877 resultados para Building, Communication, ICT, Protocol, Smart-Medium Enterprise


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This thesis explores the shift in perception of design from a styling and product-focused tool, towards a holistic strategic approach within a small to medium sized manufacturing company. This research is significant because it demonstrates how design tools and approaches can be used within business to translate theory into operational, strategic and cultural outcomes. The outcomes of this research will encourage other businesses to take on similar design-led projects with the ultimate goal of employing design as a means to create a sustainable competitive advantage.


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This chapter examines the tools and activities (referred to as approaches) used by a catalyst while facilitating a design-led transformation within an Australian manufacturing small to medium enterprise (SME). Design-led innovation (DLI) aids the use of design at a higher strategic level; however few existing studies investigate the relative influence of approaches used by a catalyst while helping a firm to make a transition in the utilisation of design, specifically from a styling tool to a strategic process. This paper identifies the triggers to encouraging a shift toward understanding, utilising and valuing the business level outcomes of design through a range of design tools and activities within the participating company. Through a 12 month action research program, staff interviews and a reflective journal were utilised as data collection techniques to assess the successfulness of the approaches used during this project. It was found that, through the use of both successful and unsuccessful approaches, the catalyst achieved two key outcomes within the firm: 1) Improvements in the firms ability to challenge internal assumptions and standard practices; and 2) the creation of an informed and accurate awareness of company and industry issues. Approaches that made a higher impact of the firm were deemed successful, and were generally relatable to the task at hand, as perceived by employees. Additionally, the sequence in which the approaches were utilised was found to have a direct influence on their successfulness. Learnings from this research will assist future catalysts to facilitate a design-led transformation within a manufacturing SME through the use of design tools and activities with greater effectiveness.


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UNCITRALs operation as a subsidiary of the UN General Assembly, tasked to unify and harmonise international trade law is a necessary and indispensable element of the UNs mandate to maintain international peace and security. Strong legal frameworks which are compatible with those of international trading partners often accompany accelerated growth in economic capacity and stability. Over time, access to markets and resultant growth in economic and human development creates a disincentive for instability as incomes and standards of living rise. Human and economic development, facilitated by a modernised and just legal framework that is available to the broadest range of recipients goes hand in hand with the maintenance of domestic and regional peace, particularly in regions such as the ASEAN , one of the fastest growing in the world covering approximately 30% of global population and with a number of strong global economic neighbours including Japan, Korea, China (to the north), Australia (to the south) and Singapore (to the west). In an increasingly interconnected world, the ability of government, enterprise and individuals to participate in the global supply chain offers opportunities for economic growth and development. Over its almost 50 years of operations, UNCITRAL has produced a range of important texts that are designed to underpin world trade. A key implicit assumption underpinning the development of UNCITRAL texts is that the texts, once adopted can and will be applied in adopting states.


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The rule of law is understood to be a core aspect in achieving a stable economy and an ordered society. Without the elements that are inherent in this principle the possibilities of anarchy, unfairness and uncertainty are amplified, which in turn can result in an economy with dramatic fluctuations. In this regard, commentators do not always agree that the rule of law is strictly adhered to in the international legal context. Therefore, this paper will explore one aspect of international regulation and consider whether the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-border Insolvency (1997) (Model Law) and its associated Guide to Enactment and Interpretation (2013) contribute to the promotion of the key elements of the rule of law.


