165 resultados para CHIRONOMIDAE
Lar lake, with the international UTM specification of 39S 579680 3976567 & 39S 589930 3976184 is Situated in Lar national Park with an aerial distance of 55 Km of Tehran along Haraz road. The present research is carried out as part of a comprehensives Plan for assessment of bioresearches of Lar lake & the rivers flowing into it. This research includes examination of there benthic Samplings performed in Lar lake and each of the related rivers including Delichaee, Ab-e-sefid , Alarm & Lar (Kamardasht).Tubifex and Chironomus genus were found to have the highest frequencies of occurrence in the lake with %77.117 & %21.823 respectively followed by Chironomidae and Simulidae from the Diptera order which accounted for %72.328 and %13.812 occurrences in four rivers examined in the Study. The benthic biomass at various examined Sites and the average wet weight of the benthic biomass in station No one in the lake Was 17.397g and the figure for the examined site in Alarm was 20.242 g which were the highest level among Other examination stations the index for the abundance of species in Alarm river was greater than the rest of the examined rivers with 12.57. A sum of 354 Pieces of brown trouts was caught in the course of sampling which were closely investigated in terms of their digestive tract Content. It was identified that Daphniidae and Chironomus constituted the bulk of eaten items from the lake with %17.985 and %63.973 respectively. Meanwhile, Chironomidae and Simuladae were the most frequently eanten benthos by the fish with %81.47 and %7.93 respectively.The index for the relative length of gut was recorded at 0.49± 0.08 which is well indicative of the carnivorous diet of the fish.The index for the feeding intensity amounted to 138 83 showing that the one year old fish were of more feeding intensity.The coefficient of condition (K) was estimated at 1.02 0.142 for all the caught fish. The average wet weight of the benthos was 10.348 g per square meter which if extended to 700ha surface area of the lake, the total macrobenthic production in the lake would amount to 72730Kg of wet weight or 6510 Kg of dry weight. Since the Secondary Production of macrobenthos have always been double that of their biomass, it is reasonable to assume that the Secondary Production of macrobenthos amount to 145640 Kg by their wet weight and Since the energy transfer in the food chain of the lake from benthos to fish is 10 percent, the fish production Capacity Coming from benthic resources of the lake (Lar) would be 14.5 MT, half of which (7000-8000MT) could annually be harvested. Further more, the actual fish Production Capacity might exceed the projected level Since Daphnia, Rotifers and Ostracoda which belong to Zooplanktons, play a part in the natural diet of trout. Meanwhile, rivers Play a major role in fish nutrition and the annual fish production in Delichaee river is about 4481.8Kg while the figures for Ab-e-sefid, Alerm and Lar rivers are 2370.7 4848.7 and 2586.2 Kg respectively, that further increase fish Production in the area and every year half of these resources can be exploitable from the river & the lake.Nevertheless, due to ecological & biological importance of rivers and the probability of environmental Pollution, devastation of natural fish habitats & their nursery grounds, Sport fishing is not recommended at all.
Spined loach, Cobitis taenia, is a predominant fish in the river systems of the southern Caspian Sea basin. Although there is evidence of the geographical divergence of this taxon, but no information is available on morphological differences within the species populations. This study was designed to evaluate some biological factors including; morphometric and meristic characters, length-weight, age-growth, condition factor, diet, reproduction, variation and differentiation, in the Babolrud, Talar and Siahrud Rivers in south of the Caspian Sea basin. Age, sex ratio, fecundity, ova diameter and gonadosomatic index were estimated. Also, regression analyses was tested the relation between fecundity and fish length, weight, gonad weight, and also age. Totally 858 fish of which 721 were matures, were collected from these rivers by electrofishing. 