984 resultados para CHROMATIN


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Marijuana smokers and animals treated with ?9-tetrahydrocannabinol, THC, the principal component of marijuana, show alterations of sperm morphology suggesting a role for cannabinoids in sperm differentiation and/or maturation. Since the cannabinoid receptor 1 (CNR1) activation appears to play a pivotal role in spermiogenesis, the developmental stage where DNA is remodeled, we hypothesized that CNR1 receptors might also influence chromatin quality in sperm. We used Cnr1 null mutant (Cnr1-/-) mice to study the possible role of endocannabinoids on sperm chromatin during spermiogenesis. We demonstrated that CNR1 activation regulated chromatin remodeling of spermatids by either increasing Tnp2 levels or enhancing histone displacement. Comparative analysis of WT, Cnr1+/- and Cnr1-/- animals suggested the possible occurrence of haploinsufficiency for Tnp2 turnover control by CNR1, while histone displacement was disrupted to a lesser extent. Further, flow cytometry analysis demonstrated that the genetic loss of Cnr1 decreased sperm chromatin quality and was associated with sperm DNA fragmentation. This damage increased during epididymal transit, from caput to cauda. Collectively, our results show that the expression/activity of CNR1 controls the physiological alterations of DNA structure during spermiogenic maturation and epididymal transit. Given the deleterious effects of sperm DNA damage on male fertility, we suggest that the reproductive function of marijuana users may also be impaired by deregulation of the endogenous endocannabinoid system.


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Noncoding RNA is emerging as an important regulator of gene expression in many organisms. We are characterizing RNA-mediated chromatin silencing of the Arabidopsis major floral repressor gene, FLC. Through suppressor mutagenesis, we identify a requirement for CstF64 and CstF77, two conserved RNA 3'-end-processing factors, in FLC silencing. However, FLC sense transcript 3' processing is not affected in the mutants. Instead, CstF64 and CstF77 are required for 3' processing of FLC antisense transcripts. A specific RNA-binding protein directs their activity to a proximal antisense polyadenylation site. This targeted processing triggers localized histone demethylase activity and results in reduced FLC sense transcription. Targeted 3' processing of antisense transcripts may be a common mechanism triggering transcriptional silencing of the corresponding sense gene.


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The role of RNA metabolism in chromatin silencing is now widely recognized. We have studied the Arabidopsis RNA-binding protein FCA that down-regulates an endogenous floral repressor gene through a chromatin mechanism involving histone demethylase activity. This mechanism needs FCA to interact with an RNA 3' processing/polyadenylation factor (FY/Pfs2p), but the subsequent events leading to chromatin changes are unknown. Here, we show that this FCA-FY interaction is required for general chromatin silencing roles where hairpin transgenes induce DNA methylation of an endogenous gene. We also show 2 conserved RNA processing factors, AtCPSF100 and AtCPSF160, but not FCA, are stably associated with FY in vivo and form a range of different-sized complexes. A hypomorphic fy allele producing a shorter protein, able to provide some FY functions but unable to interact with FCA, reduces abundance of some of the larger MW complexes. Suppressor mutants, which specifically disrupt the FY motif through which FCA interacts, also lacked these larger complexes. Our data support a model whereby FCA, perhaps after recognition of a specific RNA feature, transiently interacts with FY, an integral component of the canonical RNA 3' processing machinery, changing the interactions of the different RNA processing components. These altered interactions would appear to be a necessary step in this RNA-mediated chromatin silencing.


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Purpose: To determine whether the non-random distributions of DNA double-strand breaks in cells observed after alpha-particle irradiation are related to the higher-order structure of the chromatin within the nucleus.


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Gastric cancer is a major cause of global cancer mortality. We surveyed the spectrum of somatic alterations in gastric cancer by sequencing the exomes of 15 gastric adenocarcinomas and their matched normal DNAs. Frequently mutated genes in the adenocarcinomas included TP53 (11/15 tumors), PIK3CA (3/15) and ARID1A (3/15). Cell adhesion was the most enriched biological pathway among the frequently mutated genes. A prevalence screening confirmed mutations in FAT4, a cadherin family gene, in 5% of gastric cancers (6/110) and FAT4 genomic deletions in 4% (3/83) of gastric tumors. Frequent mutations in chromatin remodeling genes (ARID1A, MLL3 and MLL) also occurred in 47% of the gastric cancers. We detected ARID1A mutations in 8% of tumors (9/110), which were associated with concurrent PIK3CA mutations and microsatellite instability. In functional assays, we observed both FAT4 and ARID1A to exert tumor-suppressor activity. Somatic inactivation of FAT4 and ARID1A may thus be key tumorigenic events in a subset of gastric cancers.


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Small RNA-mediated chromatin silencing is well characterized for repeated sequences and transposons, but its role in regulating single-copy endogenous genes is unclear. We have identified two small RNAs (30 and 24 nucleotides) corresponding to the reverse strand 3' to the canonical poly(A) site of FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC), an Arabidopsis gene encoding a repressor of flowering. Genome searches suggest that these RNAs originate from the FLC locus in a genomic region lacking repeats. The 24-nt small RNA, which is most abundant in developing fruits, is absent in mutants defective in RNA polymerase IVa, RNA-DEPENDENT RNA POLYMERASE 2, and DICER-LIKE 3, components required for RNAi-mediated chromatin silencing. The corresponding genomic region shows histone 3 lysine 9 dimethylation, which was reduced in a dcl2,3,4 triple mutant. Investigations into the origins of the small RNAs revealed a polymerase IVa-dependent spliced, antisense transcript covering the 3' FLC region. Mutation of this genomic region by T-DNA insertion led to FLC misexpression and delayed flowering, suggesting that RNAi-mediated chromatin modification is an important component of endogenous pathways that function to suppress FLC expression.


