953 resultados para CASTOR BEAN


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The development of new fuels is an important field of scientific and technological activities, since much of the energy consumed in the world is obtained from oil, coal and natural gas, and these sources are limited and not renewable. Recently it has assessed the employment of microemulsions as an alternative for obtaining fuel isotropic between phases originally not miscible. Among many advantages, emphasizes the application of substances that provide the reduction of levels of emissions compared to fossil fuels. Thus, this work was a study of various microemulsified systems, aiming to check the performance of the winsor regions front of the use of surfactants: RENEX 18 → 150, UNITOL L-60 → L-100 and AMIDA 60, together with structure of esters from soybean and castor bean oils. From the results it were chosen four systems to physico-chemical analyzes: System I RENEX 60, Soil bean oil, methylic ester (EMOS) and water; System II RENEX 60/AMIDA 60, EMOS and water; System III RENEX 70, mamona oil methylic ester (EMOM) and water and System IV RENEX 95, EMOM and water. The tests of physico-chemical characterization and study of temperature increase were done with nine points with different compositions in a way to include the interest area (microemulsion W/O). After this study, was conducted a modeling to predict the viscosity, the property is more varied as function of compositions systems changes. The best results were the systems II and IV with a temperature stability above 60°C. The system I had its physico-chemical characterization very similar to a fossil fuel. The system II was the best one due to its corrosivity be stable. In the modeling the four systems had shown good, with an error that varied between 5 and 18%, showing to be possible the viscosity prediction from the composition of the system. The effects the microemulsion and the engine´s performance with the microemulsion were also avaliated. The tests were performed in a cycle-diesel engine. The potency and consumption were analysed. Results show a slight increase the rendiment fuel compared with the conventional as well as a decrease in specific consumption


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The present research had as objective to evaluate the influence of raceme and fruit position on physiological quality of castor bean seeds (Ricinus communis L.) during storage of cultivar AL Guarany 2002. The treatments were: position of the raceme in plants (primary, secondary and tertiary) and position of fruit in racemes (low, medium and high). After fruit extraction, seeds were stored under environmental conditions for twelve months. The experimental design used was the completely randomized in a split-plot arrangement. Main plots consisted of the interaction raceme x fruit position and subplots were the storage time. Physiological quality was evaluated quarterly through tests of moisture content, germination and vigor (first count, accelerated aging, seedling length and seedling dry matter). Neither the position of racemes in the plant nor fruit in racemes does not affect germination of castor bean seeds. Dormancy of castor bean seeds decreases during storage, but also increases percentage of abnormal seedlings, seedling dry matter and root, hypocotyl and seedling total length.


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Three trials were carry out at Garca Municipal County, São Paulo, Brazil in order to study the effects of sowing depth of three castor bean cultivars submitted or not to dinitroaniline herbicides application in pre-emergency. The three cultivars chosen as fllow: AL Guarany 2002 variety and Iris and Savana hybrids. The experiments were disposed in randomized complete blocks, with fifteen treatments and four replications, by using factorial scheme 5x3, composed by sowing in 2,5; 5,0; 10,0; 15,0 and 20,0 cm depths with application in pre-emergency condition of the herbicides: trifluralin (1125 g a.i. ha(-1)), pendimethalin (1500 g a.i. ha(-1)) and check without herbicide (hand-hold check). Only the sowing depths of 2.5 and 20.0 significantly reduced the initial development of castor bean cultivars AL Guarany 2002 and Iris, without interfering in characteristics number of leaves, stem diameter, insertion height of first raceme and yield. Trifluralin application has increased significantly AL Guarany 2002 yield, in sowings from 5.0 cm deep, unlike Iris and Savana hybrids, where most of sowing depths studied, resulted in yield declines. Pendimethalin herbicide presented high selectivity mainly for AL Guarany 2002 and Savana cultivars, characterizing, generally as the safest option castor bean crop.


