973 resultados para CD4 counts
This study was undertaken to evaluate the prevalence of GB virus C (GBV-C) viraemia and anti-E2 antibody, and to assess the effect of co-infection with GBV-C and HIV during a 10-year follow-up of a cohort of 248 HIV-infected women. Laboratory variables (mean and median CD4 counts, and HIV and GBV-C viral loads) and clinical parameters were investigated. At baseline, 115 women had past exposure to GBV-C: 57 (23%) were GBV-C RNA positive and 58 (23%) were anti-E2 positive. There was no statistical difference between the groups (GBV-C RNA + /anti-E2 -, GBV-C RNA - /anti-E2 + and GBV-C RNA - /anti-E2 -) regarding baseline CD4 counts or HIV viral loads (P = 0.360 and 0.713, respectively). Relative risk of death for the GBV-C RNA + /anti-E2 - group was 63% lower than that for the GBV-C RNA - /anti-E2 - group. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that only HIV loads >= 100,000 copies/mL and AIDS-defining illness during follow-up were associated with shorter survival after AIDS development. It is likely that antiretroviral therapy (ART) use in our cohort blurred a putative protective effect related to the presence of GBV-C RNA.
In order to assess the immunotherapeutic potential on canine visceral leishmaniasis of the Leishmune (R) vaccine, formulated with an increased adjuvant concentration (1 mg of saponin rather than 0.5 mg), 24 mongrel dogs were infected with Leishmania (L.) chagasi. The enriched-Leishmune (R) vaccine was injected on month 6, 7 and 8 after infection, when animals were seropositive and symptomatic. The control group were injected with a saline solution. Leishmune (R)-treated dogs showed significantly higher levels of anti-FML IgG antibodies (ANOVA; p < 0.0001), a higher and stable IgG2 and a decreasing IgG I response, pointing to a TH1 T cell mediated response. The vaccine had the following effects: it led to more positive delayed type hypersensitivity reactions against Leishmania lysate in vaccinated dogs (75%) than in controls (50%), to a decreased average of CD4+ Leishmania-specific lymphocytes in saline controls (32.13%) that fell outside the 95% confidence interval of the vaccinees (41.62%, CI95% 43.93-49.80) and an increased average of the clinical scores from the saline controls (17.83) that falls outside the 95% confidence interval for the Leishmune (R) immumotherapy-treated dogs (15.75, CI95% 13.97-17.53). All dogs that received the vaccine were clustered, and showed lower clinical scores and normal CD4+ counts, whereas 42% of the untreated dogs showed very diminished CD4+ and higher clinical score. The increase in clinical signs of the saline treated group was correlated with an increase in anti-FML antibodies (p < 0.0001), the parasitological evidence (p = 0.038) and a decrease in Leishinania-specific CD4+ lymphocyte proportions (p = 0.035). These results confirm the immunotherapeutic potential of the enriched-Leishmune (R) vaccine. The vaccine reduced the clinical symptoms and evidence of parasite, modulating the outcome of the infection and the dog's potential infectiosity to phlebotomines. The enriched-Leishmune (R) vaccine was subjected to a safety analysis and found to be well tolerated and safe. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
ABSTRACT: This study defined the normal variation range for different subsets of T-lymphocyte cells count in two different Brazilian regions. We analysed the T-lymphocytes subpopulations (CD3+, CD4+, CD8+) in blood donors of two Brazilian cities, located in North (Belem, capital state of Para, indian background) and Northeast (Salvador, capital state od Bahia, African background) regions of Brazil. Results were compared according to gender, stress level (sleep time lower than 8 hours/day), smoking, and alcohol intake. Lymphocytes subpopulations were measured by flow cytometry. Five hundred twenty-six blood donors from two Brazilians cities participated in the study: 450 samples from Bahia and 76 samples from Pará. Most (60%) were men, 59% reported alcohol intake, 12% were smokers, and 80% slept at least 8 h/day. Donors from Bahia presented with significantly higher counts for all parameters, compared with Para. Women had higher lymphocytes levels, in both states, but only CD4+ cells count was significantly higher than men's values. Smokers had higher CD4+ counts, but sleep time had effect on lymphocytes levels only for Para's donors (higher CD3+ and CD4+ counts). That state had also, a higher proportion of donors reporting sleep time <8 h/day. The values for CD3, CD4 and CD8+ cells count were significantly higher in blood donors from Bahia than among those from Pará. Female gender, alcohol intake, stress level, and smoking were associated with higher lymphocyte counts. The use of a single reference range for normal lymphocytes count is not appropriate for a country with such diversity, like Brazil is.