963 resultados para C peptide


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Currently available treatments for insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus are often inadequate in terms of both efficacy and patient compliance. Gene therapy offers the possibility of a novel and improved method by which exogenous insulin can be delivered to a patient. This was approached in the present study by constructing a novel insulin-secreting cell line. For the purposes of this work immortalized cell lines were used. Fibroblasts and pituitary cells were transfected with the human preproisinulin gene to create stable lines of proinsulin- and insulin-secreting cells. The effect of known β-cell secretagogues on these cells were investigated, and found mostly to have no stimulatory effect, although IBMX, arginine and ZnSO4 each increased the rate of secretion. Cyclosporin (CyA) is currently the immunosuppresant of choice for transplant recipients; the effect of this treatment on endogenous β-cell function was assessed both in vivo and in vitro. Therapeutic doses of CyA were found to reduce plasma insulin concentrations and to impair glucose tolerance. The effect of immunoisolation on insulin release by HIT T15 cells was also investigated. The presence of an alginate membrane was found to severely impair insulin release. For the first implantation of the insulin-secreting cells, the animal model selected was the athymic nude mouse. This animal is immunoincompetent, and hence the use of an immunosuppressive regimen is circumvented. Graft function was assessed by measurement of plasma human C peptide concentrations, using a highly specific assay. Intraperitoneal implantation of genetically manipulated insulin-secreting pituitary cells into nude mice subsequently treated with a large dose of streptozotocin (STZ) resulted in a significantly delayed onset of hyperglycaemia when compared to control animals. Consumption of a ZnSO4 solution was shown to increase human C peptide release by the implant. Ensuing studies in nude mice examined the efficacy of different implantation sites, and included histochemical examination of the tumours. Aldehyde fuchsin staining and immunocytochemical processing demonstrated the presence of insulin containing cells within the excised tissue. Following initial investigations in nude mice, implantation studies were performed in CyA-immunosuppressed normal and STZ-diabetic mice. Graft function was found to be less efficacious, possibly due to the subcutaneous implantation site, or to the immunosuppresive regimen. Histochemical and transmission electron microscopic analysis of the tumour-like cell clusters found at autopsy revealed necrosis of cells at the core, but essentially normal cell morphology, with dense secretory granules in peripheral cells. The thesis provides evidence that gene therapy offers a feasibly new approach to insulin delivery.


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Background: Laparoscopic greater curvature plication (LGCP) is an emerging bariatric procedure that reduces the gastric volume without implantable devices or gastrectomy. The aim of this study was to explore changes in glucose homeostasis, postprandial triglyceridemia, and meal-stimulated secretion of selected gut hormones [glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), ghrelin, and obestatin] in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) at 1 and 6 months after the procedure. Methods: Thirteen morbidly obese T2DM women (mean age, 53.2 ± 8.76 years; body mass index, 40.1 ± 4.59 kg/m2) were prospectively investigated before the LGCP and at 1- and 6-month follow-up. At these time points, all study patients underwent a standardized liquid mixed-meal test, and blood was sampled for assessment of plasma levels of glucose, insulin, C-peptide, triglycerides, GIP, GLP-1, ghrelin, and obestatin. Results: All patients had significant weight loss both at 1 and 6 months after the LGCP (p≤0.002), with mean percent excess weight loss (%EWL) reaching 29.7 ;plusmn2.9 % at the 6-month follow-up. Fasting hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia improved significantly at 6 months after the LGCP (p<0.05), with parallel improvement in insulin sensitivity and HbA1c levels (p<0.0001). Meal-induced glucose plasma levels were significantly lower at 6 months after the LGCP (p<0.0001), and postprandial triglyceridemia was also ameliorated at the 6-month follow-up (p<0.001). Postprandial GIP plasma levels were significantly increased both at 1 and 6 months after the LGCP (p<0.0001), whereas the overall meal-induced GLP-1 response was not significantly changed after the procedure (p ;gt0.05). Postprandial ghrelin plasma levels decreased at 1 and 6 months after the LGCP (p<0.0001) with no significant changes in circulating obestatin levels. Conclusion: During the initial 6-month postoperative period, LGCP induces significant weight loss and improves the metabolic profile of morbidly obese T2DM patients, while it also decreases circulating postprandial ghrelin levels and increases the meal-induced GIP response. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV ) core (C) protein is thought to bind to viral RNA before it undergoes oligomerization leading to RNA encapsidation. Details of these events are so far unknown. The 5ʹ-terminal C protein coding sequence that includes an adenine (A)-rich tract is a part of an internal ribosome entry site(IRES). This nucleotide sequence but not the corresponding protein sequence is needed for proper initiation of translation of viral RNA by an IRES-dependent mechanism. In this study, we examined the importance of this sequence for the ability of the C protein to bind to viral RNA. Serially truncated C proteins with deletions from 10 up to 45 N-terminal amino acids were expressed in Escherichia coli, purified and tested for binding to viral RNA by a gel shift assay. The results showed that truncation of the C protein from its N-terminus by more than 10 amino acids abolished almost completely its expression in E. coli. The latter could be restored by adding a tag to the N-terminus of the protein. The tagged proteins truncated by 15 or more amino acids showed an anomalous migration in SDS-PAGE. Truncation by more than 20 amino acids resulted in a complete loss of ability of tagged C protein to bind to viral RNA. These results provide clues to the early events in the C protein - RNA interactions leading to C protein oligomerization, RNA encapsidation and virion assembly.


