998 resultados para COMPOSITION DEPENDENCE


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We carry out a series of long atomistic molecular dynamics simulations to study the unfolding of a small protein, chicken villin headpiece (HP-36), in water-ethanol (EtOH) binary mixture. The prime objective of this work is to explore the sensitivity of protein unfolding dynamics toward increasing concentration of the cosolvent and unravel essential features of intermediates formed in search of a dynamical pathway toward unfolding. In water ethanol binary mixtures, HP-36 is found to unfold partially, under ambient conditions, that otherwise requires temperature as high as similar to 600 K to denature in pure aqueous solvent. However, an interesting course of pathway is observed to be followed in the process, guided by the formation of unique intermediates. The first step of unfolding is essentially the separation of the cluster formed by three hydrophobic (phenylalanine) residues, namely, Phe-7, Phe-11, and Phe-18, which constitute the hydrophobic core, thereby initiating melting of helix-2 of the protein. The initial steps are similar to temperature-induced unfolding as well as chemical unfolding using DMSO as cosolvent. Subsequent unfolding steps follow a unique path. As water-ethanol shows composition-dependent anomalies, so do the details of unfolding dynamics. With an increase in cosolvent concentration, different partially unfolded intermediates are found to be formed. This is reflected in a remarkable nonmonotonic composition dependence of several order parameters, including fraction of native contacts and protein-solvent interaction energy. The emergence of such partially unfolded states can be attributed to the preferential solvation of the hydrophobic residues by the ethyl groups of ethanol. We further quantify the local dynamics of unfolding by using a Marcus-type theory.


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Micro-Raman studies are conducted on as-quenched and annealed Ge15Te80 -_xIn5Agx glasses to probe the structural network and its evolution with composition. These studies reveal the presence of tetrahedral GeTe4 structural units in as-quenched samples. Specific signatures of the intermediate phase (IP) are observed in the composition dependence of Raman frequencies and corresponding intensities of different modes in the composition range, 8 <= x <= 16. In addition, the Raman peak positions are found to shift with silver doping. Apart from the Raman results, the compositional dependence of density, molar volume and thermal diffusivity, observed in the present study, confirms the presence of the intermediate phase. In thermally annealed samples, a unique variation of Raman wave-numbers in the intermediate region is observed due to the retention of some of the local structure even after the sample is crystallized. The observed Raman peaks are attributed to crystalline tellurium and silver lattice vibrational modes. Based on our present and earlier studies, we propose the occurrence of three thresholds in Ge15Te80 - xIn5Agx glasses, namely percolation of rigidity, percolation of stress and the onset of chemical phase separation on a nanoscale at 8%, 16% and 20% of silver concentration respectively. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The high temperature strength of alloys with (gamma +gamma') microstructure is primarily due to the resistance of the ordered precipitate to cutting by matrix dislocations. Such shearing requires higher stresses since it involves the creation of a planar fault. Planar fault energy is known to be dependent on composition. This implies that the composition on the fault may be different from that in the bulk for energetic reasons. Such segregation (or desegregation) of specific alloying elements to the fault may result in Suzuki strengthening which has not been explored extensively in these systems. In this work, segregation (or desegregation) of alloying elements to planar faults was studied computationally in Ni-3(Al, Ti) and Co-3(W, Al) type gamma' precipitates. The composition dependence of APB energy and heat of mixing were evaluated from first principle electronic structure calculations. A phase field model incorporating the first principles results, was used to simulate the motion of an extended superdislocation under stress concurrently with composition evolution. Results reveal that in both systems, significant (de) segregation occurs on equilibration. On application of stress, solutes were dragged along with the APB in some cases. Additionally, it was also noted the velocity of the superdislocation under an applied stress is strongly dependent on atomic mobility (i. e. diffusivity).


