599 resultados para CERN


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Es wurden im Rahmen des COMPLIS Experimentes laserspektroskopische Untersuchungen der neutronenarmen Platinisotope 178-185Pt durchgeführt. Die Kerndeformation der geraden Platinisotope baut sich ab dem Isotop 188Pt langsam auf und erreicht ein Maximum bei A=180. Danach nimmt die Deformation bis zum 178Pt wieder leicht ab. Zudem zeigen die Kernladungsradien um die Mitte der Neutronenschale bei N=104 einen inversen Gerade-Ungerade-Effekt. Die ungeraden Platinisotope werden durch eine axial-prolate Kernform, die geraden Platinisotope durch eine triaxiale Struktur beschrieben. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden Messungen an der Laserionenquelle bei ISOLDE vorgestellt. Die Resonanzionisation mit abstimmbaren Lasern wird zur chemisch selektiven Ionisation in der Target-Ionenquelleneinheit eingesetzt. Die Entwicklung einer Frequenzverdreifachung für das hochrepetierende Farbstofflasersystem ermöglichte die selektive Präparation von Ionenstrahlen der Elemente Beryllium, Cadmium und Zink an ISOLDE. Dabei wurde bei Beryllium eine Ionisationseffizienz von 9% erreicht. Zum ersten Male wurden in der Laserionenquelle laserspektroskopische Untersuchungen an exotischen Isotopen mit der Messung der Isotopieverschiebung von 7-14Be durchgeführt und bei den Silberisotopen wurde eine Isomerenseparation über die Hyperfeinstruktur erziehlt. Damit ergeben sich neue Anwendungen der Laserspektroskopie und der Laserseparation.


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In this paper I will present the work I have completed during a five months work placement at CERN, European Organisation for Nuclear Research, from March to July 2011. This stage was done in the EN Department (ENgineering Department), STI Group (Sources, Targets and Interactions), TCD Section (Targets, Collimators and Dumps) under the supervision of Dr Cesare Maglioni. The task I was given concerned all the beam stoppers in the PS Complex, in detail: - General definition and requirements - Creation of a digital archive - Verification of the stoppers of the PS Complex - Design of the L4T.STP.1


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Collinear laser spectroscopy has been used as a tool for nuclear physics for more than 30 years. The unique possibility to extract nuclear properties like spins, radii and nuclear moments in a model-independent manner leads to important physics results to test the predictive power of existing nuclear models. rnThis work presents the construction and the commissioning of a new collinear laser spectroscopy experiment TRIGA-LASER as a part of the TRIGA-SPEC facility at the TRIGA research reactor at the University of Mainz. The goal of the experiment is to study the nuclear structure of radioactive isotopes which will be produced by neutron-induced fission near the reactor core and transported to an ion source by a gas jet system. rnThe versatility of the collinear laser spectroscopy technique will be exploited in the second part of this thesis. The nuclear spin and the magnetic moment of the neutron-deficient isotope Mg-21 will be presented, which were measured by the detection of the beta-decay asymmetry induced by nuclear polarization after optical pumping. A combination of this detection method with the classical fluorescence detection is then used to determine the isotope shifts of the neutron-rich magnesium isotopes from Mg-24 through Mg-32 to study the transition to the ''island of inversion''.


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The aim of this work is to provide a precise and accurate measurement of the 238U(n,gamma) reaction cross-section. This reaction is of fundamental importance for the design calculations of nuclear reactors, governing the behaviour of the reactor core. In particular, fast neutron reactors, which are experiencing a growing interest for their ability to burn radioactive waste, operate in the high energy region of the neutron spectrum. In this energy region inconsistencies between the existing measurements are present up to 15%, and the most recent evaluations disagree each other. In addition, the assessment of nuclear data uncertainty performed for innovative reactor systems shows that the uncertainty in the radiative capture cross-section of 238U should be further reduced to 1-3% in the energy region from 20 eV to 25 keV. To this purpose, addressed by the Nuclear Energy Agency as a priority nuclear data need, complementary experiments, one at the GELINA and two at the n_TOF facility, were scheduled within the ANDES project within the 7th Framework Project of the European Commission. The results of one of the 238U(n,gamma) measurement performed at the n_TOF CERN facility are presented in this work, carried out with a detection system constituted of two liquid scintillators. The very accurate cross section from this work is compared with the results obtained from the other measurement performed at the n_TOF facility, which exploit a different and complementary detection technique. The excellent agreement between the two data-sets points out that they can contribute to the reduction of the cross section uncertainty down to the required 1-3%.


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This doctoral thesis describes the extension of the resonance ionization laser ion source RILIS at CERN/ISOLDE by the addition of an all-solid state tunable titanium:sapphire (Ti:Sa) laser system to complement the well-established system of dye lasers. Synchronous operation of the so called Dual RILIS system of Ti:Sa and dye lasers was investigated and the potential for increased ion beam intensity, reliability, and reduced setup time has been demonstrated. In-source resonance ionization spectroscopy was performed at ISOLDE/CERN and at ISAC/TRIUMF radioactive ion beam facilities to develop an efficient and selective three-colour ionization scheme for the purely radioactive element astatine. A LabVIEW based monitoring, control and measurement system was conceived which enabled, in conjunction with Dual RILIS operation, the spectroscopy of high lying Rydberg states, from which the ionization potential of the astatine atom was determined for the first time experimentally.


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La tesi è incentrata sullo studio del flusso di neutroni e della funzione di risoluzione del progetto n_TOF al CERN di Ginevra. Dopo aver ricordato le motivazioni scientifiche e tecnologiche che stanno alla base di questo progetto di collaborazione internazionale, si trattano sommariamente alcune delle più importanti applicazioni della fisica neutronica e si descrive la facility di Ginevra. Nella parte finale del lavoro si presenta una misura di precisione ottenuta dal flusso di neutroni utilizzato nell'esperimento n_TOF nel 2012, la cui conoscenza è di fondamentale importanza per la misura di sezioni d'urto di reazioni indotte da neutroni. L'esperimento n_TOF ha proprio lo scopo di misurare sezioni d'urto di reazioni indotte da neutroni, in particolare reazioni di fissione e cattura neutronica. Ad n_TOF si utilizza un fascio di protoni, accelerato a 20 GeV dal ProtoSincrotrone del CERN, per crearne due di neutroni, uno verticale e uno orizzontale, tramite spallazione nucleare indotta su un bersaglio di Piombo. Dalle analisi dei dati si deduce come questo studio possa essere maggiormente ottimizzato migliorando la funzione di risoluzione energetica dei neutroni, attraverso simulazioni Monte Carlo.


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In questa tesi viene seguito il lavoro di test delle schede ROD del layer 2 del Pixel Detector dell’ esperimento ATLAS, che mira a verificare la loro corretta funzionalità, prima che vengano spedite nei laboratori del CERN. Queste nuove schede gestiscono i segnali in arrivo dal Pixel Detector di ATLAS, per poi inviarli ai computer per la successiva elaborazione. Le schede ROD andranno a sostituire le precedenti schede SiROD nella catena di acquisizione dati dell’esperimento, procedendo dal nuovo strato IBL, e proseguendo con i tre layer del Pixel Detector, corroborando l’aggiornamento tecnologico e prestazionale necessario in vista dell’incremento di luminosità dell’esperimento.