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Chlamydial infections are wide spread in koalas across their range and a solution to this debilitating disease has been sought for over a decade. Antibiotics are the currently accepted therapeutic measure, but are not an effective treatment due to the asymptomatic nature of some infections and a low efficacy rate. Thus, a vaccine would be an ideal way to address this infectious disease threat in the wild. Previous vaccine trials have used a three-dose regimen; however this is very difficult to apply in the field as it would require multiple capture events, which are stressful and invasive processes for the koala. In addition, it requires skilled koala handlers and a significant monetary investment. To overcome these challenges, in this study we utilized a polyphosphazine based poly I:C and a host defense peptide adjuvant combined with recombinant chlamydial major outer membrane protein (rMOMP) antigen to induce long lasting (54 weeks) cellular and humoral immunity in female koalas with a novel single immunizing dose. Immunized koalas produced a strong IgG response in plasma, as well as at mucosal sites. Moreover, they showed high levels of C. pecorum specific neutralizing antibodies in the plasma as well as vaginal and conjunctival secretions. Lastly, Chlamydia-specific lymphocyte proliferation responses were produced against both whole chlamydial elementary bodies and rMOMP protein, over the 12-month period. The results of this study suggest that a single dose rMOMP vaccine incorporating a poly I:C, host defense peptide and polyphosphazine adjuvant is able to stimulate both arms of the immune system in koalas, thereby providing an alternative to antibiotic treatment and/or a three-dose vaccine regime.


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The crystal structure determination of three heptapeptides containing alpha-aminoisobutyryl (Aib) residues as a means of helix stabilization provides a high-resolution characterization of 6-->1 hydrogen-bonded conformations, reminiscent of helix-terminating structural features in proteins. The crystal parameters for the three peptides, Boc-Val-Aib-X-Aib-Ala-Aib-Y-OMe, where X and Y are Phe, Leu (I), Leu, Phe (II) and Leu, Leu (III) are: (I) space group P1, Z = 1, a = 9.903 A, b = 10.709 A, c = 11.969 A, alpha = 102.94 degrees, beta = 103.41 degrees, gamma = 92.72 degrees, R = 4.55%; (II) space group P21, Z = 2, a = 10.052 A, b = 17.653 A, c = 13.510 A, beta = 108.45 degrees, R = 4.49%; (III) space group P1, Z = 2 (two independent molecules IIIa and IIIb in the asymmetric unit), a = 10.833 A, b = 13.850 A, c = 16.928 A, alpha = 99.77 degrees, beta = 105.90 degrees, gamma = 90.64 degrees, R = 8.54%. In all cases the helices form 3(10)/alpha-helical (or 3(10)helical) structures, with helical columns formed by head-to-tail hydrogen bonding. The helices assemble in an all-parallel motif in crystals I and III and in an antiparallel motif in II. In the four crystallographically characterized molecules, I, II, IIIa and IIIb, Aib(6) adopts a left-handed helical (hL) conformation with positive phi, psi values, resulting in 6-->1 hydrogen-bond formation between Aib(2) CO and Leu(7)/Phe(7) NH groups. In addition a 4-->1 hydrogen bond is seen between Aib(3) CO and Aib(6) NH groups. This pattern of hydrogen bonding is often observed at the C-terminus of helices proteins, with the terminal pi-type turn being formed by four residues adopting the hRhRhRhL conformation.


