999 resultados para CALCIUM MODULATION
Astrocytes and human cognition: Modeling information integration and modulation of neuronal activity
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We used a computational model of biochemical pathways that are involved in the phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of AMPA receptor to study the receptor responses to calcium oscillations. In the model, the biochemical pathways are assumed to be located immediately under the postsynaptic membrane and we included three states of AMPA receptor: dephosphorylated, and phosphorylated in one or in two sites. To characterize the effects of calcium oscillations on the AMPA receptor, we exposed the model to stimuli with three varying parameters, namely frequency, number of pulses and calcium spike duration. Our model showed sensitivity to all of these three parameters. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
ABSTRACT This works aim was to test whether LTP-like features can also be measured in cell culture and by methods that allow to analyse a alrger number of cells. A suitable method for this purpose is calcium imaging. The rationale for this approach lies in the fact that LTP/LTD are dependent on changes in intracellular calcium concentrations. Calcium levels have been measured using the calcium sensitive dye fura-2, whose fluorescence spectrum changes upon formation of the [fura-2-Ca2+] complex. Our LTP-inducing protocol comprised of two glutamate stimuli of identical size and duration (50 mM, 30 s) which were separated by 35 min. We could demonstrate that such a stimulation pattern gives rise to approx. 25% larger calcium influx at the second stimulus. It has been shown than such a stimulation pattern gives rise to an average of 25% augmentation (potentiation) of the second response, with 69% of potentiated cells. This experimental paradigm shows the pharmacological properties of LTP, established by previous electrophysiological studies:- blocking of NMDARs and mGluRs eliminates LTP induction;- blocking of AMPARs and L-type VGCCs does not eliminate LTP induction. Having obtained a system for induction and following of LTP-like changes, a preliminary application example was performed. Its purpose was to investigate possible influence of nicotine and galanthamine on our potentiation effect. Nicotine (100 mM) was shown both to increase and to eliminate glutamate-induced potentiation. Galanthamine coapplication (0.5 mM) with nicotine and glutamate exerted no effect on nicotinic modulation. However, galanthamine coapplied with glutamate alone seems to augment glutamate-induced potentiation. An LTP model system presented here could be additionally refined, by variation of glutamate application times, and testing for dependence on various forms of protein kinases. Galanthamine effect would probably be better addressed by cell-to-cell measurements instead of statistical approach, with subsequent identification of the cell type. Alternatively, combined calcium imaging â electrophysiological experiments could be performed. Spatial and temporal properties of intracellular ion dynamics could be utilised as diagnostic tools of the physiological state of the cells, thereby finding its application in functional proteomics.
Das Amyloid-Vorläufer-Protein (APP) spielt eine zentrale Rolle in der Entstehung und Entwicklung von Morbus Alzheimer. Hierbei ist die proteolytische Prozessierung von APP von entscheidender Bedeutung. Das Verhältnis von neurotoxischen und neuroprotektiven Spaltprodukten, die über den amyloidogenen und nicht-amyloidogenen Weg der APP-Prozessierung gebildeten werden, ist für das Überleben von Neuronen und deren Resistenz gegen zytotoxische Stress-Stimuli von hoher Relevanz. Störungen der Calcium-Homöostase sind ein bekanntes Phänomen bei Morbus Alzheimer. Im ersten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Rolle von überexprimiertem APP in der Regulation des neuronalen Zelltods nach Calcium Freisetzung untersucht. Die Calcium Freisetzung aus dem endoplasmatischen Retikulum wurde durch die Inhibition der sarko- und endoplasmatischen