993 resultados para CERRADO VEGETATION


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Áreas degredadas, como as oriundas da construção da Usina Hidrelétrica de Ilha Solteira, de onde as camadas superficiais do solo foram removidas, apresentam baixa regeneração natural e subsolo desnudo, com problemas de compactação, alta densidade global, alta resistência à penetração de raízes e falta de matéria orgânica. Para revegetar essas áreas, torna-se necessário melhorar as condições gerais do subsolo. Este trabalho objetivou verificar os efeitos da rochagem (basalto) e da aplicação de diferentes resíduos orgânicos sobre aspectos químicos e microbiológicos de um subsolo exposto e sobre o crescimento de Gonçalo Alves (Astronium fraxinifolium Schott), uma espécie arbórea nativa de Cerrado. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação e constou de 17 tratamentos, como se segue: subsolo de área de empréstimo com quatro doses de basalto (0, 2, 4 e 8 t ha-1), combinadas ou não com 8 t ha-1 de três resíduos orgânicos (aguapé, esterco de curral e lodo doméstico), gerando 16 tratamentos, além de um adicional, com solo de Cerrado preservado, utilizado como referência, com quatro repetições por tratamento. Foram realizadas análises químicas e microbiológicas do subsolo, além de medidas de altura, massa seca e fresca da parte aérea e do sistema radicular das plantas. Os resultados indicam que os procedimentos com esterco e aguapé, adicionados ou não de basalto, foram os que mais contribuíram para melhorar as condições químicas do subsolo e proporcionar os maiores resultados para as variáveis microbiológicas, enquanto as plantas apresentaram o maior crescimento nos tratamentos em que foram adicionados lodo de esgoto e basalto. A rochagem, realizada com basalto, proporcionou resultados positivos.


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Objetivando-se estudar em os efeitos de herbicidas seletivos para o controle de plantas daninhas em pós-emergência tardia e sobre a cultura do feijão, durante o cultivo de inverno de 1983, em uma região de solo originalmente sob vegetação de cerrado, instalou-se a presente pesquisa na Fazenda Experimental da UNESP - Campus de Ilha Solteira com os seguintes tratamentos: DPX-Y6202 [2- [4- [( 6-chloro -2-quinoxalinyl ) oxy ] -phenoxyl -propionic acid, ethylester ] a 70 e 140 g/ha sem e com Assista 1,5 1/ha, sethoxydim a 276 g e bentazona 96 0 g/ ha com 1,5 1 de Assiste testemunhas com e sem capina. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso com 4 repetições. As aplicações foram realizadas através de pulverizador costal pressurizado a CO2, aos 37 dias após a semeadura, no início do florescimento da cultura. As plantas daninhas, em número/m 2, estavam representadas por 85% de Digitaria ciliaris (Retz) Koel perfilhando e 8% de Amaranthus sp com 15 a 20 cm de altura. Aos 14 dias após as aplicações avaliaram-se a fitotoxicidade e na colheita o número e a biomassa epíge a seca das plantas daninhas em 1 m2 no centro das parcelas. Avaliaram-se, na cultura, os tand, os números médios de vagens /planta e de sementes /vagem, peso de 100 grãos e produção. Os resultados mostraram que todos os herbicidas causaram leve fitotoxicidade na cultura. O DPX-Y6202 e o se thoxydim apresentaram controles excelentes da gramínea e o bentazon controlou 55,4% do Amaranthus sp. Contudo, no número total das plantas daninhas os controles proporcionados pelos herbicidas foram substancialmente reduzidos e o bentazon tornou-se ineficiente. Os três herbicidas testados foram praticamente seletivos para a cultura, não influenciando o desenvolvimento e a produção de feijão. A matocompetição reduziu em 29% a produção da cultura.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We report for the first time the attack of the walking stick Tetanorhynchus leonardosi (Mello-Leitão) (Orthoptera: Proscopiidae) on young eucalyptus, Eucalyptus urophylla, in Brazil. The upper third of the trees was attacked (apical meristems and new leaves). During the hottest hours of the day the insects were found sheltered between leaves on the median third of the plants, and feeding when temperatures were milder. The attack was heterogeneous in the stand, being more concentrated when it was neighbouring an area of native 'Cerrado' vegetation. Mean defoliation was 5.8%, with an average of 5.2% of plants with apical meristems cut by the walking sticks. An application of Methyl Parathion was not effective against the pest. Apparently plants older than 6 months were less attacked by the insects, that preferred 3-month old trees. The reduction of native vegetation may explain the dispersion of T. leonardosi from its native host plants to the exotic eucalyptus.


