920 resultados para Câmera anterior
Objective: Distal anterior cerebral artery (DACA) aneurysms represent about 6% of all intracranial aneurysms. So far, only small series on treatment of these aneurysms have been published. Our aim is to evaluate the anatomic features, microneurosurgical techniques, treatment results, and long-term outcome in patients treated for DACA aneurysms. Patients and methods: We analyzed the clinical and radiological data on 517 consecutive patients diagnosed with DACA aneurysm at two neurosurgical centers serving solely the Southern (Helsinki) and Eastern (Kuopio) Finland in 1936–2007, and used a defined subgroup of the whole study population in each part of the study. Detailed anatomic analysis was performed in 101 consecutive patients from 1998 to 2007. Treatment results were analyzed in 427 patients treated between 1980 to 2005, the era of CT imaging and microneurosurgery. Long-term treatment outcome of ruptured DACA aneurysm(s) was evaluated in 280 patients with a median follow-up of 10 years; no patients were lost to follow-up. Results: DACA aneurysms, found most often (83%) at the A3 segment of the anterior cerebral artery (ACA), were smaller (median 6 mm vs. 8 mm), more frequently associated with multiple aneurysms (35% vs. 18%), and presented more often with intracerebral hematomas (ICHs) (53% vs. 26%) than ruptured aneurysms in general. They were associated with anomalies of the ACA in 23% of the patients. Microsurgical treatment showed similar complication rates (treatment morbidity 15%, treatment mortality 0.4%) as for other ruptured aneurysms. At one year after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), DACA aneurysms had equally favorable outcome (GOS≥4) as other ruptured aneurysms (74% vs. 69%) but their mortality was lower (13% vs. 24%). Factors predicting unfavorable outcome for ruptured DACA aneurysms were advanced age, Hunt&Hess≥3, rebleeding before treatment, ICH, intraventricular hemorrhage, and severe preoperative hydrocephalus. The cumulative relative survival ratio showed 16% excess mortality in patients with ruptured DACA aneurysm during the first three years after SAH compared to the matched general population. From the fourth year onwards, there was no excess mortality during the follow-up. There were four episodes of recurrent SAH, only one due to treated DACA aneurysm, with a 10-year cumulative risk of 1.4%. Conclusions: The special neurovascular features and frequent association with anterior cerebral artery anomalies must be taken into account when planning occlusive treatment of DACA aneurysms. Clipping of DACA aneurysms provides a long-lasting result, with very small rates of rebleeding. After surviving three years from rupture of DACA aneurysm, the long-term survival of these patients becomes similar to that of the matched general population.
Embryonic midbrain and hindbrain are structures which will give rise to brain stem and cerebellum in the adult vertebrates. Brain stem contains several nuclei which are essential for the regulation of movements and behavior. They include serotonin-producing neurons, which develop in the hindbrain, and dopamine-producing neurons in the ventral midbrain. Degeneration and malfunction of these neurons leads to various neurological disorders, including schizophrenia, depression, Alzheimer s, and Parkinson s disease. Thus, understanding their development is of high interest. During embryogenesis, a local signaling center called isthmic organizer regulates the development of midbrain and anterior hindbrain. It secretes peptides belonging to fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and Wingless/Int (Wnt) families. These factors bind to their receptors in the surrounding tissues, and activate various downstream signaling pathways which lead to alterations in gene expression. This in turn affects the various developmental processes in this region, such as proliferation, survival, patterning, and neuronal differentiation. In this study we have analyzed the role of FGFs in the development of midbrain and anterior hindbrain, by using mouse as a model organism. We show that FGF receptors cooperate to receive isthmic signals, and cell-autonomously promote cell survival, proliferation, and maintenance of neuronal progenitors. FGF signaling is required for the maintenance of Sox3 and Hes1 expression in progenitors, and Hes1 in turn suppresses the activity of proneural genes. Loss of Hes1 is correlated with increased cell cycle exit and premature neuronal differentiation. We further demonstrate that FGF8 protein forms an antero-posterior gradient in the basal lamina, and might enter the neuronal progenitors via their basal processes. We also analyze the impact of FGF signaling on the various neuronal nuclei in midbrain and hindbrain. Rostral serotonergic neurons appear to require high levels of FGF signaling in order to develop. In the absence of FGF signaling, these neurons are absent. We also show that embryonic meso-diencephalic dopaminergic domain consists of two populations in the anterior-posterior direction, and that these populations display different molecular profiles. The anterior diencephalic domain appears less dependent on isthmic FGFs, and lack several genes typical of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, such as Pitx3 and DAT. In Fgfr compound mutants, midbrain dopaminergic neurons begin to develop but soon adopt characteristics which highly resemble those of diencephalic dopaminergic precursors. Our results indicate that FGF signaling regulates patterning of these two domains cell-autonomously.
