77 resultados para Buffy,vampyyrintappaja (televisiosarja)


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Teemanumero: Tv-viihde.


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Analyysi YLEn "Suomi on ruotsalainen" -televisiosarjasta.


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Few studies have reported the molecular epidemiological characterization of HIV-1 in the Northern region of Brazil. The present study reports the molecular and epidemiological characterization of 31 HIV-1 isolates from blood donors from the State of Amazonas who donated blood between April 2006 and March 2007. Serum/plasma samples from all donors were screened for HIV antibodies by ELISA and the results confirmed by Western blot analysis. Genomic DNA was extracted from the buffy coat using the Super Quik-Gene-DNA Isolation kit. Nested PCR was performed on the env, gag, and pol regions of HIV-1 using the Gene Amp PCR System 9700. Sequencing reactions were performed using the inner PCR primers and the DYEnamic™ ET Dye Terminator Kit, and phylogenetic analysis was performed using the gag, pol, and env gene sequences. We collected samples from 31 blood donors who tested positive for HIV-1 in confirmatory experiments. The male:female ratio of blood donors was 3.4:1, and the mean age was 32.4 years (range: 19 to 61 years). Phylogenetic analysis showed that subtype B is the most prevalent among Northern Brazilian HIV-1-seropositive blood donors. One HIV-1 subtype C and one circulating recombinant form (CRF_BF) of HIV-1 were identified in the State of Amazonas. This is the first study showing the occurrence of a possible "homogenous" subtype C in this region of Brazil. This finding could contribute to a better characterization of the HIV-1 strains that circulate in the country.


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Tässä pro gradu –tutkielmassa tarkastellaan unkarilaisen Nők lapja café fórum - keskustelupalstan Barátok közt –televisiosarjaa käsittelevässä viestiketjussa käytettyä slangia. Aineisto käsittää 181 slangisanaa ja –fraasia, jotka on kerätty viestiketjuun ajanjaksona 1.1.–29.12.2011 kirjoitetuista kommenteista. Materiaali on rajattu ottamalla tutkimukseen mukaan ne sanat, jotka on mainittu sekä keskustelupalstalla että verkon slangisanakirjoissa Hogymondom tai Népszótár. Kollektiiviselle sisällöntuotolle perustuvat verkon slangisanakirjat yhdessä viestiketjun antaman kontekstin kanssa antavat pohjan slangisanojen merkitysten arviointiin. Käyttäjäyhteisön merkinnät antavat ymmärtää, että osan aineistostani voi laskea kuuluvan yleisslangin piiriin. Viestiketjun keskustelijat muodostavat harrastusryhmään verrattavan ryhmän, jota sitoo yhteen verkkoympäristön ohella paneutuminen televisiosarjaan. Suppean otannan perusteella Barátok közt –viestiketjuun osallistuvat keskustelijat ovat eri-ikäisiä naisia. Ryhmä ei rajoita keskustelun tyyliä sisäisin säännöin, mikä mahdollistaa affektiivisen sanaston käytön. Slangi-ilmaisuja on muodostettu viestiketjussa eniten kielen sisäisin keinoin (54 %). Lisäksi sanoja tuotettu merkitystenmuutosten kautta (30 %) ja lainaamalla (16 %). Kielen sisäiset innovaatiot käsittävät yhdistämisen, deminutiivijohdosten muodostamisen, lyhentämisen, prefiksiverbien tuottamisen ja interjektioista johtamisen. Aineiston perusteella unkarin deminutiivijohtimia käytetään myös slangijohtimien tehtävissä. Merkitystenmuutosten ryhmässä yleisimmät slangisanaston kartuttamisen keinot ovat abstraktistuminen ja sanojen metaforinen käyttö. Kognitiivista metaforateoriaa hyödyntäen sana-aineiston pohjalta on hahmotettavissa kolme skeemaa, joissa ihmistä verrataan eläimeen, kasviin tai koneeseen. Suurimmat lainasanaryhmät ovat romanikielestä, englannista ja saksasta peräisin olevat sitaattilainat. Tärkeimmäksi semanttiseksi keskittymäksi nousee ihmistarkoitteisten substantiivien ryhmä. Näistä substantiiveista 56 % on sukupuolittuneita. Sukupuolineutraaleja on 44 %. Valtaosa ihmiseen viittaavista substantiiveista on sävyltään selkeästi negatiivisia ja ne on tuotettu pääsääntöisesti metaforan kautta. Viestiketjun teemana oleva hahmovetoinen televisiosarja selittää ihmistarkoitteisten substantiivien runsauden.