Calcium-ATPasen (SERCA) ausgelöst. Dies führt zur Induktion der sogenannten „unfolded protein response“ (UPR) und zu einer Aktivierung von Effektor-Caspasen. Für APP-überexprimierende PC12 Zellen konnte bereits zuvor eine im Vergleich zur Kontrolle nach der durch Calcium Freisetzung-induzierten Apoptose eine erhöhte intrazelluläre Calcium Konzentration nachgewiesen werden. Über die Messung der Aktivierung von Effektor-Caspasen konnte zudem ein gesteigerter Zelltod in den APP-überexprimierenden Zellen gemessen werden. Zudem konnte gezeigt werden, dass der pro-apoptotische Transkriptionsfaktor CHOP, nicht aber die klassischen UPR-Zielgene spezifisch hochreguliert wurden. Die APP-modulierte gesteigerte Induktion von Apoptose nach Calcium Freisezung konnte durch Komplexierung der intrazellulären Calcium Ionen und durch Knockdown von CHOP im Vergleich zur Kontrolle gänzlich unterdrückt werden. Ferner bewirkte die Inhibition der Speicher-aktivierten Calcium-Kanälen (SOCC) eine signifikante Unterdrückung der beobachteten erhöhten intrazellulären Calcium Konzentration und der gesteigerten Apoptose in den APP-überexprimierenden PC12 Zellen. In diesem Teil der Arbeit konnte eindeutig gezeigt werden, dass APP in der Lage ist den durch Calcium-Freisetzung-induzierten Zelltod zu potenzieren. Diese Modulation durch APP verläuft in einer UPR-unabhängigen Reaktion über die Aktivierung von SOCC’s, einer erhöhten Aufnahme von extrazellulärem Calcium und durch erhöhte Induktion des pro-apoptotischen Transkriptionsfaktors CHOP. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die sAPPα-vermittelte Neuroprotektion untersucht. Dabei handelt es sich um die N-terminale Ektodomäne von APP, die über die Aktivität der α-Sekretase prozessiert wird und anschließend extrazellulär abgegeben wird. Ziel dieser Versuchsreihe war die neuroprotektive physiologische Funktion von APP im Hinblick auf den Schutz von neuronalen Zellen vor diversen für Morbus Alzheimer relevanten Stress-Stimuli bzw. Apoptose-Stimuli zu untersuchen. Durch die Analyse der Effektor-Caspasen konnte gezeigt werden, dass sAPPα in der Lage ist PC12 Zellen potent vor oxidativem Stress, DNA-Schäden, Hypoxie, proteasomalem Stress und Calcium-Freisetzung zu schützen. Außerdem konnte gezeigt werden, dass sAPPα in der Lage ist den pro-apoptotischen Stress-induzierten JNK/Akt-Signalweg zu inhibieren. Eine Beteiligung des anti-apoptotischen PI3K/Akt-Signalwegs bei der sAPPα-vermittelten Protektion konnte über die Inhibition der PI3-Kinase ebenfalls demonstriert werden, die eine Aufhebung der sAPPα-vermittelten Neuroprotektion bewirkte. Diese Daten zeigen neue molekulare Mechanismen auf, die dem sAPPα-vermittelten Schutz vor pathophysiologisch relevanten Stress-Stimuli in neuronalen Zellen zugrunde liegen. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit wurden verschieden Gruppen von pharmakologischen Substanzen im Hinblick auf ihre neuroprotektive Wirkung untersucht und mit ihren Effekten auf den APP-Metabolismus korreliert. Die Untersuchungen ergaben, dass Galantamin, ein schwacher Acetycholinesterase Inhibitor und allosterisch potenzierender Ligand von nikotinischen Acetylcholin-Rezeptoren in der Lage war, naive, und mit noch höherer Effizienz APP-überexprimierende Zelllinien vor dem Stress-induzierten Zelltod zu schützen. Zudem bewirkte Galantamin in APP-überexprimierenden HEK293 Zellen eine rasche Erhöhung der sAPPα Sekretion, so dass hier von einer Rezeptor-vermittelten Modulation des APP Metabolismus ausgegangen werden kann. Omega-3 Fettsäuren wirken sich positiv auf die Membranfluidität von Zellen aus und es konnte bereits gezeigt werden, dass die Bildung des toxischen Aβ Peptids hierdurch vermindert wird. In Analogie zu Galantamin schützte die Omega-3 Fettsäure Docosahexaensäure (DHA) neuronale Zellen vor dem Stress-induzierten Zelltod, wobei der Schutz in APP-überexprimierenden Zellen besonders effizient war. Diese Daten legen nahe, dass die Aktivierung des antiamyloidogenen Wegs der APP-Prozessierung ein viel versprechender Ansatz für die Entwicklung neuer Therapien gegen Morbus Alzheimer sein könnte.
