943 resultados para COLORECTAL CARCINOMAS


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The aim of this study was to evaluate Ki-67 and Bcl-2 protein expression in the normal colorectal mucosa adjacent to adenomatous polyps in women with breast cancer. A cross-sectional, controlled study was conducted in 35 women with and without breast cancer who had adenomatous colorectal polyps. The patients were divided into two groups: Group A (a control group of women without breast cancer, n = 18) and Group B (a study group of women with breast cancer, n = 17). A sample of normal colonic mucosa was collected at a distance of 5 cm from the polypoid lesion to evaluate immunchistochemical expression of the Ki-67 and Bcl-2 proteins. Student`s t-test and the chi-square test were used to analyse Ki-67 and Bcl-2 expression, respectively. Statistical significance was established at p < 0.05. The mean percentage of Ki-67-stained nuclei in Groups A and B was 25.12 +/- 2.08 and 41.50 +/- 1.85, respectively (p < 0.001), whereas the percentage of cases with cells expressing Bcl-2 in Groups A and B was 17.6% and 82.4%, respectively (p < 0.003). In the present study, greater proliferative activity and greater expression of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 was found in the normal colorectal mucosa of women with breast cancer. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We tested the hypothesis that the coordinate expression of cytokeratin 7 (CK 7) and cytokeratin 20 (CK 20) could distinguish among carcinomas arising from different primary sites. A total of 384 cases of carcinomas primary to various organs, as well as 16 cases of malignant mesothelioma, were evaluated using commercially available monoclonal antibodies and an avidin-biotin immunoperoxidase technique. The subset of tumors strongly expressing both CK 7 and CK 20 included virtually all bladder transitional cell carcinomas and the majority of pancreatic adenocarcinomas; the tumors negative for both CK 7 and CK 20 were largely restricted to hepatocellular, prostate, and renal cell carcinomas in addition to squamous cell and neuroendocrine carcinomas of lung. The CK 7-/CK 20+ immunophenotype, however, was highly characteristic of adenocarcinomas of colorectal origin, whereas CK 7+/CK 20- immunophenotype was typically seen in the vast majority of carcinomas arising from other sites, including ovary, endometrium, breast, and lung, as well as malignant mesothelioma. Gastric carcinomas were the most heterogeneous subgroup with respect to CK 7/CK 20 immunophenotype. In the subset of mucinous tumors, striking immunophenotypic differences were noted among those primary to the breast (CK 7+/CK 20-), gastrointestinal tract (CK 7-/CK 20+), and ovary (CK 7+/CK 20+). In all cases investigated, this CK immunophenotype was invariant in metastatic vs. primary tumors. It is concluded that, in the appropriate clinical setting, the CK 7/CK 20 immunophenotype of carcinomas is a valuable diagnostic marker in the determination of primary site of origin.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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IL-23 is a heterodimeric cytokine involved in inflammatory diseases; its role in cancer progression is controversial. Here we analyse the expression of IL-23 subunits (p40 and p19) and IL-23R in colorectal cancer with regard to disease progression, clinical-pathological and molecular aspects. Immunohistochemistry for IL-23p19, IL-23p40, IL-23R and CD8 was performed on a multi-punch tissue microarray of 195 colorectal cancers (cohort 1), matched normal tissue, adenoma and lymph node metastases. Results were compared with clinical-pathological features and CD8+ T-cell counts, then validated on two patient cohorts (cohort 2: n=341, cohort 3: n=139). Cytoplasmic/membranous expression of IL-23 (p19 and p40 subunits) and IL-23R, respectively were over-expressed in carcinomas versus adenomas and normal tissues (p<0.0001) but were reduced in lymph node metastases (p<0.0001). Nuclear IL-23p19 expression was observed in 23.1% and was associated with early TNM stage (p=0.0186), absence of venous (p=0.0124) and lymphatic invasion (p=0.01493), favorable survival (p=0.014) and absence of distant metastasis (p=0.0146; specificity: 100%). This unexpected cellular localization was confirmed by cell fractionation. The beneficial effect of nuclear IL-23p19 was restricted to tumours with CD8+ high counts. Results were validated on Cohorts 2/3. This multicenter study underlines the possible CD8(+)--dependency and beneficial effect of nuclear IL-23p19 on overall patient survival.