Este trabalho, estruturado em três capítulos, é uma análise crítica da Grammatica Expositiva da Língua Portuguesa de Mario Pereira de Souza Lima, publicada em 1937, pela Companhia Editora Nacional, em sua Bibliotheca Pedagógica Brasileira, Serie 2 Livros Didacticos Vol. 70, somente reeditada, em 1945, pela Livraria José Olympio Editora, sob o título de Gramática Portuguêsa. No primeiro capítulo, faz-se a contextualização histórica do surgimento da Grammatica Expositiva, com a apresentação de seus antecedentes e as correspondentes referências às linhas do pensamento gramatical e do pensamento pedagógico que norteavam as publicações dos compêndios didáticos de estudos gramaticais. Mostra-se a filiação teórica da obra compulsada, no segundo capítulo, no qual se examinam as influências incidentes sobre os procedimentos de interpretação adotados por Mario Pereira. A análise da estrutura da Grammatica Expositiva da Língua Portuguesa é feita, criticamente, no terceiro capítulo, com o intuito de aferir o caráter inovador da abordagem que efetua dos conteúdos gramaticais, explicitando-se as suas peculiaridades, quando confrontada com duas outras obras coexistentes: a Grammatica Expositiva (Curso Superior) de Eduardo Carlos Pereira e a Grammatica Secundaria de Manuel Said Ali, a partir dos critérios de conceituação dos fatos e categorias gramaticais, em especial as classes de palavras e as funções sintáticas. Quanto aos fins pedagógicos e ao perfil do corpus, caracteriza-se a obra, através do exame do conceito de uso padrão adotado, majoritariamente literário, com indícios, entretanto, de preocupação com a variação da língua, com alguns indicadores das diferenças entre o uso brasileiro e o português. Selecionam-se, também, temas acompanhados de comentários, com destaque para o novo, para o descritivamente mais consistente. Em conclusão, é assinalada a singularidade da obra, no contexto dos estudos gramaticais realizados, na época de sua publicação, tendo em vista a sua abordagem inovadora, particularmente, no que se refere à perspectiva morfossintática de exame pela qual se inicia
A tese intitulada Luz, Câmera, Ação: Cidade de Deus, entre histórias e memórias tem por objetivo analisar os processos de segregação e de construção identitária no contexto específico do bairro Cidade de Deus, localizado na Baixada de Jacarepaguá, Zona Oeste do Município do Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa refere-se à compreensão das dinâmicas sócio-espaciais que envolveram ou estão a envolver a construção de modalidades de segregação e de produção identitária em Cidade de Deus. A tese focaliza também as trajetórias de determinados moradores que, através de estratégias associadas ao uso da linguagem audiovisual e a apropriação das imagens produzidas sobre o bairro, elaboram biografias bem sucedidas. A coleta de material para tese consistiu na realização de trabalho de campo, que incluiu a observação participante, entrevistas, pesquisas em acervos públicos e privados, no período que compreende trinta meses, entre os anos de 2006 a 2009. As noções de projeto, campo de possibilidades e memória são utilizadas como categorias analíticas na compreensão de ações individuais em interação com o contexto social em que se encontram. Ao final, foi possível compreender interações, percursos, alternativas e processos de mobilidade social em espaços periféricos no contexto da sociedade brasileira contemporaneamente.
El proyecto está encuadrado dentro de la temática de Entrenamiento deportivo, el primer objetivo de este trabajo es el de conocer el función del ligamento cruzado anterior dentro de la articulación de la rodilla. A continuación identificar los diferentes factores que influyen en la lesión del ligamento cruzado en jugadores de baloncesto. Y posteriormente, el trabajo se centra en el desarrollo de un posible programa de prevención de las lesiones que afectan a dicho ligamento y que sirva para reducir el riesgo lesivo en los jugadores de baloncesto. Por lo que la primera parte del proyecto es de carácter fundamentalmente teórico, para ello ha sido llevada a cabo una revisión bibliográfica del tema que nos compete, recopilando y tratando toda la información de manera que pueda ser usada para el posterior desarrollo de la propuesta de plan de entrenamiento. La segunda parte consiste en el desarrollo y presentación del plan de entrenamiento, basándonos en los datos científicos recabados anteriormente, utilizando como base dicha información para fundamentar la objetividad del programa de entrenamiento propuesto.
