540 resultados para CHEESE


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This study uses the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology to evaluate and compare the environmental impacts caused by both the artisanal and the industrial manufacturing processes of "Minas cheese". This is a traditional cheese produced in the state of Minas Gerais (Brazil), and it is considered a "cultural patrimony" in the country. The high participation of artisanal producers in the market justifies this research, and this analysis can help the identification of opportunities to improve the environmental performance of several stages of the production system. The environmental impacts caused were also assessed and compared. The functional unit adopted was 1 kilogram (Kg) of cheese. The system boundaries considered were the production process, conservation of product (before sale), and transport to consumer market. The milk production process was considered similar in both cases, and therefore it was not included in the assessment. The data were collected through interviews with the producers, observation, and a literature review; they were ordered and processed using the SimaPro 7 LCA software. According to the impact categories analyzed, the artisanal production exerted lower environmental impacts. This can be justified mainly because the industrial process includes the pasteurization stage, which uses dry wood as an energy source and refrigeration.


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Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O157:H7 strains (isolated by cattle’s faeces and a reference strain, EDL933), were inoculated into pasteurized milk (102 and 103 cells.mL–1) to prepare the Minas frescal cheese. As control was used uninfected milk. Physicochemical and microbiological analyses were performed to milk and elaborated cheese. The O157:H7 strains were quantified in the stages of cheese processing and during 0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10 and 15 storage days at 8 °C onto Sorbitol MacConkey Agar supplemented with potassium tellurite and cefixime (CT-SMAC). O157:H7 was not present in the pasteurised milk prior to the artificial inoculation. At the end of the processing the cheese had 10 to 100 times more STEC O157:H7 than the initial inoculum. During the storage, the Minas frescal cheese exhibited the largest population increase on the 4th and 5th day when inoculated with 102 and 103 cells.mL–1, respectively. Additionally, viable cells were found up to the 10th and 15th day, according to the amount of initial inoculum. This number of cells is able to cause infection in humans, and therefore, Minas frescal cheese, even when stored under refrigeration, is a potential vehicle of disease caused by STEC O157:H7.


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Abstract Caprine Coalho cheese presents great potential for a typical protected designation of origin, considering that this traditional Brazilian cheese presents a slightly salty and acid flavor, combined with a unique texture. This study optimized the HS-SPME-GC-MS methodology for volatile analysis of Coalho cheese, which can be used as a tool to help in the identification of the distinctive aroma profile of this cheese. The conditions of equilibrium time, extraction temperature and time were optimized using the statistical tool factorial experimental design 23, and applying the desirability function. After the evaluation, it was concluded that the optimum extraction conditions comprised equilibrium and extraction time of 20 and 40 minutes, respectively; and ideal extraction temperature of 45 °C. The optimum extraction of volatile compounds in goat Coalho cheese captured 32 volatile compounds: 5 alcohols, 5 esters, 3 ketones, 6 acids, 3 aldehydes, 3 terpenes, and 7 hydrocarbons.


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Hace mucho tiempo la gente estaba acostumbrada a que le contarán mágicas historias sobre maravillas y encantamientos, pero de ellas no trata este libro. Más bien, casi podían ser cuentos de hadas, pero tampoco. Las historias que aquí se cuentan son más bien cuentos estúpidos.


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Cumple las necesidades de la Estrategia Nacional de Lectura, Programa Nacional de Estudios en Inglaterra y Gales, Idioma Inglés en Escocia para cinco a catorce años, y el plan de estudios común en Irlanda del Norte. Diseñado para alumnos de primaria, combina las habilidades básicas relacionadas con el aprendizaje de la lectura y la escritura con una amplia gama de estilos literarios. Esta historia introduce vocabulario básico en el contexto de una historia de ficción. Joh y Buzz van a menudo a la tienda de antigüedades después del colegio. Un día encuentran lo que creen es una quesera, pero la abuela les cuenta una historia sobre el origen de aquello que es en realidad un sombrero muy especial.


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Presenta las páginas divididas por la mitad en horizontal, con lo que las múltiples ilustraciones de animales, objetos y personas, se pueden combinar para dar origen a objetos y personas absurdos e inverosímiles.