37 morphometric characters, 9 meristic characters and 78 truss network system characters were estimated. Resulats of DFA analysis based on data of morphometric and meristic showd that these populations are highly (94.5%) varios from each other. In discriminate function analysis, the proportion of individuals correctly classified into their original groups was 61%, 65.4% and 86.5% for upstream and downstream, respectively. Clustering based on Euclidean distances among groups of centroids using an UPGMA and also principal component analysis’ results for morphometric data indicated that these populations from these three rivers were clearly distinct from each other. Regression equations between length and weight in these three populations were significantly different from Folton factor (b=3), that showed the fish has a negative Alometric growth process. Condition factor was estimated between 0.8912 to 1.2736 and 0.8131 to 1.4489 for males and females, respectively. Sex ratio (female: male) in these populations was 1.2816:1. The difference between the number of females and males was significant and females were more than males. The female and male specimens reach maturity by Tl more than 40 and 30 mm and at the age of 2+ and 1+, respectively. The mean of ova diameter was 0.5824±0.2882. The spawning took place from May to late July, at the water temperature from 18.7 to 24.0°C. The GSI values average at the beginning of the reproduction period was about 9%, with ranged from 2 to 26% in ripe mature females. The absolute and relative fecundity were 2109±792 and 579±208 respectively. The absolute fecundity was significantly related to body weight and gonads weight. Based on the pattern of gonado-somatic index, it was concluded that this fish has prolong active reproductive period, which is a type of adaptation by short-lived small fishes to environmental conditions. The macroscopic and histological results showed that the female and male have 5 and 4 stages in their maturation process, respectively. The RLG index was about 0.4732, which showed the fish is a carnivorous species. Significant difference was observed between fishes with different length and diet. The main foods of the fish were Trichoptera, Chironomidae larvae and Ephemeroptera which were their prefered food as well, however it was estimated that the food selection and diet are affected by environmental conditions.
报道了昆明滇池摇蚊科幼虫Chironomidae、水丝蚓属Limnodrilus的分类特征、生态学特点 ,分析了滇池摇蚊科幼虫、水丝蚓属优势种的变化及与滇池水质的关系 ;首次对其食性进行了分析并对其摄食量进行了估算 ,研究结果表明 :1kg摇蚊幼虫每天可消耗鲜藻 0 0 94kg ;1kg水蚯蚓每天可消耗鲜藻 0 0 89kg ;讨论了摇蚊幼虫、水丝蚓在昆明滇池综合治理中起到的控藻作用 ,为滇池的综合治理提供了基础资料。
<正> 绝大多数摇蚊幼虫生活在各种类型的水体里,其中湖泊、池塘和河流的底部尤多。摇蚊科(Chironomidae,属双翅目)的幼虫因个体数量众多而闻名,为经济鱼类的主要天然饵料,并可用于水体的生物监测和湖泊类型的分类等。但幼虫营巢或泥底穴居,也造成对经济作物的为害。已有为害稻秧的报道。部分种类由于潜居在高等水生植物的叶片内,造成对宿主的为害。莲窄摇蚊Stenochironomus nelumbus(Tokunaga & Kuroda)对莲Nelumbo nuciferaGaertn.的荷叶为害尤为典型。
Seasonal changes, life cycle, and production of a psychrophilic Chironomidae species, Propsilacerus akamusi (Tokunage), were studied in eutrophic Lake Donghu. The P akamusi population was characterized by a single annual reproduction period during late November to December, and the larval growth mainly occurred in winter. Most of P akamusi were univoltine, while some of them came to emergence in two years or more. The average density and biomass were 318.9 ind./m(2) and 0.57 g dry weight /m(2) during January 1998 to June 2000, respectively, but these values did not include any summer measurement,; since the larvae aestivated in the deep sediment layer and could not be sampled routinely in summer. The annual production of P akamusi was 2.73g dry weight/m(2), and the corresponding production/biomass ratio was 4.60.
Comparative studies on community structure and biodiversity of macrozoobenthos were carried out in three lake areas with different states of eutrophication (mesotrophic, eutrophic and hypereutrophic) in a shallow subtropic lake (Lake Donghu) in the middle basin of the Yangtze River of China. Thirty-three taxa (including six Mollusca, five Oligochaeta, 15 Chironomidae and seven other zoobenthos) were found during February 1998 to April 1999. The results show that the more eutrophic the lake water, the lower the macrozoobenthos species diversity (measured as species number, diversity index, and K-dominant curves). Abundance of the oligochaete Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri was positively correlated with the degree of eutrophication, which was due mainly to its ability to tolerate low dissolved oxygen. The chironomid Tanypus chinensis also thrived in the hypereutrophic environment; however, it was less endurable to eutrophication than L. hoffmeisteri.