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo cartografar o devir câmera de um grupo de produção audiovisual para verificar de que forma as novas tecnologias de captura produzem uma transformação na relação com as imagens que poderá ser considerada como produção de uma nova subjetividade. Encaramos como devir câmera o resultado do acoplamento estudante/ câmera de vídeo em suas várias manifestações tecnológicas (handycams, câmeras de fotografia digitais, telefones celulares). Como nosso objeto de pesquisa é formado por alunos de ensino médio-técnico e de graduação, também pretendemos apontar possibilidades para a utilização do audiovisual na educação atuando na construção de novos territórios existenciais, no sentido de gerar processos de singularização através da educação pela arte. Nosso campo conceitual tomará consistência através do uso de autores como Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, Michel Foucault; Kastrup, Escóssia, Benevides, Passos, Suely Rolnik; Michael Hardt, Toni Negri, Peter Pal Pelbart, Gilbert Simondon, McLuhan, Pierre Lévy; Jonathan Crary, Pierre Barboza, e Phillipe Dubois, além da bibliografia técnica/tecnológica da área.
Nas últimas décadas, Enterococcus resistentes à vancomicina tem se destacado no cenário hospitalar em todo mundo. A emergência da resistência à vancomicina no Estado do Rio de Janeiro foi registrada em 2000, na espécie Enterococcus faecalis. Em seguida, Enterococcus faecium passou a ser prevalente. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a diversidade genética das amostras de E. faecium sensíveis (VSEfm) e resistentes (VREfm) à vancomicina, isoladas em diferentes instituições de saúde do Estado do Rio de Janeiro no período de 1993 a 2008. As amostras bacterianas foram avaliadas por metodologia de eletroforese em campo pulsado (PFGE), após restrição com Smal, análise do polimorfismo numérico de segmentos repetitivos (MLVA) e tipagem por sequenciamento de múltiplos loci (MLST); além da detecção de marcadores fenotípicos, como a resistência à ampicilina e à ciprofloxacina, e genotípicos, como determinantes genéticos de virulência, que estão vinculados a um complexo clonal globalmente disperso (CC17). A diversidade de Tn1546 (que alberga o conjunto gênico vanA) foi determinada por amplificação e restrição com ClaI. Um grupo clonal prevalente foi observado pela metodologia de PFGE e agrupou amostras isoladas, principalmente, no período de 2004 a 2006, estando disseminado por diversas instituições de saúde do Estado, indicando transmissão inter- e intra-hospitalar. A avaliação por MLVA identificou dois MTs prevalentes dentre as amostras VREfm: MT12 relacionado à maioria das amostras dos principais grupos clonais identificados por PFGE e, o MT159 que apresentou frequência aumentada no ano de 2008. A análise por MLST destacou o ST78 associado aos principais grupos clonais definidos por PFGE, bem como, ao MT12. Também foi observada correlação entre o ST412 associado ao grupo clonal formado por apenas amostras de 2008 e o MT159. Foi notório por MLST que as amostras VREfm do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, no período do estudo, estiveram relacionadas CC17, juntamente com algumas amostras VSEfm. Entretanto, os principais marcadores de resistência e de virulência, característicos de CC17, estiveram mais relacionados as amostras VREfm do que as VSEfm, como resistência à ampicilina e à ciprofloxacina; e a presença do gene esp e do alelo purK1. A identificação de VSEfm pertencentes ao CC17 sugerem que amostras já adaptadas ao ambiente hospitalar, podem ter adquirdo o determinante de resistência vanA, facilitando a emergência de amostras de VREfm. Adicionalmente, nossos dados sugerem uma modificação no cenário de amostras VREfm no Rio de Janeiro. Pois a dominância de um grupo clonal prevalente (PFGE- X; MT12; ST78) pode estar sendo substituída pela possível emergência de um novo grupo clonal, que foi característico de amostras mais recentes (PFGE-XV; MT159; ST412), apontando assim, para um novo curso na epidemiologia dos E. faecium no Estado. Um perfil de restrição prevalente de Tn1546 idêntico ao protótipo foi observado, apontando que a disseminação da resistência à vancomicina ocorreu por também por transferência horizontal. Entretanto, alterações do tipo deleção e presença de elementos de inserção com aproximadamente 2 kb foram observadas em um número reduzido das amostras. A incongruência no genótipo vanA, em relação ao fenótipo, foi observado para uma amostra. Considera-se fundamental o acompanhamento da disseminação de VREfm, particularmente diante da elevada frequência de amostras pertencentes a um complexo clonal que conjuga multirresistência com virulência, com elevado potencial de adaptabilidade e disseminação.
