325 resultados para CONGRUENCE
The primary research question was: What is the nature and degree of alignment between the tenets of learning organizations and the policies and practices of a community college concerning adjunct instructors? I investigated the employment experiences of 8 adjunct instructors at a large community college in the Southeastern U.S. to (a) describe and explain the perspectives of the adjuncts, (b) describe and explain my own adjunct employment experience at the same college, (c) determine how the adjunct policies and practices collectively encountered were congruent with or at variance with the tenets of learning organizations, and (d) to use this framework to support recommendations that may help the college achieve more favorable alignment with these tenets. ^ Data on perceived adjunct policies and practices were reduced into 11 categories and, using matrices, were compared with 5 major categories of learning organization tenets. The 5 categories of tenets were: (a) inputs, (b) information flow/communication, (c) employee inclusion/value, (d) teamwork, and (e) facilitation of change. The 11 categories of the college's policies and practices were (a) becoming an adjunct, (b) full-time employment aspirations, (c) salary, (d) benefits, (e) job security and predictability, (f) job satisfaction, (g) respect, (h) support services, (i) professional development, (j) institutional inclusion, and (k) future role of adjuncts. The reflective journal component relied on a 5-year (1995–2000) personal and professional journal maintained by me during employment with the same college as the participants. ^ Findings indicate that the college's adjunct policies and practices were most incongruent with 25 of the 70 learning organization tenets. These incongruencies spanned the 5 categories, although most occurred in the Employee/Inclusion/Value category. Adjunct instructors wanted inclusion, respect, value, trust, and empowerment in decision making processes that affect adjunct policies and practices of the college, but did not perceive this to be a part of the present situation. ^
This study explored the relationship between workplace discrimination climate on team effectiveness through three serial mediators: collective value congruence, team cohesion, and collective affective commitment. As more individuals of marginalized groups diversify the workforce and as more organizations move toward team-based work (Cannon-Bowers & Bowers, 2010), it is imperative to understand how employees perceive their organization’s discriminatory climate as well as its effect on teams. An archival dataset consisting of 6,824 respondents was used, resulting in 332 work teams with five or more members in each. The data were collected as part of an employee climate survey administered in 2011 throughout the United States’ Department of Defense. The results revealed that the indirect effect through M1 (collective value congruence) and M2 (team cohesion) best accounted for the relationship between workplace discrimination climate (X) and team effectiveness (Y). Meaning, on average, teams that reported a greater climate for workplace discrimination also reported less collective value congruence with their organization (a1 = -1.07, p < .001). With less shared perceptions of value congruence, there is less team cohesion (d21 = .45, p < .001), and with less team cohesion there is less team effectiveness (b2 = .57, p < .001). In addition, because of theoretical overlap, this study makes the case for studying workplace discrimination under the broader construct of workplace aggression within the I/O psychology literature. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis found that workplace discrimination based on five types of marginalized groups: race/ethnicity, gender, religion, age, and disability was best explained by a three-factor model, including: career obstruction based on age and disability bias (CO), verbal aggression based on multiple types of bias (VA), and differential treatment based on racial/ethnic bias (DT). There was initial support to claim that workplace discrimination items covary not only based on type, but also based on form (i.e., nonviolent aggressive behaviors). Therefore, the form of workplace discrimination is just as important as the type when studying climate perceptions and team-level effects. Theoretical and organizational implications are also discussed.
