background Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is partially attributed to traditional cardiovascular risk factors, which can be identified and managed based on risk stratification algorithms (Framingham Risk Score, National Cholesterol Education Program, Systematic Cardiovascular Risk Evaluation and Reynolds Risk Score). We aimed to (a) identify the proportion of at risk patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) requiring statin therapy identified by conventional risk calculators, and (b) assess whether patients at risk were receiving statins. Methods Patients at high CVD risk (excluding patients with established CVD or diabetes) were identified from a cohort of 400 well characterised patients with RA, by applying risk calculators with or without a ×1.5 multiplier in specific patient subgroups. Actual statin use versus numbers eligible for statins was also calculated. Results The percentage of patients identified as being at risk ranged significantly depending on the method, from 1.6% (for 20% threshold global CVD risk) to 15.5% (for CVD and cerebrovascular morbidity and mortality) to 21.8% (for 10% global CVD risk) and 25.9% (for 5% CVD mortality), with the majority of them (58.1% to 94.8%) not receiving statins. The application of a 1.5 multiplier identified 17% to 78% more at risk patients. Conclusions Depending on the risk stratification method, 2% to 26% of patients with RA without CVD have sufficiently high risk to require statin therapy, yet most of them remain untreated. To address this issue, we would recommend annual systematic screening using the nationally applicable risk calculator, combined with regular audit of whether treatment targets have been achieved.
Bulgarian and world computer science lost a prominent colleague: Dimitar Petrov Shishkov 22th January 1939, Varna – 8th March 2004, Sofia D. Shishkov graduated mathematics at Sofia University in 1962. In the last year of his studies he started a specialization as a programmer at the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research – Dubna which lasted three years. Then he worked at the Institute of Mathematics for two years. In 1966 D. Shishkov together with a group of experts transferred to the newly created Central Laboratory for Information Technologies. In 1976 he defended his PhD dissertation. He has been an associate professor in computer science at Sofia University since 1985 and a professor in computer science since 2000. His scientific interests and results were in the fields of computer architectures, computational linguistics, artificial intelligence, numerical methods, data structures, etc. He was remarkable with his teaching activities. D. Shishkov was the creator of high-quality software for the first Bulgarian electronic calculator “ELKA” – one of the first calculators in the world as well as for the series of next calculators and for specialized minicomputers. He was the initiator of the international project “Computerization of the natural languages”. He was a member of a range of international scientific organizations. Among his numerous activities was the organization of the I-st Programming competition in 1979. D. Shishkov was the initiator of sport dancing in Bulgaria (1967) and founder of the first sport-dancing high school education in the world. D. Shishkov was a highly accomplished person with a diversity of interests, with a developed social responsibility and accuracy in his work. In 1996 D. Shishkov was awarded with the International Prize ITHEA for outstanding achievements in the field of Information Theories and Applications. We are grateful to D. Shishkov for the chance to work together with him for establishment and development of IJ ITA.
The early bird and night owl restaurant tool found in the accompanying Excel file provides an estimate of the effects of offering off-peak special menu prices. Unlike the classic back-of-envelope calculation, the tool includes the effect of anticipated cannibalization of full-price covers and seeks to optimize table use. The tool also considers the revenue from new customers attracted by the early bird or night owl promotions, as well as the level of increased business needed to achieve the net monetary value target for the promotion.
