994 resultados para COX-3


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Background: This study evaluated a wide range of viral load (VL) thresholds to identify a cut-point that best predicts new clinical events in children on stable highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Methods: Cox proportional hazards modeling was used to assess the adjusted risk for World Health Organization stage 3 or 4 clinical events (WHO events) as a function of time-varying CD4, VL, and hemoglobin values in a cohort study of Latin American children on HAART >= 6 months. Models were fit using different VL cut-points between 400 and 50,000 copies per milliliter, with model fit evaluated on the basis of the minimum Akaike information criterion value, a standard model fit statistic. Results: Models were based on 67 subjects with WHO events out of 550 subjects on study. The VL cut-points of >2600 and >32,000 copies per milliliter corresponded to the lowest Akaike information criterion values and were associated with the highest hazard ratios (2.0, P = 0.015; and 2.1, P = 0.0058, respectively) for WHO events. Conclusions: In HIV-infected Latin American children on stable HAART, 2 distinct VL thresholds (>2600 and >32,000 copies/mL) were identified for predicting children at significantly increased risk for HIV-related clinical illness, after accounting for CD4 level, hemoglobin level, and other significant factors.


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A series of 3-(triazolyl)-coumarins were synthesized and tested as anti-inflammatory agents. It was possible to infer that these compounds do not alter the interaction of LPS with TLR-4 or TLR-2, as the intracellular pathways involved in the TNF-alpha secretion and COX-2 activity were not affected. Nevertheless, the compounds inhibited iNOS-derived NO production, without affecting the eNOS activity. The outcome of the docking studies showed that it pi center dot center dot center dot pi interactions with the heme group are important for the iNOS inhibition, thus making compound 3c a promising lead. Moreover, the efficacy of this compound was visualized by the reduced number of neutrophils in the LPS-inflamed subcutaneous tissue. Together, biological and docking data show that triazolyl-substituted coumarins, that can act on iNOS, are a good scaffold to be explored. (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The present study aimed to show the in vivo mechanisms of action of an indole-thiazolidine molecule peroxisome-proliferator activated receptor pan-agonist (PPAR pan) and cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitor, LYSO-7, in an ethanol/HCl-induced (Et/HCl) gastric lesion model. Swiss male mice were treated with vehicle, LYSO-7 or Bezafibrate (p.o.) 1 hour before oral administration of Et/HCl (60%/0.03M). In another set of assays, animals were injected i.p. with an anti-granulocyte antibody, GW9962 or L-NG-nitroarginine methyl ester (L-NAME) before treatment. One hour after Et/HCl administration, neutrophils were quantified in the blood and bone marrow and the gastric microcirculatory network was studied in situ. The gastric tissue was used to quantify the percentage of damaged area, as well as myeloperoxidase (MPO), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) protein and PPARγ protein and gene expression. Acid secretion was evaluated by the pylorus ligation model. LYSO-7 or Bezafibrate treatment reduced the necrotic area. LYSO-7 treatment enhanced PPARγ gene and protein expression in the stomach, and impaired local neutrophil influx and stasis of the microcirculatory network caused by Et/HCl administration. The effect seemed to be due to PPARγ agonist activity, as the LYSO-7 effect was abolished in GW9962 pre-treated mice. The reversal of microcirculatory stasis, but not neutrophil influx, was mediated by nitric oxide (NO), as L-NAME pre-treatment abolished the LYSO-7-mediated reestablishment of microcirculatory blood flow. This effect may depend on enhanced eNOS protein expression in injured gastric tissue. The pH and concentration of H(+) in the stomach were not modified by LYSO-7 treatment. In addition, LYSO-7 may induce less toxicity, as 28 days of oral treatment did not induce weight loss, as detected in pioglitazone treated mice. Thus, we show that LYSO-7 may be an effective treatment for gastric lesions by controlling neutrophil influx and microcirculatory blood flow mediated by NO