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Forty-multiparous Holstein cows were used in a 16-wk continuous design study to determine the effects of either selenium (Se) source, selenized yeast (SY) (derived from a specific strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3060 Sel-Plex®) or sodium selenite (SS), or inclusion rate of SY on Se concentration and speciation in blood, milk and cheese. Cows received ad libitum a TMR with 1:1 forage:concentrate ratio on a dry matter (DM) basis. There were four diets (T1-T4) which differed only in either source or dose of Se additive. Estimated total dietary Se for T1 (no supplement), T2 (SS), T3 (SY) and T4 (SY) was 0.16, 0.30, 0.30 and 0.45 mg/kg DM, respectively. Blood and milk samples were taken at 28 day intervals and at each time point there were positive linear effects of SY on Se concentration in blood and milk. At day 112 blood and milk Se values for T1-T4 were 177, 208, 248, 279 ± 6.6 and 24, 38, 57, 72 ± 3.7 ng/g fresh material, respectively and indicate improved uptake and incorporation of Se from SY. While selenocysteine (SeCys) was the main selenised amino acid in blood its concentration was not markedly affected by treatment, but the proportion of total Se as selenomethionine (SeMet) increased with increasing inclusion rate of SY. In milk, there were no marked treatment effects on SeCys content, but Se source had a marked effect on the proportion of total Se as SeMet. At day 112 replacing SS (T2) with SY (T3) increased the SeMet concentration of milk from 36 to 111 ng Se/g and its concentration increased further to 157 ng Se/g as the inclusion rate of SY increased further (T4) to provide 0.45 mg Se/kg TMR. Neither Se source nor inclusion rate effected the keeping quality of milk. At day 112, milk from T1, T2, and T3 was made into a hard cheese and Se source had a marked effect on total Se and the proportion of total Se comprised as either SeMet or SeCys. Replacing SS (T2) with SY (T3) increased total Se, SeMet and SeCys content from 180 to 340 ng Se/g, 57 to 153 ng Se/g and 52 to 92 ng Se/g, respectively. Key words: dairy cow, milk and cheese, selenomethionine, selenocysteine, milk keeping quality


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Why it is easier to cut with even the sharpest knife when 'pressing down and sliding' than when merely 'pressing down alone' is explained. A variety of cases of cutting where the blade and workpiece have different relative motions is analysed and it is shown that the greater the 'slice/push ratio' xi given by ( blade speed parallel to the cutting edge/blade speed perpendicular to the cutting edge), the lower the cutting forces. However, friction limits the reductions attainable at the highest.. The analysis is applied to the geometry of a wheel cutting device (delicatessan slicer) and experiments with a cheddar cheese and a salami using such an instrumented device confirm the general predictions. (C) 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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Halloumi cheese was produced from 11 bovine milks with fat contents of 1.61-4.04%, giving a range of 32-53% fat in dry matter (FDM) in the cheeses. Starter culture and/or microparticulated whey protein (Simplesse((R)) 100(E)) was also added to selected batches of milk. Hardness decreased with increasing FDM, with increase in moisture and with lower pH. On sensory evaluation, there was an increase in preference score with FDM (R-2 = 0.8). Inclusion of microparticulated whey protein may have had a fat mimetic effect, as preference scores otherwise decreased with increasing protein levels (R-2 = 0.75).


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Portugal has a strong tradition of cheesemaking from raw ewe's milk; most of these cheeses are still made on a traditional farmhouse scale. Their production is protected by Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) but the specific biochemical aspects of the majority still need to be characterised. Two different cheesemaking procedures, traditional and semi-industrial, were compared technologically, biochemically and microbiologically. It was observed that, despite the highly significant difference between artisanal and semi-industrial cheeses (P < 0.001), both products were within the limits of national regulations for most parameters except maturation temperature, humidity and the value for the maturation index. Although the present study was not fully representative of the region, the results obtained suggest that the specific regulations for Serpa cheese should be revised and that other parameters, such as moisture and salt-in-moisture content, which are very much dependent on the cheesemaking process, should be included in order to characterise better this traditional cheese.