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Low height castor bean hybrids and highly productive possibly need larger quantity of macronutients during its development cycle. However, in Brazil there is little information on extraction and exportation of macronutrients by low height castor bean hybrids, as on season as out-of-season growing. This study aimed to evaluate the nutrients extraction and exportation by Savana hybrid castor bean on season and out-of-season growing. The experiments were conducted during the season of 2005/2006 and out-of-season of 2006 in an Oxisol. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications. The plots were consisted by harvest times of plants, which were composed by six plant rows to 5 m, spaced 0.45 m between rows. Samples were collected at 17, 31, 45, 59, 73, 97 and 120 days after emergence (DAE) during the season and at 17, 31, 45, 59, 80; 100 and 120 DAE in the out-of-season. The nutrients accumulation by Savana hybrid was small until the flowering (30 DAE), but intensified after this period. The period of greatest nutrient absorption occurred at 65 and 90 DAE for N, 70 and 80 DAE for P, 60 DAE for K and Mg, 55 and 60 DAE for Ca and S. The amounts absorbed per hectare by hybrid Savana ranged 155 to 31 kg of N, 17 to 3 kg of P, 71 to 13 kg of K, 56 to 12 kg of Ca, 28 to 4 kg of Mg and 29,5 to 7 kg of S in season and out-of-season, respectively. The yield was higher in growing season, but the nutrients extraction and exportation per ton of grain were similar among the seasons. Among 40% and 50% of N and S and most part of Mg, K and Ca accumulated in the plants returned to soil with crop residues, but less than 35% of P remained in the residues.


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Information about micronutrients extraction and exportation by castor bean hybrids of short stature, and the periods of highest demand for each micronutrient, are most importance for correct management to fertilization. This study aimed to evaluate the micronutrients extraction and exportation by Savana hybrid castor bean, on season and out-of-season growing. The experiments were conducted during season of 2005/2006 and out-of-season of 2006 in an Oxisol. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications. The plots were consisted by harvest times of plants, which were carried out at 17, 31, 45, 59, 73, 97 and 120 days after emergence (DAE) during the season and at 17, 31, 45, 59, 80; 100 and 120 DAE in the out-of-season. In both seasons the order of micronutrients extraction by hybrid Savanna is: Fe> Mn> Zn> B> Cu> Mo, but with larger amounts of season cultivation. The time of greatest Zn and Mo absorption during the season and the Fe in out-of-season occurs at 80 DAE, although the other micronutrients are absorbed at higher rates between 50 and 65 DAE. In season the yield, nutrients extraction and exportation from soil are higher than out-of-season, but the nutrients extraction and exportation per ton show less variation between growing seasons. Fifty percent of zinc and 60% of Cu uptaken, on average, in out-of-season is exported with grains, but for the other micronutrients the proportion exported with grains is less than 40%.


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A pesquisa da composição do meio de cultura mais adequado à espécie vegetal e ao tipo de explante empregado é o fator de maior relevância da cultura de tecidos. O cultivo de ápice caulinar com recuperação da planta matriz é uma técnica de grande impacto para a propagação de plantas in vitro, regeneração de plantas livres de vírus, conservação de germoplasma e modificação genética. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar composições do meio de cultivo para organogênese direta in vitro a partir de ápices caulinares pertencentes à população FCA-UNESP-PB de mamoneira (Ricinus communis L.), com vistas à propagação clonal de genótipos elite. Foram testadas quatro formulações: MS básico (T1), MS modificado 1 (T2), MS modificado 2 (T3) e WPM (T4), em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com 20 repetições em cada tratamento, sendo a repetição 1 ápice caulinar/frasco. O T3 apresentou-se superior e diferiu significativamente dos outros tratamentos apresentando 35% dos ápices caulinares diferenciados e desenvolvidos; seguiu-se o T2 com 10% e os tratamentos T1 e T4 não apresentaram diferenciação de tecidos. Os resultados permitiram concluir que os balanceamentos de sais minerais nos meios de cultura avaliados, especialmente a relação NO3 / NH4 e ausência de FeSO4.7H2O, indicaram grande influência no desenvolvimento de ápices caulinares de mamoneira.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de doses de calcário e zinco e, a interação destes sobre o desenvolvimento da cultura da mamona. A hipótese deste trabalho é que o aumento de doses de calcário diminui a disponibilidade de zinco no solo para a planta. O experimento foi desenvolvido em estufa para cultivo protegido, sem controle de temperatura, em vasos com 17 dm³ de Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, textura média. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram arranjados num esquema fatorial 3 x 5, sendo os fatores: três saturações por bases (40, 60 e 80%) e cinco doses adicionadas de Zn (0,5; 1,0; 2,0; 4,0 e 8,0 mg dm-3 de solo). Apenas uma planta por vaso foi conduzida até 174 dias após emergência (maturidade fisiológica do racemo primário), quando foi avaliada a produção. Maiores doses de calcário resultaram em maior número de grãos por planta e MS dos grãos por planta. Houve interação V% e Zn na altura da planta, massa seca da raiz, comprimento da parte masculina e total do racemo. No entanto, nenhum destes incrementos refletiu em diferença significativa na massa de 100 grãos da mamoneira.