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare aerobic function [anaerobic threshold (%_VVO2-AT), respiratory compensation point (%_VVO2-RCP) and peak oxygen uptake (_VVO2peak)] between physically active patients with HIV/AIDS and matched controls and to examine associations between disease status, poor muscle strength, depression (as estimated by the profile of mood states questionnaire) and the aerobic performance of patients. METHODS: Progressive treadmill test data for %_VVO2-AT (V-slope method), RCP and (_VVO2peak) were compared between 39 male patients with HIV/AIDS (age 40.6¡1.4 years) and 28 male controls (age 44.4¡2.1 years) drawn from the same community and matched for habitual physical activity. Within-patient data were also examined in relation to CD4+ counts (nadir and current data) and peak isokinetic knee torque. RESULTS: AT, RCP and (_VVO2peak) values were generally similar for patients and controls.Within the patient sample, binary classification suggested that AT, RCP and (_VVO2peak) values were not associated with either the nadir or current CD4+ count, but treadmill test variables were positively associated with peak isokinetic knee torque. CONCLUSION: The aerobic performance of physically active patients with HIV/AIDS is generally well conserved. Nevertheless, poor muscle strength is observed in some HIV/AIDS patients, which is associated with lower anaerobic power and (_VVO2peak), suggesting the possibility of enhancing the aerobic performance of patients with weak muscles through appropriate muscle-strengthening activities.
Background Loss to follow-up (LTFU) is common in antiretroviral therapy (ART) programmes. Mortality is a competing risk (CR) for LTFU; however, it is often overlooked in cohort analyses. We examined how the CR of death affected LTFU estimates in Zambia and Switzerland. Methods and Findings HIV-infected patients aged ≥18 years who started ART 2004–2008 in observational cohorts in Zambia and Switzerland were included. We compared standard Kaplan-Meier curves with CR cumulative incidence. We calculated hazard ratios for LTFU across CD4 cell count strata using cause-specific Cox models, or Fine and Gray subdistribution models, adjusting for age, gender, body mass index and clinical stage. 89,339 patients from Zambia and 1,860 patients from Switzerland were included. 12,237 patients (13.7%) in Zambia and 129 patients (6.9%) in Switzerland were LTFU and 8,498 (9.5%) and 29 patients (1.6%), respectively, died. In Zambia, the probability of LTFU was overestimated in Kaplan-Meier curves: estimates at 3.5 years were 29.3% for patients starting ART with CD4 cells <100 cells/µl and 15.4% among patients starting with ≥350 cells/µL. The estimates from CR cumulative incidence were 22.9% and 13.6%, respectively. Little difference was found between naïve and CR analyses in Switzerland since only few patients died. The results from Cox and Fine and Gray models were similar: in Zambia the risk of loss to follow-up and death increased with decreasing CD4 counts at the start of ART, whereas in Switzerland there was a trend in the opposite direction, with patients with higher CD4 cell counts more likely to be lost to follow-up. Conclusions In ART programmes in low-income settings the competing risk of death can substantially bias standard analyses of LTFU. The CD4 cell count and other prognostic factors may be differentially associated with LTFU in low-income and high-income settings.
We studied the time interval between starting tuberculosis treatment and commencing antiretroviral treatment (ART) in HIV-infected patients (n = 1433; median CD4 count 71 cells per microliter, interquartile range: 32-132) attending 3 South African township ART services between 2002 and 2008. The overall median delay was 2.66 months (interquartile range: 1.58-4.17). In adjusted analyses, delays varied between treatment sites but were shorter for patients with lower CD4 counts and those treated in more recent calendar years. During the most recent period (2007-2008), 4.7%, 19.7%, and 51.1% of patients started ART within 2, 4, and 8 weeks of tuberculosis treatment, respectively. Operational barriers must be tackled to permit further acceleration of ART initiation as recommended by 2010 WHO ART guidelines.