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The abundant chromosome abnormalities in most carcinomas are probably a reflection of genomic instability present in the tumor, so the pattern and variability of chromosome abnormalities will reflect the mechanism of instability combined with the effects of selection. Chromosome rearrangement was investigated in 17 colorectal carcinoma-derived cell lines. Comparative genomic hybridization showed that the chromosome changes were representative of those found in primary tumors. Spectral karyotyping (SKY) showed that translocations were very varied and mostly unbalanced, with no translocation occurring in more than three lines. At least three karyotype patterns could be distinguished. Some lines had few chromosome abnormalities: they all showed microsatellite instability, the replication error (RER)+ phenotype. Most lines had many chromosome abnormalities: at least seven showed a surprisingly consistent pattern, characterized by multiple unbalanced translocations and intermetaphase variation, with chromosome numbers around triploid, 6–16 structural aberrations, and similarities in gains and losses. Almost all of these were RER−, but one, LS411, was RER+. The line HCA7 showed a novel pattern, suggesting a third kind of genomic instability: multiple reciprocal translocations, with little numerical change or variability. This line was also RER+. The coexistence in one tumor of two kinds of genomic instability is to be expected if the underlying defects are selected for in tumor evolution.


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The molecular pathogenesis of various categories of breast cancer (BC) has been well described, but surprisingly few reports have appeared on analysis of somatic mutations in bilateral BC. We have performed a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-driven investigation of chromosomal regions showing common loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in 23 cases (46 rumors) from patients diagnosed with bilateral BC, LOH was observed in 15/46 (33%) informative tumors for chromosome 1p, 5/32 (16%) for 5q, 12/44 (27%) for 11q, 15/40 (38%) for 13q and 4/24 (17%) for 17p. These values are within the range of interlaboratory variations reported fur unilateral BC, There was no strong evidence for concordance of LOH within the same patient for any of the chromosomal loci tested. Atypical for breast carcinomas, 7/46 (15%) turners accumulated a high frequency (ranging from 11 to 29%) of shortened dinucleotide CA repeats, implying microsatellite instability (MI). Further analysis with the highly informative BAT-26 marker allowed for the classification of two of these tumors as having a replication error positive (RER+/MSI-H) phenotype, whereas the remaining five carcinomas harbored so-called borderline MI. Thus an involvement of both RER+ and borderline MI appears to be a distinct feature of bilateral breast carcinomas compared to unilateral lesions. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Phosphatases have long been regarded as tumor suppressors, however there is emerging evidence for a tumor initiating role for some phosphatases in several forms of cancer. Low Molecular Weight Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (LMWPTP; acid phosphatase 1 [ACP1]) is an 18 kDa enzyme that influences the phosphorylation of signaling pathway mediators involved in cancer and is thus postulated to be a tumor-promoting enzyme, but neither unequivocal clinical evidence nor convincing mechanistic actions for a role of LMWPTP have been identified. In the present study, we show that LMWPTP expression is not only significantly increased in colorectal cancer (CRC), but also follows a step-wise increase in different levels of dysplasia. Chemical inhibition of LMWPTP significantly reduces CRC growth. Furthermore, downregulation of LMWPTP in CRC leads to a reduced migration ability in both 2D- and 3D-migration assays, and sensitizes tumor cells to the chemotherapeutic agent 5-FU. In conclusion, this study shows that LMWPTP is not only overexpressed in colorectal cancer, but it is correlated with the malignant potential of this cancer, suggesting that this phosphatase may act as a predictive biomaker of CRC stage and represents a rational novel target in the treatment of this disease.


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OBJETIVO: Investigar a frequência de carcinomas mamários de fenótipo basal em uma série de tumores triplo-negativos (TTN), definidos pela negatividade para receptores de estrógeno (RE), de progesterona (RP) e HER2. MÉTODOS: Selecionamos 140 TTN, obtendo-se características clínico-patológicas e sobrevida. Microarranjo de tecido (2 cilindros de cada tumor) foi construído e submetido à imunoistoquímica para RE, RP, HER2, citoqueratinas (Cks) 5 e 14, EGFR, p63 e p53. Consideramos carcinomas de fenótipo basal os tumores negativos para RE, RP e HER2, e positivos para CK5. RESULTADOS: Encontramos 105 carcinomas de fenótipo basal entre 140 TTN (frequência=75%). A idade média das pacientes foi de 54,8 anos, sendo que 34,3% estavam na pré-menopausa. A maioria dos tumores foi classificada como carcinoma ductal invasor de alto grau. Os TTN exibiram positividade para CK5 (75,0%), CK14 (29%), EGFR (36,4%), p63 (28,6%) e p53 (67,1%). Estadiamento avançado da doença foi observado em 52 pacientes (50%), com diâmetro tumoral maior que 5 cm em 41 casos (39%) e metástases axilares em 61 casos (59,2%). Seguimento clínico foi obtido em 89 pacientes (média=51 meses). Destas, 45 pacientes (50,5%) evoluíram sem doença; 6 (6,7%) estavam vivas com doença e 38 (42,6%) morreram pelo câncer. Recidiva sistêmica ocorreu em 42 pacientes (47,1%), sendo pulmões, cérebro e ossos os principais sítios de metástases. As médias das sobrevidas global e livre de doença foram de 36 e 28 meses, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: Nosso estudo confirma comportamento clínico agressivo e elevada frequência dos carcinomas de fenótipo basal entre os TTN, semelhante ao descrito em casuísticas norte-americanas e europeias.