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<p>With continuing advances in CMOS technology, feature sizes of modern Silicon chip-sets have gone down drastically over the past decade. In addition to desktops and laptop processors, a vast majority of these chips are also being deployed in mobile communication devices like smart-phones and tablets, where multiple radio-frequency integrated circuits (RFICs) must be integrated into one device to cater to a wide variety of applications such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, wireless charging, etc. While a small feature size enables higher integration levels leading to billions of transistors co-existing on a single chip, it also makes these Silicon ICs more susceptible to variations. A part of these variations can be attributed to the manufacturing process itself, particularly due to the stringent dimensional tolerances associated with the lithographic steps in modern processes. Additionally, RF or millimeter-wave communication chip-sets are subject to another type of variation caused by dynamic changes in the operating environment. Another bottleneck in the development of high performance RF/mm-wave Silicon ICs is the lack of accurate analog/high-frequency models in nanometer CMOS processes. This can be primarily attributed to the fact that most cutting edge processes are geared towards digital system implementation and as such there is little model-to-hardware correlation at RF frequencies.</p> <p>All these issues have significantly degraded yield of high performance mm-wave and RF CMOS systems which often require multiple trial-and-error based Silicon validations, thereby incurring additional production costs. This dissertation proposes a low overhead technique which attempts to counter the detrimental effects of these variations, thereby improving both performance and yield of chips post fabrication in a systematic way. The key idea behind this approach is to dynamically <i>sense</i> the performance of the system, identify when a problem has occurred, and then <i>actuate</i> it back to its desired performance level through an intelligent on-chip optimization algorithm. We term this technique as <b>self-healing</b> drawing inspiration from nature's own way of healing the body against adverse environmental effects. To effectively demonstrate the efficacy of self-healing in CMOS systems, several representative examples are designed, fabricated, and measured against a variety of operating conditions.</p> <p>We demonstrate a high-power mm-wave segmented power mixer array based transmitter architecture that is capable of generating high-speed and non-constant envelope modulations at higher efficiencies compared to existing conventional designs. We then incorporate several sensors and actuators into the design and demonstrate closed-loop healing against a wide variety of non-ideal operating conditions. We also demonstrate fully-integrated self-healing in the context of another mm-wave power amplifier, where measurements were performed across several chips, showing significant improvements in performance as well as reduced variability in the presence of process variations and load impedance mismatch, as well as catastrophic transistor failure. Finally, on the receiver side, a closed-loop self-healing phase synthesis scheme is demonstrated in conjunction with a wide-band voltage controlled oscillator to generate phase shifter local oscillator (LO) signals for a phased array receiver. The system is shown to heal against non-idealities in the LO signal generation and distribution, significantly reducing phase errors across a wide range of frequencies.</p>


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Esta pesquisa analisa os sentidos circulantes nos textos publicados (postagens) por professores e Moderadora no Frum de discusso online do Programa Conexo Professor, desenvolvido pela Secretaria de Estado de Educao do Rio de Janeiro (SEEDUC). Parte de dois modos de objetivao das tecnologias da informao e da comunicao (TIC): uma, em que as TIC so apontadas como revoluo tecnolgica no contexto da sociedade da informao; e outra centrada na recontextualizao educacional das TIC. Situa a distribuio de laptops para os professores da rede estadual de ensino no contexto do Programa citado, buscando apreender ambos nos termos do ciclo contnuo de polticas, de Richard Bowe e Stephen Ball. Trata o Frum de discusso online como locus privilegiado e os textos nele produzidos, entre dezembro de 2008 e julho de 2010, como corpus. Assume como alternativa terico-metodolgica a Anlise Crtica do Discurso (ACD), formulada por Norman Fairclough, elegendo como pontos de entrada: o controle interacional, as escolhas lexicais e a modalidade. Investiga, a partir das pistas discursivas detectadas nas postagens, as relaes estabelecidas entre a proposta de incorporao das TIC e a totalidade do trabalho docente. Conclui que os sentidos postos em circulao contestam a centralidade atribuda s TIC, apontando a substituio tecnolgica como tendncia poltica atual, expressa pelo deslocamento da nfase na discusso para o fornecimento de materiais prontos, denominados objetos de aprendizagem