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The development of research that aim to reduce or even eliminate the environmental impacts provided by anthropogenic actions. One of these main action is the discard of industrial waste in the biotic compartments such as soil, water and air, gained more space in academic settings and in private. A technique of phytoremediation involving the use of plants (trees, shrubs, creepers and aquatic) and their associated microorganisms in order to remove, degrade or isolate toxic substances to the environment. This study aimed to evaluate the potential for phytoremediation of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), wild crops suitable region of Rio Grande do Norte, to reduce concentrations of lead and toluene present in synthetic wastewater that simulate the characteristics of treated water production originated in the petrochemical Guamaré. The experiment was accomplished in randomized blocks in four replicates. Seeds of BRS Energy for the development of seedlings of castor beans and sunflower for Catissol 01, both provided by EMPARN (Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Rio Grande do Norte) were used. Lead concentrations tested were 250, 500 and 1000 mg/L called T2, T3 and T4, respectively, for toluene the concentrations used were 125, 256 and 501 μg/L, called T5, T6 and T7, respectively. The data for removal of lead in relation to sewage systems applied in castor bean and sunflower were 43.89 and 51.85% (T2), 73.60 and 73.74% (T3) and 85.66 and 87.80 % (T4), respectively, and toluene were approximately 52.12 and 25.54% (T5), 55.10 and 58.05% (T6) and 79.77 and 74.76% (T7) for castor and sunflower seeds, respectively. From the data obtained, it can be deduce that mechanisms involved in reducing the contaminants were of phytoextraction, in relation to lead and phytodegradation for toluene. However, it can be concluded that the castor bean and sunflower crops can be used in exhaust after-treatment of industrial effluents that have this type of contaminant


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Com o objetivo de estudar a absorção e translocação do fósforo na cultura da mamoneira, instalou-se um ensaio em vasos com os cultivares 'Campinas' e 'Guarani' e empregou-se o fósforo radioativo (32p) como traçador. Os quatro tratamentos constaram da aplicação ao solo de 65 ppm de P contendo 32p, quando as plantas apresentavam seis, nove, doze e quatorze folhas, respectivamente e cortadas com nove, doze e quatorze folhas e as do quarto tratamento após 21 días da aplicação do fertilizante marcado. Através dos dados obtidos, pode-se concluir que, neste solo com baixo teor de fósforo, a aplicação deste elemento, na época da emissão de ínflorescências primárias, não influi no desenvolvimento das inflorescências, uma vez que se formam as expensas de fósforo previamente acumulado no pecíolo e no limbo, e que para lá se desloca a fim de participar do metabolismo de formação e desenvolvimento. em outros termos, o fósforo, quando aplicado tardiamente, não incrementará a produção dos cachos primários e, consequentemente, não pode esperar que o potencial máximo do cultivar seja atingido, pois os cachos primários representam, no mínimo, 30% da produção total da mamoneira.


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The gray mold, causal organism Amphobotrys ricini, is one of the major diseases of castor bean. Difficulties in managing plant disease arises form the limited understanding of the genetic structure of A. ricini, their complexity and variability make it difficult to control. Genetic structure can be used to infer the relative impact of different forces that influence the evolution of pathogen populations, that allow to predict the potencial for pathogen populations to envolve in agricultural ecosystems. Growers protect their crop by applying fungicides, but there aren t fungicides to provide significant control of gray mold of castor bean. The objectives of this work were use RAPD to determine the genetic structure of A. ricini subpopulations in Paraíba and assay the sensitivity of A. ricini isolates to azoxystrobin and carbendazim. To determine the genetic structure of A. ricini subpopulations in Paraíba, 23 isolates were colleted from two different geographic location (subpopulation). These isolates were analysed by RAPD using 22 random decamer primers, purchased from OPERON, produced a total of 80 markers polimorphics. The resulting matrixes were analysed using PopGene version 1.32. Sensitivity to azoxystrobin and carbendazim of 30 isolates, colleted form Paraíba and Alagoas, was estimated based on spore germination and colony growth inhibition. The stock solutions were added toV8 medium after sterilization to produce final concentrations of 0, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, and 100 µg/ml of carbendazim and 0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, and 10 µg/ml of azoxystrobin. All statistical analyses were performed using SAS to estimate the dose that inhibited fungal growth by 50% (ED50 values). The genetic diversity within subpopulations (Hs=0,271) accounted for 92% of the total genetic diversity (Ht=0,293), while genetic diversity between subpopulations (Gst = 0,075) represented only 7,5%. The estimated number of migrants per generation (NM ) was 6,15. Nei s average gene identity across 80 RAPD loci was 0,9468. Individual ED50 values, for the 30 isolates screened for their sensitivity to azoxystrobin, ranged From a maximum of 0,168 µg/ml to a minimum of 0,0036 µg/ml. The ED50 values for carbendazim varied within the range of 0,026 to 0,316 µg/ml


