997 resultados para CIM-OSA
Resumen basado en la publicación
La tradición educativa de los agustinos viene de lejos, siguiendo los preceptos de San Agustín de Hipona. Hoy, la Federación Agustiniana española, integra una red de unos cincuenta colegios de todos los niveles. Una de sus prioridades es la formación del profesorado para su identificación con la pedagogía agustiniana. El ideario o carácter propio agustiniano expone los valores que configuran la propuesta educativa de esta congregación. Es una propuesta no de saberes y conocimientos, sino de unas actitudes que enseñan a mirar, a pensar, a amar, a decidir, a dialogar, a convivir, y a esperar. Se trata de educar en la interioridad, la verdad y la libertad para aprender a ser y educar en la amistad, la comunidad, la justicia y la solidaridad para aprender a compartir. La figura del maestro es importante como el pedagogo de la interioridad, que lleva al alumno hasta el centro de si mismo para que se encuentre con su maestro interior. Adjunta unas fichas con los datos y direcciones de la congregación.
Título anterior de la publicación : Boletín de la Comisión Española de la UNESCO
Bibliografia al final del art??culo
The Metafor project has developed a common information model (CIM) using the ISO19100 series for- malism to describe numerical experiments carried out by the Earth system modelling community, the models they use, and the simulations that result. Here we describe the mechanism by which the CIM was developed, and its key properties. We introduce the conceptual and application ver- sions and the controlled vocabularies developed in the con- text of supporting the fifth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5). We describe how the CIM has been used in experiments to describe model coupling properties and de- scribe the near term expected evolution of the CIM.
The specification of Quality of Service (QoS) constraints over software design requires measures that ensure such requirements are met by the delivered product. Achieving this goal is non-trivial, as it involves, at least, identifying how QoS constraint specifications should be checked at the runtime. In this paper we present an implementation of a Model Driven Architecture (MDA) based framework for the runtime monitoring of QoS properties. We incorporate the UML2 superstructure and the UML profile for Quality of Service to provide abstract descriptions of component-and-connector systems. We then define transformations that refine the UML2 models to conform with the Distributed Management Taskforce (DMTF) Common Information Model (CIM) (Distributed Management Task Force Inc. 2006), a schema standard for management and instrumentation of hardware and software. Finally, we provide a mapping the CIM metamodel to a .NET-based metamodel for implementation of the monitoring infrastructure utilising various .NET features including the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) interface.
Providing information about medication, an essential function of pharmaceutical practice to ensure rational drug use, is an important activity of hospital pharmacy services. The Drug Information Center of Onofre Lopes University Hospital (DIC-HUOL) initiated its activities in 1979 with the first Clinical Pharmacy Service in Brazil. The aim of this study was to assess information provided by DIC-HUOL, describing the profile of passive information offered by the center. A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted to identify the profile of information requests (IR). One hundred percent of the IR received by the DIC between January 2008 and December 2009 were used. The results were divided by year to determine the influence of the restructuring process that occurred in 2008 and 2009. The study at DIC-HUOL showed a mean of 5.5 IR/month in 2008 and 20.3 IR/month in 2009; the mean of the last year is comparable to that of other Brazilian DIC. Most of the IR were made by medical residents (22.7%) in 2008 and by pharmacists (32.5%) in 2009. The significant use of the DIC by medical residents may be due to its location in a university hospital. The most recurrent types of IR concerned issues related to pathway/mode of administration (16.8%) and drug stability (13.1%) in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Requests were made verbally in 100% of the cases in 2008 and 78.8% in 2009, owing to the fact that most of the DIC users were professionals from the hospital itself. Time elapsed between request and response was not reported in 83.3% and 21.3% of the cases in 2008 and 2009, respectively. The most widely used bibliographic source during the two years was MICROMEDEX®, with 41.9% and 39.2%, respectively. The restructuring process had a positive influence on the DIC-HUOL, exhibiting similar parameters to those of other Brazilian DIC, but some of these parameters must be improved to achieve international standards
Describe los objetivos y actividades del CIM, la información utilizada y generada, el Centro de Información sobre Migraciones en América Latina (CIMAL), sugerencias sobre cooperación interinstitucional y regional.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)