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As novas tecnologias da informao e da comunicao (TIC) j fazem parte da realidade de um grande quantitativo de pessoas. Mesmo aquelas menos favorecidas economicamente, leem, escrevem, fruem e se comunicam na web, incluindo nossos estudantes. No entanto, muitos educadores afirmam que esses mesmos alunos no tm interesse pela leitura e pela escrita. Geralmente, as leituras e textos produzidos no ciberespao por esses estudantes so desconsideradas ou menosprezadas no espao escolar. Diante desse contexto, nosso trabalho prope compreender como os gneros discursivos/textuais lidos e/ou produzidos por alunos no ciberespao so configurados; e no apenas isso, busca refletir sobre possibilidades de a escola inserir gneros, discurso(s) e linguagem (ns) construdos na Internet, no somente a partir de sua recontextualizao na escola, conforme critica Bernstein (1996), mas para alm, entendendo esses gneros e toda a possibilidade que carregam como meios para a interao e para a produo de sentidos diversos. Tendo como base principal as consideraes de Bernstein (1996), Bakhtin (1992; 2006; 2008) e da Anlise Crtica do Discurso de Fairclough (2001), os objetivos desta dissertao so: (1) identificar traos recorrentes presentes nos gneros discursivos/textuais com os quais nossos estudantes, alunos de duas escolas pblicas, com faixa etria entre os 12 e os 19 anos, esto em contato na web, alm de buscar (2) contribuir para a incorporao desses gneros pela escola, refletindo e discutindo com os prprios alunos acerca de caminhos que podem ser trilhados para que a escola, de alguma maneira, abarque os gneros circulantes na Internet, sem deixar de lado os gneros j trabalhados no ambiente escolar


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Computer modelling approaches have significant potential to enable decision-making about various aspects of responsive manufacturing. In order to understand the system prior to the selection of any responsiveness strategy, multiple process segments of organisations need to be modelled. The article presents a novel systematic approach for creating coherent sets of unified enterprise, simulation and other supporting models that collectively facilitate responsiveness. In this approach, enterprise models are used to explicitly define relatively enduring relationships between (i) production planning and control (PPC) processes, that implement a particular strategy and (ii) process-oriented elements of production systems, that are work loaded by the PPC processes. Coherent simulation models, can in part be derived from the enterprise models, so that they computer execute production system behaviours. In this way, time-based performance outcomes can be simulated; so that the impacts of alternative PPC strategies on the planning and controlling historical or forecasted patterns of workflow, through (current and possible future) production system models, can be analysed. The article describes the unified modelling approach conceived and its application in a furniture industry case study small and medium enterprise (SME). Copyright 2010 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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This technical report describes a new protocol, the Unique Token Protocol, for reliable message communication. This protocol eliminates the need for end-to-end acknowledgments and minimizes the communication effort when no dynamic errors occur. Various properties of end-to-end protocols are presented. The unique token protocol solves the associated problems. It eliminates source buffering by maintaining in the network at least two copies of a message. A token is used to decide if a message was delivered to the destination exactly once. This technical report also presents a possible implementation of the protocol in a worm-hole routed, 3-D mesh network.


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Cyber-attacks against Smart Grids have been found in the real world. Malware such as Havex and BlackEnergy have been found targeting industrial control systems (ICS) and researchers have shown that cyber-attacks can exploit vulnerabilities in widely used Smart Grid communication standards. This paper addresses a deep investigation of attacks against the manufacturing message specification of IEC 61850, which is expected to become one of the most widely used communication services in Smart Grids. We investigate how an attacker can build a custom tool to execute man-in-the-middle attacks, manipulate data, and affect the physical system. Attack capabilities are demonstrated based on NESCOR scenarios to make it possible to thoroughly test these scenarios in a real system. The goal is to help understand the potential for such attacks, and to aid the development and testing of cyber security solutions. An attack use-case is presented that focuses on the standard for power utility automation, IEC 61850 in the context of inverter-based distributed energy resource devices; especially photovoltaic (PV) generators.