We review the uses of fossil insects, particularly Coleoptera (beetles) and Chironomidae (non-biting midges) from ancient deposits to inform the study of wetland ecosystems and their ecological and restoration processes. In particular, we focus on two contrasting ecosystems, drawing upon research undertaken by us on British raised mire peats and shallow lake systems, one an essentially terrestrial ecosystem, the other aquatic, but in which wetland insects play an important and integral part. The study of raised mire peats suggests that faunal stability is a characteristic of these wetland systems, over what appear to be extensive periods of time (up to several millennia), whilst studies of shallow lake ecosystems over recent timescales indicates that faunal instability appears to be more common, usually driven by increasing eutrophication. Drawing upon a series of fossil Coleoptera records spanning several thousand years from Hatfield Moors, south Yorkshire, we reconstruct in some detail the mire’s ontogeny and fluctuations in site hydrology and vegetation cover, illustrating the intimate association between substrate, topography and peat development. A comparison between fossil and modern beetle populations indicates that the faunal characteristics of this mire and its adjacent neighbour, Thorne Moors, become established during the early phases of peat development, including its rare endemics, and that the faunal biodiversity on the sites today is dictated by complex site histories. The over-riding characteristic of these faunas is of stability over several thousand years, which has important implications for the restoration of degraded sites, especially those where refugial areas are limited. In contrast, analyses of fossil Chironomidae from shallow lakes allow researchers to track changes in limnological status and while attempts have been made to reconstruct changes in nutrient levels quantitatively, the chironomids respond indirectly to such changes, typically mediated through complex ecosystem dynamics such as changes in fish and/or macrophyte communities. These changes are illustrated via historic chironomid stratigraphies and diversity indices from a range of shallow lakes located across Britain: Slapton Ley, Frensham Great Pond, Fleet Pond, Kyre Pool and Barnes Loch. These sites have shown varying degrees of eutrophication over recent timescales which tends to be associated with a decline in chironomid diversity. While complex functional processes exist within these ecosystems, our evidence suggests that one of the key drivers in the loss of shallow lake chironomid diversity appears to be the loss of aquatic macrophytes. Overall, while chironomids do show a clear response to altered nutrient regimes, multi-proxy reconstructions are recommended for a clear interpretation of past change. We conclude that if we are to have a better understanding of biota at the ecosystem level we need to know more of the complex interactions between different insect groups as well as with other animal and plant communities. A palaeoecological approach is thus crucial in order to assess the role of insect groups in ecosystem processes, both in the recent past and over long time scales, and is essential for wetland managers and conservation organisations involved in long term management and restoration of wetland systems.
Sediment samples were taken from seven locations in the
WeIland River in December 1986 and April 1987. The DMSO extracts
of these sediment samples showed a significant (p
Black fly (Simuliidae) silk is produced by the larvae and pharate pupae and is used for anchorage and cocoon production. There exists limited information on simuliid silks, including protein composition and genetic sequences encoding such proteins. The present study aimed to expand what is known about simuliid silks by examining the silks of several simuliid species and by making comparisons to the silk of non-biting midges (Chironomidae). Silk glands were dissected out of larval and pupal simuliids, and protein contents were separated by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and visualized with silver stain. Protein contents were compared by mass in kilodaltons (kDa) between life stages and among species. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to expand upon known gene sequence information, and to determine the presence of genes homologous to chironomid silk. SDS-PAGE of cocoons revealed the presence of a 56 kDa and a 67 kDa protein. Silk gland contained as many as 28 different proteins ranging from 319 kDa to 8 kDa. Protein profiles vary among species, and group into large (>200), intermediate(>100), and small (<100) protein classes as is found in chironomids. It is likely that silk evolved in a common ancestor of simuliids and chironomids
