71 resultados para Cabaret


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The East German poet-clowns Hans-Eckardt Wenzel and Steffen Mensching rose to prominence during the GDR's (German Democratic Republic; Deutsche Demokratische Republik, DDR) Peaceful Revolution of autumn 1989 with their cabaret production Letztes aus der Da Da eR. A film adaptation of the production was made by Jörg Foth in 1990, which was finally released on DVD with English subtitles in the United Kingdom and North America in 2009 (Latest from the Da-Da-R). In light of this long-overdue interest in Wenzel & Mensching, this article will attempt to put the work of the duo in historical and aesthetic context. Their use of character, masks, music, and philosophy combined to create the distinctly grotesque world that constituted their Liedertheater performances.


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Justice as Improvisation: The Law of the Extempore theorises the relationship between justice and improvisation through the case of the New York City cabaret laws. Discourses around improvisation often imprison it in a quasi-ethical relationship with the authentic, singular ‘other’. The same can be said of justice. This book interrogates this relationship by highlighting the parallels between the aporetic conception of justice advanced by the late French philosopher Jacques Derrida and the nuanced approach to improvisation pursued by musicians and theorists alike in the new and emerging interdisciplinary field of Critical Studies in Improvisation (CSI). Justice as Improvisation re-imagines justice as a species of improvisation through the formal structure of the most basic of legal mechanisms, judicial decision-making, offering law and legal theory a richer, more concrete, understanding of justice. Not further mystery or mystique, but a negotiation between abstract notions of justice and the everyday practice of judging. Improvisation in judgment calls for ongoing, practical decision-making as the constant negotiation between the freedom of the judge to take account of the otherness or singularity of the case and the existing laws or rules that both allow for and constrain that freedom. Yes, it is necessary to judge, yes, it is necessary to decide, but to judge well, to decide justly, that is a music lesson perhaps best taught by critical improvisation scholars.


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Le concept d’Hôpital Promoteur de Santé (HPS) a pris beaucoup d’importance depuis son élaboration vers la fin des années quatre-vingt. Dans le contexte de la dernière réforme, le réseau montréalais des HPS et CSSS a été créé. Le Centre Universitaire de Santé McGill (CUSM) fait partie de ce réseau depuis 2007. Cette étude vise la création d’un milieu hospitalier promoteur de la santé pour les patients et s’adresse à l’expérience d’un repas pour les personnes âgées nécessitant une diète purée. Une étude de cas qualitative a été utilisée pour explorer la perception de patients vis-à-vis les aspects relatifs à leur cabaret, l’assistance qu’ils recevaient et le contexte social de leur repas. Les impressions des professionnels de la santé quant à l’expérience des patients ont aussi été obtenues. Les résultats indiquent que l’identification difficile des aliments en purée, la saveur, l’apparence et la variété sont tous des éléments qui affectent négativement leur expérience repas. Des sentiments d’impuissance ont aussi été rapportés par les patients et les professionnels de la santé. Le contexte social du repas a été souligné comme étant un aspect à cibler pour améliorer l’expérience des patients. Un programme utilisant des purées formées pourrait contrecarrer les effets négatifs de la prescription d’une diète purée. Des changements dans les pratiques infirmières, à savoir la création d’une ambiance sociale agréable au moment des repas, semble être une option peu couteuse qui pourrait améliorer l’expérience repas des patients et diminuer les sentiments d’impuissance relevés par les professionnels de la santé à l’égard de cet aspect de soin.


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Les images qui représentent le Mexicain le montrent habituellement sous les traits d’un être extrêmement mélancolique qui fait face à un destin tragique. Les nombreux mythes entourant le Mexicain, issus de la culture même, sont effectivement reliés de près ou de loin à la peur et la tristesse, soit deux composantes essentielles de la mélancolie. L’anthropologue Roger Bartra dans La jaula de la melancolía: identidad y metamorfosis del mexicano analyse ces éléments clés qui constitueraient la personnalité du Mexicain. L’objectif de cette recherche est de démontrer que Atlántida d’Oscar Villegas est l’œuvre par excellence qui représente cette mélancolie toute mexicaine. Dans sa pièce de théâtre, Villegas raconte l’histoire d’une jeune artiste de cabaret qui vit de nombreuses désillusions dans un monde vulgaire et pervers où les valeurs humaines font défaut. Le dramaturge met en scène le Mexico urbain des années quarante et montre le désespoir et l’impossibilité pour les habitants de ses quartiers pauvres de changer le cours de leur vie. En plus d’être une pièce de théâtre qui, tant au niveau de son contenu que de sa forme, porte en elle les marques de la mélancolie, Atlántida met en relief ces caractéristiques devenues au fil du temps représentatives de l’image nationale du Mexicain. L’étude de cette œuvre s’appuie sur les théories d’analyse du texte théâtral d’Anne Ubersfeld qui propose une approche centrée sur l’action et les conditions de communication contenues dans les dialogues. Faire le pont entre la pièce de théâtre de Villegas et l’essai de Bartra permet d’explorer le lien intrinsèque qui semble s’établir entre Mexicain et mélancolie.


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La version intégrale de ce mémoire est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).


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La version intégrale de ce mémoire est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).


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En 1936, l’American Music League publiait le recueil de chansons afro-américaines Negro Songs of Protest collectées par le folkloriste communiste Lawrence Gellert. Puis en 1938 et 1939, grâce au financement du mouvement communiste américain, le producteur John Hammond présentait deux concerts intitulés From Spirituals to Swing au Carnegie Hall de New York. En plus de rendre hommage à l’histoire de la musique noire américaine, ces deux concerts défiaient la ségrégation raciale, permettant au Noirs et aux Blancs d’être rassemblés sur une même scène et de s’asseoir ensemble dans l’assistance. Au même moment, la chanteuse jazz Billie Holiday faisait fureur au Café Society, premier club « intégré » de New York et lieu de rassemblement de la gauche radicale, en interprétant soir après soir la chanson ‘’Strange Fruit’’ qui dénonçait l’horreur du lynchage toujours en vigueur dans le Sud des États-Unis. C’était l’époque du Front Populaire, la plus importante période d’influence du mouvement communiste aux États-Unis et, de surcroît, le moment de l’histoire américaine durant lequel la gauche organisée détenait un pouvoir sans précédent sur la culture de masse. Partant d’une discussion sur le potentiel révolutionnaire de la musique noire américaine et cherchant à comprendre le positionnement des mouvements sociaux vis-à-vis la culture, ce mémoire met en lumière le point de vue des communistes américains blancs face à l’émergence et à la popularité grandissante du blues et du jazz noirs aux États-Unis. En fonction des trois principales phases politiques du Parti Communiste américain (CPUSA) – la phase du colorblind class (1919-1928); la phase du nationalisme noir (1928-1935); le Front Populaire (1935-1940) – ce mémoire retrace les changements d’attitude de la vieille gauche envers la culture populaire et suggère que le mouvement communiste américain a tenté d’utiliser le blues et le jazz à des fins d’agit-prop.


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Examination of scatological motifs in Théophile de Viau’s (1590-1626) libertine, or ‘cabaret’ poetry is important in terms of how the scatological contributes to the depiction of the Early Modern body in the French lyric.1 This essay does not examine Théophile’s portrait of the body strictly in terms of the ‘Baroque’ or the ‘neo-Classical.’ Rather, it argues that the scatological context in which he situates the body (either his, or those of others), reflects a keen sensibility of the body representative of the transition between these two eras. Théophile reinforces what Bernard Beugnot terms the body’s inherent ‘eloquence’ (17), or what Patrick Dandrey describes as an innate ‘textuality’ in what the body ‘writes’ (31), and how it discloses meaning. The poet’s scatological lyric, much of which was published in the Pamasse Satyrique of 1622, projects a different view of the body’s ‘eloquence’ by depicting a certain realism and honesty about the body as well as the pleasure and suffering it experiences. This Baroque realism, which derives from a sense of the grotesque and the salacious, finds itself in conflict with the Classical body which is frequently characterized as elegant, adorned, and ‘domesticated’ (Beugnot 25). Théophile’s private body is completely exposed, and, unlike the public body of the court, does not rely on masking and pretension to define itself. Mitchell Greenberg contends that the body in late sixteenth-century and early seventeenth-century French literature is often depicted in a chaotic manner because, ‘the French body politic was rent by tumultuous religious and social upheavals’ (62).2 While one could argue that Théophile’s portraits of a syphilis-ridden narrators are more a reflection of his personal agony rather than that of France as a whole, what emerges in Théophile is an emphasis on the movement, if not decomposition of the body.3 Given Théophile’s public persona and the satirical dimension of his work, it is difficult to imagine that the degeneration he portrays is limited only to his individual experience. On a collective level, Théophile reflects what Greenberg calls ‘a continued, if skewed apprehension of the world in both its physical and metaphysical dimensions’(62–3) typical of the era. To a large extent, the body Théophile depicts is a scatological body, one whose deterioration takes the form of waste, disease, and evacuation as represented in both the private and public domain. Of course, one could cast aside any serious reading of Théophile’s libertine verse, and virtually all of scatological literature for that matter, as an immature indulgence in the prurient. Nonetheless, it was for his dissolute behavior and his scatological poetry that Théophile was imprisoned and condemned to death. Consequently, this part of his work merits serious consideration in terms of the personal and poetic (if not occasionally political) statement it represents. With the exception of Claire Gaudiani’s outstanding critical edition of Théophile’s cabaret lyric, there exist no extensive studies of the poet’s libertine œuvre.4 Clearly however, these poems should be taken seriously with respect to their philosophical and aesthetic import. As a consequence, the objective becomes that of enhancing the reader’s understanding of the lyric contexts in which Théophile’s scatological offerings situate themselves. Structurally, the reader sees how the poet’s libertine ceuvre is just that — an integrated work in which the various components correspond to one another to set forth a number of approaches from which the texts are to be read. These points of view are not always consistent, and Théophile cannot be thought of as writing in a sequential manner along the lines of devotional Baroque poets such as Jean de La Ceppède and Jean de Sponde. However, there is a tendency not to read these poems in their vulgar totality, and to overlook the formal and substantive unity in this category of Théophile’s work. The poet’s resistance to poetic and cultural standards takes a profane, if not pornographic form because it seeks to disgust and arouse while denigrating the self, the lyric other, and the reader. Théophile’s pornography makes no distinction between the erotic and scatological. The poet conflates sex and shit because they present a double form of protest to artistic and social decency while titillating and attacking the reader’s sensibilities. Examination of the repugnant gives way to a cathartic experience which yields an understanding of, if not ironic delight in, one’s own filthy nature.


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La tesi di ricerca si propone di esaminare due tipologie della canzone sociale nel XIX secolo, ed in particolare attorno al 1848. Lo studio del canto nei contesti presi in esame (l’Italia e la Francia) viene analizzato attraverso due piste di ricerca parallele tra loro. Da una parte si è utilizzato il concetto di sociabilité per conoscere i luoghi di produzione e di diffusione del canto (l’importanza della strada, dell’osteria, delle goguette parigine, degli chansonniers des rues e dei cantastorie) e le circostanze di utilizzazione della canzone (la canzone in quanto forma d’espressione orale ma anche come scrittura murale, foglio volante e volantino). Dall’altra l’analisi si è focalizzata sui contenuti dei testi musicali per mette in luce le differenti tematiche, le immagini linguistiche e le figure retoriche cantate dall’artigiano-operaio per far emergere le differenze dell’idea di nazione tra i due contesti presi in esame. L’attenzione posta alla comparazione condurrà all’evidenziazione di punti di contatto tra le due nazioni. Il canto, infatti, costituisce un terreno privilegiato per comprendere l’immagine dell’“altro”: quale immagine possedevano i lavoratori francesi dell’Italia risorgimentale? E gli artigiani italiani come percepivano la nazione francese? Il canto viene analizzato non solamente come un “testo” ma anche come una “pratica sociale”. Queste operazioni permetteranno di sondare più in profondità la funzione sociale svolta dalla canzone all’interno della cultura popolare e la sua importanza in quanto forma d’espressione e vettore di politicizzazione. La duplice utilizzazione del canto, in quanto “testo” e “pratica”, consente di inserire la ricerca all’interno di un filone storiografico che dalla storia sociale si muove a quella culturale. La canzone sociale rappresenta un fertile terreno di ricerca, non solamente all’interno di un singolo territorio nazionale, ma possiede un prezioso valore euristico in funzione comparativa.


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Cabaret is deeply rooted in Austrian culture, particularly in Vienna, where nowadays this genre can once again live its glory days thanks to the effort of many cabaret comedians like Michael Niavarani, Roland Düringer, Alfred Dorfer and Andreas Vitásek. The starting point for this work is the show “Sekundenschlaf”, of the Viennese cabaret artist Andreas Vitásek. The core of the show is time, a dimension that is not fixed, but time can both fly as well as lengthen almost endlessly. Moreover, Vitásek also speaks about many current issues, like politics and the economic crisis, but the focus of the show is always the author’s personal experience. By means of this work I wanted to identify the difficulties of a potential translation of the show in order to find out whether such a translation might be possible and effective. I chose the examples that were more significant from a thematic and linguistic point of view, transcribed them directly from the DVD and analyzed them in detail. The translation of cabaret proves to be particularly difficult, as it is essential to convey the humorous elements to the target audience. Although humor belongs to all human beings, it is extremely specific for each culture and language. Therefore it is the job of a translator to manage to build a bridge between the source and the target culture. This work is divided into two major parts, one dedicated to cabaret as artistic genre, and the other one specifically dedicated to the show “Sekundenschlaf”. Through the analysis of the transcribed examples I have identified first the linguistic and then the thematic difficulties, pointing out which cultural elements are specific for Austrian culture and which elements can be understood (almost) everywhere.


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The main goal of the AEgIS experiment at CERN is to test the weak equivalence principle for antimatter. AEgIS will measure the free-fall of an antihydrogen beam traversing a moir'e deflectometer. The goal is to determine the gravitational acceleration with an initial relative accuracy of 1% by using an emulsion detector combined with a silicon μ-strip detector to measure the time of flight. Nuclear emulsions can measure the annihilation vertex of antihydrogen atoms with a precision of ~ 1–2 μm r.m.s. We present here results for emulsion detectors operated in vacuum using low energy antiprotons from the CERN antiproton decelerator. We compare with Monte Carlo simulations, and discuss the impact on the AEgIS project.


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The main goal of the AEgIS experiment at CERN is to test the weak equivalence principle for antimatter. We will measure the Earth ' s gravitational acceleration g with antihydrogen atoms being launched in a horizontal vacuum tube and traversing a moiré de fl ectometer. We intend to use a position sensitive device made of nuclear emulsions (combined with a time-of- fl ight detector such as silicon μ strips) to measure precisely their annihilation points at the end of the tube. The goal is to determine g with a 1% relative accuracy. In 2012 we tested emulsion fi lms in vacuum and at room temperature with low energy antiprotons from the CERN antiproton decelerator. First results on the expected performance for AEgIS are presented


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In diesem Vortrag wurden die ästhetischen und ideologischen Gemeinsamkeiten und Verbindungen zwischen den Tanzreformern um Rudolf von Laban und der 1916 gegründeten Dada-Gruppe in Zürich um Hugo Ball beleuchtet. Diskutiert hat Mona De Weerdt die Gemeinsamkeiten der beiden Gruppierungen bezüglich Programmatik, Ideologie, künstlerischer Neuerungen, Intentionen sowie die gesellschaftspolitischen Implikationen ihrer Kunst. Ein Fokus lag auf den in den Medienmitteilungen und Programmheften und von Zeitzeugen als ‚kubistisch’ oder ‚abstrakt’ bezeichneten Dada-Tänzen, die an Spielstätten wie dem Cabaret Voltaire, in der Galerie Dada und dem Saal zur Kaufleuten gezeigt wurde. Insbesondere hervorgehoben wurde die problematische Quellenlage und Schwierigkeit der Rekonstruktion dieser performativen Dada-Veranstaltungen.


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En las letras de tango, la construcción del personaje de la milonguera se realiza a través de reiteradas referencias a una serie de motivos que adquieren valor simbólico. Esto puede aplicarse a los espacios en los que se mueve el personaje. La transformación de la muchacha de barrio en milonguera se produce a través de un pasaje iniciático del barrio al centro de la ciudad. De tal modo, estos dos espacios exteriores se transforman en polos espaciales de alta valencia simbólica, en cuya dialéctica de oposición se configura el personaje de la milonguera. De igual forma, el conventillo, cuna de la muchacha de arrabal, y el cabaret, ámbito de acción de la milonguera, adquieren en su contraposición una dimensión simbólica como espacios interiores, paralela al contraste entre el barrio y el centro. En esta dirección, el centro y el cabaret son símbolos catamorfos, es decir, representan la transformación de la muchacha en milonguera, lo cual, según la visión de los enunciadores de los tangos, constituye una caída moral. Por el contrario, el barrio y el conventillo son símbolos de la pureza originaria y perdida de la milonguera, y la vuelta a ellos constituiría su posibilidad de redención.