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Molecular dynamics simulations were employed to investigate the specimen thickness-dependent tensile behavior of a series of Cu(x)Z(100-x) (x = 20, 40, 50, 64 and 80 at%) metallic glass (MG) films, with a particular focus on the critical thickness, tc, below which non-localized plastic flow takes place. The simulation results reveal that while the transition occurs in all the alloys examined, t(c) is sensitive to the composition. We rationalize t(c) by postulating that the strain energy stored in the sample at the onset of plastic deformation has to be sufficient for the formation of shear bands. The composition-dependence of t(c) was found to correlate with the average activation energy of the atomic level plastic deformation events. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Acceptor-doped ceria has been recognized as a promising intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell electrode/electrolyte material. For practical implementation of ceria as a fuel cell electrolyte and for designing model experiments for electrochemical activity, it is necessary to fabricate thin films of ceria. Here, metal-organic chemical vapor deposition was carried out in a homemade reactor to grow ceria films for further electrical, electrochemical, and optical characterization. Doped/undoped ceria films are grown on single crystalline oxide wafers with/without Pt line pattern or Pt solid layer. Deposition conditions were varied to see the effect on the resultant film property. Recently, proton conduction in nanograined polycrystalline pellets of ceria drew much interest. Thickness-mode (through-plane, z-direction) electrical measurements were made to confirm the existence of proton conductivity and investigate the nature of the conduction pathway: exposed grain surfaces and parallel grain boundaries. Columnar structure presumably favors proton conduction, and we have found measurable proton conductivity enhancement. Electrochemical property of gas-columnar ceria interface on the hydrogen electrooxidation is studied by AC impedance spectroscopy. Isothermal gas composition dependence of the electrode resistance was studied to elucidate Sm doping level effect and microstructure effect. Significantly, preferred orientation is shown to affect the gas dependence and performance of the fuel cell anode. A hypothesis is proposed to explain the origin of this behavior. Lastly, an optical transmittance based methodology was developed to obtain reference refractive index and microstructural parameters (thickness, roughness, porosity) of ceria films via subsequent fitting procedure.


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Low temperature (similar to 500 degrees C) growth properties of Si1-xGex by disilane and solid-Ge molecular beam epitaxy have been studied with an emphasis on surface morphology and growth kinetics. It is found that low-temperature growth(<500 degrees C) is in layer-by-layer mode and atomically-smooth surfaces have been obtained in as-grown samples with large Ge composition (>0.5). Ge composition dependence on substrate temperature, Ge cell temperature and disilane flow rate have been investigated. It is found that in low-temperature growth (less than or equal to 500 degrees C) and under large disilane flux, Ge composition increases with the increase of Ge flux and further increase of Ge flux leads to the saturation of Ge composition. Similar compositional dependence has been found at different growth temperatures. The saturated composition increases with the decrease of substrate temperature. The results can be explained if H desorption is assumed to occur from both Si and Ge monohydrides without diffusional exchange and the presence of Ge enhances H desorption on a Si site. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A bulk alloy which consists of the single icosahedral quasicrystalline phase (I-phase) in Ti45Zr35Ni17CU3 alloy has been fabricated by mechanical alloying and subsequent pulse discharge sintering technique. Crystallographic structure analyses show that the bulk alloy is an I-phase. The transport properties of the bulk alloy are examined, and the results show that the room-temperature thermal conductivity is 5.347 W K-(1) m(-1), and the electrical conductivity decreases with increasing the temperature from 300 to 450K. The Seebeck coefficient is negative at the temperature range from 300 to 360K, and changes to positive from 370 to 450K. Hall effect measurements indicate the bulk I-phase alloy has a high carrier concentration. The specific heat capacity increases when the temperature increases from 280 to 324 K.


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The glass transition temperature (T-g) of mixtures of polystyrene (PS) with different molecular weight and of blends of poly(2,6-dimethyl-p-phenylene oxide) (PPO) and polystyrene with different molecular weight (DMWPS) was studied by a DSC method. For the whole range of composition, the curves of T-g vs composition obtained by experiment were compared with predictions from the Fox, Gordon-Taylor, Couchman and Lu-Weiss, equations. It was found that the experimental results were not in agreement with those from the Fox, Gordon-TayIor and Couchman equations for the binary mixtures of DMWPS, where the interaction parameter chi was approximately zero. However, for the blends PPO/DMWPS (chi < 0), with an increase of molecular weight of PS, it was shown that the experimental results fitted well with those obtained from the Couchman, Gordon-Taylor and Fox equations, respectively. Furthermore, the Gordon-Taylor equation was nearly identical to the Lu-Weiss equation when \chi\ was not very large. Further, the dependence of the change of heat capacity associated with the glass transition (Delta C-p) on the molecular weight of PS was investigated and an empirical equation was presented. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Blends of poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) (PVP) with poly(ether sulphone) and two phenolphthalein-based polymers, viz. phenolphthalein poly(ether ether sulphone) and phenolphthalein poly(ether ether ketone) were prepared by casting from a common solvent and studied by differential scanning calorimetry. It was found that all the PVP blends are miscible and show a single, composition-dependent glass transition temperature (T(g)). The T(g)-composition dependence has been analysed by the use of the Gordon-Taylor equation. The values of the k parameter in the Gordon-Taylor equation obtained are all not high for the three pairs, in accordance with the fact that there is no strongly specific interaction between PVP and any of the other polymers.