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No panorama atual do desenvolvimento de software educativo importante que os processos de desenvolvimento sejam adequados e compatveis com o contexto em que sero utilizados este tipo de recursos. Desta forma, importante melhorar continuamente os processos de desenvolvimento bem como se proceder avaliao de forma a garantir a sua qualidade e viabilidade econmica. Este estudo prope uma Metodologia Hbrida de Desenvolvimento Centrado no Utilizador (MHDCU) aplicada ao software educativo. Trata-se de um processo de desenvolvimento simples, iterativo e incremental que tem como alicerces princpios do Design Centrado no Utilizador, especificados na International Organization for Standardization - ISO 13407. Na sua base encontra-se a estrutura disciplinada de processos de desenvolvimento, bem como prticas e valores dos mtodos geis de desenvolvimento de software. O processo constitudo por 4 fases principais: planeamento (guio didtico), design (storyboard), implementao e manuteno/operao. A prototipagem e a avaliao so realizadas de modo transversal a todo o processo. A metodologia foi implementada numa Pequena e Mdia Empresa de desenvolvimento de recursos educacionais, com o objetivo de desenvolver recursos educacionais com qualidade reconhecida e simultaneamente viveis do ponto de vista econmico. O primeiro recurso que teve por base a utilizao desta metodologia foi o Courseware Sere O Ser Humano e os Recursos Naturais. O trabalho seguiu uma metodologia de investigao & desenvolvimento, de natureza mista, em que se pretendeu descrever e analisar/avaliar uma metodologia de desenvolvimento de software educativo, i.e., o processo, bem como o produto final. O estudo fundamentalmente descritivo e exploratrio. A metodologia de desenvolvimento do software (primeira questo de investigao) foi proposta, essencialmente, com base na reviso integrativa da literatura da especialidade e com base nos resultados que emergiram das Fases 2 e 3. Do ponto de vista exploratrio, foi avaliado, por um lado, o potencial tcnico e didtico da 1 verso do software inserido no Courseware Sere (segunda questo de investigao), e, por outro lado, analisar os pontos fortes e as fragilidades da metodologia utilizada para o seu desenvolvimento (terceira questo de investigao). Como tcnicas de recolha de dados recorreu-se a dois inquritos por questionrio e observao direta participante (mediada pela plataforma moodle). Quanto s tcnicas de anlise de dados optou-se pela anlise estatstica descritiva e pela anlise de contedo. Os resultados indicam que o recurso desenvolvido possui qualidade tcnica e didtica. Relativamente a anlise da Metodologia Hbrida de desenvolvimento Centrado no Utilizador foram propostas algumas melhorias relacionadas com o envolvimento do utilizador e introduo de novos mtodos. Apesar de identificadas algumas limitaes, este projeto permitiu que a empresa melhorasse significativamente os processos de desenvolvimento de recursos (mesmo os que no so informatizados), bem como permitiu o aumento do seu porteflio com o desenvolvimento do Courseware Sere.


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In an increasingly competitive global marketplace, the need for golf destinations to differentiate themselves from competitors has become more critical than ever. This paper raises questions about the promotional strategies employed by the golf sector in the Algarve, focusing on internet communication strategies, since this medium has become the biggest driving force towards the commoditisation of all aspects of the tourism experience. By offering a complementary perspective to the field of (critical) tourism studies, and drawing on a qualitative, multi-modal discourse analysis, this work-in-progress looks at the particular ways that representations and images presented on the Algarve golf websites constitute and frame identities (of people and places) and socio-spatial relationships. This paper analyses a corpus of 45 texts collected from official websites of the 40 Algarve golf courses and from five entities which promote the Algarve as a golf destination, along with the golf images that are displayed alongside them. Findings point to salient discursive and visual representations of a global setting enjoyed by the global elite. Whereas the courses positioning in relation to their regional competitors draws on similar discursive strategies which reflect those used in tourism advertising discourses in general e.g. reiteration of explicit comparisons, superlatives and hyperbolic statements -, representations of local emplacedness are not salient; in some cases local place seems to have been almost intentionally suppressed.


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmcia (Qumica Farmacutica e Teraputica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmcia, 2014


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Dissertao para obteno do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotcnica na rea de Especializao de Energia