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La importancia del ahorro de agua sigue siendo una cuestión fundamental para el futuro. Este titulo ofrece un enfoque nuevo para ayudar a los lectores a realizar sus propios experimentos y actividades para aprender más sobre el agua: sus propiedades, su ciclo, agua potable, aguas superficiales y subterráneas. Tiene glosario, bibliografía y direcciones web.


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Es importante que los estudiantes desarrollen habilidades para la lectura de textos de no ficción. Este título aborda temas tales como estados de la materia, el cambio de estado, y el uso de propiedades para clasificar la materia. Tiene bibliografía y sitios web.


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The ability of PCR to detect infections of Theileria parva, the cause of East Coast Fever, in field-collected tick and bovine samples from Tanzania was evaluated. PCR-detected infection prevalence was high (15/20, 75%) in unfed adult Rhipicephalus appendiculatus ticks that fed as nymphs on an acutely-infected calf, but low (22/836, 2.6%) in unfed adult R. appendiculatus collected from field sites in Tanzania. Tick infection prevalence was comparable to that in previous studies that used salivary gland staining to detect T parva infection in field-collected host-seeking ticks. Of 282 naturally-exposed zebu calves, seven had PCR-positive buffy coat samples prior to detection of Theileria spp. parasites in stained huffy coat cells or lymph node biopsies. Evidence of Theileria spp. infections was detected in stained smears of lymph node biopsies from 109 calves (38.6%) and huffy coat samples from 81 (28.7%), while huffy coat samples from 66 (23.4%) were PCR-positive for T parva. Implications of these findings for the sensitivity and specificity of the PCR are discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A study was undertaken to investigate the role of Trypanosoma vivax in sheep and goat mortality and abortions in the Brazilian semiarid region, where outbreaks Had been previously reported in bovines. For this purpose, 177 goats and 248 sheep (20% of herds) were randomly sampled on four farms in the State of Paraiba in May and October 2008. The animals were screened for trypanosomes by the buffy coat technique (BCT) and PCR. Infected animals, similar to 25% in both surveys, manifested apathy, pale mucous membranes, enlarged lymph nodes, weakness, weight loss, opacity of the cornea, blindness and abortion. However, the animals with acute and severe disease showing the highest levels of parasitemia and fever, which many times resulted in death, were only detected in the first survey. These severely diseased animals exhibited progressive weight loss and had the smallest packed cell volume (PCV) values. During survey 2, done in October 2008 on the same farms, only animals with low parasitemia and normal temperatures, PCV values and body weights were detected. Therefore, animals that spontaneously recovered from acute infection developed chronic and asymptomatic disease. This finding demonstrated for the first time that sheep and goats, which are the most important livestock in the semiarid region of Brazil, may be severely injured by T. vivax infection and also play a role as asymptomatic carriers and important sources of T. vivax to ruminants in general. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Leishmania infantum and Trypanosoma cruzi are trypanosomatids of medical importance and are, respectively, the etiologic agents of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) and Chagas disease (CD) in Brazil. People infected with L. infantum or T. cruzi may develop asymptomatically, enabling the transmission of pathogens through blood transfusion and / or organs. The assessment of the infection by T. cruzi is included among the tests performed for screening blood donors in Brazil, however, there is no availability of tests for Leishmania. Serological tests for T. cruzi are very sensitive, but not specific, and may have cross-reactions with other microorganisms. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of Leishmania infection in blood donors and assess whether the serological test for T. cruzi detect L. infantum. Among the 300 blood samples from donors, discarded in 2011, 61 were T. cruzi positive, 203 were from donors with other infections and 36 were from handbags with low blood volume, but without infection. We also assessed 144 samples from donors without infections and able to donate blood, totaling 444 subjects. DNA was extracted from blood samples of all to perform quantitative PCR (qPCR) to detect Leishmania DNA. The buffy coat obtained from all samples was grown in Schneider medium supplemented and NNN. All samples were evaluated for the presence of anti-Leishmania antibody. The serological results indicate a percentage of 22% of Leishmania infection in blood samples obtained from discarded bags. A total of 60% of samples positive in ELISA for T. cruzi were negative by IFI, used as confirmatory test, ie 60% false positive for Chagas. Among these samples false positive for Chagas, 72% were positive by ELISA for Leishmania characterizing the occurrence of cross reaction between serologic assays. Of the 300 cultures performed, 18 grew parasites that were typed by qPCR and specific isoenzymes, found the species Leishmania infantum crops. Among the 18 cultures, 4 were purged from scholarships for low volume and all negative serology blood bank, thus demonstrating that there is a real risk of Leishmania transmission via transfusion. It is concluded that in an area endemic for leishmaniasis in Brazil, serological diagnosis performed to detect infection by T. cruzi among blood donors can identify infection by L. infantum and although cause false positive for Chagas, this cross-reactivity reduces the risk of Leishmania infection via blood transfusion, since tests are not applied specific detection of the parasite. In this way, there remains the need to discuss the implementation of a specific serological screening test for Leishmania in endemic countries such as Brazil