Objectives To assess the proportion of patients lost to programme (died, lost to follow-up, transferred out) between HIV diagnosis and start of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in sub-Saharan Africa, and determine factors associated with loss to programme. Methods Systematic review and meta-analysis. We searched PubMed and EMBASE databases for studies in adults. Outcomes were the percentage of patients dying before starting ART, the percentage lost to follow-up, the percentage with a CD4 cell count, the distribution of first CD4 counts and the percentage of eligible patients starting ART. Data were combined using random-effects meta-analysis. Results Twenty-nine studies from sub-Saharan Africa including 148 912 patients were analysed. Six studies covered the whole period from HIV diagnosis to ART start. Meta-analysis of these studies showed that of the 100 patients with a positive HIV test, 72 (95% CI 60-84) had a CD4 cell count measured, 40 (95% CI 26-55) were eligible for ART and 25 (95% CI 13-37) started ART. There was substantial heterogeneity between studies (P < 0.0001). Median CD4 cell count at presentation ranged from 154 to 274 cells/μl. Patients eligible for ART were less likely to become lost to programme (25%vs. 54%, P < 0.0001), but eligible patients were more likely to die (11%vs. 5%, P < 0.0001) than ineligible patients. Loss to programme was higher in men, in patients with low CD4 cell counts and low socio-economic status and in recent time periods. Conclusions Monitoring and care in the pre-ART time period need improvement, with greater emphasis on patients not yet eligible for ART.
Background In HIV-infected patients, prediction of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease remains difficult. A protective role of mannan-binding lectin (MBL) and ficolins against CMV disease has been reported after transplantation, but the impact in HIV-infected patients is unclear. Methods In a case-control study nested within the Swiss HIV Cohort Study, we investigated associations between plasma levels of MBL/ficolins and CMV disease. We compared HIV-infected patients with CMV disease (cases) to CMV-seropositive patients without CMV disease (controls) matched for CD4 T-cells, sampling time, and use of combination antiretroviral therapy. MBL and M-ficolin, L-ficolin, and H-ficolin were quantified using ELISA. Results We analysed 105 cases and 105 matched controls. CMV disease was neither associated with MBL (odds ratio [OR] 1.03 per log10 ng/mL increase (95% CI 0.73–1.45)) nor with ficolins (OR per log10 ng/mL increase 0.66 (95% CI 0.28–1.52), 2.34 (95% CI 0.44–12.36), and 0.89 (95% CI 0.26–3.03) for M-ficolin, L-ficolin, and H-ficolin, respectively). We found no evidence of a greater association between MBL and CMV disease in patients with low CD4 counts; however in the multivariable analysis, CMV disease was more likely in patients with an increased HIV RNA (OR 1.53 per log10 copies/mL; 95% CI 1.08–2.16), or a shorter duration of HIV-infection (OR 0.91 per year; 95% CI 0.84–0.98). Conclusions CMV disease is not associated with low levels of MBL/ficolins, suggesting a lack of a protective role in HIV-infected patients.
Discontinuation of maintenance therapy against toxoplasma encephalitis (TE) for individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving successful anti-retroviral therapy is considered safe. Nevertheless, there are few published studies concerning this issue. Within the setting of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study, this report describes a prospective study of discontinuation of maintenance therapy against TE in patients with a sustained increase of CD4 counts to > 200 cells/microL and 14% of total lymphocytes, and no active lesions on cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In addition to clinical evaluation, cerebral MRI was performed at baseline, and 1 and 6 months following discontinuation. Twenty-six AIDS patients with a history of TE agreed to participate, but three patients (11%) could not be enrolled because they still showed enhancing cerebral lesions without a clinical correlate. One patient refused MRI after 6 months while clinically asymptomatic. Among the remaining 22 patients who discontinued maintenance therapy, one relapsed after 3 months. During a total follow-up of 58 patient-years, there was no TE relapse among the patients who had remained clinically and radiologically free of relapse during the study. Thus, discontinuation of maintenance therapy against TE was generally safe, but may fail in a minority of patients. Patients who remain clinically and radiologically free of relapse at 6 months after discontinuation are unlikely to experience a relapse of TE.