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OBJECTIVE: The purposes of this study were to histologically assess different types of oral squamous cell carcinoma and the silver-binding nucleolar organizer region (AgNOR) morphology in neoplastic cells, as well as to quantify the number of AgNORs in each type of carcinoma in order to relate AgNOR count and histologic grading. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-eight cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma were divided into 4 groups, namely well-differentiated, moderately differentiated, poorly differentiated, and undifferentiated. For NOR study, 3-µm-thick sections were stained with 50% aqueous silver nitrate solution. The predominant microscopic pattern of NORs was determined. Quantitative analyses of NORs were obtained of all cells present on each histological field using a 0.025 mm² eyepiece graticule. Different histological fields were analyzed until the total number of NORs was 120 cells for each tumor. Kruskall-Wallis test was applied to compare the groups of sample data at a significance level of p=0.05. RESULTS: The mean number of AgNORs per nucleus was 3.20 for the well-differentiated group, 5.33 for the moderately differentiated one, 8.27 for the poorly differentiated one, and 10.08 for the undifferentiated one. AgNOR count was significantly different (p<0.05) among all of the studied groups. CONCLUSION: AgNOR staining technique seems to be a useful diagnostic tool since differences in AgNOR numeric values can be identified in the different types of oral squamous cell carcinoma. This technique is easy to handle and inexpensive, thus justifying its large use in histopathology.


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Background: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is one of the most common malignancies in humans. The average 5-year survival rate is one of the lowest among aggressive cancers, showing no significant improvement in recent years. When detected early, HNSCC has a good prognosis, but most patients present metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis, which significantly reduces survival rate. Despite extensive research, no molecular markers are currently available for diagnostic or prognostic purposes. Methods: Aiming to identify differentially-expressed genes involved in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) development and progression, we generated individual Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) libraries from a metastatic and non-metastatic larynx carcinoma, as well as from a normal larynx mucosa sample. Approximately 54,000 unique tags were sequenced in three libraries. Results: Statistical data analysis identified a subset of 1,216 differentially expressed tags between tumor and normal libraries, and 894 differentially expressed tags between metastatic and non-metastatic carcinomas. Three genes displaying differential regulation, one down-regulated (KRT31) and two up-regulated (BST2, MFAP2), as well as one with a non-significant differential expression pattern (GNA15) in our SAGE data were selected for real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in a set of HNSCC samples. Consistent with our statistical analysis, quantitative PCR confirmed the upregulation of BST2 and MFAP2 and the downregulation of KRT31 when samples of HNSCC were compared to tumor-free surgical margins. As expected, GNA15 presented a non-significant differential expression pattern when tumor samples were compared to normal tissues. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study reporting SAGE data in head and neck squamous cell tumors. Statistical analysis was effective in identifying differentially expressed genes reportedly involved in cancer development. The differential expression of a subset of genes was confirmed in additional larynx carcinoma samples and in carcinomas from a distinct head and neck subsite. This result suggests the existence of potential common biomarkers for prognosis and targeted-therapy development in this heterogeneous type of tumor.


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Introduction: Laparoscopic liver resections are becoming a common procedure, and bleeding remains the major concern during parenchymal transection. Total vascular inflow occlusion can be performed, but ischemic reperfusion injuries can lead to postoperative morbidity. On the other hand, hemihepatic inflow occlusion, leading to hemiliver ischemia, decreases the amount of liver parenchyma submitted to reperfusion damage and offers the advantage of reduced blood loss. Objective: The aim of this work was to describe our experience with laparoscopic the half-Pringle maneuver for segmentar or nonanatomic liver resctions. Patients and Methods: Eight patients submitted to laparoscopic liver resection in a single tertiary center. Results: There were 5 women and 3 men with a mean age of 40.2 years (range, 26-54). Mean tumor size was 4.1 cm (range, 2.6-6.0), and mean hospital stay was 3.1 days (1-5). There were 3 liver adenomas, 2 hepatocellular carcinomas, 1 metastatic melanoma, 1 metastatic colorectal carcinoma, and 1 peripheral colangiocarcinoma. No postoperative complications or mortalities were observed. Conclusions: Results demonstrate that laparoscopic liver resection with the half-Pringle maneuver is feasible and safe and may be included in the technical armamentarium of laparoscopic liver resections for a selected group of patients.