Healthy siblings of schizophrenia patients have an almost 9-fold higher risk for developing the illness than the general population. Disruption of white matter (WM) integrity as indicated by reduced fractional anisotropy (FA) derived from diffusion tensor
Reward processing is linked to specific neuromodulatory systems with a dopaminergic contribution to reward learning and motivational drive being well established. Neuromodulatory influences on hedonic responses to actual receipt of reward, or punishment, referred to as experienced utility are less well characterized, although a link to the endogenous opioid system is suggested. Here, in a combined functional magnetic resonance imaging-psychopharmacological investigation, we used naloxone to block central opioid function while subjects performed a gambling task associated with rewards and losses of different magnitudes, in which the mean expected value was always zero. A graded influence of naloxone on reward outcome was evident in an attenuation of pleasure ratings for larger reward outcomes, an effect mirrored in attenuation of brain activity to increasing reward magnitude in rostral anterior cingulate cortex. A more striking effect was seen for losses such that under naloxone all levels of negative outcome were rated as more unpleasant. This hedonic effect was associated with enhanced activity in anterior insula and caudal anterior cingulate cortex, areas implicated in aversive processing. Our data indicate that a central opioid system contributes to both reward and loss processing in humans and directly modulates the hedonic experience of outcomes.
Psychological factors play a major role in exacerbating chronic pain. Effective self-management of pain is often hindered by inaccurate beliefs about the nature of pain which lead to a high degree of emotional reactivity. Probabilistic models of perception state that greater confidence (certainty) in beliefs increases their influence on perception and behavior. In this study, we treat confidence as a metacognitive process dissociable from the content of belief. We hypothesized that confidence is associated with anticipatory activation of areas of the pain matrix involved with top-down modulation of pain. Healthy volunteers rated their beliefs about the emotional distress that experimental pain would cause, and separately rated their level of confidence in this belief. Confidence predicted the influence of anticipation cues on experienced pain. We measured brain activity during anticipation of pain using high-density EEG and used electromagnetic tomography to determine neural substrates of this effect. Confidence correlated with activity in right anterior insula, posterior midcingulate and inferior parietal cortices during the anticipation of pain. Activity in the right anterior insula predicted a greater influence of anticipation cues on pain perception, whereas activity in right inferior parietal cortex predicted a decreased influence of anticipatory cues. The results support probabilistic models of pain perception and suggest that confidence in beliefs is an important determinant of expectancy effects on pain perception.
Mesoderm formation plays a crucial role in the establishment of the chordate body plan. In this regard, lancelet embryos develop structures such as the anteriorly extended notochord and the lateral divertecula in their anterior body. To elucidate the developmental basis of these structures, we examined the expression pattern of a lancelet twist-related gene, Bbtwist, from the late gastrula to larval stages. In late-gastrula embryos, the transcripts of Bbtwist were detected in the presumptive first pair of somites and the middorsal wall of the primitive gut. The expression of Bbtwist was then upregulated in the lateral wall of somites and the notochord. At the late-neurula stage, it was also expressed in the anterior wall of the primitive gut, as well as in the evaginating lateral diverticula. No signal was detected in the left lateral diverticulum when it was separated from the gut, while in the right one, the gene was expressed later during the formation of the head coelom in knife-shaped larvae, and in the anterior part of the notochord in the same larvae. In 36-h larvae, only faint expression was detected in the differentiating notochordal and paraxial mesoderm in the caudal region. These expression patterns suggest that Bbtwist is involved in early differentiation of mesodermal subsets as seen in Drosophila and vertebrates. The expression in the anterior notochord may be related to its anterior expansion. The expression in the anterior wall of the primitive gut and its derivative, the lateral diverticula, suggests that lancelets share the capability to produce a mesodermal population from the tip of the primitive gut with nonchordate deuterostome embryos. (C) 1998 Academic Press.