Les théories sous-tendant le leadership transformationnel suggèrent que la congruence des valeurs personnelles et organisationnelles est au cœur du fonctionnement du leadership transformationnel. Or, l’examen de cette proposition soulève certaines questions. Par exemple, il y a lieu de s’interroger quant à l’importance du type (subjective ou objective) et de la cible (équipe, organisation) de congruence considérés, du contenu des valeurs utilisées pour juger de la congruence, des contingences situationnelles modulant l’importance de la congruence, et du rôle de la congruence des valeurs des leaders eux-mêmes. Ainsi, afin d’enrichir les connaissances sur le rôle des valeurs en regard du leadership transformationnel, cette thèse propose trois articles dans lesquels ce rôle des valeurs et de leur congruence est abordé sous trois angles. Les données utilisées dans cette thèse proviennent d’une grande organisation canadienne, et des sous-ensembles de données sont créés pour répondre aux objectifs de chaque article. Le premier article s’intéresse aux liens qu’ont a) les valeurs personnelles des gestionnaires, b) les valeurs qu’ils perçoivent dans leur organisation et c) la congruence de ces deux ensemble de valeurs avec l’émission de comportements de leadership transformationnel tel que perçus par leurs subordonnés. Les résultats suggèrent que la congruence des valeurs n’a pas de lien avec le leadership transformationnel, mais que c’est le cas pour certaines valeurs au niveau personnel et organisationnel qui présentent effectivement un lien. Le deuxième article porte sur le potentiel rôle modérateur de la congruence des valeurs personne-organisation des subordonnés dans la relation entre le leadership transformationnel et les comportements d’habilitation. Les résultats montrent que la congruence des valeurs peut effectivement modérer cette relation, et que la forme de la modération peut dépendre de l’ancienneté des employés. Le troisième article traite du rôle modérateur de la présence de valeurs et de leur congruence au niveau de l’équipe dans la relation entre le leadership transformationnel et les comportements d’habilitation. Les résultats suggèrent que les valeurs et leur congruence dans les équipes peuvent modérer l’efficacité du leadership transformationnel en regard des comportements d’habilitation. De façon générale, la présence et la congruence de cinq valeurs, parmi les sept testées, semblent rehausser la relation entre le leadership transformationnel et les comportements d’habilitation. Ainsi, la présente thèse, en ajoutant des considérations quant aux questions qui avaient été soulevées par l’examen de la proposition théorique du rôle des valeurs et de leur congruence dans le leadership transformationnel, permet d’améliorer la compréhension de ce rôle. Spécifiquement, les résultats de cette thèse suggèrent que globalement, la congruence des valeurs peut être plus importante pour l’efficacité du leadership transformationnel lorsque les valeurs considérées sont plus importantes dans l’équipe de l’individu, et lorsque l’individu a peu d’ancienneté dans son organisation. De plus, en ce qui a trait aux leaders, il semble que la présence de valeurs de bien-être collectif et d’ouverture au changement ait un lien avec l’émission de comportements de leadership transformationnel. Une discussion traite de ces résultats et indique les limites de la thèse ainsi que des pistes de recherche future.
Cette étude vise à établir des liens entre la situation de plafonnement de carrière et l'incongruence vocationnelle. De façon plus spécifique, il s'agit de vérifier, au moyen d'une étude, la relation entre la situation de plafonnement de carrière, largement étudiée jusqu'à présent par plusieurs auteurs et la congruence des intérêts. Ces auteurs s'interrogent sur la question des ressources humaines (tels par exemple Tremblay, Cardinal, Lamoureux, Hoyt, Charest) de laquelle, nous tenterons d'établir la congruence des intérêts professionnels en lien avec la typologie de Holland. Holland prévoit (6) six types: Réaliste (R), Investigateur (I), Artistique (A), Social (S), Entreprenant (E), et Conventionnel (C). Ces types peuvent être octroyés sur deux plans distinctifs. Il est en effet possible de définir le patron typologique sur les plans environnemental et individuel. C'est à partir de ces deux patrons typologiques, constitués de trois lettres, qu'on établira la correspondance entre les données provenant de l'individu et de l'environnement. C'est donc à partir de celles-ci que l'on peut calculer le niveau de congruence, en appliquant l'indice de lachan qui constitue une mesure de congruence. Deux instruments de mesure inclus dans une batterie d'inventaires seront donc proposés à soixante travailleurs de la Ville de Montréal. Il s'agit premièrement d'une grille d'évaluation élaborée à partir de critères spécifiques issus d'enquêtes différentes liées au plafonnement de carrière. L'instrument de mesure comporte sept échelles : le temps et l'âge, des informations relatives au travail, le positionnement par rapport aux collègues de travail, l'impact du changement sur l'individu, les rémunérations et • conditions salariales, la formation, les intérêts et loisirs reliées à la profession. Le plafonnement de carrière tel que nous le percevons, constitue un concept complexe nécessitant une vision systémique ; c'est-à-dire que le problème doit être considéré dans son ensemble, à savoir l'individu et son environnement. La deuxième étape consiste en la passation de l'inventaire des préférences professionnelles, abrégé (I.P.P.A.). Pour chacune des personnes évaluées, un patron typologique de l'environnement professionnel sera établi à partir du Codes Holland pour C. C. D. P. Les résultats obtenus par l'intermédiaire de l'I.P.P A. et transférés en types par l'intermédiaire du Guide : Codes Holland pour C.C.D.P., seront soumis à l'indice de lachan qui évalue la congruence entre deux séries de données. Le score du niveau de congruence sera par la suite confronté au score obtenu par l'intermédiaire de la grille/questionnaire par une simple corrélation. De cette façon, nous pourrons établir les liens et ainsi vérifier l'hypothèse de recherche. Cette recherche se propose donc d'identifier des plateaux de carrière à l'aide de la grille/questionnaire, pour ensuite vérifier s'il existe véritablement des liens entre la situation de plafonnement de carrière et la congruence d'intérêts. Cette démarche tend à confirmer l'hypothèse suivante : l'incongruence entre les intérêts individuels et ceux du milieu est responsable du plafonnement de carrière. En ce sens, elle entraîne entre autres une démotivation de l'individu à s'impliquer dans son travail, à mettre ses connaissances à jour. La présence du plafonnement de carrière peut décourager l'organisation et l'entourage immédiat de travail à justifier un accroissement des responsabilités ou toutes autres mobilités. Cette situation peut entraîner un malaise important tant chez l'employé que dans l'environnement de travail. La méthodologie proposée permet d'envisager la problématique sous différents angles, • étant donné que le plafonnement de carrière est à la fois la cause et l'effet d'un ensemble de facteurs difficilement mesurables.
