256 resultados para CYANOBACTERIUM


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The construction of the shuttle, expression vector of human tumor necrosis factor alpha (hTNF-alpha) gene and its expression in a cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 was reported. The 700-bp hTNF cDNA fragments have been recovered from plasmid pRL-rhTNF, then inserted downstream of the promoter PpsbA in the plasmid pRL439. The resultant intermediary plasmid pRL-TC has further been combined with the shuttle vector pDC-8 to get the shuttle, expression vector pDC-TNF. The expression of the rhTNF gene in Escherichia coil has been analyzed by SDS-PAGE and thin-layer scanning, and the results show that the expressed TNF protein with these two vectors is 16.9 percent (pRL-TC) and 15.0 percent (pDC-TNF) of the total proteins in the cells, respectively, while the expression level of TNF gene in plasmid pRL-rhTNF is only 11.8 percent. Combined with the participation of the conjugal and helper plasmids, pDC-TNF has been introduced into Anabaena sg PCC 7120 by triparental conjugative transfer, and the stable transgenic strains have been obtained. The existence of the introduced plasmid pDC-TNF in recombinant cyanobacterial cells has been demonstrated by the results of the agarose electrophoresis with the extracted plasmid samples and Southern blotting with alpha-(32)p labeled hTNF cDNA probes, while the expression of the hTNF gene in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 has been confirmed by the results of Western blotting with extracted protein samples and human TNF-alpha monoclonal antibodies. The cytotoxicity assays using the mouse cancer cell line L929 proved the cytotoxicity of the TNF in the crude extracts from the transgenic cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120.


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Biofilm growth on stone surfaces is a significant contributing factor to stone biodeterioration. Current market based biocides are hazardous to the environment and to public health. We have investigated the photo-dynamic effect of methylene blue (MB) in the presence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on the destruction of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus leopoliensis (S. leopoliensis) under irradiation with visible light. Data presented in this paper illustrate that illumination of S. leopoliensis in the presence of a photosensitiser (MB) and H2O2 results in the decomposition of both the cyanobacterium and the photosensitiser. The presence of MB and H2O2 affects the viability of the photosensitiser and the cyanobacterium with the fluorescence of both decreasing by 80% over the irradiation time investigated. The photo-dynamic effect was observed under aerobic and anaerobic conditions indicating that oxygen was not necessary for the process. This novel combination could be effective for the remediation of biofilm colonised stone surfaces


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Cyanobacteria are able to regulate the distribution of absorbed light energy between photo systems 1 and 2 in response to light conditions. The mechanism of this regulation (the state transition) was investigated in the marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7002. Three cell types were used: the wild type, psaL mutant (deletion of a photo system 1 subunit thought to be involved in photo system 1 trimerization) and the apcD mutant (a deletion of a phycobilisome subunit thought to be responsible for energy transfer to photo system 1). Evidence from 77K fluorescence emission spectroscopy, room temperature fluorescence and absorption cross-section measurements were used to determine a model of energy distribution from the phycobilisome and chlorophyll antennas in state 1 and state 2. The data confirm that in state 1 the phycobilisome is primarily attached to PS2. In state 2, a portion of the phycobilisome absorbed light energy is redistributed to photo system 1. This energy is directly transferred to photo system 1 by one of the phycobilisome terminal emitters, the product of the apcD gene, rather than via the photo system 2 chlorophyll antenna by spillover (energy transfer between the photo system 2 and photo system 1 chlorophyll antenna). The data also show that energy absorbed by the photo system 2 chlorophyll antenna is redistributed to photo system 1 in state 2. This could occur in one of two ways; by spillover or in a way analogous to higher plants where a segment of the chlorophyll antenna is dissociated from photo system 2 and becomes part of the photo system 1 antenna. The presence of energy transfer between neighbouring photo system 2 antennae was determined at both the phycobilisome and chlorophyll level, in states 1 and 2. Increases in antenna absorption cross-section with increasing reaction center closure showed that there is energy transfer (connectivity) between photosystem 2 antennas. No significant difference was shown in the amount of connectivity under these four conditions.


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The distribution of excitation energy between the two photosystems (PSII and PSI) of photosynthesis is regulated by the light state transition. Three models have been proposed for the mechanism of the state transition in phycobilisome (PBS) containing organisms, two involving protein phosphorylation. A procedure for the rapid isolation of thylakoid membranes and PBS fractions from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus m. PCC 6301 in light state 1 and light state 2 was developed. The phosphorylation of thylakoid and soluble proteins rapidly isolated from intact cells in state 1 and state 2 was investigated. 77 K fluorescence emission spectra revealed that rapidly isolated thylakoid membranes retained the excitation energy distribution characteristic of intact cells in state 1 and state 2. Phosphoproteins were identified by gel electrophoresis of both thylakoid membrane and phycobilisome fractions isolated from cells labelled with 32p orthophosphate. The results showed very close phosphoprotein patterns for either thylakoid membrane or PBS fractions in state 1 and state 2. These results do not support proposed models for the state transition which required phosphorylation of PBS or thylakoid membrane proteins.


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ABSTRACT Photosynthetic state transitions were investigated in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 in both wild-type cells and mutant cells lacking phycobilisomes. Preillumination in the presence of DCMU (3(3,4 dichlorophenyl) 1,1 dimethyl urea) induced state 1 and dark adaptation induced state 2 in both wild-type and mutant cells as determined by 77K fluorescence emission spectroscopy. Light-induced transitions were observed in the wildtype after preferential excitation of phycocyanin (state 2) or preferential excitation of chlorophyll .a. (state 1). The state 1 and 2 transitions in the wild-type had half-times of approximately 10 seconds. Cytochrome f and P-700 oxidation kinetics could not be correlated with any current state transition model as cells in state 1 showed faster oxidation kinetics regardless of excitation wavelength. Light-induced transitions were also observed in the phycobilisomeless mutant after preferential excitation of short wavelength chlorophyll !l. (state 2) or carotenoids and long wavelength chlorophyll it (state 1). One-dimensional electrophoresis revealed no significant differences in phosphorylation patterns of resolved proteins between wild-type cells in state 1 and state 2. It is concluded that the mechanism of the light state transition in cyanobacteria does not require the presence of the phycobilisome. The results contradict proposed models for the state transition which require an active role for the phycobilisome.


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Photosynthetic state transitions were investigated in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301 by studying fluorescence emission, heat loss, and PS I activity in intact cells brought to state 1 and state 2. 77K fluorescence emission spectra were modelled with a sum of 6 components corresponding to PBS, PS II, and PS I emissions. The modelled data showed a large decrease in PS II fluorescence accompanied with a small increase in the PS I fluorescence upon transition to state 2 for excitation wavelengths absorbed by both PBS and ChI ll.. The fluorescence changes seen with ChI .a. excitations do not support the predictions of the mobile PBS model of state transition in PBS-containing organisms. Measurements of heat loss from intact cells in the two states were similar for both ChI it. and PBS excitations over three orders of magnitude of laser flash intensity. This suggests that the PBS does not become decoupled from PS II in state 2 as proposed by the PBS detachment model of state transition in PBS-containing organisms. PS I activity measurements done on intact cells showed no difference in the two states, in contrast with the predictions of all of the existing models of state transitions. Based on these results a model for state transition In PBScontaining organisms is proposed, with a PS II photoprotectory function.


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The present work is a base line attempt to investigate and assess the toxicities of three surfactants viz. anionic sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), non ionic Triton X-1OO (TX-IOO) and cationic cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB). These compounds represent simple members of the often neglected group of aquatic pollutants i.e. the anionic alkyl sulfates, non ionics and the cationics. These compounds are widely used In plastic industry, pesticide/herbicide formulations, detergents, oil spill dispersants, molluscicides etc. The test organisms selected for the present study are the cyanobacterium Synechocystis salina Wislouch representing a primary producer in the marine environment and a fresh water adapted euryhaline teleost Oreochromis mossambicus (peters) at the consumer level of the ecological pyramid. The fish species, though not indigenous to our country, is now found ubiquitously in fresh water systems and estuaries. Also it is highly resistant to pollutants and has been suggested as an indicator of pollution in tropical region .


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The group cyanobacteria includes a large number of organisms characterised by a low state of cellular organization. Their cells lack a well defined nucleus. Cell division is by division of the protoplast by an ingrowth of the septum. These organisms are characterised generally by a blue green colouration of the cell, the chief pigments being chlorophyll-a, carotenes, xanthophylls, C phycocyanin and C phycoerythrin. The product of photosynthesis is glycogen. These organisms lack flagellate reproductive bodies and there is a total lack of sexual reproduction. They are also unique because of the presence of murein in the place of cellulose (cell wall) and the absence of chloroplast, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. Just like bacteria some of them possess Plasmids and can fix atmospheric nitrogen. In the present study growth kinetics, heavy metal tolerance, tolerance mechanisms, heavy metal intake, and antibacterial activity of §ynechocystics salina Wislouch - a nanoplanktonic, euryhaline, Cyanobacterium present in Cochin back waters has been carried out for the potential biotechnological application of this organism. _§; salina occur as small spherical cells of 3n diameter (sometimes in pairs) with bluish green colour. The species is characterised by jerky movement of the cells and is structrually similar to other cyanobacteria


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Maculalactone A is the most abundant secondary metabolite in Kyrtuthrix maculans, a marine cyanobacterium found in the mid-high shore of moderately exposed to sheltered rocky shores in Hong Kong and South East Asia. This species appears to survive as pure colonies forming distinct black zones on the rock. Maculalactone A may provide K. maculans with a chemical defense against several marine organisms, including the common grazer, Chlorostoma argyrostoma and settlement by larvae of the barnacles, Tetraclita japonica, Balanus amphitrite and Ibla cumingii. The natural concentration of maculalactone A varied with season and also with tidal height on the shore and although a strong positive linear correlation was observed between maculalactone A concentration and herbivore grazing pressure, manipulative experiments demonstrated that grazing pressure was not directly responsible for inducing the biosynthesis of this metabolite. The potential of maculalactone A as a natural marine anti-fouling agent (i.e. as an alternative to environmentally-damaging copper- and tin-based anti-fouling paints) was investigated after achieving a gram-scale synthesis of this compound. Preliminary field trials with anti-fouling paints which contained synthetic maculalactone A as the active principle have confirmed that this compound seems to have a specific activity against molluscan settlers.


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Two new peptidic proteasome inhibitors were isolated as trace components from a Curacao collection of the marine cyanobacterium Symploca sp. Carmaphycin A (1) and carmaphycin B (2) feature a leucine-derived a,beta-epoxyketone warhead directly connected to either methionine sulfoxide or methionine sulfone. Their structures were elucidated on the basis of extensive NMR and MS analyses and confirmed by total synthesis, which in turn provided more material for further biological evaluations. Pure carmaphycins A and B were found to inhibit the beta 5 subunit (chymotrypsin-like activity) of the S. cerevisiae 20S proteasome in the low nanomolar range. Additionally, they exhibited strong cytotoxicity to lung and colon cancer cell lines, as well as exquisite antiproliferative effects in the NCI60 cell-line panel. These assay results as well as initial structural biology studies suggest a distinctive binding mode for these new inhibitors.