A combination of oral zidovudine (250 mg twice daily) and subcutaneous interferon-alpha (10 x 10(6) units daily) was evaluated for clinical, antiretroviral, and immunological efficacy and for side effects in 17 patients with AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma. Fifteen patients were evaluable. During the study period of 12 weeks, tumor responses were complete in two patients and partial in two patients (27% major response rate). Minimal responses were seen in two patients (40% overall response rate). An anti-HIV effect (reduction of serum p24 antigen by 70% or more) was observed in seven of ten evaluable patients who were initially antigenemic. CD4 lymphocyte counts remained unchanged. In six patients who had either a tumor response or a marked decline of HIV antigenemia, the treatment was continued between 12 and 59 weeks beyond the study period. Two of four patients with tumor regression at 12 weeks had an additional tumor response in this period despite prior dose reduction of interferon due to toxicity. Late progression of KS was eventually observed in four of six patients on prolonged treatment. The responsiveness of Kaposi's sarcoma seen in this study in patients with low CD4 counts and prior constitutional symptoms (fever, weight loss) was unexpected and needs further confirmation by larger patient groups. Dose-limiting toxicities were bone marrow depression (severe anemia in four and neutropenia with anemia in two patients), subjective adverse experiences (fever, fatigue, myalgia; four patients) and both (two patients).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
BACKGROUND The possible impact of coinfection with the Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpes virus (KSHV) on the response to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is unknown. Prospective studies are rare, particularly in Africa. METHODS We enrolled a prospective cohort of HIV-infected adults initiating ART in Johannesburg, South Africa. The subjects were defined as seropositive to KSHV if they were reactive to either KSHV lytic K8.1 or latent Orf73 antigen or to both. The subjects were followed from ART initiation until 18 months of treatment. HIV viral load and CD4 counts were tested 6 monthly. Linear generalized estimating and log-binomial regression models were used to estimate the effect of KSHV infection on immunologic recovery and response and HIV viral load suppression within 18 months after ART initiation. RESULTS Three hundred eighty-five subjects initiating ART from November 2008 to March 2009 were considered to be eligible including 184 (48%) KSHV+. The KSHV+ group was similar to the KSHV- in terms of age, gender, initiating CD4 count, body mass index, tuberculosis, and hemoglobin levels. The KSHV+ group gained a similar number of cells at 6 [difference of 10 cells per cubic millimeter, 95% confidence interval (CI): -11 to 31], 12 (3 cells per cubic millimeter, 95% CI: -19 to 25), and 18 months (24 cells per cubic millimeter, 95% CI: -13 to 61) compared with that gained by the KSHV- group. Adjusted relative risk of failure to suppress viral load to <400 copies per milliliter (1.03; 95% CI: 0.90 to 1.17) were similar for KSHV+ and KSHV- by 6 months on treatment. CONCLUSIONS In a population with a high KSHV prevalence, HIV-positive adults coinfected with KSHV achieved similar immunologic and virologic responses to ART early after treatment initiation compared with those with KSHV-.
OBJECTIVES Mortality in patients starting antiretroviral therapy (ART) is higher in Malawi and Zambia than in South Africa. We examined whether different monitoring of ART (viral load [VL] in South Africa and CD4 count in Malawi and Zambia) could explain this mortality difference. DESIGN Mathematical modelling study based on data from ART programmes. METHODS We used a stochastic simulation model to study the effect of VL monitoring on mortality over 5 years. In baseline scenario A all parameters were identical between strategies except for more timely and complete detection of treatment failure with VL monitoring. Additional scenarios introduced delays in switching to second-line ART (scenario B) or higher virologic failure rates (due to worse adherence) when monitoring was based on CD4 counts only (scenario C). Results are presented as relative risks (RR) with 95% prediction intervals and percent of observed mortality difference explained. RESULTS RRs comparing VL with CD4 cell count monitoring were 0.94 (0.74-1.03) in scenario A, 0.94 (0.77-1.02) with delayed switching (scenario B) and 0.80 (0.44-1.07) when assuming a 3-times higher rate of failure (scenario C). The observed mortality at 3 years was 10.9% in Malawi and Zambia and 8.6% in South Africa (absolute difference 2.3%). The percentage of the mortality difference explained by VL monitoring ranged from 4% (scenario A) to 32% (scenarios B and C combined, assuming a 3-times higher failure rate). Eleven percent was explained by non-HIV related mortality. CONCLUSIONS VL monitoring reduces mortality moderately when assuming improved adherence and decreased failure rates.