1. Analyses of species association have major implications for selecting indicators for freshwater biomonitoring and conservation, because they allow for the elimination of redundant information and focus on taxa that can be easily handled and identified. These analyses are particularly relevant in the debate about using speciose groups (such as the Chironomidae) as indicators in the tropics, because they require difficult and time-consuming analysis, and their responses to environmental gradients, including anthropogenic stressors, are poorly known. 2. Our objective was to show whether chironomid assemblages in Neotropical streams include clear associations of taxa and, if so, how well these associations could be explained by a set of models containing information from different spatial scales. For this, we formulated a priori models that allowed for the influence of local, landscape and spatial factors on chironomid taxon associations (CTA). These models represented biological hypotheses capable of explaining associations between chironomid taxa. For instance, CTA could be best explained by local variables (e.g. pH, conductivity and water temperature) or by processes acting at wider landscape scales (e.g. percentage of forest cover). 3. Biological data were taken from 61 streams in Southeastern Brazil, 47 of which were in well-preserved regions, and 14 of which drained areas severely affected by anthropogenic activities. We adopted a model selection procedure using Akaike`s information criterion to determine the most parsimonious models for explaining CTA. 4. Applying Kendall`s coefficient of concordance, seven genera (Tanytarsus/Caladomyia, Ablabesmyia, Parametriocnemus, Pentaneura, Nanocladius, Polypedilum and Rheotanytarsus) were identified as associated taxa. The best-supported model explained 42.6% of the total variance in the abundance of associated taxa. This model combined local and landscape environmental filters and spatial variables (which were derived from eigenfunction analysis). However, the model with local filters and spatial variables also had a good chance of being selected as the best model. 5. Standardised partial regression coefficients of local and landscape filters, including spatial variables, derived from model averaging allowed an estimation of which variables were best correlated with the abundance of associated taxa. In general, the abundance of the associated genera tended to be lower in streams characterised by a high percentage of forest cover (landscape scale), lower proportion of muddy substrata and high values of pH and conductivity (local scale). 6. Overall, our main result adds to the increasing number of studies that have indicated the importance of local and landscape variables, as well as the spatial relationships among sampling sites, for explaining aquatic insect community patterns in streams. Furthermore, our findings open new possibilities for the elimination of redundant data in the assessment of anthropogenic impacts on tropical streams.
A região de São José dos Ausentes (planalto sul-riograndense), onde se situa o rio Silveira pertencente a cabeceira do rio Pelotas (bacia do rio Uruguai), caracteriza-se por uma ictiofauna composta de espécies endêmicas e várias espécies novas ainda não descritas. O conhecimento referente a estrutura trófica da ictiofauna desta região ainda é inexistente, motivo pelo qual este trabalho teve com objetivo caracterizar a biologia alimentar das espécies de peixes encontradas no rio Silveira. O período de amostragem iniciou em julho de 2000 e concluiu-se em julho 2001. Os indivíduos foram capturados mensalmente através de redes de espera (malhas 1,5 cm entrenós) e puçás, em ambientes de corredeiras e remansos. Foram encontradas seis espécies de peixes neste trecho do rio Silveira: Astyanax sp. n. 4 (Characidae), Eurycheilichthys pantherinus (Loricariidae), Hemipsilichthys sp. n. I (Loricariidae), Cichlasoma facetum (Cichlidae), Rhamdia sp. (Pimelodidae) e Bryconamericus sp. n. 1 (Characidae). O conteúdo estomacal foi identificado para cada uma destas espécies, sendo somente analisado através do método de freqüência de ocorrência, composição percentual e pelo cálculo do índice de importância alimentar para as três espécies mais freqüentes e abundantes. Dentre os itens encontrados destacam-se para Astyanax sp. n. 4 matéria vegetal e Ephemeroptera; para Eurycheilichthys pantherinus larvas de Diptera Simulidae e Ephemeroptera; e em Hemipsilichthys sp. n. I detritos, onde se verificou a presença de diatomáceas e clorofítas. O cálculo do coeficiente de sobreposição alimentar não apresentou valor significativo para estas três espécies. As demais espécies apresentaram os seguintes itens em sua dieta, Cichlasoma facetum larvas de Tricoptera, Ephemeroptera, Gastropoda e insetos alóctones; Rhamdia sp. escamas, Gastropoda, larvas de Lepidoptera, Tricoptera, Ephemeroptera, sementes, matéria vegetal, sedimento; e Bryconamericus sp. n. 1 larvas de Diptera (Simulidae, Psychodidae, Chironomidae), larvas de Tricoptera, Ephemeroptera, Diatomáceas, Clorofítas, Diptera adulto, Hymenoptera, Coleoptera. Esta dieta sugere os seguintes hábitos alimentares para Astyanax sp. n. 4 onívoro, Eurycheilichthys pantherinus insetívoro, Hemipsilichthys sp. n. I detritívoro, Cichlasoma facetum insetívoro, Rhamdia sp. onívoro, e Bryconamericus sp. n. 1 insetívoro.