Technologies such as automobiles or mobile phones allow us to perform beyond our physical capabilities and travel faster or communicate over long distances. Technologies such as computers and calculators can also help us perform beyond our mental capabilities by storing and manipulating information that we would be unable to process or remember. In recent years there has been a growing interest in assistive technology for cognition (ATC) which can help people compensate for cognitive impairments. The aim of this thesis was to investigate ATC for memory to help people with memory difficulties which impacts independent functioning during everyday life. Chapter one argues that using both neuropsychological and human computing interaction theory and approaches is crucial when developing and researching ATC. Chapter two describes a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies which tested technology to aid memory for groups with ABI, stroke or degenerative disease. Good evidence was found supporting the efficacy of prompting devices which remind the user about a future intention at a set time. Chapter three looks at the prevalence of technologies and memory aids in current use by people with ABI and dementia and the factors that predicted this use. Pre-morbid use of technology, current use of non-tech aids and strategies and age (ABI group only) were the best predictors of this use. Based on the results, chapter four focuses on mobile phone based reminders for people with ABI. Focus groups were held with people with memory impairments after ABI and ABI caregivers (N=12) which discussed the barriers to uptake of mobile phone based reminding. Thematic analysis revealed six key themes that impact uptake of reminder apps; Perceived Need, Social Acceptability, Experience/Expectation, Desired Content and Functions, Cognitive Accessibility and Sensory/Motor Accessibility. The Perceived need theme described the difficulties with insight, motivation and memory which can prevent people from initially setting reminders on a smartphone. Chapter five investigates the efficacy and acceptability of unsolicited prompts (UPs) from a smartphone app (ForgetMeNot) to encourage people with ABI to set reminders. A single-case experimental design study evaluated use of the app over four weeks by three people with severe ABI living in a post-acute rehabilitation hospital. When six UPs were presented through the day from ForgetMeNot, daily reminder-setting and daily memory task completion increased compared to when using the app without the UPs. Chapter six investigates another barrier from chapter 4 – cognitive and sensory accessibility. A study is reported which shows that an app with ‘decision tree’ interface design (ApplTree) leads to more accurate reminder setting performance with no compromise of speed or independence (amount of guidance required) for people with ABI (n=14) compared to a calendar based interface. Chapter seven investigates the efficacy of a wearable reminding device (smartwatch) as a tool for delivering reminders set on a smartphone. Four community dwelling participants with memory difficulties following ABI were included in an ABA single case experimental design study. Three of the participants successfully used the smartwatch throughout the intervention weeks and these participants gave positive usability ratings. Two participants showed improved memory performance when using the smartwatch and all participants had marked decline in memory performance when the technology was removed. Chapter eight is a discussion which highlights the implications of these results for clinicians, researchers and designers.
No presente relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada são referidas opções de ensino, procedimentos e reações dos alunos ao processo de ensino. É dada uma grande ênfase ao ambiente de aprendizagem baseado na tecnologia e suportado por uma comunidade de aprendizagem, que tem lugar na própria sala de aula ou na sala de informática. A tecnologia é assumida como um recurso constante na maior parte das aulas através do recurso a tarefas escolhidas intencionalmente tendo em vista a possibilidade de introdução da tecnologia na sua resolução. Esta implementação assumiu várias formas, tais como a exploração de calculadoras, a manipulação do GeoGebra ou simplesmente através da apresentação de ficheiros acabados, o que constitui uma forma de obter uma boa visualização dos objetos matemáticos. A aplicação dos recursos tecnológicos foi progressivamente tornada mais intensiva, atingindo o seu culminar no Projeto de Estágio, designação atribuída a duas aulas concebidas explicitamente para a exploração da temática: “Estabelecimento de um Paralelismo entre a Geometria Tridimensional Dinâmica e as Funções”; Abstract: The Use of Technology in the Classroom as an Instrument of Visualization and Algebrization of the Mathematical Objects In this paper we refer to teaching options, procedures, and to students’ reactions to the teaching processes. We give a lot of reinforcement in the learning environment based on technology and supported by a community of learners, which take place in their own classroom or in the Informatics Class. Technology is assumed as a constant resource in most part of the classes through the intentional tasks’ choosing taking into account the possibility of technology introduction in their resolution. This implementation has assumed several forms, like calculators’ exploration, GeoGebra manipulation or simply by presenting finished files, which is a way of getting a great visualization of mathematical objects. The technological resources’ application turned itself progressively more intensive, presenting its center point on Practice Project, name who was gave to two classes conceived explicitly for the thematic exploration: “The establishment of a parallelism between Dynamic Tridimensional Geometry and the Functions”.
Este estudo teve como objectivo compreender o desenvolvimento de tarefas de modelação, por parte de uma professora de Matemática e de uma professora de Física Química, no âmbito de trabalho colaborativo. Para tal foram formuladas três questões orientadoras: 1. Como é que os professores seleccionam e preparam as tarefas de modelação a colocar aos alunos em situação de sala de aula? Que características das tarefas de modelação se mostram fundamentais para a sua selecção? 2. como desenvolvem os professores as tarefas de modelação na sala de aula? Como gerem e dinamizam as aulas onde colocam tarefas de modelação aos alunos? Que papel reservam ao professor e ao aluno? 3. como exploram os professores as potencialidades das calculadoras gráficas no desenvolvimento das tarefas de modelação? Que questões se colocam à utilização de sensores? O estudo decorreu numa escola secundária, durante o ano lectivo de 2005/06, sob proposta e com a participação da investigadora, envolvendo uma professora de Matemática e uma professora de Física-Química de uma mesma turma de 100 ano. O grupo colaborativo reuniu regularmente e preparou e leccionou aulas com tarefas de modelação matemática, recorrendo a calculadoras gráficas e sensores, tarefas e tecnologias novas para ambas as professoras. A metodologia utilizada na investigação tem natureza qualitativa, tendo sido realizadas duas entrevistas longas a cada professora, uma no início e outra no fim do estudo, bem como entrevistas de curta duração às professoras após cada uma das aulas onde foram desenvolvidas as tarefas. Foram também recolhidos registos das sessões colectivas de trabalho e elaborado um "diário de bordo". O estudo permitiu formular as seguintes conclusões: - Quando as professoras seleccionavam as tarefas de modelação a propor aos seus alunos tinham em consideração o cumprimento dos programas, os conteúdos a abordar e a diversidade de questões que se podem formular sobre os mesmos e o interesse e significado da experiência para os alunos. - O tempo que é necessário para a preparação e execução das tarefas de modelação pareceu ser factor de grande peso na sua selecção. - O elevado número de alunos por turma pode ser factor um negativo para o desenvolvimento de tarefas de modelação na sala de aula. -Na opinião das professoras, o recurso à calculadora gráfica e aos sensores para realizar a recolha de dados relativos a uma tarefa de modelação tomou-as mais apelativas e ajudou os alunos a compreender a situação em causa assim como permitiu tomar mais nítida a relação entre a Matemática e a Física. ABSTRACT: This study aimed to understand the development of modelling tasks, by a Mathematics teacher and a Physics-Chemistry teacher, as part of collaborative work. For this study were formulated three guidelines: 1. How do teachers select and prepare the modelling tasks to present to the students in a classroom situation? What characteristics of these tasks are essential for their selection? 2. How do teachers develop the modelling tasks in the classroom? How do they manage and dynamize the classes where the modelling tasks took place? What role it's reserd to the teacher and the student? 3. How do teachers exploit the potential of graphics calculator in the development of the modelling tasks? What issues arise for the use of sensors? This study took place at a secundary school during the academic year 2005/06, as a suggestion and with the participation of the researcher, involving a Mathematics teacher and a Physics-Chemistry teacher of the same class (10th grade). The collaborative group had regular meetings and prepared and developed modellin tasks in the classroom using graphics calculator and sensors, which was a new activity for all the teachears. The methodology used has a qualitative nature. Two interviews were made to each teacher, one at baseline and another at the end of the study, fourteen work sections and three modelling tasks were explored in classroom context after which followed small interviews to the teacher that gave the class. ln addition records were also made in a small "log-book". This study allowed to reach the following conclusions: - When the teachers select the modelling tasks to offer its students they take into account the programs, the contents and the diversity of questions that can be made on it and the interest and significance of the experience for students. - The time needed for preparation and implementation of the modelling tasks is another factor of great weight in its selection. - The high number of student per class can be a negative factor for the development of modelling tasks in the classroom. Iii - ln the teacher’s opinion, the use of the graphics calculator and sensors to collect data on a modelling tasks makes its more attractive and helps students to understand the situation and makes clearer the link between Mathematics and Physics.