994 resultados para CC98-414


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Recent organisational and technological changes à la Uber have generated a new labour market fringe: a digital class of workers and contractors. In this paper we study the case of CoContest, a crowdsourcing platform for interior design. Our objective is to investigate how profitable this type of work can be, also from a cross-country perspective, and why professionals choose to supply work on such a platform. Given the low returns, one might expect to see a pattern of northern employer/southern contractor. Yet analysis reveals a more nuanced pattern, in which designers supply their work even if they live in Italy, which is a high-income country. For these designers work on CoContest can make sense if they are new to the labour market and face high entry barriers, although crowdsourcing does not offer them profitable employment full time. The case of Serbia, the second-largest supplier of designers, is different, however. As a result of differences in purchasing power, if the market grows experienced Serbian designers can expect to make a living from crowdsourced contracts.


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Pub. also in the Gazzetta ufficiale, 6 July 1909, no. 156.


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"H. Con. Res. 239, H.J. Res. 414, H. Con. Res. 293, H. Con. Res. 292, H. Con. Res. 306, H. Con. Res. 311, H. Con. Res. 305, H. Con. Res. 156, H. Con. Res. 297, H. Con. Res. 299, H. Con. Res. 461, H. Con. Res. 232, H.R. 4761, H.R. 994, H.R. 5412, H. Con. Res. 179, H.R. 5360, S.J. Res. 310, H. Con. Res. 348, H.R. 3215, H.R. 4537, H.R. 4483, H.R. 4059, H. Con. Res. 352, H. Res. 497, H.R. 5751, and H.R. 5360."


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Ongoing quest for finding treatment against memory loss seen in aging and in many neurological and neurodegenerative diseases, so far has been unsuccessful and memory enhancers are seen as a potential remedy against this brain dysfunction. Recently, we showed that gene corresponding to a protein called regulator of G-protein signaling 14 of 414 amino acids (RGS14414) is a robust memory enhancer (Lopez-Aranda et al. 2009: Science). RGS14414-treatment in area V2 of visual cortex caused memory enhancement to such extent that it converted short-term object recognition memory (ORM) of 45min into long lasting long-term memory that could be traced even after many months. Now, through targeting of multiple receptors and molecules known to be involved in memory processing, we found that GluR2 subunit of AMPA receptor might be key to memory enhancement in RGS-animals. RGS14-animals showed a progressive increase in GluR2 protein expression while processing an object information which reached to highest level after 60min of object exposure, a time period required for conversion of short-term ORM into long-term memory in our laboratory set up. Normal rats could retain an object information in brain for 45min (short-term) and not for 60min. However, RGS-treated rats are able to retain the same information for 24h or longer (long-term). Therefore, highest expression of GluR2 subunit seen at 60min suggests that this protein might be key in memory enhancement and conversion to long-term memory in RGS-animals. In addition, we will also discuss the implication of Hebbian plasticity and interaction of brain circuits in memory enhancement.