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Zusammenfassung: Prostaglandine (PG) sind wichtige biologische Entzündungsmediatoren, die aus der Arachidonsäure (AA) durch das Enzym Cyclooxygenase (COX) entstehen. Trotz einiger unerwünschter Wirkungen, sind Cyclooxygenase-Hemmer Mittel der Wahl zur Unterdrückung entzündlicher Prozesse. Von der Cyclooxygenase existieren zwei Isoenzyme: COX-1 und COX-2. Eine selektive Hemmung der COX-2 bzw. eine duale Hemmung der COX-1 und COX-2 wird als erfolgversprechendes Prinzip zur Behandlung von entzündlichen Erkrankungen diskutiert.Ziel der Arbeit war die Synthese und in vitro Testung sowie die Erstellung von Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehungen selektiver bzw. dualer Hemmstoffe der COX-1/-2. Zusätzlich wurden die Substanzen auf inhibitorische Aktivität gegenüber der 5- und 12-Lipoxygenase untersucht.Ausgehend von der Struktur selektiver Hemmstoffe der COX-2 bzw. von dualen COX-1/ COX-2-Inhibitoren sowie von marktüblichen nichtsteroidalen Antirheumatika (NSAR), wurde das Diarylmethanon-Element als Basis gewählt. An diesem Strukturelement wurden Modifikationen vorgenommen, um selektive Hemmstoffe der COX-2 bzw. duale COX-1/ COX-2-Hemmstoffe zu erhalten.Die synthetisierten Verbindungen lassen sich in [4-(Methylsulfanyl)phenyl]- und [4-(Methylsulfonyl)phenyl](aryl)methanone, N-(Aroylphenyl)sulfonamide und -amide sowie (Hydroxyphenyl)(2-thienyl)methanone unterteilen.In der Reihe der [4-(Methylsulfanyl)phenyl](aryl)methanone sind potente Hemmstoffe sowohl der COX-1 als auch der COX-2 erhalten worden. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigen die [4-(Methylsulfonyl)phenyl](aryl)methanone gegenüber COX-1 und COX-2 keine inhibitorische Aktivität. Mit dem 2-Thienylderivat wurde ein potenter, dualer Hemmstoff beider Cyclooxygenase-Isoenzyme identifiziert, dessen Wirkstärke (bezüglich der COX-2) auf den Austausch von Phenyl gegen 2-Thienyl zurückzuführen ist.Die N-(Aroylphenyl)sulfonamide und -amide bilden die umfangreichste Gruppe bei den durchgeführten Untersuchungen, wobei besonders die regioisomeren N-(2-Aroylphenyl)sulfonamide und -amide eingehender studiert wurden. Auf der Basis der (2-Aroylphenyl)sulfonamide läßt sich für die Hemmung der COX-1 eine Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehungen formulieren, die anhand Hilfe geeigneter Verbindungen überprüft wurde. Die Untersuchungen wurden zum Teil auch auf die 3- und 4-Regioisomeren ausgedehnt, wobei sich die erhaltenen Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehungen bestätigten. Die Arylsulfonamide inhibieren bevorzugt die COX-1. Auch (4-Aroylphenyl)sulfonamide wurden auf mögliche inhibitorische Aktivität untersucht. Die Einbindung des Amidstickstoffs in ein Indolin- bzw. Tetrahydrochinolin-Ringsystem oder des Sulfonamids in ein 1,3-Propansultam führte in jedem Falle zu wenig aktiven Verbindungen gegenüber der COX-1. N-(2-Aroylphenyl)amide zeigten in Übereinstimmung mit der Hypothese an der COX-1 eine gute inhibitorische Aktivität.Aus der Reihe der (Hydroxyphenyl)(2-thienyl)methanone wurden die freien Alkohole, die Methylether und verschiedene Ester dargestellt und auf COX-1-Aktivität untersucht. Acetate, aber auch Phenole sind die potentesten Inhibitoren der COX-1. Als günstigte Positionen für die 2-Thienylcarbonyl-Einheit am Hydroxyphenylrest erweist sich die ortho- bzw. para-Position.


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Das Ziel der Dissertation war die Synthese und pharmakologische Charakterisierung von COX-1-, COX-2- und 5-LOX-Inhibitoren, die zur Behandlung entzündlicher Dermatosen für die topische Anwendung geeignet sein sollten. Hierfür wurden zwei Strukturklassen - die sogenannten Imidazothiazole und die Chalcone-Derivate - entworfen und synthetisiert sowie in verschiedenen in vitro-Testsystemen auf ihre pharmakologische Wirksamkeit untersucht. rnDie Leitsubstanz der ersten Strukturklasse wurde in Anlehnung an die Struktur von Licofelon entworfen. Licofelon ist ein dualer COX/LOX-Inhibitor, der für die Indikation Osteoarthritis eingesetzt werden soll. Durch den Austausch einzelner Substituenten an den Phenylringen wurde die Leitstruktur schrittweise verändert, um die Wirksamkeit zu optimieren. Die Substituentenvariation erfolgte anhand des sogenannten Topliss-Schemas. Bei der zweiten Substanzklasse wurde durch Kombination zweier antiinflammatorisch wirksamer Molekülgruppen - mit dem Ziel eines synergistischen Effekts - eine Grundstruktur entwickelt, die zur Optimierung der Wirksamkeit derivatisiert wurde. Als Komponenten dienten 4,5-Bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-1H-imidazol-2-thiol (Z11) und ein Chalcon. Z11 ist sowohl in der Literatur als auch in vorangegangen Arbeiten des Arbeitskreises als dualer COX/LOX-Inhibitor beschrieben. Chalcone besitzen eine 1,3-Diphenylpropenon-Partialstruktur und können über einen der beiden Phenylringe mit Z11 verknüpft werden. In der Literatur wurde vielfach über die vielfältigen pharmakologischen Eigenschaften der Chalcone berichtet; im Rahmen dieser Arbeit stand deren antiinflammatorische Eigenschaft im Vordergrund. rnZur Beurteilung der Effektivität und Toxizität der Substanzen wurden diese anschließend pharmakologisch charakterisiert werden. Hierfür standen verschiedene in vitro-Testsysteme zur Verfügung, die Aufschluss über die COX-1-, COX-2- und 5-LOX-Inhibition der synthetisierten Substanzen gaben. Des Weiteren wurden die Substanzen auf eine mögliche inhibitorische Aktivität gegenüber TNF- untersucht. Da die Entwicklung der Testverbindungen mit dem Ziel der topischen Anwendung erfolgte, wurde eine log P-Wert-Bestimmung durchgeführt, um eine Aussage über die Lipophilie der Verbindungen treffen zu können.rn


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BACKGROUND: The inhibition of angiogenesis is a promising strategy for the treatment of malignant primary and secondary tumors in addition to established therapies such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. There is strong experimental evidence in primary tumors that Cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox-2) inhibition is a potent mechanism to reduce angiogenesis. For bone metastases which occur in up to 85% of the most frequent malignant primary tumors, the effects of Cox-2 inhibition on angiogenesis and tumor growth remain still unclear. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Celecoxib, a selective Cox-2 inhibitor, on angiogenesis, microcirculation and growth of secondary bone tumors. METHODS: In 10 male severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice, pieces of A549 lung carcinomas were implanted into a newly developed cranial window preparation where the calvaria serves as the site for orthotopic implantation of the tumors. From day 8 after tumor implantation, five animals (Celecoxib) were treated daily with Celecoxib (30 mg/kg body weight, s.c.), and five animals (Control) with the equivalent amount of the CMC-based vehicle. Angiogenesis, microcirculation, and growth of A549 tumors were analyzed by means of intravital microscopy. Apoptosis was quantified using the TUNEL assay. RESULTS: Treatment with Celecoxib reduced both microvessel density and tumor growth. TUNEL reaction showed an increase in apoptotic cell death of tumor cells after treatment with Celecoxib as compared to Controls. CONCLUSION: Celecoxib is a potent inhibitor of tumor growth of secondary bone tumors in vivo which can be explained by its anti-angiogenic and pro-apoptotic effects. The results indicate that a combination of established therapy regimes with Cox-2 inhibition represents a possible application for the treatment of bone metastases.


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BACKGROUND: We evaluated the ability of CA15-3 and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) to predict breast cancer recurrence. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Data from seven International Breast Cancer Study Group trials were combined. The primary end point was relapse-free survival (RFS) (time from randomization to first breast cancer recurrence), and analyses included 3953 patients with one or more CA15-3 and ALP measurement during their RFS period. CA15-3 was considered abnormal if >30 U/ml or >50% higher than the first value recorded; ALP was recorded as normal, abnormal, or equivocal. Cox proportional hazards models with a time-varying indicator for abnormal CA15-3 and/or ALP were utilized. RESULTS: Overall, 784 patients (20%) had a recurrence, before which 274 (35%) had one or more abnormal CA15-3 and 35 (4%) had one or more abnormal ALP. Risk of recurrence increased by 30% for patients with abnormal CA15-3 [hazard ratio (HR) = 1.30; P = 0.0005], and by 4% for those with abnormal ALP (HR = 1.04; P = 0.82). Recurrence risk was greatest for patients with either (HR = 2.40; P < 0.0001) and with both (HR = 4.69; P < 0.0001) biomarkers abnormal. ALP better predicted liver recurrence. CONCLUSIONS: CA15-3 was better able to predict breast cancer recurrence than ALP, but use of both biomarkers together provided a better early indicator of recurrence. Whether routine use of these biomarkers improves overall survival remains an open question.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Anti-inflammatory drugs are used in the treatment of acute renal colic. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of selective COX-2 inhibitors and the non-selective COX inhibitor diclofenac on contractility of human and porcine ureters in vitro and in vivo, respectively. COX-1 and COX-2 receptors were identified in human ureter and kidney. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: Human ureter samples were used alongside an in vivo pig model with or without partial ureteral obstruction. COX-1 and COX-2 receptors were located in human ureters by immunohistochemistry. KEY RESULTS: Diclofenac and valdecoxib significantly decreased the amplitude of electrically-stimulated contractions in human ureters in vitro, the maximal effect (Vmax) being 120 and 14%, respectively. Valdecoxib was more potent in proximal specimens of human ureter (EC50=7.3 x 10(-11) M) than in distal specimens (EC50=7.4 x 10(-10) M), and the Vmax was more marked in distal specimens (22.5%) than in proximal specimens (8.0%) in vitro. In the in vivo pig model, parecoxib, when compared to the effect of its solvent, significantly decreased the maximal amplitude of contractions (Amax) in non-obstructed ureters but not in obstructed ureters. Diclofenac had no effect on spontaneous contractions of porcine ureter in vivo. COX-1 and COX-2 receptors were found to be expressed in proximal and distal human ureter and in tubulus epithelia of the kidney. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Selective COX-2 inhibitors decrease the contractility of non-obstructed, but not obstructed, ureters of the pig in vivo, but have a minimal effect on electrically-induced contractions of human ureters in vitro.


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BACKGROUND The addition of bevacizumab to chemotherapy improves progression-free survival in metastatic breast cancer and pathological complete response rates in the neoadjuvant setting. Micrometastases are dependent on angiogenesis, suggesting that patients might benefit from anti-angiogenic strategies in the adjuvant setting. We therefore assessed the addition of bevacizumab to chemotherapy in the adjuvant setting for women with triple-negative breast cancer. METHODS For this open-label, randomised phase 3 trial we recruited patients with centrally confirmed triple-negative operable primary invasive breast cancer from 360 sites in 37 countries. We randomly allocated patients aged 18 years or older (1:1 with block randomisation; stratified by nodal status, chemotherapy [with an anthracycline, taxane, or both], hormone receptor status [negative vs low], and type of surgery) to receive a minimum of four cycles of chemotherapy either alone or with bevacizumab (equivalent of 5 mg/kg every week for 1 year). The primary endpoint was invasive disease-free survival (IDFS). Efficacy analyses were based on the intention-to-treat population, safety analyses were done on all patients who received at least one dose of study drug, and plasma biomarker analyses were done on all treated patients consenting to biomarker analyses and providing a measurable baseline plasma sample. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00528567. FINDINGS Between Dec 3, 2007, and March 8, 2010, we randomly assigned 1290 patients to receive chemotherapy alone and 1301 to receive bevacizumab plus chemotherapy. Most patients received anthracycline-containing therapy; 1638 (63%) of the 2591 patients had node-negative disease. At the time of analysis of IDFS, median follow-up was 31·5 months (IQR 25·6-36·8) in the chemotherapy-alone group and 32·0 months (27·5-36·9) in the bevacizumab group. At the time of the primary analysis, IDFS events had been reported in 205 patients (16%) in the chemotherapy-alone group and in 188 patients (14%) in the bevacizumab group (hazard ratio [HR] in stratified log-rank analysis 0·87, 95% CI 0·72-1·07; p=0·18). 3-year IDFS was 82·7% (95% CI 80·5-85·0) with chemotherapy alone and 83·7% (81·4-86·0) with bevacizumab and chemotherapy. After 200 deaths, no difference in overall survival was noted between the groups (HR 0·84, 95% CI 0·64-1·12; p=0·23). Exploratory biomarker assessment suggests that patients with high pre-treatment plasma VEGFR-2 might benefit from the addition of bevacizumab (Cox interaction test p=0·029). Use of bevacizumab versus chemotherapy alone was associated with increased incidences of grade 3 or worse hypertension (154 patients [12%] vs eight patients [1%]), severe cardiac events occurring at any point during the 18-month safety reporting period (19 [1%] vs two [<0·5%]), and treatment discontinuation (bevacizumab, chemotherapy, or both; 256 [20%] vs 30 [2%]); we recorded no increase in fatal adverse events with bevacizumab (four [<0·5%] vs three [<0·5%]). INTERPRETATION Bevacizumab cannot be recommended as adjuvant treatment in unselected patients with triple-negative breast cancer. Further follow-up is needed to assess the potential effect of bevacizumab on overall survival.