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The surface ocean absorbs large quantities of the CO2 emitted to the atmosphere from human activities. As this CO2 dissolves in seawater, it reacts to form carbonic acid. While this phenomenon, called ocean acidification, has been found to adversely affect many calcifying organisms, some photosynthetic organisms appear to benefit from increasing [CO2]. Among these is the cyanobacterium Trichodesmium, a predominant diazotroph (nitrogen-fixing) in large parts of the oligotrophic oceans, which responded with increased carbon and nitrogen fixation at elevated pCO2. With the mechanism underlying this CO2 stimulation still unknown, the question arises whether this is a common response of diazotrophic cyanobacteria. In this study we therefore investigate the physiological response of Nodularia spumigena, a heterocystous bloom-forming diazotroph of the Baltic Sea, to CO2-induced changes in seawater carbonate chemistry. N. spumigena reacted to seawater acidification/carbonation with reduced cell division rates and nitrogen fixation rates, accompanied by significant changes in carbon and phosphorus quota and elemental composition of the formed biomass. Possible explanations for the contrasting physiological responses of Nodularia compared to Trichodesmium may be found in the different ecological strategies of non-heterocystous (Trichodesmium) and heterocystous (Nodularia) cyanobacteria.


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To predict effects of climate change and possible feedbacks, it is crucial to understand the mechanisms behind CO2 responses of biogeochemically relevant phytoplankton species. Previous experiments on the abundant N2 fixers Trichodesmium demonstrated strong CO2 responses, which were attributed to an energy reallocation between its carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) acquisition. Pursuing this hypothesis, we manipulated the cellular energy budget by growing Trichodesmium erythraeum IMS101 under different CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) levels (180, 380, 980 and 1400?µatm) and N sources (N2 and NO3-). Subsequently, biomass production and the main energy-generating processes (photosynthesis and respiration) and energy-consuming processes (N2 fixation and C acquisition) were measured. While oxygen fluxes and chlorophyll fluorescence indicated that energy generation and its diurnal cycle was neither affected by pCO2 nor N source, cells differed in production rates and composition. Elevated pCO2 increased N2 fixation and organic C and N contents. The degree of stimulation was higher for nitrogenase activity than for cell contents, indicating a pCO2 effect on the transfer efficiency from N2 to biomass. pCO2-dependent changes in the diurnal cycle of N2 fixation correlated well with C affinities, confirming the interactions between N and C acquisition. Regarding effects of the N source, production rates were enhanced in NO3-grown cells, which we attribute to the higher N retention and lower ATP demand compared with N2 fixation. pCO2 effects on C affinity were less pronounced in NO3- users than N2 fixers. Our study illustrates the necessity to understand energy budgets and fluxes under different environmental conditions for explaining indirect effects of rising pCO2.


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We investigated carbon acquisition by the N2-fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium IMS101 in response to CO2 levels of 15.1, 37.5, and 101.3 Pa (equivalent to 150, 370, and 1000 ppm). In these acclimations, growth rates as well as cellular C and N contents were measured. In vivo activities of carbonic anhydrase (CA), photosynthetic O2 evolution, and CO2 and HCO3- fluxes were measured using membrane inlet mass spectrometry and the 14C disequilibrium technique. While no differences in growth rates were observed, elevated CO2 levels caused higher C and N quotas and stimulated photosynthesis and N2 fixation. Minimal extracellular CA (eCA) activity was observed, indicating a minor role in carbon acquisition. Rates of CO2 uptake were small relative to total inorganic carbon (Ci) fixation, whereas HCO{3 contributed more than 90% and varied only slightly over the light period and between CO2 treatments. The low eCA activity and preference for HCO3- were verified by the 14C disequilibrium technique. Regarding apparent affinities, half-saturation concentrations (K1/2) for photosynthetic O2 evolution and HCO3- uptake changed markedly over the day and with CO2 concentration. Leakage (CO2 efflux : Ci uptake) showed pronounced diurnal changes. Our findings do not support a direct CO2 effect on the carboxylation efficiency of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) but point to a shift in resource allocation among photosynthesis, carbon acquisition, and N2 fixation under elevated CO2 levels. The observed increase in photosynthesis and N2fixation could have potential biogeochemical implications, as it may stimulate productivity in N-limited oligotrophic regions and thus provide a negative feedback in rising atmospheric CO2 levels.