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Une compréhension approfondie et un meilleur contrôle de l'auto-assemblage des copolymères diblocs (séquencés) et de leurs complexes à l'interface air/eau permettent la formation contrôlée de nanostructures dont les propriétés sont connues comme alternative à la nanolithographie. Dans cette thèse, des monocouches obtenues par les techniques de Langmuir et de Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) avec le copolymère dibloc polystyrène-poly(4-vinyl pyridine) (PS-PVP), seul ou complexé avec de petites molécules par liaison hydrogène [en particulier, le 3-n-pentadécylphénol (PDP)], ont été étudiées. Une partie importante de notre recherche a été consacrée à l'étude d'une monocouche assemblée atypique baptisée réseau de nanostries. Des monocouches LB composées de nanostries ont déjà été rapportées dans la littérature mais elles coexistent souvent avec d'autres morphologies, ce qui les rend inutilisables pour des applications potentielles. Nous avons déterminé les paramètres moléculaires et les conditions expérimentales qui contrôlent cette morphologie, la rendant très reproductible. Nous avons aussi proposé un mécanisme original pour la formation de cette morphologie. De plus, nous avons montré que l'utilisation de solvants à haut point d’ébullition, non couramment utilisés pour la préparation des films Langmuir, peut améliorer l'ordre des nanostries. En étudiant une large gamme de PS-PVP avec des rapports PS/PVP et des masses molaires différents, avec ou sans la présence de PDP, nous avons établi la dépendance des types principaux de morphologie (planaire, stries, nodules) en fonction de la composition et de la concentration des solutions. Ces observations ont mené à une discussion sur les mécanismes de formation des morphologies, incluant la cinétique, l’assemblage moléculaire et l’effet du démouillage. Nous avons aussi démontré pour la première fois que le plateau dans l'isotherme des PS-PVP/PDP avec morphologie de type nodules est relié à une transition ordre-ordre des nodules (héxagonal-tétragonal) qui se produit simultanément avec la réorientation du PDP, les deux aspects étant clairement observés par AFM. Ces études ouvrent aussi la voie à l'utilisation de films PS-PVP/PDP ultraminces comme masque. La capacité de produire des films nanostructurés bien contrôlés sur différents substrats a été démontrée et la stabilité des films a été vérifiée. Le retrait de la petite molécule des nanostructures a fait apparaître une structure interne à explorer lors d’études futures.


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A range of side chain liquid crystal copolymers have been prepared using mesogenic and non-mesogenic units. It is found that high levels of the non-mesogenic moieties may be introduced without completely disrupting the organization of the liquid crystal phase. Incorporation of this comonomer causes a marked reduction in the glass transition temperature (Tg), presumably as a result of enhanced backbone mobility and a corresponding lowering of the nematic transition temperature, thereby restricting the temperature range for stability of the liquid crystal phase. The effect of the interactions between the various components of these side-chain polymers on their electro-optic responses is described. Infrared (i.r.) dichroism measurements have been made to determine the order parameters of the liquid crystalline side-chain polymers. By identifying a certain band (CN stretching) in the i.r. absorption spectrum, the order parameter of the mesogenic groups can be obtained. The temperature and composition dependence of the observed order parameter are related to the liquid crystal phase transitions and to the electro-optic response. It is found that the introduction of the non-mesogenic units into the polymer chain lowers the threshold voltage of the electro-optic response over and above that due to the reduction in the order parameter. The dynamic electro-optic responses are dominated by the temperature-dependent viscosity and evidence is presented for relaxation processes involving the polymer backbone which are on a time scale greater than that for the mesogenic side-chain units.