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Background: Cancer stem cell (CSC) hypothesis postulates that tumors are maintained by a self-renewing CSC population that is also capable of differentiating into non-self-renewing cell populations that constitute the bulk of tumor. Stem cells renewal and differentiation can be directly influenced by the oxygen levels of determined tissues, probably by the reduction of oxidative DNA damage in hypoxic regions, thus leading to a friendlier microenvironment, regarding to clonal expansion and for resistance to chemotherapeutic regimens. Furthermore, there have been strong data indicating a pivotal role of hypoxic niche in cancer stem cells development. There are evidence that hypoxia could drive the maintenance of CSC, via HIF-1 alpha expression, but it still to be determined whether hypoxia markers are expressed in breast tumors presenting CD44(+)CD24(-/low) immunophenotype. Methods: Immunohistochemical analysis of CD44(+)CD24(-/low) expression and its relationship with hypoxia markers and clinical outcome were evaluated in 253 samples of breast ductal carcinomas. Double-immunolabeling was performed using EnVision Doublestain System (Dako, Carpinteria, CA, USA). Slides were then scanned into high-resolution images using Aperio ScanScope XT and then, visualized in the software Image Scope (Aperio, Vista, CA, USA). Results: In univariate analysis, CD44(+)CD24(-/low) expression showed association with death due to breast cancer (p = 0.035). Breast tumors expressing CD44(+)CD24(-/low) immunophenotype showed relationship with HIF-1 alpha (p = 0.039) and negativity for HER-2 (p = 0.013). Conclusion: Considering that there are strong evidences that the fraction of a tumour considered to be cancer stem cells is plastic depending upon microenvironmental signals, our findings provide further evidence that hypoxia might be related to the worse prognosis found in CD44(+)CD24(-/low) positive breast tumors.


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FUNDAMENTS: The lethality of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) of the skin is considered low. SCC in the mouth is usually associated with poor prognosis. Current evidence suggests that mast cells in the normal tissue contribute to the tumorigenesis of SCC, probably by promoting angiogenesis. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the concentration of mast cells in SCC of the mouth and skin and evaluate whether there is a correlation with the degree of differentiation of these tumors. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty cases of SCC of the skin and 34 of the mouth were investigated. Toluidine blue staining was used to identify mast cells in blocks containing the central portion of the neoplasm. RESULTS: A concentration of between 0 and 10 mast cells was found in one single case of SCC of the skin and there were no cases of SCC of the mouth with concentrations of mast cells in the tumor >201. In the majority of cases of SCC of the mouth (47%; n=16), mast cell concentration was between 0 and 10, with a concentration >51 mast cells in 80% of cases of SCC of the skin. All the cases of SCC of the mouth with a concentration of mast cells between 100 and 200 and 80% of those with a concentration of 51-99 were located on the lip. The concentration of mast cells was unrelated to the degree of differentiation of the tumor. CONCLUSION: The concentration of mast cells is lower in SCC of the mouth except when the tumor is located on the lip. This may reflect a lower need for cell activation in the microenvironment to improve vascularization in oral cancer.


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Hepatitis C infection is associated with the development of hepatocellular carcinoma, and progress has been made in a number of areas. Transgenic mice lines expressing the hepatitis C core protein develop hepatic steatosis, adenomas, and hepatocellular carcinomas, with no significant hepatitis or fibrosis. This implies that hepatitis C can lead directly to malignant transformation, A new lesion, irregular regeneration, has been described in chronic hepatitis C infection and is associated with a 15-fold increase in the relative risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma. A minority of patients with hepatitis C-related hepatocellular carcinoma have intense lymphocytic infiltration of the cancer, a feature associated with a better prognosis, Several studies have confirmed the association between large cell dysplasia and hepatocellular carcinoma, However, large cell dysplasia may not be a premalignant lesion and instead may be a marker for premalignant alterations elsewhere in the liver. Oral contraceptives previously have been linked to an increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. A large multicenter European case-control study has shown minimal increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma with use of steroidal contraception. Tamoxifen had shown promise in the management of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. However, a randomized placebo-controlled study of 477 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma found no benefit from tamoxifen, In a preliminary study, however, octreotide has shown improved survival and quality of life in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma, Finally, interferon treatment continues to be linked to a reduced risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with hepatitis C, These studies generally are not randomized, and a randomized prospective study is required to address this issue. (C) 1999 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.