Les théories sous-tendant le leadership transformationnel suggèrent que la congruence des valeurs personnelles et organisationnelles est au cœur du fonctionnement du leadership transformationnel. Or, l’examen de cette proposition soulève certaines questions. Par exemple, il y a lieu de s’interroger quant à l’importance du type (subjective ou objective) et de la cible (équipe, organisation) de congruence considérés, du contenu des valeurs utilisées pour juger de la congruence, des contingences situationnelles modulant l’importance de la congruence, et du rôle de la congruence des valeurs des leaders eux-mêmes. Ainsi, afin d’enrichir les connaissances sur le rôle des valeurs en regard du leadership transformationnel, cette thèse propose trois articles dans lesquels ce rôle des valeurs et de leur congruence est abordé sous trois angles. Les données utilisées dans cette thèse proviennent d’une grande organisation canadienne, et des sous-ensembles de données sont créés pour répondre aux objectifs de chaque article. Le premier article s’intéresse aux liens qu’ont a) les valeurs personnelles des gestionnaires, b) les valeurs qu’ils perçoivent dans leur organisation et c) la congruence de ces deux ensemble de valeurs avec l’émission de comportements de leadership transformationnel tel que perçus par leurs subordonnés. Les résultats suggèrent que la congruence des valeurs n’a pas de lien avec le leadership transformationnel, mais que c’est le cas pour certaines valeurs au niveau personnel et organisationnel qui présentent effectivement un lien. Le deuxième article porte sur le potentiel rôle modérateur de la congruence des valeurs personne-organisation des subordonnés dans la relation entre le leadership transformationnel et les comportements d’habilitation. Les résultats montrent que la congruence des valeurs peut effectivement modérer cette relation, et que la forme de la modération peut dépendre de l’ancienneté des employés. Le troisième article traite du rôle modérateur de la présence de valeurs et de leur congruence au niveau de l’équipe dans la relation entre le leadership transformationnel et les comportements d’habilitation. Les résultats suggèrent que les valeurs et leur congruence dans les équipes peuvent modérer l’efficacité du leadership transformationnel en regard des comportements d’habilitation. De façon générale, la présence et la congruence de cinq valeurs, parmi les sept testées, semblent rehausser la relation entre le leadership transformationnel et les comportements d’habilitation. Ainsi, la présente thèse, en ajoutant des considérations quant aux questions qui avaient été soulevées par l’examen de la proposition théorique du rôle des valeurs et de leur congruence dans le leadership transformationnel, permet d’améliorer la compréhension de ce rôle. Spécifiquement, les résultats de cette thèse suggèrent que globalement, la congruence des valeurs peut être plus importante pour l’efficacité du leadership transformationnel lorsque les valeurs considérées sont plus importantes dans l’équipe de l’individu, et lorsque l’individu a peu d’ancienneté dans son organisation. De plus, en ce qui a trait aux leaders, il semble que la présence de valeurs de bien-être collectif et d’ouverture au changement ait un lien avec l’émission de comportements de leadership transformationnel. Une discussion traite de ces résultats et indique les limites de la thèse ainsi que des pistes de recherche future.