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The crystallization of laser glasses in the system (B(2)O(3))(0.6){(Al(2)O(3))(0.4-y)(Y(2)O(3))(y)} (0.1 <= y <= 0.25) doped with different levels of ytterbium oxide has been investigated by X-ray powder diffraction, differential thermal analysis, and various solid-state NMR techniques. The homogeneous glasses undergo major phase segregation processes resulting in crystalline YBO(3), crystalline YAI(3)(BO(3))(4), and residual glassy B(2)O(3) as the major products. This process can be analyzed in a quantitative fashion by solid-state (11)B, (27)Al, and (89)Y NMR spectroscopies as well as (11)B{(27)Al} rotational echo double resonance (REDOR) experiments. The Yb dopants end up in both of the crystalline components, producing increased line widths of the corresponding (11)B, (27)Al, and (89)Y NMR resonances that depend linearly on the Yb/Y substitution ratio. A preliminary analysis of the composition dependence suggests that the Yb(3+) dopant is not perfectly equipartitioned between both crystalline phases, suggesting a moderate preference of Yb to substitute in the crystalline YBO(3) component.


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We report spectroscopic results from investigations of a novel solid polymeric fast-ion-conductor based on poly(acrylonitrile), (PAN, of repeat unit [CH2CH(CN)]n), and the salt LiCF3SO3 . From NMR studies of the temperature and concentration dependencies of 7Li- and lH-NMR linewidths, we conclude that significant ionic motion occurs at temperatures close to the glass transition temperature of these polymer-in-salt electrolytes, in accordance with a recent report on the ionic conductivity. In the dilute salt-in-polymer regime, however, ionic motion appears mainly to be confined to local salt-rich domains, as determined from the dramatic composition dependence of the ionic conductivity. FT-Raman spectroscopy is used to directly probe the local chemical anionic environment, as well as the Li+–PAN interaction. The characteristic δs(CF3) mode of the CF3SO3 anion at ~750–780 cm−l shows that the ionic substructure is highly complex. Notably, no spectroscopic evidence of free anions is found even at relatively salt-depleted compositions (e.g. N:Li~60–10:1). A strong Li+–PAN interaction is manifested as a pronounced shift of the characteristic polymer C=N stretching mode, found at ~2244 cm−l in pure PAN, to ~2275 cm−l for Li+-coordinated C=N moieties. Our proton-NMR data suggest that upon complexation of PAN with LiCF3 SO3, the glass transition occurs at progressively lower temperatures.


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Amorphous polymer/salt mixtures based on polyvinyl alcohol and poly(hydroxyethylacrylate) and poly(hydroxyethylmethacrylate) are described. The polyvinylalcohol materials have been prepared by a solvent free hot pressing technique as well as the traditional solvent casting method. The hot pressing technique allows the production of samples which are genuinely free of solvents and thereby has allowed an assessment in this work of the effect of residual solvent on conductivity. The acrylate materials were prepared by direct polymerization of monomer/salt mixtures, thus avoiding the need for solvents. These materials have glass transitions around or well above room temperature, but nonetheless have conductivities as high as 10−7 S/cm at room temperature. The temperature and composition dependence of conductivity are also presented.


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Highly ordered mesoporous bioactive glasses (MBGs) with different compositions have been synthesized by a combination of surfactant templating, sol-gel method and evaporation-induced self-assembly (EISA) processes. The texture properties and compositional homogeneity of MBGs have been characterized and compared with conventional bioactive glasses (BGs) synthesized in the absence of surfactants by evaporation method. The formation mechanism (pore - composition dependence) and compositional homogeneity in the case of MBG materials are different from those in conventional BGs. Unlike conventional sol-gel-derived BGs that shows a direct correlation between their composition and pore architecture, MBGs with different compositions may possess similar pore volume and uniformly distributed pore size when the same structure-directing agent is utilized. The framework of MBG is homogeneously distributed in composition at the nanoscale and the inorganic species generally exists in the form of amorphous phase. MBGs calcined at temperatures