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The present work aimed at studying the effect of five doses of zinc (0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 ppm) in three levels of soil correction. A Dark-Red Latosol, clay texture, oryginally recovered by cerrado vegetation was used. Soybean was used as test plant, cultivated in green-house conditions. The zinc dose affected dry matter production of aerial parts and grain only in the treatments that received the corrective. The concentration of the element in the soil increased linearly with the dose application, and the critical levels in soil (90% of the maximal yield) were between 0.27 and 0.37 ppm of zinc in the treatments with the equivalent to 2.0 t/ha and 3.2 t/ha of lime, respectively.


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There were detected variations of chlorophylls a and b during the senescence leaves period of Caryocar brasiliense Camb in the Corumbatai cerrado vegetation, State of São Paulo. The highest peak of total chlorophylls a and b contents was registered after the maximum leaves expansion, while the lowest peak it was obtained at leaves abcision. The chlorophylls a and b variations can be explained as a function of a chlorophyll a variation content. The phenological events studied (flowering and fruiting time, leaf fall and sprouting) showed a marked periodicity during the year. Flowering and fruiting time have a similar peak both in the wet season (september to february). Leaves fall occurred in the dry season with the peak in August.


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Styrax camporum Pohl is a shrub common in the cerrado vegetation of south-eastern Brazil. Root and stem wood in Styrax camporum differ quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative differences follow normal expectations: roots have wider and longer vessel elements, a lower vessel frequency, a lower ray frequency, and wider rays. Qualitative features of the roots are: simple perforation plates, vestured pits, and septate libriform fibres; qualitative features of the stems are: multiple perforation plates, non-vestured pits, and non-septate fibre-tracheids. Based on generally accepted evolutionary trends, root wood of Styrax camporum has more specialized features than stem wood. Additional comparative studies of stem and root anatomy are needed to determine if such differences between root and stem anatomy are widespread, and consistent with the lines of specialization observed in monocotyledons.


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Man cultivates the soil for centuries, but the intensive business and use of the soils under Cerrado vegetation for agricultural production grew out of the seventies. The objective of this study was to evaluate soil physical characteristics as a function of sampling time and the soil uses in a Cerrado area in Uberlandia City - MG, Brazil. The managements were adopted: degraded pasture (M-1), conventional tillage (M-2), minimum tillage (M-3), tillage absence (M-4), no-tillage (NT) for three years (M-5); NT for nine years (M-6), NT for three years after Pinus (M-7), PD for one year after Pinus (M-8) and Pinus forest (M-9) with 25 years old. The evaluations were conducted in 2002/03 growing season, in two areas. The soils were: area 1, an Oxisol (Red Latosol - LV-1, M-1 through M-5) and area 2, two Oxisols (Red Latosol and Red-Yellow Latosol - LVA and LV-2, M-6 through M-9). The physical attributes studied changed depending of the soil class, sampling time and management systems, with emphasis on the area 2 soils, which, in general, better preserved its main physical attributes. Managements with intense tillage, such as the M-2, are the most soil physically degrade, presenting mostly negative changes to soil bulk density, total porosity, microporosity and macroporosity. Since the systems which promote less tillage, in short term, to preserve desirable physical attributes. The M-9 system had the lowest attributes range, compared to the others.


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Armitermes euamignathus Silvestri (Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) is a mound building termite that is common in Brazilian regions of the Cerrado vegetation. Multiple neotenic reproductives were found in three isolated nests of these species localized in other secondary habitats different from Cerrado vegetation. The number of second form queens was always higher than the number of secondary males. In two of these nests, the primary king was present along with the second form reproductives. Eggs and brood were found in the three nests but mature alates were present in only one. Multiple neotenic reproductives were never found in the studied Cerrado region where the nests contained only the primary pair. A study of oviposition rate between primary queens and nymphoid reproductives showed an increased number of eggs in the colony headed by neotenic reproductives.


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A soldier-based key for the identification of the species of the neotropical termite genus Atlantitermes Fontes 1979 is presented. The diagnostic characters for the genus are reviewed and discussed, and the upturned nasus is excluded bacause it is not present in the soldier of every species. A. stercophilus n. sp., from the cerrado vegetation of Minas Gerais, Brazil, is described and illustrated. A. osborni (Emerson 1925) is recorded for the first time in the cerrado vegetation of southeastern Brazil. Drawings of the soldier of A. kirbyi (Snyder 1926) are presented for the first time.


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Four new species of Xenotarsonemus Beer (Acari, Tarsonemidae), X. brachytegula, X. pirassunungaensis, X. cerrado and X. spiniphorus, are described based on specimens collected from plants of the Cerrado vegetation in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Copyright © 2007 Magnolia Press.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)