BACKGROUND Few estimates exist of the life expectancy of HIV-positive adults receiving antiretroviral treatment (ART) in low- and middle-income countries. We aimed to estimate the life expectancy of patients starting ART in South Africa and compare it with that of HIV-negative adults. METHODS AND FINDINGS Data were collected from six South African ART cohorts. Analysis was restricted to 37,740 HIV-positive adults starting ART for the first time. Estimates of mortality were obtained by linking patient records to the national population register. Relative survival models were used to estimate the excess mortality attributable to HIV by age, for different baseline CD4 categories and different durations. Non-HIV mortality was estimated using a South African demographic model. The average life expectancy of men starting ART varied between 27.6 y (95% CI: 25.2-30.2) at age 20 y and 10.1 y (95% CI: 9.3-10.8) at age 60 y, while estimates for women at the same ages were substantially higher, at 36.8 y (95% CI: 34.0-39.7) and 14.4 y (95% CI: 13.3-15.3), respectively. The life expectancy of a 20-y-old woman was 43.1 y (95% CI: 40.1-46.0) if her baseline CD4 count was ≥ 200 cells/µl, compared to 29.5 y (95% CI: 26.2-33.0) if her baseline CD4 count was <50 cells/µl. Life expectancies of patients with baseline CD4 counts ≥ 200 cells/µl were between 70% and 86% of those in HIV-negative adults of the same age and sex, and life expectancies were increased by 15%-20% in patients who had survived 2 y after starting ART. However, the analysis was limited by a lack of mortality data at longer durations. CONCLUSIONS South African HIV-positive adults can have a near-normal life expectancy, provided that they start ART before their CD4 count drops below 200 cells/µl. These findings demonstrate that the near-normal life expectancies of HIV-positive individuals receiving ART in high-income countries can apply to low- and middle-income countries as well. Please see later in the article for the Editors' Summary.
BACKGROUND The use of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) comprising three antiretroviral medications from at least two classes of drugs is the current standard treatment for HIV infection in adults and children. Current World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for antiretroviral therapy recommend early treatment regardless of immunologic thresholds or the clinical condition for all infants (less than one years of age) and children under the age of two years. For children aged two to five years current WHO guidelines recommend (based on low quality evidence) that clinical and immunological thresholds be used to identify those who need to start cART (advanced clinical stage or CD4 counts ≤ 750 cells/mm(3) or per cent CD4 ≤ 25%). This Cochrane review will inform the current available evidence regarding the optimal time for treatment initiation in children aged two to five years with the goal of informing the revision of WHO 2013 recommendations on when to initiate cART in children. OBJECTIVES To assess the evidence for the optimal time to initiate cART in treatment-naive, HIV-infected children aged 2 to 5 years. SEARCH METHODS We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, EMBASE, the AEGIS conference database, specific relevant conferences, www.clinicaltrials.gov, the World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry platform and reference lists of articles. The date of the most recent search was 30 September 2012. SELECTION CRITERIA Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that compared immediate with deferred initiation of cART, and prospective cohort studies which followed children from enrolment to start of cART and on cART. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS Two review authors considered studies for inclusion in the review, assessed the risk of bias, and extracted data on the primary outcome of death from all causes and several secondary outcomes, including incidence of CDC category C and B clinical events and per cent CD4 cells (CD4%) at study end. For RCTs we calculated relative risks (RR) or mean differences with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). For cohort data, we extracted relative risks with 95% CI from adjusted analyses. We combined results from RCTs using a random effects model and examined statistical heterogeneity. MAIN RESULTS Two RCTs in HIV-positive children aged 1 to 12 years were identified. One trial was the pilot study for the larger second trial and both compared initiation of cART regardless of clinical-immunological conditions with deferred initiation until per cent CD4 dropped to <15%. The two trials were conducted in Thailand, and Thailand and Cambodia, respectively. Unpublished analyses of the 122 children enrolled at ages 2 to 5 years were included in this review. There was one death in the immediate cART group and no deaths in the deferred group (RR 2.9; 95% CI 0.12 to 68.9). In the subgroup analysis of children aged 24 to 59 months, there was one CDC C event in each group (RR 0.96; 95% CI 0.06 to 14.87) and 8 and 11 CDC B events in the immediate and deferred groups respectively (RR 0.95; 95% CI 0.24 to 3.73). In this subgroup, the mean difference in CD4 per cent at study end was 5.9% (95% CI 2.7 to 9.1). One cohort study from South Africa, which compared the effect of delaying cART for up to 60 days in 573 HIV-positive children starting tuberculosis treatment (median age 3.5 years), was also included. The adjusted hazard ratios for the effect on mortality of delaying ART for more than 60 days was 1.32 (95% CI 0.55 to 3.16). AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS This systematic review shows that there is insufficient evidence from clinical trials in support of either early or CD4-guided initiation of ART in HIV-infected children aged 2 to 5 years. Programmatic issues such as the retention in care of children in ART programmes in resource-limited settings will need to be considered when formulating WHO 2013 recommendations.