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Proteolysis of Serpa cheese produced traditionally (B) and semi-industrially (C) was evaluated for the first time by determination of nitrogen content and capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE). A citrate dispersion of cheese was fractionated to determine the nitrogen in pH 4.4, trichloroacetic and phosphotungstic acid soluble fractions (pH 4.4-SN, TCA-SN and PTA-SN, respectively). The pH 4.4-SN was significantly higher for B ( P < 0.001), while TCA-SN was significantly higher for C ( P < 0.001). PTA-SN was also higher for C but at 60 days ripening no significant difference was found between B and C. Degradation of alpha(s1) - and beta-caseins evaluated by CZE was in good agreement with the maturation index (pH 4.4-SN/TN).


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Forty multiparous Holstein cows were used in a 16-week continuous design study to determine the effects of either selenium (Se) source, selenised yeast (SY) (derived from a specific strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM 1-3060) or sodium selenite (SS), or Se inclusion rate in the form of SY in the diets of lactating dairy cows on the Se concentration and speciation in blood, milk and cheese. Cows received ad libitum a total mixed ration (TMR) with a 1 : 1 forage: concentrate ratio on a dry matter (DM) basis. There were four diets (T-1 to T-4), which differed only in either source or dose of Se additive. Estimated total dietary Se for T, (no supplement), T-2 (SS), T-3 (SY) and T-4 (SY) was 0.16, 0.30, 0.30 and 0.45 mg/kg DM, respectively. Blood and milk samples were taken at 28-day intervals and at each time point there were positive linear effects of Se in the form of SY on the Se concentration in blood and milk. At day 112 blood and milk Se values for T-1 to T-4 were 177, 208, 248 and 279 +/- 6.6 and 24, 38, 57 and 72 +/- 3.7 ng/g fresh material, respectively, and indicate improved uptake and incorporation of Se from SY. In whole blood, selenocysteine (SeCys) was the main selenised amino acid and the concentration of selenomethionine (SeMet) increased with the increasing inclusion rate of SY In milk, there were no marked treatment effects on the SeCys content, but Se source had a marked effect on the concentration of SeMet. At day 112 replacing SS (T-2) with SY (T-3) increased the SeMet concentration of milk from 36 to 111 ng Se/g and its concentration increased further to 157ng Se/g dried sample as the inclusion rate of SY increased further (T-4) to provide 0.45 mg Se/kg TMR. Neither Se source nor inclusion rate affected the keeping quality of milk. At day 112 milk from T-1, T-2 and T-3 was made into a hard cheese and Se source had a marked effect on total Se and the concentration of total Se comprised as either SeMet or SeCys. Replacing SS (T-2) with SY (T-3) increased total Se, SeMet and SeCys content in cheese from 180 to 340 ng Se/g, 57 to 153 ng Se/g and 52 to 92 ng Se/g dried sample, respectively. The use of SY to produce food products with enhanced Se content as a means of meeting the Se requirements is discussed


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The texture and microstructure of white-brined cheeses similar to urfa (a traditional Turkish cheese) were studied. One batch of cheeses was made in the traditional manner and one batch was made from ultrafiltered (UF) milk. Samples from each batch were either ripened in brine after production or scalded in whey for 3 min at 90degreesC prior to ripening. The results showed only marginal differences in the ripening profiles of both batches of unscalded cheeses, but scalding slowed down the extent of proteolysis in both batches. The scalded cheeses had a firmer texture than the unscalded ones, and the unscalded UF cheese had a more 'springy' body than the unscalded traditional cheese. Overall, scalding resulted in a more homogeneous structure, but the unscalded UF cheese had a close texture that resembled the scalded samples. It was concluded that, with respect to texture and structure, cheeses made with UF milk do not need to be scalded after production.


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The effects of milk protein fortification on the texture and microstructure of cottage cheese curd were evaluated. Protein powder (92.6% protein) was added to the skim milk at a level of 0.4% (w/w) to produce curds. Control curds with no protein powder addition were also produced. These curds were analysed for differences in yield, total solids, curd size, texture and structure. It was found that the addition of protein powder contributed to a significant yield increase, which can be attributed to increased water retention, with better curd size distribution. Control curds were firmer than the fortified curds and the structure showed less open-pore structure as revealed by electron microscopy. However, the addition of dressing masked the textural differences, and a sensory panel was unable to distinguish between cheeses produced from fortified milk and controls.