We have used a recombinant mouse pre-B cell line (TonB210.1, expressing Bcr/Abl under the control of an inducible promoter) and several human leukemia cell lines to study the effect of high tyrosine kinase activity on G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) agonist-stimulated cellular Ca(2+) release and store-operated Ca(2+) entry (SOCE). After induction of Bcr/Abl expression, GPCR-linked SOCE increased. The effect was reverted in the presence of the specific Abl inhibitor imatinib (1microM) and the Src inhibitor PP2 (10microM). In leukemic cell lines constitutively expressing high tyrosine kinase activity, Ca(2+) transients were reduced by imatinib and/or PP2. Ca(2+) transients were enhanced by specific inhibitors of PKC subtypes and this effect was amplified by tyrosine kinase inhibition in Bcr/Abl expressing TonB210.1 and K562 cells. Under all conditions Ca(2+) transients were essentially blocked by the PKC activator PMA. In Bcr/Abl expressing (but not in native) TonB210.1 cells, tyrosine kinase inhibitors enhanced PKCalpha catalytic activity and PKCalpha co-immunoprecipitated with Bcr/Abl. Unlike native TonB210.1 cells, Bcr/Abl expressing cells showed a high rate of cell death if Ca(2+) influx was reduced by complexing extracellular Ca(2+) with BAPTA. Our data suggest that tonic inhibition of PKC represents a mechanism by which high tyrosine kinase activity can enhance cellular Ca(2+) transients and thus exert profound effects on the proliferation, apoptosis and chemotaxis of leukemic cells.
L-type calcium channels are composed of a pore, alpha1c (Ca(V)1.2), and accessory beta- and alpha2delta-subunits. The beta-subunit core structure was recently resolved at high resolution, providing important information on many functional aspects of channel modulation. In this study we reveal differential novel effects of five beta2-subunits isoforms expressed in human heart (beta(2a-e)) on the single L-type calcium channel current. These splice variants differ only by amino-terminal length and amino acid composition. Single-channel modulation by beta2-subunit isoforms was investigated in HEK293 cells expressing the recombinant L-type ion conducting pore. All beta2-subunits increased open probability, availability, and peak current with a highly consistent rank order (beta2a approximately = beta2b > beta2e approximately = beta2c > beta2d). We show graded modulation of some transition rates within and between deep-closed and inactivated states. The extent of modulation correlates strongly with the length of amino-terminal domains. Two mutant beta2-subunits that imitate the natural span related to length confirm this conclusion. The data show that the length of amino termini is a relevant physiological mechanism for channel closure and inactivation, and that natural alternative splicing exploits this principle for modulation of the gating properties of calcium channels.
Previously, it has been shown that laminin will self-assemble by a two-step calcium-dependent process using end-domain interactions (Yurchenco, P. D., Tsi-library, E. C., Charonis, A. S., and Furthmayr, H. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 7636-7644). We now find that heparin, at low concentrations, modifies this polymerization by driving the equilibrium further toward aggregation, by producing a denser polymer, and by inducing aggregation in the absence of calcium. This effect on self-assembly is specific in that it is observed with heparin but not with several heparan sulfates or other glycosaminoglycans: it correlates with affinity and depends on the degree of polysaccharide sulfation. Heparin binds to laminin in a calcium-dependent manner with a single class of interaction (KD = 118 +/- 18 nM) and with a binding capacity of one heparin for two laminins. We find the long arm globule (E3) is the only laminin domain which exhibits substantial heparin binding: heparin binds E3 with an affinity (KD = 94 +/- 12 nM) and calcium dependence similar to that for intact laminin. These data strongly suggest that heparin modifies laminin assembly by binding to pairs of long arm globular domains. As a result the polymer may be stabilized at domain E3 and laminin interdomain interactions induced or modified. We further postulate that heparins may act in vivo as specific regulators of the structure and functions of basement membranes by both altering the laminin matrix and by displacing weakly binding heparan sulfates.
