972 resultados para Cabot, Sebastian, approximately 1474-1557.
En el presente estudio de caso, se analizan las principales nociones del control fiscal territorial colombiano y se describen los mecanismos de control fiscal introducidos en la ley 1474 de 2011, para observar la pertinencia y conducencia en la solución de los problemas de control fiscal en el departamento de Boyacá; teniendo en cuenta el análisis de los informes de gestión y de resultados de la Contraloría General de Boyacá.
Temas sobre derecho natural, positivo y divino ; Las fuentes del derecho canónico ; Temas jurídicos sobre los Obispos y el Clero ; Temas sobre la penitencia ; 33 Causas o Cuestiones sobre diversos temas: Cargos eclesiásticos, duración, simonía, herejía ; Distinciones explicaciones sobre diversos temas: consagración de iglesias, eucarística.
Resumen en inglés
Estudiar la influencia del Erasmismo en la educación de Felipe II y destacar como esta influencia continuó en los años posteriores hasta principios de su reinado. La primera parte se centra en la elección de un modelo pedagógico y de un maestro para la educación del príncipe, seleccionado de entre los círculos erasmizantes de la corte. El siguiente capítulo se extiende entre 1534 y 1541 con las primeras enseñanzas y Silíceo. La tercera parte, 1541-1545, analiza la irrupción del Humanismo y el papel de Calvete. Por último se analiza el Humanismo erasmizante en la Casa del Príncipe, 1545-57. En el 45 se acaba la educación del príncipe y se inicia la segunda etapa de formación en la que destaca la presencia de erasmistas en su corte. Bibliografía sobre Pedagogía, Literatura, Humanismo y la educación de Felipe II; archivos, principalmente el de Simancas que recoge la documentación sobre la infancia y juventud de Felipe II; libros o poemas dedicados al príncipe; y cartas o dibujos del propio rey. El estudio permite conocer la educación recibida por Felipe II para desterrar tópicos y aclarar aspectos de la infancia y juventud. El rey recibe una educación brillante que no se limita al ámbito castellano sino que se abre a la influencia extranjera, particularmente a Países Bajos. Conoce a Erasmo y se convierte en un símbolo de autoridad en casi todas las facetas de sus estudios, desde la teología a la historiográfica. Se crea un cenáculo de humanistas y eruditos en la corte que permite la existencia de un erasmismo filipino. Se profundiza en las facetas pedagógicas del humanismo español del Quinientos, con los planes de estudios, la metodología, selección de lecturas y autores para instruir a los hijos de las élites. No se puede etiquetar a Felipe II de erasmista aunque su educación estuvo fuertemente influida por la corriente erasmizante dominante entonces. El Erasmismo empieza a decaer en 1551 y Felipe II se abre a las nuevas tendencias.
Estudiar las relaciones de la enseñanza de Primeras Letras con su entorno y encuadrarla dentro de la sociedad y cultura españolas de los siglos XVI y XVII. Averiguar qué factores influyeron en el nacimiento y consolidación de dicha escuela. Determinar las notas que la definen y que permiten diferenciarla de otras instituciones docentes encargadas de la educación elemental. Las Escuelas de Primeras Letras (municipales y privadas) . En una primera parte se establece el estado de la cuestión de la investigación en torno a la Escuela de Primeras Letras en España y en Navarra, para posteriormente determinar la situación de este tipo de enseñanza en el municipio de Pamplona: número de escuelas, alumnos, costes, regulación administrativa, condición social y profesional de los maestros, etc. En los siglos XVI y XVII. Bibliografía. Archivos (General de Navarra, Diocesano de Pamplona y Municipal de Pamplona). La Escuela de Primeras Letras tenía un carácter básico pero muy diferente en cuanto a contenido del sostenido por la Escuela Primaria que conocemos. Proporcionaba una formación intelectual mucho más modesta, ya que centraba su labor en la formación moral y religiosa aceptada por la mayoría. Constituía un ciclo formativo cerrado en sí mismo que no perseguía proseguir estudios en otras etapas educativas con las que no tenía ninguna conexión. No obstante es probable que cumpliera ciertas funciones de promoción social y profesional nada despreciables. La Escuela de Primeras Letras estaba en estrecha relación con la sociedad que la creó y no fue un fenómeno marginal, sino que estuvo perfectamente integrada en la vida de las ciudades de nuestro Siglo de Oro. Su expansión tiene que ver con la voluntad de toda una sociedad por extender la enseñanza elemental, y en la que no sólo pesaron las consideraciones morales, sino también factores de orden económico que favorecieron la aparición de la demanda social de educación.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación. Resumen en inglés