Script for non-verbal performance. Research Component: Silent Treatment: Creating Non-verbal Performance Works for Children The research field of theatre for young people draws on theories of child development and popular culture. SHOW explored personal and social development, friendship and creative play through the lens of the experience of girls aged 8-12. This project consolidated and refined innovative approaches to creating non-verbal theatre performance, and addressed challenges inherent in the creation of a performance by adults for young audiences. A significant finding of the project was the unanticipated convergence of creative practice and research into child behaviour and development: the congruence of content (Female bullying) and theatrical form (non-verbal performance: “Within the hidden culture of aggression, girls fight with body language and relationships instead of fists and knives. In this world, friendship is a weapon, and the sting of a shout pales in comparison to a day of someone’s silence. There is no gesture more devastating than the back turning away Simmons, Rachel (2002:3) Odd Girl Out: The Hidden Culture Of Aggression In Girls Schwartz Books The creative development and drafting process focussed on negotiating the conceptual design and practical constraints of incorporating diegetic music and video sources into the narrative. The authorial (and production) challenges of creating a script that could facilitate the re-mount a non-verbal work for a company specialising in text-based theatre . Show was commissioned by the Queensland Theatre Company in 2003, toured into Queensland Schools by the Queensland Arts Council and in 2004 was performed at the Sydney Opera House.
This study considers the effectiveness of the Internet as a medium through which sponsorship investments can be leveraged. It considers the variables of sponsor-sponsee congruence,articulation, and the extent to which a sponsorship is leveraged via sponsor websites, in relation to consumer attitudes toward brand and company level variables across time. Results show that,consumer attitudes are more favourable for congruent sponsorships, those that are not articulated in commercially-oriented terms, and those that are leveraged via sponsor websites. Additionally, after a seven-day delay, leveraged sponsorships display sustained positive attitudes whereas those not leveraged display a decline in attitudes.
This paper presents a phenomenographic analysis of the conceptions of teaching and learning held by a sample of 16 secondary school teachers in two Australian schools. It provides descriptions of four categories, derived from pooled data, of the ways in which these teachers thought about teaching and about learning, their teaching strategies, and their focus on student or content. The categories for teaching and learning are described with each teacher allocated to the category most typical of their conceptions of teaching and of learning. The lack of congruence, in some cases, between the conceptions of teaching and of learning held by these teachers is discussed.
Environmental education is a field which has only come of age since the late nineteen sixties. While its content and practice have been widely debated and researched, its leadership has been minimally studied and, therefore, is only partially understood. The role of mentoring in the development of leaders has been alluded to, but has attracted scant research. Therefore, this study explores the importance of mentoring during the personal and professional development of leaders in environmental education. Four major research questions were investigated. Firstly, have leaders been men to red during their involvement with environmental education? Secondly, when and how has that mentoring taken place? Thirdly, what was the personal and professional effectiveness of the mentoring relationship? Fourthly, is there any continuation of the mentoring process which might be appropriate for professional development within the field of environmental education? Leaders were solicited from a broad field of environmental educators including teachers, administrators, academics, natural resource personnel, business and community persons. They had to be recognized as active leaders across several environmental education networks. The research elicited qualitative and quantitative survey data from fifty seven persons in Queensland, Australia and Colorado, USA. Seventeen semi-structured interviews were subsequently conducted with selected leaders who had nominated their mentors. This led to a further thirteen 'linked interviews' with some of the mentors' mentors and new mentorees. The interview data is presented as four cases reflecting pairs, triads, chains and webs of relationships- a major finding of the research process. The analysis of the data from the interviews and the surveys was conducted according to a grounded theory approach and was facilitated by NUD.IST, a computer program for non-numerical text analysis. The findings of the study revealed many variations on the classical mentoring patterns found in the literature. Gender and age were not seen as mportant factors, as there were examples of contemporaries in age, older men to younger women, older women to younger men, and women to women. Personal compatibility, professional respect and philosophical congruence were critical. Mentoring was initiated from early, mid and late career stages with the average length of the relationship being fourteen years. There was seldom an example of the mentoree using the mentor for hierarchical career climbing, although frequent career changes were made. However, leadership actions were found to increase after the intervention of a mentoring relationship. Three major categories of informal mentoring were revealed - perceived,acknowledged and deliberate. Further analysis led to the evolution of the core concept, a 'cascade of influence'. The major finding of this study was that this sample of leaders, mentors and new mentorees moved from the perception of having been mentored to the acknowledgment of these relationships and an affirmation of their efficacy for both personal and professional growth. Hence, the participants were more likely to continue future mentoring, not as a serendipitous happening, but through a deliberate choice. Heightened awareness and more frequent 'cascading' of mentoring have positive implications for the professional development of future leaders in environmental education in both formal and informal settings. Effective mentoring in environmental education does not seek to create 'clones' of the mentors, but rather to foster the development of autonomous mentorees who share a philosophical grounding. It is a deliberate invitation to 'join the clan'.