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A careful comparison of the distribution in the (R, θ)-plane of all NH ... O hydrogen bonds with that for bonds between neutral NH and neutral C=O groups indicated that the latter has a larger mean R and a wider range of θ and that the distribution was also broader than for the average case. Therefore, the potential function developed earlier for an average NH ... O hydrogen bond was modified to suit the peptide case. A three-parameter expression of the form {Mathematical expression}, with △ = R - Rmin, was found to be satisfactory. By comparing the theoretically expected distribution in R and θ with observed data (although limited), the best values were found to be p1 = 25, p3 = - 2 and q1 = 1 × 10-3, with Rmin = 2·95 Å and Vmin = - 4·5 kcal/mole. The procedure for obtaining a smooth transition from Vhb to the non-bonded potential Vnb for large R and θ is described, along with a flow chart useful for programming the formulae. Calculated values of ΔH, the enthalpy of formation of the hydrogen bond, using this function are in reasonable agreement with observation. When the atoms involved in the hydrogen bond occur in a five-membered ring as in the sequence[Figure not available: see fulltext.] a different formula for the potential function is needed, which is of the form Vhb = Vmin +p1△2 +q1x2 where x = θ - 50° for θ ≥ 50°, with p1 = 15, q1 = 0·002, Rmin = 2· Å and Vmin = - 2·5 kcal/mole. © 1971 Indian Academy of Sciences.


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An unusual C-terminal conformation has been detected in a synthetic decapeptide designed to analyze the stereochemistry of helix termination in polypeptides. The crystal structure of the decapeptide Boc-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-(D)Ala-(D)Leu-Aib-OMe reveals a helical segment spanning residues 1-7 and helix termination by formation of a Schellman motif, generated by (D)Ala(8) adopting the left-handed helical (alpha(L)) conformation. The extended conformation at (D)Leu(9) results in a compact folded structure, stabilized by a potentially strong C-H ... O hydrogen bond between Ala(4) (CH)-H-alpha and (D)Leu(9)CO. The parameters for C-H ... O interaction are Ala(4) (CH)-H-alpha .. O=C (D)Leu(9) distance 3.27 Angstrom C-alpha-H .. O angle 176 degrees, and O .. H-alpha distance 2.29 Angstrom. This structure suggests that insertion of contiguous D-residues may provide a handle for the generation of designed structures containing more than one helical segment folded in a compact manner. (C) 2000 Academic Press.


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The finding that peptides containing -amino acid residues give rise to folding patterns hitherto unobserved in -amino acid peptides[1] has stimulated considerable interest in the conformational properties of peptides built from , and residues,[2] as the introduction of additional methylene (CH2) units into peptide chains provides further degrees of conformational freedom.


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The structural characterization in crystals of three designed decapeptides containing a double D-segment at the C-terminus is described. The crystal structures of the peptides Boc-Leu-Aib-Val-Xxx-Leu-Aib-Val- (D)Ala-(D)Leu-Aib-OMe, (Xxx = Gly 2, (D)Ala 3, Aib 4) have been determined and compared with those reported earlier for peptide 1 (Xxx = Ala) and the all L analogue Boc-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-Val-Ala-Leu-Aib-OMe, which yielded a perfect right-handed a-helical structure. Peptides 1 and 2 reveal a right-handed helical segment spanning residues 1 to 7, ending in a Schellman motif with Ala(8) functioning as the terminating residue. Polypeptide chain reversal occurs at residue 9, a novel feature that appears to be the consequence of a C-(HO)-O-... hydrogen bond between residue 4 (CH)-H-alpha and residue 9 CO groups. The structures of peptides 3 and 4, which lack the pro R hydrogen at the C-alpha atom of residue 4, are dramatically different. Peptide 3 adopts a right-handed helical conformation over the 1 to 7 segment. Residues 8 and 9 adopt at conformations forming a C-terminus type I' beta-turn, corresponding to an incipient left-handed twist of the polypeptide chain. In peptide 4, helix termination occurs at Aib(6), with residues 6 to 9 forming a left-handed helix, resulting in a structure that accommodates direct fusion of two helical segments of opposite twist. Peptides 3 and 4 provide examples of chiral residues occurring in the less favored sense of helical twist; (D)Ala(4) in peptide 3 adopts an alpha(R) conformation, while (L)Val(7) in 4 adopts an alpha(L) conformation. The structural comparison of the decapeptides reported here provides evidence for the role of specific C-(HO)-O-... hydrogen bonds in stabilizing chain reversals at helix termini, which may be relevant in aligning contiguous helical and strand segments in polypeptide structures.


