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Compatibility, morphology, crystalline structure and mechanical properties of the blends of a thermosetting polyimide with thermoplastic polyimides consisting of dianhydrides of different lengths have been studied by the use of dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) techniques. The results of our research show that the blends change from compatible to semi-compatible when the difference between the length of the dianhydrides of the two components increases. Addition of a thermoplastic polyimide inhibits the crystallization of the thermosetting component. However, this effect decreases with increasing length of the dianhydrides and the distribution of the molecules of the thermoplastic polyimide component changes from interlamellar to interfibrillar. Impact strength and morphology of the fractured surfaces indicate that among the semiinterpenetrating polymer networks (semi-IPN) obtained the toughening effect of the partially compatible one is the best. The results are discussed in terms of charge transfer interaction between imide group and p-phenylene group.


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The compatibilization of incompatible polypropylene (PP)/poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) blends was studied. The experimental results showed that the graft copolymer [(PP-MA)-g-PEO] of maleated PP (PP-MA) and mono-hydroxyl PEO (PEO-OH) was a good compatibilize


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A new graft copolymer (PP-MA)-g-PEO was synthesized by means of the chemical reaction between maleated polypropylene (PP-MA) and mono hydroxyl poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO-OH). The effect of reaction conditions on the degree of grafting of PEO-OH was studied


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Crystallization behavior of a series of newly synthesized poly (tetrahydrofuran-b-methyl methacrylate) diblock copolymer has been studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray scattering and diffraction techniques. The results show that the


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Blends of crystallizable poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) with poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) (PVPy) were studied by C-13 cross-polarization/magic angle spinning (CP/MAS) n.m.r. and d.s.c. The C-13 CP/MAS spectra show that the blends were miscible on a molecular level over the whole composition range studied, and that the intramolecular hydrogen bonds of PVA were broken and intermolecular hydrogen bonds between PVA and PVPy formed when the two polymers were mixed. The results of a spin-lattice relaxation study indicate that blending of the two polymers reduced the average intermolecular distance and molecular motion of each component, even in the miscible amorphous phase, and that addition of PVPy into PVA has a definite effect on the crystallinity of PVA in the blends over the whole composition range, yet there is still detectable crystallinity even when the PVPy content is as high as 80 wt%. These results are consistent with those obtained from d.s.c. studies.


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This article reports the nonisothermal crystallization behavior of MXD6 and its clay nanocomposite system (MXD6/MMT) using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The DSC experimental data were analyzed by theoretical modeling of the crystallization kinetics using the Avrami, Ozawa, Jeziorny, and the combined Avrami―Ozawa semiempirical models. It has been determined that these models adequately described the crystallization behavior of the MXD6 nanocomposite at cooling rates below 20 °C/min, but there was a deviation from linear dependence at higher cooling rates. This was attributed to changes of both the free energy and the cooling crystallization function K(T) over the entire crystallization process, as well as possible relaxation effects leading to structural rearrangements. In addition, the activation energy determined using the differential isoconversional method of Friedman was also found to vary, indicating changes in both the free energy and crystallization mechanism. Despite the lack of a reliable theoretical model, the heterogeneous nucleating activity of the MMT nanoparticles was demonstrated and quantified using Dobreva's method (Φ = 0.71), and the crystallization rate for the nanocomposite system was found to be greater than pure MXD6 by up to 79% at 40 °C/min.


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In this article, we discuss the phase morphology, thermal, mechanical, and crystallization properties of uncompatibilized and compatibilized polypropylene/polystyrene (PP/PS) blends. It is observed that the Young's modulus increases, but other mechanical properties such as tensile strength, flexural strength, elongation at break, and impact strength decrease by blending PS to PP. The tensile strength and Young's modulus of PP/PS blends were compared with various theoretical models. The thermal stability, melting, and crystallization temperatures and percentage crystallinity of semicrystalline PP in the blends were marginally decreased by the addition of amorphous PS. The presence of maleic anhydride-grafted polypropylene (compatibilizer) increases the phase stability of 90/10 and 80/20 blends by preventing the coalescence. Hence, finer and more uniform droplets of PS dispersed phases are observed. The compatibilizer induced some improvement in impact strength for the blends with PP matrix phase, however fluctuations in modulus, strength and ductility were observed with respect to the uncompatibilized blend. The thermal stability was not much affected by the addition of the compatibilizer for the PP rich blends but shows some decrease in the thermal stability of the blends, where PS forms the matrix. On the other hand, the % crystallinity was increased by the addition of compatibilizer, irrespective of the blend concentration.