STIM1 and ORAI1 constitute the core machinery of the ubiquitous store-operated calcium entry pathway and loss of function in these proteins is associated with severe immune and muscular disorders. Other isoforms-STIM1L, STIM2, ORAI2 and ORAI3 exhibit varied expression levels in different cell types along with several other interaction partners and thereby play different roles to facilitate, regulate and fine-tune the calcium entry. STIM proteins convey the Ca(2+) store-depletion message to the PM and thereby participate in refilling of the ER by physically interacting with the Ca(2+)-selective ORAI channels at the PM. STIM and ORAI are exposed to oxidative modifications in the ER, the cytosol, and at the cell surface, and redox-mediated alterations in STIM/ORAI coupling might contribute to autoimmune disorders and cancer progression. This review discusses the redox reactivity of cysteine residues in STIM and ORAI isoforms, focusing on the oxidative modifications of STIM and ORAI proteins by which STIM-ORAI signaling can be modulated.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) often results in disruption of the blood brain barrier (BBB), which is an integral component to maintaining the central nervous system homeostasis. Recently cytosolic calcium levels ([Ca2+]i), observed to elevate following TBI, have been shown to influence endothelial barrier integrity. However, the mechanism by which TBI-induced calcium signaling alters the endothelial barrier remains unknown. In the present study, an in vitro BBB model was utilized to address this issue. Exposure of cells to biaxial mechanical stretch, in the range expected for TBI, resulted in a rapid cytosolic calcium increase. Modulation of intracellular and extracellular Ca2+ reservoirs indicated that Ca2+ influx is the major contributor for the [Ca2+]i elevation. Application of pharmacological inhibitors was used to identify the calcium-permeable channels involved in the stretch-induced Ca2+ influx. Antagonist of transient receptor potential (TRP) channel subfamilies, TRPC and TRPP, demonstrated a reduction of the stretch-induced Ca2+ influx. RNA silencing directed at individual TRP channel subtypes revealed that TRPC1 and TRPP2 largely mediate the stretch-induced Ca2+ response. In addition, we found that nitric oxide (NO) levels increased as a result of mechanical stretch, and that inhibition of TRPC1 and TRPP2 abolished the elevated NO synthesis. Further, as myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation and actin cytoskeleton rearrangement are correlated with endothelial barrier disruption, we investigated the effect mechanical stretch had on the myosin-actin cytoskeleton. We found that phosphorylated MLC was increased significantly by 10 minutes post-stretch, and that inhibition of TRP channel activity or NO synthesis both abolished this effect. In addition, actin stress fibers formation significantly increased 2 minutes post-stretch, and was abolished by treatment with TRP channel inhibitors. These results suggest that, in brain endothelial cells, TRPC1 and TRPP2 are activated by TBI-mechanical stress and initiate actin-myosin contraction, which may lead to disruption of the BBB.
In hippocampal neurons, neurotransmitter release can be regulated by protein kinase A (PKA) through a direct action on the secretory machinery. To identify the site of PKA modulation, we have taken advantage of the ability of the neurotoxin Botulinum A to cleave the synaptic protein SNAP-25. Cleavage of this protein decreases the Ca2+ responsiveness of the secretory machinery by partially uncoupling Ca2+-sensing from fusion per se. This is expressed as a shift toward higher Ca2+ levels of the Ca2+ to neurotransmitter release relationship and as a perturbation of synaptic delay under conditions where secretion induced by the Ca2+-independent secretagogue ruthenium red is unimpaired. We find that SNAP-25 cleavage also perturbs PKA-dependent modulation of secretion; facilitation of ruthenium red-evoked neurotransmitter release by the adenylyl cyclase activator forskolin is blocked completely after Botulinum toxin A action. Together with our observation that forskolin modifies the Ca2+ to neurotransmitter release relationship, our results suggest that SNAP-25 acts as a functional linker between Ca2+ detection and fusion and that PKA modulates an early step in the secretory machinery related to calcium sensing to facilitate synaptic transmission.
HIV infection often involves the development of AIDS-related dementia complex, a variety of neurologic, neuropsychologic, and neuropathologic impairments. A possible contributor to AIDS-related dementia complex is the HIV envelope glycoprotein gp120, which damages neurons via a complex glutamate receptor- and calcium-dependent cascade. We demonstrate an endocrine modulation of the deleterious effects of gp120 in primary hippocampal and cortical cultures. Specifically, we observe that gp120-induced calcium mobilization and neurotoxicity are exacerbated by glucocorticoids, the adrenal steroids secreted during stress. Importantly, this deleterious synergy can occur between gp120 and synthetic glucocorticoids (such as prednisone or dexamethasone) that are used clinically in high concentrations to treat severe cases of the Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia typical of HIV infection. Conversely, we also observe that estradiol protects neurons from the deleterious actions of gp120, reducing toxicity and calcium mobilization.
In recent years, mitochondria have emerged as important targets of agonist-dependent increases in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration. Here, we analyzed the significance of Ca2+ signals for the modulation of organelle function by directly measuring mitochondrial and cytosolic ATP levels ([ATP]m and [ATP]c, respectively) with specifically targeted chimeras of the ATP-dependent photoprotein luciferase. In both HeLa cells and primary cultures of skeletal myotubes, stimulation with agonists evoking cytosolic and mitochondrial Ca2+ signals caused increases in [ATP]m and [ATP]c that depended on two parameters: (i) the amplitude of the Ca2+ rise in the mitochondrial matrix, and (ii) the availability of mitochondrial substrates. Moreover, the Ca2+ elevation induced a long-lasting priming that persisted long after agonist washout and caused a major increase in [ATP]m upon addition of oxidative substrates. These results demonstrate a direct role of mitochondrial Ca2+ in driving ATP production and unravel a form of cellular memory that allows a prolonged metabolic activation in stimulated cells.
Most cases of autosomal-dominant familial Alzheimer's disease are linked to mutations in the presenilin genes (PS1 and PS2). In addition to modulating β-amyloid production, presenilin mutations also produce highly specific and selective alterations in intracellular calcium signaling. Although the molecular mechanisms underlying these changes are not known, one candidate molecular mediator is calsenilin, a recently identified calcium-binding protein that associates with the C terminus of both PS1 and PS2. In this study, we investigated the effects of calsenilin on calcium signaling in Xenopus oocytes expressing either wild-type or mutant PS1. In this system, mutant PS1 potentiated the amplitude of calcium signals evoked by inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and also accelerated their rates of decay. We report that calsenilin coexpression reverses both of these potentially pathogenic effects. Notably, expression of calsenilin alone had no discernable effects on calcium signaling, suggesting that calsenilin modulates these signals by a mechanism independent of simple calcium buffering. Our findings further suggest that the effects of presenilin mutations on calcium signaling are likely mediated through the C-terminal domain, a region that has also been implicated in the modulation of β-amyloid production and cell death.
Activation of distinct classes of potassium channels can dramatically affect the frequency and the pattern of neuronal firing. In a subpopulation of vagal afferent neurons (nodose ganglion neurons), the pattern of impulse activity is effectively modulated by a Ca2+-dependent K+ current. This current produces a post-spike hyperpolarization (AHPslow) that plays a critical role in the regulation of membrane excitability and is responsible for spike-frequency accommodation in these neurons. Inhibition of the AHPslow by a number of endogenous autacoids (e.g., histamine, serotonin, prostanoids, and bradykinin) results in an increase in the firing frequency of vagal afferent neurons from <0.1 to >10 Hz. After a single action potential, the AHPslow in nodose neurons displays a slow rise time to peak (0.3–0.5 s) and a long duration (3–15 s). The slow kinetics of the AHPslow are due, in part, to Ca2+ discharge from an intracellular Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) pool. Action potential-evoked Ca2+ influx via either L or N type Ca2+ channels triggers CICR. Surprisingly, although L type channels generate 60% of action potential-induced CICR, only Ca2+ influx through N type Ca2+ channels can trigger the CICR-dependent AHPslow. These observations suggest that a close physical proximity exists between endoplasmic reticulum ryanodine receptors and plasma membrane N type Ca2+ channels and AHPslow potassium channels. Such an anatomical relation might be particularly beneficial for modulation of spike-frequency adaptation in vagal afferent neurons.
Pacing of the marine carbon cycle by orbital forcing during the Pliocene and Pleistocene Ice Ages [past 2.5 million years (Myr)] is well known. As older deep-sea sediment records are being studied at greater temporal resolution, it is becoming clear that similar fluctuations in the marine carbon system have occurred throughout the late Mesozoic and Tertiary, despite the absence of large continental ice sheets over much of this time. Variations in both the organic and the calcium carbonate components of the marine carbon system seem to have varied cyclically in response to climate forcing, and carbon and carbonate time series appear to accurately characterize the frequency spectrum of ancient climatic change. For the past 35 Myr, much of the variance in carbonate content carries the “polar” signal of obliquity [41,000 years (41 kyr)] forcing. Over the past 125 Myr, there is evidence from marine sediments of the continued role of precessional (≈21 kyr) climatic cycles. Repeat patterns of sedimentation at about 100, 400, and 2,400 kyr, the modulation periods of precession, persistently enter into marine carbon cycle records as well. These patterns suggest a nonlinear response of climate and/or the sedimentation of organic carbon and carbonates to precessional orbital perturbations. Nonlinear responses of the carbon system may help to amplify relatively weak orbital insolation anomalies into more significant climatic perturbations through positive feedback effects. Nonlinearities in the carbon cycle may have transformed orbital-climatic cycles into long-wavelength features on time scales comparable to the residence times of carbon and nutrient elements in the ocean.