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A aplicação tópica do hidrogel Pluronic F-127 (poli(óxido de etileno)99-poli(óxido de propileno)65-poli(óxido de etileno)99, PEO99-PPO65-PEO99) contendo um doador de óxido nítrico, a S-nitrosoglutationa (GSNO) é conhecida por exercer efeitos benéficos no reparo tecidual cutâneo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação tópica do hidrogel Pulronic F-127 contendo um doador de óxido nítrico no reparo tecidual de lesões isquêmicas. Ratos Wistar machos foram submetidos a duas lesões incisionais paralelas no dorso, a pele foi separada do tecido subjacente, as incisões foram suturadas e uma lesão excisional foi feita entre elas para criar uma condição isquêmica ao redor da lesão. Os animais foram separados em grupo controle, que recebeu a aplicação apenas do hidrogel sem doador de óxido nítrico e grupo tratado, que recebeu a aplicação do hidrogel contendo o doador de óxido nítrico. Os animais foram tratados por 7 dias consecutivos com uma aplicação diária dos hidrogéis. O grupo tratado apresentou taxas mais altas de contração e re-epitelização, menor quantidade de células inflamatórias, um aumento na densidade e organização de fibras colágenas e uma diminuição na neovascularização 14 dias após a lesão, comparado ao grupo controle. Esses resultados indicam que a aplicação tópica do gel doador de óxido nítrico é eficaz no tratamento de lesões isquêmicas em ratos, levando a uma melhora significativa na cicatrização. Consequentemente, a aplicação tópica de um hidrogel contendo doador de óxido nítrico poderá ter, futuramente, potencial para o tratamento terapêutico de úlceras venosas e decorrentes de diabetes.


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Pacientes com diabetes mellitus (DM) têm elevadas taxas de disfunção erétil (ED). Diversos estudos examinaram esta associação. A associação entre o processo de hipertrofia vascular diabética e o grau de comprometimento dos seios cavernosos é pouco estudada. A proposta do presente estudo foi avaliar a estrutura vascular do tecido erétil de coelhos diabéticos e coelhos normais, através de histomorfometria computadorizada da artéria dorsal do pênis e dos seios vasculares cavernosos em ambos os grupos. Foram utilizados 20 coelhos adultos machos da raça Nova Zelândia, divididos em dois grupos com 10 animais cada, o grupo diabético (GD) e o grupo controle (GC). Os animais foram previamente anestesiados e os coelhos do grupo GD receberam aloxano na dose de 100mg/kg, via endovenosa para indução da diabetes. Após 10 semanas, os animais foram mortos e os pênis retirados. Fragmentos do pênis foram fixados em formalina tamponada durante 24-48 horas e processados para parafina. Para análise imunohistoquímica e identificação das fibras musculares lisas, foi utilizado o anticorpo anti alfa-actina. Foram feitas análises da espessura média das túnicas íntima e média da parede da artéria dorsal do pênis (ADP), densidade nuclear na túnica média e avaliação por microscopia de polarização do conteúdo colágeno na túnica adventícia. Na túnica íntima foram observadas vacuolizações no endotélio. Os valores encontrados para espessura de GC e GD foram respectivamente (em m): 35,0123,177 e 44,3308,434 (P=0,0350). Foi encontrada diferença na área média da parede da ADP (P=0,0179). Para densidade nuclear GC 0,0071540,001954 núcleos/μm e GD 0,0048080,002069 núcleos/μm (P=0,0855). Foram observadas mudanças na birrefringência das fibras colágenas na túnica adventícia, passando de alaranjado no grupo GC para esverdeado no grupo GD, indicando a mudança em sua espessura. A área ocupada pelos seios cavernosos apresentou diminuição significativa de 37 % no grupo diabético (P=0,0013). Este conjunto de alterações sugere que a hiperglicemia crônica provocada pelo diabetes levou a um processo de hipertrofia da musculatura lisa na parede vascular e nas trabéculas do corpo cavernoso, com diminuição da área dos seios, o que possivelmente altera as propriedades hemodinâmicas do órgão


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For Variable Stiffness (VS) composites with steered curvilinear tow paths, the fiber orientation angle varies continuously throughout the laminate, and is not required to be straight, parallel and uniform within each ply as in conventional composite laminates. Hence, the thermal properties (conduction), as well as the structural stiffness and strength, vary as functions of location in the laminate, and the associated composite structure is often called a “variable stiffness” composite structure. The steered fibers lead not only to the alteration of mechanical load paths, but also to the alteration of thermal paths that may
result in favorable temperature distributions within the laminate and improve the laminate performance. Evaluation of VS laminate performance under thermal loading is the focus of this chapter. Thermal performance evaluations require experimental and numerical analysis of VS laminates under different processing and loading conditions. One of the advantages of using composite materials in many applications is the tailoring capability of the laminate,
not only during the design phase but also for manufacturing. Heat transfer through variable conduction and chemical reaction (degree of cure) occurring during manufacturing (curing) plays an important role in the final thermal and mechanical performance, and shape of composite structures.


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Analysis of non-traditional Variable Stiffness (VS) laminates, obtained by steering the fiber orientation as a spatial function of location, have shown to improve buckling load carrying capacity of flat rectangular panels under axial compressive loads. In some cases the buckling load of simply supported panels doubled compared to the best conventional laminate with straight fibers. Two distinct cases of stiffness variation, one due to fiber orientation variation in the direction of the loading, and the other one perpendicular to the loading direction, were identified as possible contributors to the buckling load improvements. In the first case, the increase was attributed to the favorable distribution of the transverse in-plane stresses over the panel platform. In the second case, a higher degree of improvement was obtained due to the re-distribution of the applied in-plane loads. Experimental results, however, showed substantially higher levels of buckling load improvements compared with theoretical predictions. The additional improvement was determined to be due to residual stresses introduced during curing of the laminates. The present paper provides a simplified thermomechanical analysis of residual stress state of variable stiffness laminates. Systematic parametric analyses of both cases of fiber orientation variations show that, indeed much higher buckling loads could result from the residual stresses present in such laminates.


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Recent research on Variable Stiffness (VS) laminates, which are constructed by steering the fiber orientation as a spatial function of location, have shown to improve laminate performance under mechanical loads. Two distinct cases of stiffness variation can be achieved either by variation of the fiber orientation in the direction of the global x-axis, or perpendicular to it. In the present paper, thermal analysis of a VS laminate is performed to study the effect of steering fibers on transient heat conduction under uniform heat flux using finite element method. The goal of the present paper is a parametric study of the effect of variable stiffness properties on transient response including time to reach steady state and temperature profile. Also, stress resultants and maximum stress location are investigated under different boundary conditions. A FEM algorithm is applied to exactly incorporate the boundary conditions for stress resultant analysis.


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Recent research on Variable Stiffness (VS) laminates, which are constructed by steering the fiber orientation as a spatial function of location, have shown to improve laminate performance under mechanical loads. Two distinct cases of stiffness variation can be achieved either by variation of the fiber orientation in the direction of the global x-axis, or perpendicular to it. In the present paper, thermal analysis of VS laminate is performed to study the effect of steering fibers on transient heat conduction under uniform heat flux using finite element method. The goal of the present paper is a parametric study of the
effect of variable stiffness properties on transient response including time to reach steady state and temperature profile. Also, stress resultants and maximum stress location are investigated under different boundary conditions. A FEM algorithm is applied to exactly incorporate the boundary conditions.


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Features of chip formation can inform the mechanism of a machining process. In this paper, a series of orthogonal cutting experiments were carried out on unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced polymer (UD-CFRP) under cutting speed of 0.5 m/min. The specially designed orthogonal cutting tools and high-speed camera were used in this paper. Two main factors are found to influence the chip morphology, namely the depth of cut (DOC) and the fiber orientation (angle ), and the latter of which plays a more dominant role. Based on the investigation of chip formation, a new approach is proposed for predicting fracture toughness of the newly machined surface and the total energy consumption during CFRP orthogonal cutting is introduced as a function of the surface energy of machined surface, the energy consumed to overcome friction, and the energy for chip fracture. The results show that the proportion of energy spent on tool-chip friction is the greatest, and the proportions of energy spent on creating new surface decrease with the increasing of fiber angle.


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In this study, 21 small beam specimens with a pre-set through-crack were tested with FRP strips bonded to the sides to study the bond behavior between shear-strengthening FRP and concrete (referred to as "the interface" for simplicity hereafter). The test parameters included the bond length, width, thickness of FRP strip and the angle between fiber orientation and crack opening direction (referred to as "fiber tensile angle" θ hereafter) on the bond behavior of the interface. Test results showed that: 1) the small beam test setup with a pre-set crack is suitable for studying the bond behavior between FRP and concrete; 2) the bond length, width, and thickness of the FRP as well as the fiber angle have significant effects on the bond strength; 3) the distribution of FRP strains along the direction perpendicular to the fiber orientation (FRP width direction) is non-uniform; this is mainly attributed to the progressive debonding of the FRP strips in the width direction, with the FRP at the location of larger crack width debonding earlier.


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Fiber reinforced plastics are increasing their importance as one of the most interesting groups of material on account of their low weight, high strength, and stiffness. To obtain good quality holes, it is important to identify the type of material, ply stacking sequence, and fiber orientation. In this article, the drilling of quasi-isotropic hybrid carbon +glass/epoxy plates is analyzed. Two commercial drills and a special step drill are compared considering the thrust force and delamination extension. Results suggest that the proposed step drill can be a suitable option in laminate drilling.


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La structure du cartilage articulaire adulte est caractérisée par la présence de couches créées par l’orientation des fibres de collagène (Benninghoff, 1925). Avant de présenter la structure adulte classique en arcades “de Benninghoff”, le cartilage subit une série de changements au cours de sa maturation (Julkunen et al., 2010; Lecocq et al., 2008). Toutefois, un faible nombre d’études s’est intéressé à la structure du collagène du cartilage articulaire in utero. Notre objectif était d’étudier la maturation de la surface articulaire de l’épiphyse fémorale distale chez le cheval, en employant à la fois l’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) et la microscopie en lumière polarisée après coloration au rouge picrosirius, au niveau de sites utilisés dans les études de réparation tissulaire et de sites prédisposés à l’ostéochondrose (OC). Le but était de décrire le développement normal du réseau de collagène et la relation entre les images IRM et la structure histologique. Des sections provenant de cinq sites de l’épiphyse fémorale distale de 14 fœtus et 10 poulains et adultes ont été colorées au rouge picrosirius, après que le grasset ait été imagé par IRM, dans l’optique de visualiser l’agencement des fibres de collagène de type II. Les deux modalités utilisées, IRM et microscopie en lumière polarisée, ont démontré la mise en place progressive d’une structure en couches du réseau de collagène, avant la naissance et la mise en charge de l’articulation.


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Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) is a new magnetic resonance imaging modality capable of producing quantitative maps of microscopic natural displacements of water molecules that occur in brain tissues as part of the physical diffusion process. This technique has become a powerful tool in the investigation of brain structure and function because it allows for in vivo measurements of white matter fiber orientation. The application of DTI in clinical practice requires specialized processing and visualization techniques to extract and represent acquired information in a comprehensible manner. Tracking techniques are used to infer patterns of continuity in the brain by following in a step-wise mode the path of a set of particles dropped into a vector field. In this way, white matter fiber maps can be obtained.


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In this study, a novel method for manufacturing composite tubes utilizing the QuickstepTM process has been developed. Tubes manufactured from `quick-cure' Toray G83C prepreg have demonstrated highly repeatable axial crush behavior with an average specific energy absorption (SEA) of 86 kJ/kg. The cure cycle is optimized by comparing the results from compression, dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and porosity testing. The tube lay-up is optimized using compression and porosity test results. The effect of changes in fiber-orientation on SEA is also investigated. Process development has resulted in a robust manufacturing method capable of producing fully cured, high performance composite tubes with a cure cycle of 7 min. This corresponds to a 95% reduction in time compared to an equivalent autoclave cycle.