Background: Pseudomonas fluorescens are common soil bacteria that can improve plant health through nutrient cycling, pathogen antagonism and induction of plant defenses. The genome sequences of strains SBW25 and Pf0-1 were determined and compared to each other and with P. fluorescens Pf-5. A functional genomic in vivo expression technology (IVET) screen provided insight into genes used by P. fluorescens in its natural environment and an improved understanding of the ecological significance of diversity within this species. Results: Comparisons of three P. fluorescens genomes (SBW25, Pf0-1, Pf-5) revealed considerable divergence: 61% of genes are shared, the majority located near the replication origin. Phylogenetic and average amino acid identity analyses showed a low overall relationship. A functional screen of SBW25 defined 125 plant-induced genes including a range of functions specific to the plant environment. Orthologues of 83 of these exist in Pf0-1 and Pf-5, with 73 shared by both strains. The P. fluorescens genomes carry numerous complex repetitive DNA sequences, some resembling Miniature Inverted-repeat Transposable Elements (MITEs). In SBW25, repeat density and distribution revealed 'repeat deserts' lacking repeats, covering approximately 40% of the genome. Conclusions: P. fluorescens genomes are highly diverse. Strain-specific regions around the replication terminus suggest genome compartmentalization. The genomic heterogeneity among the three strains is reminiscent of a species complex rather than a single species. That 42% of plant-inducible genes were not shared by all strains reinforces this conclusion and shows that ecological success requires specialized and core functions. The diversity also indicates the significant size of genetic information within the Pseudomonas pan genome.
Even though they are fed daily by their owners, free-ranging pet cats Felis catus may kill wild birds and, given their high densities (typically > 200 cats/km(2)), it has been postulated that cat predation could be a significant negative factor affecting the dynamics of urban bird populations. In this study, we: (1) used questionnaire surveys in 10 sites within the city of Bristol, UK, to estimate cat density; (2) estimated the number of birds killed annually in five sites by asking cat owners to record prey animals returned home; and then (3) compared the number of birds killed with breeding density and productivity to estimate the potential impact of cat predation. In addition, we (4) compared the condition of those birds killed by cats versus those killed in collisions, e.g. window strikes. Mean (+/- sd) cat density was 348 +/- 86 cats/km(2) (n = 10 sites); considering the eight species most commonly taken by cats, the mean ratios of adult birds/cats and juvenile birds/cats across the five sites were 1.17 +/- 0.23 and 3.07 +/- 0.74, respectively. Approximately 60% of the cats studied for up to 1 year at each site never returned any prey home; despite this, the estimated number of birds killed was large relative to their breeding density and productivity in many sites. Across species, cat-killed birds were in significantly poorer condition than those killed following collisions; this is consistent with the notion that cat predation represents a compensatory rather than additive form of mortality. Interpretation of these results is, however, complicated by patterns of body mass regulation in passerines. The predation rates estimated in this study would suggest that cats were likely to have been a major cause of mortality for some species of birds. The effect of cat predation in urban landscapes therefore warrants further investigation. The potential limitations of the current study are discussed, along with suggestions for resolving them.
Background: Endothelin-1 stimulates Gq protein-coupled receptors to promote proliferation in dividing cells or hypertrophy in terminally differentiated cardiomyocytes. In cardiomyocytes, endothelin-1 rapidly (within minutes) stimulates protein kinase signaling, including extracellular-signal regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2; though not ERK5), with phenotypic/physiological changes developing from approximately 12 h. Hypertrophy is associated with changes in mRNA/protein expression, presumably consequent to protein kinase signaling, but the connections between early, transient signaling events and developed hypertrophy are unknown. Results: Using microarrays, we defined the early transcriptional responses of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes to endothelin-1 over 4 h, differentiating between immediate early gene (IEG) and second phase RNAs with cycloheximide. IEGs exhibited differential temporal and transient regulation, with expression of second phase RNAs within 1 h. Of transcripts upregulated at 30 minutes encoding established proteins, 28 were inhibited >50% by U0126 (which inhibits ERK1/2/5 signaling), with 9 inhibited 25-50%. Expression of only four transcripts was not inhibited. At 1 h, most RNAs (approximately 67%) were equally changed in total and polysomal RNA with approximately 17% of transcripts increased to a greater extent in polysomes. Thus, changes in expression of most protein-coding RNAs should be reflected in protein synthesis. However, approximately 16% of transcripts were essentially excluded from the polysomes, including some protein-coding mRNAs, presumably inefficiently translated. Conclusion: The phasic, temporal regulation of early transcriptional responses induced by endothelin-1 in cardiomyocytes indicates that, even in terminally differentiated cells, signals are propagated beyond the primary signaling pathways through transcriptional networks leading to phenotypic changes (that is, hypertrophy). Furthermore, ERK1/2 signaling plays a major role in this response.