The aim of the study was to compare the efficacy and safety of transvaginal trocar-guided polypropylene mesh insertion with traditional colporrhaphy for treatment of anterior vaginal wall prolapse.This is a randomized controlled trial in which women with advanced anterior vaginal wall prolapse, at least stage II with Ba a parts per thousand yenaEuro parts per thousand+1 cm according to the Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification (POP-Q) classification, were randomly assigned to have either anterior colporrhaphy (n = 39) or repair using trocar-guided transvaginal mesh (n = 40). the primary outcome was objective cure rate of the anterior compartment (point Ba) assessed at the 12-month follow-up visit, with stages 0 and I defined as anatomical success. Secondary outcomes included quantification of other vaginal compartments (POP-Q points), comparison of quality of life by the prolapse quality of life (P-QOL) questionnaire, and complication rate between the groups after 1 year. Study power was fixed as 80 % with 5 % cutoff point (p < 0.05) for statistical significance.The groups were similar regarding demographic and clinical preoperative parameters. Anatomical success rates for colporrhaphy and repair with mesh placement groups were 56.4 vs 82.5 % (95 % confidence interval 0.068-0.54), respectively, and the difference between the groups was statistically significant (p = 0.018). Similar total complication rates were observed in both groups, with tape exposure observed in 5 % of the patients. There was a significant improvement in all P-QOL domains as a result of both procedures (p < 0.001), but they were not distinct between groups (p > 0.05).Trocar-guided transvaginal synthetic mesh for advanced anterior POP repair is associated with a higher anatomical success rate for the anterior compartment compared with traditional colporrhaphy. Quality of life equally improved after both techniques. However, the trial failed to detect differences in P-QOL scores and complication rates between the groups.
BackgroundAnterior open bite occurs when there is a lack of vertical overlap of the upper and lower incisors. the aetiology is multifactorial including: oral habits, unfavourable growth patterns, enlarged lymphatic tissue with mouth breathing. Several treatments have been proposed to correct this malocclusion, but interventions are not supported by strong scientific evidence.ObjectivesThe aim of this systematic review was to evaluate orthodontic and orthopaedic treatments to correct anterior open bite in children.Search methodsThe following databases were searched: the Cochrane Oral Health Group's Trials Register (to 14 February 2014); the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL)(The Cochrane Library 2014, Issue 1); MEDLINE via OVID (1946 to 14 February 2014); EMBASE via OVID (1980 to 14 February 2014); LILACS via BIREME Virtual Health Library (1982 to 14 February 2014); BBO via BIREME Virtual Health Library (1980 to 14 February 2014); and SciELO (1997 to 14 February 2014). We searched for ongoing trials via ClinicalTrials.gov (to 14 February 2014). Chinese journals were handsearched and the bibliographies of papers were retrieved.Selection criteriaAll randomised or quasi-randomised controlled trials of orthodontic or orthopaedic treatments or both to correct anterior open bite in children.Data collection and analysisTwo review authors independently assessed the eligibility of all reports identified.Risk ratios (RRs) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated for dichotomous data. the continuous data were expressed as described by the author.Main resultsThree randomised controlled trials were included comparing: effects of Frankel's function regulator-4 (FR-4) with lip-seal training versus no treatment; repelling-magnet splints versus bite-blocks; and palatal crib associated with high-pull chincup versus no treatment.The study comparing repelling-magnet splints versus bite-blocks could not be analysed because the authors interrupted the treatment earlier than planned due to side effects in four of ten patients.FR-4 associated with lip-seal training (RR = 0.02 (95% CI 0.00 to 0.38)) and removable palatal crib associated with high-pull chincup (RR = 0.23 (95% CI 0.11 to 0.48)) were able to correct anterior open bite.No study described: randomisation process, sample size calculation, there was not blinding in the cephalometric analysis and the two studies evaluated two interventions at the same time. These results should be therefore viewed with caution.Authors' conclusionsThere is weak evidence that the interventions FR-4 with lip-seal training and palatal crib associated with high-pull chincup are able to correct anterior open bite. Given that the trials included have potential bias, these results must be viewed with caution. Recommendations for clinical practice cannot be made based only on the results of these trials. More randomised controlled trials are needed to elucidate the interventions for treating anterior open bite.
Cryotherapy is widely used in rehabilitation; however, its effectiveness after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction remains uncertain. To investigate the effectiveness and safety of cryotherapy following ACL reconstruction through a systematic review, randomized and quasi-randomized clinical trials were searched in the databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, CENTRAL PEDro, SportDiscus, CINAHL, LILACS (June 2013). the primary outcomes measures were pain, edema and adverse events; the secondary outcomes were knee function, analgesic medication use, range of motion, blood loss, hospital stay, quality of life and patient satisfaction. the methodological quality of studies was evaluated using the Cochrane Collaboration risk-of-bias tool. Ten trials (a total of 573 patients) were included. Results of meta-analysis showed that the use of cold compression devices produced a significant reduction in pain scores 48 h after surgery (p < 0.00001), compared to no cryotherapy. the risk for adverse events did not differ between patients receiving cryotherapy versus no treatment (p = 1.00). the limited evidence currently available is insufficient to draw definitive conclusions on the effectiveness of cryotherapy for other outcomes. There is a need for well designed, good quality randomized trials to answer other questions related to this intervention and increase the precision of future systematic reviews. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária