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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We evaluated oil and powder formulations of Melia azedarach for controlling larvae of Diabrotica speciosa (Germar) in corn and plant enhancement. Five concentrations of each formulation were evaluated and compared to fipronil (negative control) and distilled water (positive control). After treatment, the number of surviving insects (larvae, pupae, and adults), the adult body weight, the sex ratio, and the longevity were recorded, while the height, dry weight of aerial part and roots, and number of leaves of plants were measured. The oil formulation at 4.0 mL reduced the larvae population of D. speciosa similarly to the insecticide fipronil, which resulted in greater height, dry weight of the root system, and number of leaves. Powder formulation at concentrations of 40, 80, and 160 mg caused larval mortality above 80%; however, these concentrations did not prevent reduction of plant height and dry weight of aerial part. Further studies assessing the residual period of M. azedarach control against D. speciosa larvae and its phytotoxicity, which are common traits associated with azadirachtin application, are necessary to subsidize the next steps of this alternative control strategy.


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Diabrotica speciosa (Germar) is an economically important pest of Neotropical cultures and represents a quarantine risk for Neartic and Paleartic Regions. Despite its agricultural importance, few studies have been done on mating behavior and chemical communication, which has delayed the development of behavioral techniques for population management, such as the use of pheromone traps. In this study, we determined 1) the age at first mating; 2) diel rhythm of matings; 3) number of matings over 7 d; 4) the sequence of D. speciosa activities during premating, mating, and postmating; 5) the duration of each activity; and 6) response to male and female conspecific volatiles in Y-tube olfactometer. The first mating occurred between the third and seventh day after adult emergence and the majority of pairs mated on the fourth day after emergence. Pairs of D. speciosa showed a daily rhythm of mating with greater sexual activity between the end of the photophase and the first half of the scotophase. During the 7 d of observation, most pairs mated only once, although 30% mated two, three, or four times. In a Y-tube olfactometer, males were attracted by virgin females as well as by the volatile compounds emitted by females. Neither males nor their volatiles were attractive to either sex. Our observation provide information about mating behavior of D. speciosa, which will be useful in future research in chemical communication, such as identification of the pheromone and development of management techniques for this species using pheromone traps.


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"Issued March 1981"--T.p. verso.


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O ciclo de vida de Spaethiella tristis (Boh.), um besouro que se alimenta de folhas de dende (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.), é de mais ou menos 56 dias, sob condicoes de laboratorio. Seus inimigos naturais, coletados de um plantio de dende na Estacao Experimental do Rio Urubu/CPAA, foram: Paecilomyces farinosus (Samson & Evans) e Metarhizium sp. parasitando larvas e adultos, respectivamente, e uma especie nao identificada de Chalcididae (Hymenoptera), parasitando larvas. O dano da folha causado por S. tristis é agravado pela infeccao do fungo Pestalotiopsis guepini (Desm.) Steyaert, que se instala nos ferimentos feitos pelo inseto.


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Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) is the vector of the bacteria that causes citrus greening and is considered one of the world`s most important citrus diseases. We examined how host, geographic region, and gender affect the thermal requirements of D. citri. The insects were reared in climatic chambers at constant temperatures of 18, 20, 22, 25, 28, 30, and 32 1 degrees C, 70 +/- 10% RH, and a 14 h photophase. Host plants for D. citri included orange (Citrus sinensis [Rutaceae]) varieties Pera and Natal, the rootstock, Rungpur lime (C. limonia [Rutaceae]) and the natural host, Orange jessamine (Murraya paniculata [Rutaceae]). To study the influence of geographic origin on thermal requirements, we studied D. citri populations from Piracicaba, SP (warmer region) and Itapetininga, SP (cooler region). The duration and survival of the development stages and the duration of the total development (egg-adult) did not differ significantly on the different hosts, but it did vary with temperature. Nymphs of D. citri created on the different hosts have the same thermal requirements. The thermal requirements for this species collected from the two climate regions were identical; males and females also had the same thermal requirements.


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Four factors (moisture, light regime, temperature, food type) were examined for their effects on the embryonic diapause of Homichloda (Weiseana) barkeri (Jacoby) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a biocontrol agent for prickly acacia, Acacia nilotica (L.) Willdenew ex Delile (Mimosaceae). Moisture is critical for termination of diapause. A single wetting of eggs resulted in a low hatch rate while a sequence of wetting events followed by periods of dryness produced a high hatch rate. A relatively constant proportion of embryos within each batch initiated development at each wetting event, with hatching complete after the eighth wetting event in these trials. An extended interval between wetting events, tested at up to 23 days, did not result in a decreased overall hatch rate. A threshold time of exposure to moisture of between 3 to 6 h is required before development proceeds. The response of eggs to the moisture regime is seen as a strategy for taking advantage of available food after rainfall by terminating diapause, rather than merely a quiescent response to the absence of moisture. Temperature affected development time and the proportion of eggs that developed. Experimental manipulations of photoperiod and host-plant availability showed no effect on embryonic development.