Approximately 20 % of individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) report a positive family history. Yet, a large portion of causal and disease-modifying variants is still unknown. We used exome sequencing in two affected individuals from a family with late-onset PD to identify 15 potentially causal variants. Segregation analysis and frequency assessment in 862 PD cases and 1,014 ethnically matched controls highlighted variants in EEF1D and LRRK1 as the best candidates. Mutation screening of the coding regions of these genes in 862 cases and 1,014 controls revealed several novel non-synonymous variants in both genes in cases and controls. An in silico multi-model bioinformatics analysis was used to prioritize identified variants in LRRK1 for functional follow- up. However, protein expression, subcellular localization, and cell viability were not affected by the identified variants. Although it has yet to be proven conclusively that variants in LRRK1 are indeed causative of PD, our data strengthen a possible role for LRRK1 in addition to LRRK2 in the genetic underpinnings of PD but, at the same time, highlight the difficulties encountered in the study of rare variants identified by next-generation sequencing in diseases with autosomal dominant or complex patterns of inheritance.
Reintroductions are used worldwide to mitigate biodiversity loss. One prominent case is a charismatic raptor of conservation concern, the Red Kite Milvus milvus. This species has been reintroduced across the UK over the last 25 years following its near extinction after centuries of persecution. The species was not expected to recolonize urban areas; its historical association with human settlements is attributed to scavenging on human waste and refuse, a resource now greatly reduced on the streets of modern Western cities. However, the species has become a common day-time visitor to a large conurbation centred on the town of Reading, southern England, approximately 20 km from the first English reintroduction site. Given a near-absence of breeding and roost sites, we investigated foraging opportunities and habitat associations that might explain use by Red Kites of this urban area. Surveys of discarded human foods and road-kill suggested that these could support at most 13−29 kites/day. Face-to-face surveys of a cross-section of residents revealed that 4.5% (equivalent to 4349 households) provided supplementary food for kites. Using estimates of per-household resource provision from another study, we calculated that this level is potentially sufficient to provision 142−320 kites, a substantial proportion of the total estimated to visit the conurbation each day (between 140 and 440). Road transects found positive associations between Red Kites and residential areas. We therefore suggest that the decision made by thousands of individuals to provide supplementary food for Red Kites is the primary factor explaining their day-time abundance in this urban area.
We introduce semiconductor quantum dot-based fluorescence imaging with approximately 2-fold increased optical resolution in three dimensions as a method that allows both studying cellular structures and spatial organization of biomolecules in membranes and subcellular organelles. Target biomolecules are labelled with quantum dots via immunocytochemistry. The resolution enhancement is achieved by three-photon absorption of quantum dots and subsequent fluorescence emission from a higher-order excitonic state. Different from conventional multiphoton microscopy, this approach can be realized on any confocal microscope without the need for pulsed excitation light. We demonstrate quantum dot triexciton imaging (QDTI) of the microtubule network of U373 cells, 3D imaging of TNF receptor 2 on the plasma membrane of HeLa cells, and multicolor 3D imaging of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase and actin in COS-7 cells.
With the aim of determining the genetic basis of metabolic regulation in tomato fruit, we constructed a detailed physical map of genomic regions spanning previously described metabolic quantitative trait loci of a Solanum pennellii introgression line population. Two genomic libraries from S. pennellii were screened with 104 colocated markers from five selected genomic regions, and a total of 614 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)/cosmids were identified as seed clones. Integration of sequence data with the genetic and physical maps of Solanum lycopersicum facilitated the anchoring of 374 of these BAC/cosmid clones. The analysis of this information resulted in a genome-wide map of a nondomesticated plant species and covers 10% of the physical distance of the selected regions corresponding to approximately 1% of the wild tomato genome. Comparative analyses revealed that S. pennellii and domesticated tomato genomes can be considered as largely colinear. A total of 1,238,705 bp from both BAC/cosmid ends and nine large insert clones were sequenced, annotated, and functionally categorized. The sequence data allowed the evaluation of the level of polymorphism between the wild and cultivated tomato species. An exhaustive microsynteny analysis allowed us to estimate the divergence date of S. pennellii and S. lycopersicum at 2.7 million years ago. The combined results serve as a reference for comparative studies both at the macrosyntenic and microsyntenic levels. They also provide a valuable tool for fine-mapping of quantitative trait loci in tomato. Furthermore, they will contribute to a deeper understanding of the regulatory factors underpinning metabolism and hence defining crop chemical composition.