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo a caracterização da qualidade ambiental da represa Mãe D’água, com ênfase na macrofauna bentônica. A área de estudo, situada na vertente sul/sudeste do morro Santana, município de Porto Alegre/RS (Brasil), faz parte de uma sub-bacia hidrográfica que tem como nível de base o lago Guaíba, um importante manancial de água doce. Para análise dos indicadores ambientais da água (variáveis físicas, químicas e microbiológicas), sedimento (textura e teor de matéria orgânica) e dos macroinvertebrados bentônicos, foram realizadas duas coletas de campo (verão e inverno de 2004), em quatro unidades amostrais na represa. As variáveis ambientais da água apresentaram características típicas de ambientes aquáticos eutrofizados. As concentrações de cargas orgânicas foram evidenciadas pelos valores médios de DBO5 (16,5 mg/L), e dos nutrientes fósforo (1,37 mg/L) e nitrogênio (12,73 mg/L). O sedimento apresentou altos teores das frações silte e argila, com teor de matéria orgânica superior a 10% do seu peso seco. A macrofauna bentônica caracterizou-se pelos baixos valores de densidade e riqueza, com dominância de Chironomidae (58,5%) representado principalmente pelo gênero Chironomus, organismos geralmente adaptados a sobreviver em ambientes escassamente oxigenados. Estes resultados mostram que a interferência antrópica está influenciando na dinâmica natural da área de estudo, contribuindo para a eutrofização das águas, baixa saturação de oxigênio, dominância de partículas finas no sedimento, e na redução da macrofauna bentônica.
The biomonitoring technique for water quality in water bodies has been incorporated increasingly in management of the natural resources, using mainly indices of its aquatic community characteristics. In Brazil the first efforts to use this technique was restricted to the South and the Midwest region of this country. Located in the northeast region, this study was conducted at Rio Grande do Norte state and had as main objective the assessment of water quality in the Piranhas-Açu river using benthic macroinvertebrates community as biological indicators. Thus, were applied two biotic indices, the BMWP (Biological Monitoring Working Party score system) and the IBF (Family Biotic Index). According the requirements of these indices, two periods of sampling were determined as basic methodology, in dry seasons of 2006 and 2007. The sampling sites were around the municipalities of Açu, Ipanguaçu, Alto do Rodrigues and Pendências. Physical-chemical measurements; a protocol of rapid assessment of diversity of habitats, and determination of the degree of tolerance of each taxon to organic pollution were also performed. The most abundant organisms found in the river were tolerant with the prevalence of Chironomidae (Diptera) and Melanoides tuberculata. This results, together with those ones got in indices application, showed a considerable organic pollution in the four sample places and the reaches were classified as modified to impacted. According to the used indices, this study suggest that this river have significant alteration in the biotic community and water quality on the organic pollution, and this fact, occurs in the reach of the river further downstream, where were expected a good water quality. Considering these results, measures aiming the conservation of this water body are needed regarding as it is inserted into a fragile ecosystem with dry season phenomenon, and the water of this river has extremely importance for the local economy
In Brazilian semiarid region, the majority of water bodies are temporary and the biodiversity in these ecosystems is poorly known. The goal of this study was to describe the temporal variation of benthic macroinvertebrates in an intermittent stream in the Brazilian semiarid region. From March to July of 2009, surveys of benthic macroinvertebrates and water physiochemical parameters were done in a first order stream located at Piranhas-Açu River basin. 25 macroinvertebrates families were found, 21 belonging to Insecta class. The chironomids were the most abundant group during all study period and were represented by 19 genus. The largest densities and taxonomic richness were seen in the drying phase of the stream while the smallest values were found in the period with the heaviest rainfalls ( wet phase ). Only the families Chironomidae and Ceratopogonidae were found during all study period, suggesting that these groups have better adaptations to support floods and droughts. Furthermore, these two groups seemed to be pioneering in this stream. Among the chironomids, Paratendipes dominated the period of floods while Tanytarsus were more abundant in the drying phase . This study showed that hydrological fluctuation is the main force influencing the macroinvertebrate community in this stream, therefore, efforts seeking the conservation and management of Brazilian semiarid water bodies should consider this high natural variability in flow regime
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)