1000 resultados para CYCLIC VOLTAMMETRY.


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Microelectrode cyclic voltammetry (MV) has been employed to investigate the micellar properties of solutions of homologous alkyltrimethylammonium bromides, RMe(3)ABr, R = C(10), C(12), and C(14), in water and in the presence of added NaBr. The micellar self-diffusion coefficient was calculated from the limiting current for the reversible electron transfer of micelle-bound ferrocene. From the values of this property, other parameters were calculated, including the micellar hydrodynamic radius, RH, and aggregation number, N(agg); the latter was also theoretically calculated. We determined the values of the diffusion coefficient as a function of various experimental variables and observed the following trends: The diffusion coefficient decreases as a function of increasing surfactant concentration (no additional electrolyte added); it decreases as a function of increasing surfactant concentration at fixed NaBr concentration; and it shows a complex dependence (increase then decrease) on the NaBr concentration at a fixed RMe(3)ABr concentration. The value of the intermicellar interaction parameter decreases and then increases as a function of increasing NaBr concentration. These results are discussed in terms of intermicellar,interactions and the effect of NaBr on the micellar surface charge density and sphere-to-rod geometry change. The NaBr concentration required to induce the latter change increases rapidly as a function of decreasing the length of R: no geometry change was detected for C(10)Me(3)ABr. Values of N(agg) increase as I function of increasing the length of R and are in good agreement with both literature values and values that were calculated theoretically. Thus, MV is a convenient and simple technique for obtaining fundamental properties of surfactant solutions, including additive-induced changes of micellar parameters (N(agg)) and morphology changes.


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The electrochemical oxidation of promethazine hydrochloride was made on highly boron-doped diamond electrodes. Cyclic voltammetry experiments showed that the oxidation mechanisms involved the formation of an adsorbed product that is more readily oxidized, producing a new peak with lower potential values whose intensity can be increased by applying the accumulation potential for given times. The parameters were optimized and the highest current intensities were obtained by applying +0.78 V for 30 seconds. The square-wave adsorptive voltammetry results obtained in BR buffer showed two well-defined peaks, dependent on the pH and on the voltammetric parameters. The best responses were obtained at pH 4.0, frequency of 50 s(-1), step of 2 mV, and amplitude of 50 mV. Under these conditions, linear responses were obtained for concentrations from 5.96 x 10(-7) to 4.76 x 10(-6) mol L-1, and calculated detection limits of 2.66 x 10(-8) mol L-1 (8.51 mu g L-1) for peak 1 and of 4.61 x 10(-8) mol L-1 (14.77 mu g L-1) for peak 2. The precision and accuracy were evaluated by repeatability and reproducibility experiments, which yielded values of less than 5.00% for both voltammetric peaks. ne applicability of this procedure was tested on commercial formulations of promethazine hydrochloride by observing the stability, specificity, recovery and precision of the procedure in complex samples. All results obtained were compared to recommended procedure by British Pharmacopeia. The voltammetric results indicate that the proposed procedure is stable and sensitive, with good reproducibility even when the accumulation steps involve short times. It is therefore very suitable for the development of the electroanalytical procedure, providing adequate sensitivity and a reliable method.


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Unexpected nonadditivity of currents encountered in the electrochemistry of mixtures of ferrocene (Fc) and cobaltocenium cation (Cc+) as the PF6 - salt has been investigated by direct current (dc) and Fourier-transformed alternating current (ac) cyclic voltammetry in two aprotic (1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate) and three protic (triethylammonium formate, bis(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium acetate, and triethylammonium acetate) ionic liquids (ILs). The voltammetry of the individual Fc0/+ and Cc+/0 couples always exhibits near-Nernstian behavior at glassy carbon and gold electrodes. As expected for an ideal process, the reversible formal potentials and diffusion coefficients at 23 ( 1 °C in each IL determined from measurement on individual Fc and Cc+ solutions were found to be independent of electrode material, concentration, and technique used for the measurement. However, when Fc and Cc+ were simultaneously present, the dc and ac peak currents per unit concentration for the Fc0/+ and Cc+/0 processes were found to be significantly enhanced in both aprotic and protic ILs. Thus, the apparent diffusion coefficient values calculated for Fc and Cc+ were respectively found to be about 25 and 35% larger than those determined individually in the aprotic ILs. A similar change in the Fc0/+ mass transport characteristics was observed upon addition of tetrabutylammonium hexafluorophosphate (Bu4NPF6), and the double layer capacitance also varied in distinctly different ways when Fc and Cc+ were present individually or in mixtures. Importantly, the nonadditivity of Faradaic current is not associated with a change in viscosity or from electron exchange as found when some solutes are added to ILs. The observation that the 1H NMR T1 relaxation times for the proton resonance in Cc+ also are modified in mixed systems implies that specific interaction with aggregates of the constituent IL ionic species giving rise to subtle structural changes plays an important role in modifying the mass transport, double layer characteristics, and dynamics when solutes of interest in this study are added to ILs. Analogous voltammetric changes were not observed in studies in organic solvent media containing 0.1 M added supporting electrolyte. Implications of the nonadditivity of Faradaic and capacitance terms in ILs are considered.