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OBJECTIVES This study aimed to update the Logistic Clinical SYNTAX score to predict 3-year survival after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and compare the performance with the SYNTAX score alone. BACKGROUND The SYNTAX score is a well-established angiographic tool to predict long-term outcomes after PCI. The Logistic Clinical SYNTAX score, developed by combining clinical variables with the anatomic SYNTAX score, has been shown to perform better than the SYNTAX score alone in predicting 1-year outcomes after PCI. However, the ability of this score to predict long-term survival is unknown. METHODS Patient-level data (N = 6,304, 399 deaths within 3 years) from 7 contemporary PCI trials were analyzed. We revised the overall risk and the predictor effects in the core model (SYNTAX score, age, creatinine clearance, and left ventricular ejection fraction) using Cox regression analysis to predict mortality at 3 years. We also updated the extended model by combining the core model with additional independent predictors of 3-year mortality (i.e., diabetes mellitus, peripheral vascular disease, and body mass index). RESULTS The revised Logistic Clinical SYNTAX models showed better discriminative ability than the anatomic SYNTAX score for the prediction of 3-year mortality after PCI (c-index: SYNTAX score, 0.61; core model, 0.71; and extended model, 0.73 in a cross-validation procedure). The extended model in particular performed better in differentiating low- and intermediate-risk groups. CONCLUSIONS Risk scores combining clinical characteristics with the anatomic SYNTAX score substantially better predict 3-year mortality than the SYNTAX score alone and should be used for long-term risk stratification of patients undergoing PCI.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE 4'-O-methylhonokiol (MH) is a natural product showing anti-inflammatory, anti-osteoclastogenic, and neuroprotective effects. MH was reported to modulate cannabinoid CB2 receptors as an inverse agonist for cAMP production and an agonist for intracellular [Ca2+]. It was recently shown that MH inhibits cAMP formation via CB2 receptors. In this study, the exact modulation of MH on CB2 receptor activity was elucidated and its endocannabinoid substrate-specific inhibition (SSI) of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and CNS bioavailability are described for the first time. METHODS CB2 receptor modulation ([35S]GTPγS, cAMP, and β-arrestin) by MH was measured in hCB2-transfected CHO-K1 cells and native conditions (HL60 cells and mouse spleen). The COX-2 SSI was investigated in RAW264.7 cells and in Swiss albino mice by targeted metabolomics using LC-MS/MS. RESULTS MH is a CB2 receptor agonist and a potent COX-2 SSI. It induced partial agonism in both the [35S]GTPγS binding and β-arrestin recruitment assays while being a full agonist in the cAMP pathway. MH selectively inhibited PGE2 glycerol ester formation (over PGE2) in RAW264.7 cells and significantly increased the levels of 2-AG in mouse brain in a dose-dependent manner (3 to 20 mg kg(-1)) without affecting other metabolites. After 7 h from intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection, MH was quantified in significant amounts in the brain (corresponding to 200 to 300 nM). CONCLUSIONS LC-MS/MS quantification shows that MH is bioavailable to the brain and under condition of inflammation exerts significant indirect effects on 2-AG levels. The biphenyl scaffold might serve as valuable source of dual CB2 receptor modulators and COX-2 SSIs as demonstrated by additional MH analogs that show similar effects. The combination of CB2 agonism and COX-2 SSI offers a yet unexplored polypharmacology with expected synergistic effects in neuroinflammatory diseases, thus providing a rationale for the diverse neuroprotective effects reported for MH in animal models.