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In some insects, the finding of oviposition substrate triggers the uptake into oocytes of yolk proteins that are stored in the fat body during post-embryonic development. The main host of the bean weevil Zabrotes subfasciatus (Coleoptera; Chrysomelidae; Bruchinae; Amblycerini), in which larval resources are the sole source for future egg maturation, is Phaseolus vulgaris. Despite not feeding as adults, females of this species are able to lay eggs after encountering host seeds but it is not known how females react to changes in the availability of bean seeds. In the present study, the behaviour of Z. subfasciatus facing two very different environments for oviposition is investigated, as well as how this influences offspring fitness. The results obtained show that females of Z. subfasciatus react to variations in the availability of seeds belonging to the same host species by adjusting egg size and number. Females on low bean seed density lay larger and fewer eggs than those on high bean seed density, demonstrating a trade-off between these reproductive traits. Moreover, females can adjust egg size to changing levels of host availability during the first 4 days of their oviposition period. Although no difference in offspring weight is found, those from small eggs (low competition environment) result in larger adults. No response to selection on these traits after rearing beetles on the same host for 40 generations is observed. This unresponsiveness may indicate that beetle populations behave according to their reaction norm that already allows rapid adaptation to a varying amount of host-seed availability and better exploitation of the environments of this widespread stored-seed pest.


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A soja é uma cultura em expansão na região Norte e, no Estado do Acre está em fase de adaptação, o que pode levar ao surgimento de insetos e o comprometimento da produção dessa oleaginosa. Por isto, estudou-se a incidência de pragas e de seus inimigos naturais em onze cultivares de soja, em faixas de 40 χ 8m (320m2), em uma área de 3520m2. Em cada faixa monitorada, delimitou-se uma área de 80m2, onde não houve controle de pragas. Semanalmente, foram realizadas, em cada cultivar, duas amostragens na área pulverizada com inseticidas e duas em área não pulverizada, utilizando-se o método do pano de batida. Além disso, foram coletados ovos de percevejos-praga para determinação do nível de parasitoidismo dos mesmos. O principal inseto desfolhador foi Cerotoma tingomarianus Bechyné (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), que causou maior desfolha nas áreas não pulverizadas, enquanto Lebia concinna Germar (Coleoptera: Carabidae), Callida sp. (Coleoptera: Carabidae) e Tropiconabis sp. (Hemiptera: Nabidae) foram os predadores mais observados. Os percevejos sugadores de sementes mais representativos foram Piezodorus guildinii Westwood (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) e Euschistus heros Fabr. (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), que tiveram 39,9 e 53,3% de seus ovos parasitoidados, sendo 94,5 e 100,0% do parasitoidismo dos ovos desses percevejos efetuado pelo microhimenóptero Telenomus podisi Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae).


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Pleistocene glacial and interglacial periods have moulded the evolutionary history of European cold-adapted organisms. The role of the different mountain massifs has, however, not been accurately investigated in the case of high-altitude insect species. Here, we focus on three closely related species of non-flying leaf beetles of the genus Oreina (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae), which are often found in sympatry within the mountain ranges of Europe. After showing that the species concept as currently applied does not match barcoding results, we show, based on more than 700 sequences from one nuclear and three mitochondrial genes, the role of biogeography in shaping the phylogenetic hypothesis. Dating the phylogeny using an insect molecular clock, we show that the earliest lineages diverged more than 1 Mya and that the main shift in diversification rate occurred between 0.36 and 0.18 Mya. By using a probabilistic approach on the parsimony-based dispersal/vicariance framework (MP-DIVA) as well as a direct likelihood method of state change optimization, we show that the Alps acted as a cross-roads with multiple events of dispersal to and reinvasion from neighbouring mountains. However, the relative importance of vicariance vs. dispersal events on the process of rapid diversification remains difficult to evaluate because of a bias towards overestimation of vicariance in the DIVA algorithm. Parallels are drawn with recent studies of cold-adapted species, although our study reveals novel patterns in diversity and genetic links between European mountains, and highlights the importance of neglected regions, such as the Jura and the Balkanic range.


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Foram determinadas, neste trabalho, as exigências térmicas (graus-dia) e a previsão de ocorrência de adultos de Diabrotica speciosa (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) em condições de campo (telado). Empregaram-se as temperaturas do solo e do ar no modelo linear de graus-dia, determinado para o inseto em condições de laboratório. O número de graus-dia acumulados para o desenvolvimento de D. speciosa foi determinado efetuando-se o somatório diário de unidades térmicas, a partir da temperatura-base de desenvolvimento (11,04ºC), utilizando-se, como dieta de larvas, raízes de milho cultivado em vasos. O valor da constante térmica (K) foi empregado para determinar a previsão de ocorrência do inseto, com base nas temperaturas médias do solo e do ar, registradas durante o período experimental. Independentemente do ambiente em que a temperatura foi registrada (ar ou solo), os valores de graus-dia acumulados para o desenvolvimento de D. speciosa foram significativamente inferiores ao valor de K obtido no laboratório. As temperaturas do solo (registradas ou estimadas a partir da do ar) e a do ar proporcionaram uma previsão de ocorrência do inseto significativamente diferente da observada experimentalmente. Todavia, a previsão de ocorrência com base na temperatura do ar foi mais discrepante em relação à observada experimentalmente, do que quando as temperaturas do solo (registradas ou estimadas) foram empregadas.