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Trypanosomatids cause deadly diseases in humans. Of the various biochemical pathways in trypanosomatids, glycolysis, has received special attention because of being sequestered in peroxisome like organelles critical for the survival of the parasites. This study focuses on phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) from Leishmania spp. which, exists in two isoforms, the cytoplasmic PGKB and glycosomal PGKC differing in their biochemical properties. Computational analysis predicted the likelihood of a transmembrane helix only in the glycosomal isoform PGKC, of approximate length 20 residues in the 62-residue extension, ending at, arginine residues R471 and R472. From experimental studies using circular dichroism and NMR with deuterated sodium dodecyl sulfate, we find that the transmembrane helix spans residues 448 +/- 2 to 476 in Leishmania mexicana PGKC. The significance of this observation is discussed in the context of glycosomal transport and substrate tunneling. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Due to limited available therapeutic options, developing new lead compounds against hepatitis C virus is an urgent need. Human La protein stimulates hepatitis C virus translation through interaction with the hepatitis C viral RNA. A cyclic peptide mimicking the beta-turn of the human La protein that interacts with the viral RNA was synthesized. It inhibits hepatitis C viral RNA translation significantly better than the corresponding linear peptide at longer post-treatment times. The cyclic peptide also inhibited replication as measured by replicon RNA levels using real time RT-PCR. The cyclic peptide emerges as a promising lead compound against hepatitis C.


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The BDNF receptor tyrosine kinase, TrkB, underlies nervous system function in both health and disease. Excessive activation of TrkB caused by status epilepticus promotes development of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), revealing TrkB as a therapeutic target for prevention of TLE. To circumvent undesirable consequences of global inhibition of TrkB signaling, we implemented a novel strategy aimed at selective inhibition of the TrkB-activated signaling pathway responsible for TLE. Our studies of a mouse model reveal that phospholipase Cγ1 (PLCγ1) is the dominant signaling effector by which excessive activation of TrkB promotes epilepsy. We designed a novel peptide (pY816) that uncouples TrkB from PLCγ1. Treatment with pY816 following status epilepticus inhibited TLE and prevented anxiety-like disorder yet preserved neuroprotective effects of endogenous TrkB signaling. We provide proof-of-concept evidence for a novel strategy targeting receptor tyrosine signaling and identify a therapeutic with promise for prevention of TLE caused by status epilepticus in humans.


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Hemorrhage and resuscitation (H/R) leads to phosphorylation of mitogen-activated stress kinases, an event that is associated with organ damage. Recently, a specific, cell-penetrating, protease-resistant inhibitory peptide of the mitogen-activated protein kinase c-JUN N-terminal kinase (JNK) was developed (D-JNKI-1). Here, using this peptide, we tested if inhibition of JNK protects against organ damage after H/R. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with D-JNKI-1 (11 mg/kg, i.p.) or vehicle. Thirty minutes later, rats were hemorrhaged for 1 h to a MAP of 30 to 35 mmHg and then resuscitated with 60% of the shed blood and twice the shed blood volume as Ringer lactate. Tissues were harvested 2 h later. ANOVA with Tukey post hoc analysis or Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA on ranks, P < 0.05, was considered significant. c-JUN N-terminal kinase inhibition decreased serum alanine aminotransferase activity as a marker of liver injury by 70%, serum creatine kinase activity by 67%, and serum lactate dehydrogenase activity by 60% as compared with vehicle treatment. The histological tissue damage observed was blunted after D-JNKI-1 pretreatment both for necrotic and apoptotic cell death. Hepatic leukocyte infiltration and serum IL-6 levels were largely diminished after D-JNKI-1 pretreatment. The extent of oxidative stress as evaluated by immunohistochemical detection of 4-hydroxynonenal was largely abrogated after JNK inhibition. After JNK inhibition, activation of cJUN after H/R was also reduced. Hemorrhage and resuscitation induces a systemic inflammatory response and leads to end-organ damage. These changes are mediated, at least in part, by JNK. Therefore, JNK inhibition deserves further evaluation as a potential treatment option in patients after resuscitated blood loss.