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The crystallization of fluoroindate glasses doped with Gd3+, Mn2+ and Cu2+ heat treated at different temperatures, ranging from the glass transition temperature (Tg) to the crystallization temperature (Tc), are investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and 19F nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The EPR spectra indicate that the Cu2+ ions in the glass are located in axially distorted octahedral sites. In the crystallized glass, the g-values agreed with those reported for Ba2ZnF6, which correspond to Cu2+ in a tetragonal compressed F- octahedron and to Cu2+ on interstitial sites with a square-planar F- co-ordination. The EPR spectra of the Mn2+ doped glasses exhibit a sextet structure due to the Mn2+ hyperfine interaction. These spectra suggest a highly ordered environment for the Mn2+ ions (close to octahedral symmetry) in the glass. The EPR spectra of the recrystallized sample exhibit resonances at the same position, suggesting that the Mn2+ ions are located in sites of highly symmetric crystalline field. The increase of the line intensity of the sextet and the decrease of the background line in the thermal treated samples suggest that the Mn2+ ions move to the highly ordered sites which contribute to the sextet structure. The EPR spectra of the Gd3+ doped glasses exhibit the typical U-spectrum of a s-state ion in a low symmetry site in disordered systems. The EPR of the crystallized glasses, in contrast, have shown a strong resonance in g ≈ 2.0, suggesting Gd3+ ions in environment close to cubic symmetry. The 19F NMR spin-lattice relaxation rates were also strongly influenced by the crystallization process that takes over in samples annealed above Tc. For the glass samples (doped or undoped) the 19F magnetization recoveries were found to be adjusted by an exponential function and the spin-lattice relaxation was characterized by a single relaxation time. In contrast, for the samples treated above Tc, the 19F magnetization-recovery becomes non-exponential. A remarkable feature of our results is that the changes in the Cu2+, Mn2+, Gd3+ EPR spectra and NMR relaxation, are always observed for the samples annealed above Tc. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The crystallization behavior and crystallization kinetics Of (CU60Zr30Ti10)(99)Sn-1 bulk metallic glass was studied by X-ray diffractometry and differential scanning calorimetry. It was found that a two-stage crystallization took place during continuous heating of the bulk metallic glass. Both the glass transition temperature T-g and the crystallization peak temperatures T-p displayed a strong dependence on the heating rate. The activation energy was determined by the Kissinger analysis method. In the first-stage of the crystallization, the transformation of the bulk metallic glass to the phase one occurred with an activation energy of 386 kJ/mol; in the second-stage, the formation of the phase two took place at an activation energy of 381 kJ/mol.


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The crystallization behavior of neat PPS and PPS in blends with PMR-POI prepared by melt mixing were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). It was found that POI was an effective nucleation agent of the crystallization for PPS. The enthalpy of crystallization of PPS in the blends increased compared with that of neat PPS. During isothermal crystallization from melt, the dependence of relative degree of crystallinity on time was described by the Avrami equation. It has been shown that the addition of POI causes an increase in the overall crystallization rate of PPS; it also changed the mechanism of nucleation of the PHB crystals from homogeneous nucleation to heterogeneous nucleation. The equilibrium melting temperature of PPS and PPS/POI blends were determined. The analysis of kinetic data according to nucleation theories shows that the increase in crystallization rate of PPS in the composite is due to the decrease in surface energy of the extremity surface.


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Nonisothermal crystallization and melting behavior of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) and maleated PHB were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry using various cooling rates. The results show that the crystallization behavior of maleated PHB from the melt greatly depends on cooling rates and its degree of grafting. With the increase in cooling rate, the crystallization process for PHB and maleated PHB begins at lower temperature. For maleated PHB, the introduction of maleic anhydride group hinders its crystallization, causing crystallization and nucleation rates to decrease, and crystallite size distribution becomes wider. The Avrami analysis, modified by Jeziorny, was used to describe the nonisothermal crystallization of PHB and maleated PHB. Double melting peaks for maleated PHB were observed, which was caused by recrystallization during the heating process.


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Isothermal and nonisothermal melt crystallization kinetics of a novel poly(aryl ether ketone), PEDEKK, were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry. Several kinetic analyses were used to describe the crystallization behavior. The activation energies were determined as 425 and 176 KJ/mol for isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization, respectively. The equilibrium melting point T-m(o) was estimated to be 444 degrees C by using the Hoffman-Weeks approach. The observed crystallization characteristics of PEDEKK were compared with those of the other members of the poly(arpl ether ketone) family.


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The nonisothermal crystallization behavior and melting process of the poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL)/poly(ethylene oxide) (PEG) diblock copolymer in which the weight fraction of the PCL block is 0.80 has been studied by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Only the PCL block is crystallizable, the PEO block with 0.20 weight fraction cannot crystallize. The kinetics of the PCL/PEO diblock copolymer under nonisothermal crystallization conditions has been analyzed by Ozawa's equation. The experimental data shows no agreement with Ozawa's theoretical predictions in the whole crystallization process, especially in the later stage. A parameter, kinetic crystallinity, is used to characterize the crystallizability of the PCL/PEO diblock copolymer. The amorphous and microphase separating PEO block has a great influence on the crystallization of the PCL block. It bonds chemically with the PCL block, reduces crystallization entropy, and provides nucleating sites for the PCL block crystallization. The existence of the PEO block leads to the occurrence of the two melting peaks of the PCL/PEO diblock copolymer during melting process after nonisothermal crystallization. The comparison of nonisothermal crystallization of the PCL/PEO diblock copolymer, PCL/PEO blend, and PCL and PEO homopolymers has been made. It showed a lower crystallinity of the PCL/PEO diblock copolymer than that of others and a faster crystallization rate of the PCL/PEO diblock copolymer than that of the PCL homopolymer, but a slower crystallization rate than that of the PCL/PEO blend. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The phase behavior, morphology and crystallization in blends of a low-molecular-weight (Mn = 1400) double-crystalline polyethylene-block-poly(ethylene oxide) (PE-PEO) diblock copolymer with poly(hydroxyether of bisphenol A) (PH) were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry, transmission electron microscopy and small-angle X-ray scattering. The symmetric PE-PEO diblock copolymer consists of a PH-miscible PEO block and a PH-immiscible PE block. However, PH only exhibits partial miscibility with the PEO block of the copolymer in the PH/PE-PEO blends; both macrophase and microphase separations took place. There existed two macrophases in the PH/PE-PEO blends, i.e., a PH-rich phase and a PE-PEO copolymer-rich phase. The PE block of the copolymer in the blends exhibited fractionated crystallization behavior by homogeneous nucleation. There appeared three crystallization exotherms related to the crystallization of the PE block within three different microenvironments in the PH/PE-PEO blends.