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Cells experience damage from exogenous and endogenous sources that endanger genome stability. Several cellular pathways have evolved to detect DNA damage and mediate its repair. Although many proteins have been implicated in these processes, only recent studies have revealed how they operate in the context of high-ordered chromatin structure. Here, we identify the nuclear oncogene SET (I2PP2A) as a modulator of DNA damage response (DDR) and repair in chromatin surrounding double-strand breaks (DSBs). We demonstrate that depletion of SET increases DDR and survival in the presence of radiomimetic drugs, while overexpression of SET impairs DDR and homologous recombination (HR)-mediated DNA repair. SET interacts with the Kruppel-associated box (KRAB)-associated co-repressor KAP1, and its overexpression results in the sustained retention of KAP1 and Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) on chromatin. Our results are consistent with a model in which SET-mediated chromatin compaction triggers an inhibition of DNA end resection and HR.


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Alterations in transcriptional programs are fundamental to the development of cancers. The androgen receptor is central to the normal development of the prostate gland and to the development of prostate cancer. To a large extent this is believed to be due to the control of gene expression through the interaction of the androgen receptor with chromatin and subsequently with coregulators and the transcriptional machinery. Unbiased genome-wide studies have recently uncovered the recruitment sites that are gene-distal and intragenic rather than associated with proximal promoter regions. Whilst expression profiles from AR-positive primary prostate tumours and cell lines can directly relate to the AR cistrome in prostate cancer cells, this distribution raises significant challenges in making direct mechanistic connections. Furthermore, extrapolating from datasets assembled in one model to other model systems or clinical samples poses challenges if we are to use the AR-directed transcriptome to guide the development of novel biomarkers or treatment decisions. This review will provide an overview of the androgen receptor before addressing the challenges and opportunities created by whole-genome studies of the interplay between the androgen receptor and chromatin.


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Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), when paired with sequencing or arrays, has become a method of choice for the unbiased identification of genomic-binding sites for transcription factors and epigenetic marks in various model systems. The data generated is often then interpreted by groups seeking to link these binding sites to the expression of adjacent or distal genes, and more broadly to the evolution of species, cell fate/differentiation or even cancer development. Against this backdrop is an ongoing debate over the relative importance DNA sequence versus chromatin structure and modification in the regulation of gene expression (Anon. 2008a Nature 454: 795; Anon. 2008b Nature 454: 711-715; Henikoff et al. 2008 Science 322: 853; Madhani et al. 2008 Science 322: 43-44). Rationally there is a synergy between the two and the goal of a biologist is to characterise both comprehensively enough to explain a cellular phenotype or a developmental process. If this is truly our goal then the critical factor in good science is an awareness of the constraints and potential of the biological models used. The reality however is often that this discussion is polarised by funding imperatives and the need to align to a transcription factor or epigenetic camp. This article will discuss the extrapolations involved in using ChIP data to draw conclusions about these themes and the discoveries that have resulted.


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The identification of direct nuclear hormone receptor gene targets provides clues to their contribution to both development and cancer progression. Until recently, the identification of such direct target genes has relied on a combination of expression analysis and in silico searches for consensus binding motifs in gene promoters. Consensus binding motifs for transcription factors are often defined using in vitro DNA binding strategies. Such in vitro strategies fail to account for the many factors that contribute significantly to target selection by transcription factors in cells beyond the recognition of these short consensus DNA sequences. These factors include DNA methylation, chromatin structure, posttranslational modifications of transcription factors, and the cooperative recruitment of transcription factor complexes. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) provides a means of isolating transcription factor complexes in the context of endogenous chromatin, allowing the identification of direct transcription factor targets. ChIP can be combined with site-specific PCR for candidate binding sites or alternatively with cloning, genomic microarrays or more recently direct high throughput sequencing to identify novel genomic targets. The application of ChIP-based approaches has redefined consensus binding motifs for transcription factors and provided important insights into transcription factor biology.


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Polycomb-like proteins 1-3 (PCL1-3) are substoichiometric components of the Polycomb-repressive complex 2 (PRC2) that are essential for association of the complex with chromatin. However, it remains unclear why three proteins with such apparent functional redundancy exist in mammals. Here we characterize their divergent roles in both positively and negatively regulating cellular proliferation. We show that while PCL2 and PCL3 are E2F-regulated genes expressed in proliferating cells, PCL1 is a p53 target gene predominantly expressed in quiescent cells. Ectopic expression of any PCL protein recruits PRC2 to repress the INK4A gene; however, only PCL2 and PCL3 confer an INK4A-dependent proliferative advantage. Remarkably, PCL1 has evolved a PRC2- and chromatin-independent function to negatively regulate proliferation. We show that PCL1 binds to and stabilizes p53 to induce cellular quiescence. Moreover, depletion of PCL1 phenocopies the defects in maintaining cellular quiescence associated with p53 loss. This newly evolved function is achieved by the binding of the PCL1 N-terminal PHD domain to the C-terminal domain of p53 through two unique serine residues, which were acquired during recent vertebrate evolution. This study illustrates the functional bifurcation of PCL proteins, which act in both a chromatin-dependent and a chromatin-independent manner to regulate the INK4A and p53 pathways.