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Various reports concerning catalytic reaction of glycerol for hydrogen production is available. However, economic analyses of this activity are not found yet. The objective of this work is to evaluate the process of hydrogen production via steam reforming of glycerol obtained through transesterification process of bio-oils. The thermochemical process of steam reforming process was determined due to high efficiency, feasibility and lower cost of design, development, operation and maintenance. These bio-oils come from feedstocks largely encountered in Brazil such as soybean, palm, castor bean, peanut and cotton seed as also come from residues such as defective coffee, tallow beef, wastewater (scum) and others. Various findings were obtained such as potential of production of glycerol utilizing residues (considering available amounts in the Brazilian states) and some vegetable feedstocks (considering production of harvested feedstock per hectare). Subsequently, production of hydrogen via steam reforming of generated glycerol, and foreseen electricity production via fuel cells were also determined. An additional estimation was paid for production of H-BIO, an innovative fuel developed by PETROBRAS (Petroleo Brasileiro S.A.), where hydrogen and bio-fuel are utilized and generates propane as co-product. About this work, it was concluded that high amounts of hydrogen and electricity could be produced considering an enormous potential from each cited feedstock being an attractive alternative as distributed electricity source and as an additional source for some activities, inclusively those that produce their own feedstocks such as abattoirs (beef tallow), and wastewater treatment plants. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Lesões do tecido ósseo podem ser causadas por fatores congênitos e adquiridos e resultar em deformidade nasal com repercussão estética e funcional. O tratamento cirúrgico desses casos requer reconstruções complexas e frequentemente o uso de biomateriais. O poliuretano derivado do óleo da mamona apresenta uma fórmula com aspectos favoráveis de processabilidade, flexibilidade de formulação, ausência de emissão de vapores tóxicos e baixo custo. Entretanto, a despeito dos resultados favoráveis, estudos referentes ao uso do polímero de mamona, avaliando a reação tecidual no dorso nasal, ainda não foram realizados. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo consiste em avaliar histologicamente a biocompatibilidade do implante do polímero de mamona no dorso nasal. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Experimental. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram utilizados quatro macacos-pregos da espécie Cebus apella. Um defeito ósseo foi realizado no osso nasal em todos os animais e colocado um implante de polímero de mamona. A eutanásia foi realizada com 270 dias de pós-operatório, e as amostras foram submetidas a estudo histológico. RESULTADOS: Na análise histológica não foi observada a presença de granuloma de corpo estranho ou células fagocitárias. Progressiva formação óssea e maturação foram observadas. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados macroscópicos e microscópicos mostraram que o implante de polímero de mamona foi biocompatível.


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OBJETIVO: Devido à importância da cicatrização dos defeitos que venham a acometer os tecidos ósseos, este estudo tem o objetivo de avaliar a ação do polímero de mamona durante a neoformação óssea. MÉTODOS: Para isto, um grupo de 45 ratos foi utilizado. Realizou-se a criação de um defeito ósseo na região do arco zigomático de todos os animais, sendo que todos estes defeitos foram preenchidos com o polímero de mamona. Decorridos períodos de 15, 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias, os animais foram sacrificados e seguiram-se as tramitações laboratoriais de rotina para análise histológica. RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostraram que o polímero de mamona auxiliou no processo cicatricial. CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se que o polímero de mamona auxiliou no processo regenerativo do defeito ósseo criado experimentalmente, atuando como um agente osteocondutor.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)