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A literatura relata que ligamentos consistem de tecido conjuntivo denso, composto por água, colágeno tipos I e III, diversas proteoglicanas, pouca elastina e várias outras substâncias. Além disso, os ligamentos, quando testados in vitro com tensão longitudinal e unidirecional, apresentam um comportamento mecânico não-linear, ou seja, as fibras colágenas são alongadas aos poucos, perdendo seu padrão ondulado, até que todas estejam no limite máximo de tração e iniciem o rompimento. Portanto, no presente estudo avaliou-se a presença de fibras elásticas (elastina) no ligamento colateral medial do cotovelo de cães adultos para ponderar se a elasticidade do referido ligamento deve-se à presença de fibras elásticas ou às propriedades elásticas do colágeno ou à combinação de ambas. Foram utilizadas quatro articulações, de machos e fêmeas em igual proporção, das quais foram adquiridas as amostras das porções médias dos ligamentos colaterais mediais para a rotina histológica. Os cortes foram corados pela técnica de Weigert, e não foi observada a presença de fibras elásticas, detectável por esta técnica à microscopia de luz. Concluiu-se que a elasticidade do ligamento colateral medial do cotovelo de cão deve-se, principalmente, ao padrão ondulado das fibras colágenas, devido à quantidade ínfima ou até à inexistência de fibras elásticas nesta estrutura.


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The aim of this study was to conduct a histological assessment of the effect of photodynamic therapy (PDT) on the repairing of third-degree-burn wounds made on the backs of rats with a heated scalpel. Ninety-six rats were divided into groups: G1, control (n = 24), cold scalpel; G2, burned, heated scalpel (n = 24); G3, low-level laser therapy (LLLT) (n = 24), on burns; and G4, photodynamic therapy (PDT) (n = 24), toluidine-O blue (100 A mu g/ml) and LLLT treatment on burns. The laser (685 nm) was applied in continuous mode, 50 mW, 4.5 J/cm(2), contact mode at nine points (9 s/point). Eight animals in each group were killed at 3 days, 7 days or 14 days after surgery, and tissue specimens containing the whole wounded area were removed and processed for histological analysis; the results were statistically analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's tests (P < 0.05). The results demonstrated significant differences between G2 and G3, and between G2 and G4, at both 3 days and 7 days, with regard to acute inflammation scores; G1 and G2 showed significant differences when compared with G4 at 3 days, with regard to neo-angiogenesis scores; G1 and G2 were statistically different from G3 and G4 at both 3 days and 7 days, with regard to re-epithelization scores; G2 showed statistically significant differences when compared with G3 and G4 with regard to collagen fiber scores at 7 days. LLLT and PDT acted as a biostimulating coadjuvant agent, balancing the undesirable effect of the burn on the wound healing process, acting mainly in the early healing stages, hastening inflammation and increasing collagen deposition.


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CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: O Ultrassom (US) é um dos recursos físicos amplamente utilizado e pesquisado nos tratamentos de fisioterapia. Sabe-se que diante de uma escassa literatura sobre efeitos do US em tecidos sadios, muitos profissionais fisioterapeutas acabam realizando aplicações infundadas de métodos e parâmetros. OBJETIVO: Avaliar possíveis alterações histológicas e morfométricas do tecido sadio in vivo de ratos Wistar irradiados com diferentes intensidades de US. MÉTODOS: Trinta ratos da linhagem Wistar, distribuídos aleatoriamente em cinco grupos de seis animais cada foram tratados na região dorsal do lado direito numa área de 4cm². O lado esquerdo serviu como controle. O tratamento foi feito durante quatro dias com 2 minutos de irradiação. Verificou-se a intensidade de saída com dosímetro de precisão antes das aplicações. Analisou-se a histologia e a morfometria por meio do software Image Tool. RESULTADOS: Observou-se um discreto infiltrado inflamatório e adelgaçamento das fibras da derme, principalmente dos grupos irradiados com 1.5 e 2W/cm². Notou-se também um aumento na espessura da epiderme nas amostras dos animais irradiados. Para avaliar os resultados quantitativos, utilizou-se como análise estatística ANOVA one way e o teste post hoc de Tukey. Na espessura da epiderme, obtiveram-se diferenças significativas entre grupo controle e os grupos irradiados com 1.0, 1.5 e 2.0W/cm². CONCLUSÃO: Sob ação do US nas doses maiores houve alterações na epiderme e derme, respectivamente, o aumento da espessura e proliferação com adelgaçamento das fibras colágenas, o que alerta para possíveis implicações do uso do US em estética.