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A large proportion of human populations suffer memory impairments either caused by normal aging or afflicted by diverse neurological and neurodegenerative diseases. Memory enhancers and other drugs tested so far against memory loss have failed to produce therapeutic efficacy in clinical trials and thus, there is a need to find remedy for this mental disorder. In search for cure of memory loss, our laboratory discovered a robust memory enhancer called RGS14(414). A treatment in brain with its gene produces an enduring effect on memory that lasts for lifetime of rats. Therefore, current thesis work was designed to investigate whether RGS14(414) treatment can prevent memory loss and furthermore, explore through biological processes responsible for RGS-mediated memory enhancement. We found that RGS14(414) gene treatment prevented episodic memory loss in rodent models of normal aging and Alzheimer´s disease. A memory loss was observed in normal rats at 18 months of age; however, when they were treated with RGS14(414) gene at 3 months of age, they abrogated this deficit and their memory remained intact till the age of 22 months. In addition to normal aging rats, effect of memory enhancer treatment in mice model of Alzheimer´s disease (AD-mice) produced a similar effect. AD-mice subjected to treatment with RGS14(414) gene at the age of 2 months, a period when memory was intact, showed not only a prevention in memory loss observed at 4 months of age but also they were able to maintain normal memory after 6 months of the treatment. We posit that long-lasting effect on memory enhancement and prevention of memory loss mediated through RGS14(414) might be due to a permanent structural change caused by a surge in neuronal connections and enhanced neuronal remodeling, key processes for long-term memory formation. A neuronal arborization analysis of both pyramidal and non-pyramidal neurons in brain of RGS14(414)-treated rats exhibited robust rise in neurites outgrowth of both kind of cells, and an increment in number of branching from the apical dendrite of pyramidal neurons, reaching to almost three times of the control animals. To further understand of underlying mechanism by which RGS14(414) induces neuronal arborization, we investigated into neurotrophic factors. We observed that RGS14 treatment induces a selective increase in BDNF. Role of BDNF in neuronal arborization, as well as its implication in learning and memory processes is well described. In addition, our results showing a dynamic expression pattern of BDNF during ORM processing that overlapped with memory consolidation further support the idea of the implication of this neurotrophin in formation of long-term memory in RGS-animals. On the other hand, in studies of expression profiling of RGS-treated animals, we have demonstrated that 14-3-3ζ protein displays a coherent relationship to RGS-mediated ORM enhancement. Recent studies have demonstrated that the interaction of receptor for activated protein kinase 1 (RACK1) with 14-3-3ζ is essential for its nuclear translocation, where RACK1-14-3-3ζ complex binds at promotor IV region of BDNF and promotes an increase in BDNF gene transcription. These observations suggest that 14-3-3ζ might regulate the elevated level of BDNF seen in RGS14(414) gene treated animals. Therefore, it seems that RGS-mediated surge in 14-3-3ζ causes elevated BDNF synthesis needed for neuronal arborization and enhanced ORM. The prevention of memory loss might be mediated through a restoration in BDNF and 14-3-3ζ protein levels, which are significantly decreased in aging and Alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, our results demonstrate that RGS14(414) treatment could be a viable strategy against episodic memory loss.


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Surfactin, a lipopeptide produced by strains of Bacillus subtilis, has been proved to be a suitable biosurfactant in several applications. For many years, it has been investigated mainly for oil recovery and environmental usage. Its chemical, technological and functional characteristics turn surfactin into an attractive compound for several utilizations. In this review we emphasize some aspects of surfactin as a new food ingredient and its potential pharmaceutical and health applications.


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OBJETIVO: Verificar a prevalência e os fatores associados aos hábitos de sucção não nutritiva em crianças pré-escolares matriculadas em creches e pré-escolas de Natal (RN). MÉTODOS: Foi conduzido um estudo transversal com 1.190 crianças de ambos os sexos na faixa etária de 3 a 5 anos, matriculadas em creches e pré-escolas de Natal. Não foram incluídas no estudo crianças com fendas labiopalatinas, desordens temporomandibulares, ou aquelas submetidas a tratamento ortodôntico e/ou ortopédico; também não fizeram parte da amostra instituições de ensino especializadas em crianças portadoras de deficiência. Utilizou-se um questionário estruturado, respondido pelos pais ou responsável, com dados sobre a instituição, sexo e idade das crianças, escolaridade dos pais e questões relacionadas aos hábitos. A análise dos dados foi realizada através do teste do qui-quadrado e a regressão logística. RESULTADOS: Obteve-se prevalência de 40,2% de hábitos de sucção não nutritiva, dos quais 27,7% eram de sucção de chupeta e 12,5% de dedo. Os hábitos de sucção apresentaram maior percentual para o sexo feminino, destacando-se a sucção de dedo (p = 0,02); em crianças com menos idade destacou-se a sucção de chupeta (p = 0,0006). Observou-se maior frequência de sucção de chupeta e de dedo, respectivamente, para o nível superior (p < 0,05) e fundamental (p < 0,05) de escolaridade dos pais. A regressão logística demonstrou que a menor idade dos indivíduos (p = 0,033) e o nível médio de escolaridade dos pais (p = 0,035) são fatores independentes para a persistência dos hábitos. CONCLUSÃO: Verificou-se uma alta prevalência de realização dos hábitos de sucção não nutritiva, apresentando como fatores de destaque a menor idade das crianças e o nível médio de escolaridade dos pais.