This paper explores the interplay between individual values, espoused organisational values and the values of the organisational culture in practice in light of a recent Royal Commission in Queensland, Australia, which highlighted systematic failures in patient care. The lack of congruence among values at these levels impacts upon the ethical decision making of health managers. The presence of institutional ethics regimes such as the Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 (Qld) and agency codes of conduct are not sufficient to counteract the negative influence of informal codes of practice that undermine espoused organisational values and community standards. The ethical decision-making capacity of health care managers remains at the front line in the battle against unethical and unprofessional practice. What is known about the topic? Value congruence theory focusses on the conflicts between individual and organisational values. Congruence between individual values, espoused values and values expressed in everyday practice can only be achieved by ensuring that such shared values are an ever-present factor in managerial decision making. What does this paper add? The importance of value congruence in building and sustaining a healthy organisational culture is confirmed by the evidence presented in the Bundaberg Hospital Inquiry. The presence of strong individual values among staff and strong espoused values in line with community expectations and backed up by legislation and ethics regimes were not, in themselves, sufficient to ensure a healthy organisational culture and prevent unethical, and possibly illegal, behaviour. What are the implications for practitioners? Managers must incorporate ethics in decision making to establish and maintain the nexus between individual and organisational values that is a vital component of a healthy organisational culture.
The purpose of the paper is to provide a collaborative practitioner/academic interpretation of a destination’s competitiveness through the lens of brand positioning in the domestic short break drive market. A 173 item questionnaire, which was mailed to a systematic random sample of 3000 households in the target market, attracted a 17% useable response. The paper compares how one destination, the Sunshine Coast, is positioned in its most important market, in relation to the brand identity intended by the destination marketing organisation (DMO). Key constructs were brand salience, brand associations and brand resonance. The Sunshine Coast was found to hold a leadership position in the minds of consumers, and the results indicated a strong level of congruence between actual market perceptions and the brand identity intended by the DMO. There were strong associations between brand salience, brand associations and brand resonance. The findings provided the destination of interest with both a measure of past marketing effectiveness as well as positive indicators of future performance. The paper represents collaboration between a tourism practitioner and a tourism academic, and attempts a contribution to the emerging literature on destination competitiveness through the lens of positioning theory.
Although relatively few studies have been undertaken analyzing the drivers of performance for construction companies in producing and delivering satisfactory quality of project works, findings from previous research reveal that there is a significant correlation between the company’s organisational culture and the quality performance of contractors. It has also been noted that the nature of organisational culture is a major determinant factor for quality improvement. This paper presents a summary of the results of a pilot study investigating the organisational culture profiles of five Indonesian construction companies. The survey utilizes the Organisational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI), which is based on the Competing Values Framework (CVF). This instrument assesses six important and significant traits of organisational culture: dominant characteristics, organisational leadership, management of employees, organisational ‘glue’, strategic emphasis, and criteria of success. These assessed cultural dimensions identify the most close-fitting perspective of a company’s inherent culture drawn from four possible types: clan, adhocracy, market, or hierarchy culture. Further discussion is presented, which describes the companies’ dominant cultural profiles in terms of strength and congruence and how an effective quality management system operates within the dominant culture type. This analysis contributes to the finding that a suitably ‘strong’ organisational culture impacts positively on construction organisation success within its own specific sector.
Script for non-verbal performance. ----- ----- ----- Research Component: Silent Treatment: Creating Non-verbal Performance Works for Children ----- ----- ----- The research field of theatre for young people draws on theories of child development and popular culture. SHOW explored personal and social development, friendship and creative play through the lens of the experience of girls aged 8-12. This project consolidated and refined innovative approaches to creating non-verbal theatre performance, and addressed challenges inherent in the creation of a performance by adults for young audiences. A significant finding of the project was the unanticipated convergence of creative practice and research into child behaviour and development: the congruence of content (Female bullying) and theatrical form (non-verbal performance: “Within the hidden culture of aggression, girls fight with body language and relationships instead of fists and knives. In this world, friendship is a weapon, and the sting of a shout pales in comparison to a day of someone’s silence. There is no gesture more devastating than the back turning away Simmons, Rachel (2002:3) Odd Girl Out: The Hidden Culture Of Aggression In Girls Schwartz Books The creative development and drafting process focussed on negotiating the conceptual design and practical constraints of incorporating diegetic music and video sources into the narrative. The authorial (and production) challenges of creating a script that could facilitate the re-mount a non-verbal work for a company specialising in text-based theatre . ----- ----- ----- Show was commissioned by the Queensland Theatre Company in 2003, toured into Queensland Schools by the Queensland Arts Council and in 2004 was performed at the Sydney Opera House.