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A Erliquiose é uma doença zoonótica causada por bactérias gram-negativas e intracelulares obrigatórias. A Anaplasmose Granulocítica Equina - AGE (anteriormente denominada Erliquiose Granulocítica Equina, EGE) é uma enfermidade sazonal, normalmente auto-limitante em equinos. No Brasil, existem poucos relatos deste agente erliquial, bem como de seus vetores naturais. Atualmente, veterinários têm levantado a suspeita de casos de AGE em equinos com sinais clínicos sugestivos de erliquiose e não responsivos ao tratamento para a piroplasmose equina. O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar equinos expostos a A. phagocytophilum por meio de técnicas sorológicas e moleculares. Vinte amostras de sangue e soro de equinos da região Centro-oeste do Brasil foram avaliados por meio do exame microscópico de capa leucocitária, ensaio imunoenzimático indireto (ELISA), reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI) e reação em cadeia da polimerase (nested PCR). Adicionalmente, o diagnóstico sorológico de Theileria equi pela RIFI e ELISA foram realizados, assim como o diagnóstico molecular pelo nPCR. Treze (65%) amostras de soro foram positivas para A. phagocytophilum pelo teste de ELISA, entretanto nenhum equino foi positivo pelo exame microscópico da capa leucocitária ou nPCR. Anticorpos IgG anti-T. equi foram detectados em 18 (90%) e 17 (85%) equinos pela RIFI e ELISA, respectivamente e o agente foi detectado em 9 (45%) animais pelo nPCR. Estes dados sugerem importante informação para o entendimento da ocorrência da AGE e piroplasmose equina no Centro-oeste do Brasil.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this study was to describe a new platelet-rich plasma (PRP) protocol with a reduced concentration of leukocytes and intact platelets. We collected 8 mL of venous blood (VB) from marginal ear veins of 10 male New Zealand white rabbits in acid dextrose citrate Vacutainer tubes. Tubes were centrifuged at 302g for 10 minutes. All plasma was collected in plastic tubes to avoid buffy-coat contamination and centrifuged at 2862g for 5 minutes. A 10% calcium chloride activator (10 PRP:2 CaCl2) was added to the lower third of this plasma (PRP), and the PRP gel was obtained. Mean platelet count was 317.7 x 10(3) +/- 39.9/microL in VB and 1344.9 x 10(3) +/- 347.5/microL in PRP. Leukocyte counts were 3.96 x 10(3) +/- 2.01/microL and 0.46 x 10(3) +/- 0.45/microL in VB and PRP, respectively. Mean platelet enrichment was 327.4 +/- 97.8%. All differences were statistically significant (P > .05). This protocol is practical and reproducible, resulting in a high concentration of intact platelets to help tissue repair and low levels of leukocytes.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)