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Voltammetric behavior at gold electrodes in aqueous media is known to be strongly dependent on electrode polishing and history. In this study, an electrode array consisting of 100 nominally identical and individually addressable gold disks electrodes, each with a radius of 127 µm, has been fabricated. The ability to analyze both individual electrode and total array performance enables microscopic aspects of the overall voltammetric response arising from variable levels of inhomogeneity in each electrode to be identified. The array configuration was initially employed with the reversible and hence relatively surface insensitive [Ru(NH3)6]3+/2+ reaction and then with the more highly surface sensitive quasi-reversible [Fe(CN)6]3−/4− process. In both these cases, the reactants and products are solution soluble and, at a scan rate of 50 mV s−1, each electrode in the array is assumed to behave independently, since no evidence of overlapping of the diffusion layers was detected. As would be expected, the variability of the individual electrodesʼ responses was significantly larger than found for the summed electrode behavior. In the case of cytochrome c voltammetry at a 4,4′-dipyridyl disulfide modified electrode, a far greater dependence on electrode history and electrode heterogeneity was detected. In this case, voltammograms derived from individual electrodes in the gold array electrode exhibit shape variations ranging from peak to sigmoidal. However, again the total response was always found to be well-defined. This voltammetry is consistent with a microscopic model of heterogeneity where some parts of each chemically modified electrode surface are electroactive while other parts are less active. The findings are consistent with the common existence of electrode heterogeneity in cyclic voltammetric responses at gold electrodes, that are normally difficult to detect, but fundamentally important, as electrode nonuniformity can give rise to subtle forms of kinetic and other forms of dispersion.


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Glassy carbon electrodes (GCE) were modified with poly(glutamic acid) acid films prepared using three different procedures: glutamic acid monomer electropolymerization (MONO), evaporation of poly(glutamic acid) (PAG) and evaporation of a mixture of poly(glutamic acid)/glutaraldehyde (PAG/GLU). All three films showed good adherence to the electrode surface. The performance of the modified GCE was investigated by cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse voltammetry, and the films were characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The three poly(glutamic acid) modified GCEs were tested using the electrochemical oxidation of ascorbic acid and a decrease of the overpotential and the improvement of the oxidation peak current was observed. The PAG modified electrode surfaces gave the best results. AFM morphological images showed a polymeric network film formed by well-defined nanofibres that may undergo extensive swelling in solution, allowing an easier electron transfer and higher oxidation peaks. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is a halogenated aminoquinoline that presents wide biological activity, often being used as an antimalarial drug. The electrochemical reduction of HCQ was investigated by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry using glassy carbon electrodes. By cyclic voltammetry, in acid medium, only the cathodic peak was observed. The electrochemical behavior of this peak is dependent on pH and the electrodic process occurs through an ErCi mechanism. The electron number (le) consumed in the reduction of HCQ was obtained by chronoamperometry. A method for the electrochemical determination of HCQ in pharmaceutical tablets was developed using differential pulse voltammetry. The detection limit reached was 11.2 mug ml(-1) of HCQ with a relative standard deviation of 0.46%. A spectrophotometric study of HCQ has been also carried out utilizing a band at 343 nm. The obtained detection limit and the relative standard deviation were 0.1 mug ml(-1) and 0.36%, respectively. The electrochemical methods are sufficiently accurate and precise to be applied for HCQ determination, in laboratorial routine, which can be used to determine the drug at low level. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The presence of trace basic organonitrogen compounds such as quinoline and pyridine in derivative petroleum fuels plays an important role in maintaining the engines of vehicles. However, these substances can contaminate the environment and so must be controlled because most of them are potentially carcinogenic and mutagenic. For these reasons, a reliable and sensitive method was developed for the determination of basic nitrogen compounds in fuel samples such as gasoline and diesel. This method utilizes preconcentration on an ion-exchange resin (Amberlyte IR - 120 H) followed by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) on a glassy carbon electrode. The electrochemical behavior of quinoline and pyridine as studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV) suggests that their reduction occurs via a reversible electron transfer followed by an irreversible chemical reaction. Very well resolved diffusion-controlled voltammetric peaks were obtained in dimethylformamide (DMF) with tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate (TBAF(4) 0.1 mol L-1) for quinoline (-1.95 V) and pyridine (-2.52 V) vs. Ag vertical bar AgCl vertical bar KClsat reference electrode. The proposed DPV method displayed a good linear response from 0.10 to 300 mg L-1 and a limit of detection (LOD) of 5.05 and 0.25 mu g L-1 for quinoline and pyridine, respectively. Using the method of standard additions, the simultaneous determination of quinoline and pyridine in gasoline samples yielded 25.0 +/- 0.3 and 33.0 +/- 0.7 mg L-1 and in diesel samples yielded 80.3 +/- 0.2 and 131 +/- 0.4 mg L-1, respectively. Spike recoveries were 94.4 +/- 0.3% and 10 +/- 0.5% for quinoline and pyridine, respectively, in the fuel determinations. This proposed method was also compared with UV-vis spectrophotometric measurements. Results obtained for the two methods agreed well based on F and t student's tests.


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The presence of trace neutral organonitrogen compounds as carbazole and indole in derivative petroleum fuels plays an important role in the car's engine maintenance. In addition, these substances contribute to the environmental contamination and their control is necessary because most of them are potentially carcinogenic and mutagenic. For those reasons, a reliable and sensitive method was proposed for the determination of neutral nitrogen compounds in fuel samples, such as gasoline and diesel using preconcentration with modified silica gel (Merck 70-230 mesh ASTM) followed by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) technique on a glassy carbon electrode. The electrochemical behavior of carbazole and indole studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV) suggests that their reduction occurs via a reversible electron transfer followed by an irreversible chemical reaction. Very well resolved diffusion controlled voltammetric peaks were obtained in dimethylformamide (DMF) with tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate (TBAF(4) 0.1 mol L-1) for indole (-2.27 V) and carbazole (-2.67 V) versus Ag vertical bar AgCl vertical bar KClsat reference electrode. The proposed DPV method showed a good linear response range from 0.10 to 300 mg L-1 and a limit of detection (L.O.D) of 7.48 and 2.66 mu g L-1 for indole and carbazole, respectively. The results showed that simultaneous determination of indole and carbazole presents in spiked gasoline samples were 15.8 +/- 0.3 and 64.6 +/- 0.9 mg L-1 and in spiked diesel samples were 9.29 +/- 1 and 142 +/- 1 mg L-1, respectively. The recovery was evaluated and the results shown the values of 88.9 +/- 0.4 and 90.2 +/- 0.8% for carbazole and indole in fuel determinations. The proposed method was also compared with UV-vis spectrophotometric measures and the results obtained for the two methods were in good agreement according to the F and t Student's tests. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tetradifon, a potentially carcinogenic and mutagenic pesticide, can contribute to environmental and human contamination when applied to green bell pepper crops. In this context, in this work, a reliable and sensitive method for determination of tetradifon in Brazilian green bell pepper samples involving a differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) technique on a glassy carbon electrode is proposed. The electrochemical behavior of tetradifon as followed by cyclic voltammetry (CV) suggests that its reduction occurs via an irreversible five–electron transfer vs. Ag|AgCl, KCl 3 M reference electrode. Very well–resolved diffusion controlled voltammetric peaks have been obtained in a supporting electrolyte solution composed of a mixture of 40% dimethylformamide (DMF), 30% methanol, and 30% NaOH 0.3 mol L−1 at −1.43, −1.57, −1.73, −1.88, and −2.05 V. The proposed DPV method has a good linear response in the 3.00 – 10.0 μmol L−1 range, with a limit of detection (L.O.D) of 0.756 μmol L−1 and 0.831 μmol L−1 in the absence and in the presence of the matrix, respectively. Moreover, improved L.O.D results (0.607 μmol L−1) have been achieved in the absence of DMF from the supporting electrolyte solution. Recovery has been evaluated in five commercial green bell pepper samples, and recovery percentages ranging from 91.0 to 109 have been obtained for tetradifon determinations. The proposed voltammetric method has also been tested for reproducibility, repeatability, and potential interferents, and the results obtained for these three analytical parameters are satisfactory for electroanalytical purposes.


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Sugar is widely consumed worldwide and Brazil is the largest producer, consumer, and exporter of this product. To guarantee proper development and productivity of sugar cane crops, it is necessary to apply large quantities of agrochemicals, especially herbicides and pesticides. The herbicide tebuthiuron (TBH) prevents pre- and post-emergence of infesting weed in sugarcane cultures. Considering that it is important to ensure food safety for the population, this paper proposes a reliable method to analyse TBH in sugar matrixes (brown and crystal) using square wave voltammetry (SWV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) at bare glassy carbon electrode and investigate the electrochemical behavior of this herbicide by cyclic voltammetry (CV). Our results suggest that TBH or the product of its reaction with a supporting electrolyte is oxidized through irreversible transfer of one electron between the analyte and the working electrode, at a potential close to +1.16 V vs. Ag |AgClsat in 0.10 mol L-1 KOH as supporting electrolyte solution. Both DPV and SWV are satisfactory for the quantitative analysis of the analyte. DPV is more sensitive and selective, with detection limits of 0.902, 0.815 and 0.578 mg kg-1, and quantification limits of 0.009, 0.010 and 0.008 mg kg-1 in the absence of the matrix and in the presence of crystal and brown sugar matrix, respectively. Repeatability lay between 0.53 and 13.8%, precision ranged between 4.14 and 15.0%, and recovery remained between 84.2 and 113% in the case of DPV conducted in the absence of matrix and in the presence of the crystal sugar matrix, respectively.


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Tetradifon, a potentially carcinogenic and mutagenic pesticide, can contribute to environmental and human contamination when applied to green bell pepper crops. In this context, in this work, a reliable and sensitive method for determination of tetradifon in Brazilian green bell pepper samples involving a differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) technique on a glassy carbon electrode is proposed. The electrochemical behavior of tetradifon as followed by cyclic voltammetry (CV) suggests that its reduction occurs via an irreversible five-electron transfer vs. Ag vertical bar AgCl, KCl 3 M reference electrode. Very well-resolved diffusion controlled voltammetric peaks have been obtained in a supporting electrolyte solution composed of a mixture of 40% dimethylformamide (DMF), 30% methanol, and 30% NaOH 0.3 mol L-1 at -1.43, -1.57, -1.73, -1.88, and -2.05 V. The proposed DPV method has a good linear response in the 3.00 - 10.0 mu mol L-1 range, with a limit of detection (L.O.D) of 0.756 mu mol L-1 and 0.831 mu mol L-1 in the absence and in the presence of the matrix, respectively. Moreover, improved L.O.D results (0.607 mu mol L-1) have been achieved in the absence of DMF from the supporting electrolyte solution. Recovery has been evaluated in five commercial green bell pepper samples, and recovery percentages ranging from 91.0 to 109 have been obtained for tetradifon determinations. The proposed voltammetric method has also been tested for reproducibility, repeatability, and potential interferents, and the results obtained for these three analytical parameters are satisfactory for electroanalytical purposes. (C) 2012 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/2.024207jes] All rights reserved.


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A finite difference method for simulating voltammograms of electrochemically driven enzyme catalysis is presented. The method enables any enzyme mechanism to be simulated. The finite difference equations can be represented as a matrix equation containing a nonlinear sparse matrix. This equation has been solved using the software package Mathematica. Our focus is on the use of cyclic voltammetry since this is the most commonly employed electrochemical method used to elucidate mechanisms. The use of cyclic voltammetry to obtain data from systems obeying Michaelis-Menten kinetics is discussed, and we then verify our observations on the Michaelis-Menten system using the finite difference simulation. Finally, we demonstrate how the method can be used to obtain mechanistic information on a real redox enzyme system, the complex bacterial molybdoenzyme xanthine dehydrogenase.


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The mixed double-decker Eu\[Pc(15C5)4](TPP) (1) was obtained by base-catalysed tetramerisation of 4,5-dicyanobenzo-15-crown-5 using the half-sandwich complex Eu(TPP)(acac) (acac = acetylacetonate), generated in situ, as the template. For comparative studies, the mixed triple-decker complexes Eu2\[Pc(15C5)4](TPP)2 (2) and Eu2\[Pc(15C5)4]2(TPP) (3) were also synthesised by the raise-by-one-story method. These mixed ring sandwich complexes were characterised by various spectroscopic methods. Up to four one-electron oxidations and two one-electron reductions were revealed by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). As shown by electronic absorption and infrared spectroscopy, supramolecular dimers (SM1 and SM3) were formed from the corresponding double-decker 1 and triple-decker 3 in the presence of potassium ions in MeOH/CHCl3.


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The electrochemical characteristics of a series of heteroleptic tris(phthalocyaninato) complexes with identical rare earths or mixed rare earths (Pc)M(OOPc)M(OOPc) [M = Eu...Lu, Y; H2Pc = unsubstituted phthalocyanine, H2(OOPc) = 3,4,12,13,21,22,30,31-octakis(octyloxy)phthalocyanine] and (Pc)Eu(OOPc)Er(OOPc) have been recorded and studied comparatively by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) in CH2Cl2 containing 0.1 M tetrabutylammonium perchlorate (TBAP). Up to five quasi-reversible one-electron oxidations and four one-electron reductions have been revealed. The half-wave potentials of the first, second and fifth oxidations depend on the size of the metal center, but the fifth changes in the opposite direction to that of the first two. Moreover, the difference in redox potentials of the first oxidation and first reduction for (Pc)M(OOPc)M(OOPc), 0.85−0.98 V, also decreases linearly along with decreasing rare earth ion radius, clearly showing the rare earth ion size effect and indicating enhanced π−π interactions in the triple-deckers connected by smaller lanthanides. This order follows the red-shift seen in the lowest energy band of triple-decker compounds. The electronic differences between the lanthanides and yttrium are more apparent for triple-decker sandwich complexes than for the analogous double-deckers. By comparing triple-decker, double-decker and mononuclear [ZnII] complexes containing the OOPc ligand, the HOMO−LUMO gap has been shown to contract approximately linearly with the number of stacked phthalocyanine ligands.


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The electrochemistry of homoleptic substituted phthalocyaninato rare earth double-decker complexes M(TBPc)2 and M(OOPc)2 [M = Y, La...Lu except Pm; H2TBPc = 3(4),12(13),21(22),30(31)-tetra-tert-butylphthalocyanine, H2OOPc = 3,4,12,13,21,22,30,31-octakis(octyloxy)phthalocyanine] has been comparatively studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) in CH2Cl2 containing 0.1 M tetra-n-butylammonium perchlorate (TBAP). Two quasi-reversible one-electron oxidations and three or four quasi-reversible one-electron reductions have been revealed for these neutral double-deckers of two series of substituted complexes, respectively. For comparison, unsubstituted bis(phthalocyaninato) rare earth analogues M(Pc)2 (M = Y, La...Lu except Pm; H2Pc = phthalocyanine) have also been electrochemically investigated. Two quasi-reversible one-electron oxidations and up to five quasi-reversible one-electron reductions have been revealed for these neutral double-decker compounds. The three bis(phthalocyaninato)cerium compounds display one cerium-centered redox wave between the first ligand-based oxidation and reduction. The half-wave potentials of the first and second oxidations and first reduction for double-deckers of the tervalent rare earths depend on the size of the metal center. The difference between the redox potentials of the second and third reductions for MIII(Pc)2, which represents the potential difference between the first oxidation and first reduction of [MIII(Pc)2]−, lies in the range 1.08−1.37 V and also gradually diminishes along with the lanthanide contraction, indicating enhanced π−π interactions in the double-deckers connected by the smaller, lanthanides. This corresponds well with the red-shift of the lowest energy band observed in the electronic absorption spectra of reduced double-decker [MIII(Pc′)2]− (Pc′ = Pc, TBPc, OOPc).