61 resultados para Buda


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Back Row: Lee Taggert, Paul Schmidt, Phil Bromley, Jeff Long, Bob Chmiel, TJ Weist, Jim Hermann, Bobby Morrison, Tirrel Burton, Lloyd Carr, Jerry Hanlon, Tom Reed, Bill Harris, Cam Cameron, Les Miles, Mike Gittleson, Jon Falk, Todd Jager, Ed Whited

7th Row: Ken Mouton, Kevin Keenan, Jeff Watson, Jim Plocki, Mike Landsittel, Bob Bland, James Buda, *John Davidson, *Jason Wallace, Michael Tilmann, Adam Pratt, Todd Richards, *Jay Riemersma, Mike Bossary, Irv Sigler, Phil Dorn, Matt McCoy, Mark Woodson, Mark Bonnsetter

6th Row: *Brad Blazy, Mike Sullivan, Jason Carr, Walter Reggan, Felman Malveaux, Jason Horn, Eddie Davis, Jamie Mignon, Trent Zenkewicz, Trezelle Jenkins, Tyrone Wheatley, Paul Barry, Che Foster, Joe Marinaro, Carig Randall, Ante Skorput, Damon Southward, Brian Smith, Rob Vanderleest

5th Row: Pete Elezovic, Joshua Wuerfel, Justin Carlson, Michael Looby, Matt Brady, Brian Foster, Mike Lyons, Marc Elliott, *Gordon Laro, John Jaeckin, Shonte Peoples, Julian Swearengin, Dave Henkel, Sergio Gasperoni, Eric Lovell, Mike Julier, Lasker Smith, Dorian Taylor

4th Row: Mike Lewis, *Charlie Stumb, Walter Smith, Jason Kendrick, Shawn Miller, Greg McThomas, Steve Morrison, Deon Johnson, Todd Collins, Ricky Powers, Nate Holdren, Matt Dyson, Tony Henderson, Gannon Dudlar, Marcus Walker, Jesse Johnson, Bobby Powers, Troy Plate, Ron Buff

3rd Row: John Albertson, Craig Randall, Mike Nadlicki, William Steuk, Dennis Washington, Coleman Wallace, Steve Rekowski, Dave Dobreff, Tony McGee, Burnie Legette, Derrick Alexander, Sylvester Stanley, Marc Burkholder, Marc Milia, Alfie Burch, Eric Graves, Ninef Aghakhan, Tony Blankenship, Kevin Hedding

2nd Row: Brian Foster, Paul Manning, Doug Skene, Brian Wallace, Rob Doherty, Martin Davis, Neil Simpson, Matt Elliott, Erick Anderson, Greg Skrepenak, Mike Evans, Alex Marshall, Chris Hutchinson, Joe Cocozzo, Steve Everitt, Eric Knuth, John Woodlock, Barry Kelley

Front Row: Eddie Azcona, Adam Pratt, Dwayne Ware, Pat Maloney, Yale Van Dyne, Dave Diebolt, J.D. Carlson, Corwin Brown, Elvis Grbac, Desmond Howard, Otis Williams, Lance Dottin, Ken Sollom, Dave Ritter, Brian Townsend, Randy Stark Livetius Johnson, Head Coach Gary Moeller

* = no longer on team


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Mode of access: Internet.


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El primer duelo del mundo ; Quien es quien premia al amor ; La restauracion de Buda ; Como se curan los zelos y Orlando Furioso ; Duelos de Ingenio y Fortuna ; La Virgen de Guadalupe ; La piedra filosofal ; Qual es afecto mayor, lealtad o sangre o amor ; Por su rey y por su dama ; El vengador de los cielos y rapto de Elias.


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v. 2 has variant t.p.: Szent László király tetemeinek históriája : ok-levelekbűl, krónikákbúl, hagyományokbúl és legendákbúl öszsze szedte / 's ki-adta Podhradczky Jó'sef.


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T.p. and text in the Cyrillic alphabet.


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The Roche Cobas Amplicor system is widely used for the detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae but is known to cross react with some commensal Neisseria spp. Therefore, a confirmatory test is required. The most common target for confirmatory tests is the cppB gene of N. gonorrhoeae. However, the cppB gene is also present in other Neisseria spp. and is absent in some N. gonorrhoeae isolates. As a result, laboratories targeting this gene run the risk of obtaining both false-positive and false-negative results. In the study presented here, a newly developed N. gonorrhoeae LightCycler assay (NGpapLC) targeting the N. gonorrhoeae porA pseudogene was tested. The NGpapLC assay was used to test 282 clinical samples, and the results were compared to those obtained using a testing algorithm combining the Cobas Amplicor System (Roche Diagnostics, Sydney, Australia) and an in-house LightCycler assay targeting the cppB gene (cppB-LC). In addition, the specificity of the NGpapLC assay was investigated by testing a broad panel of bacteria including isolates of several Neisseria spp. The NGpapLC assay proved to have comparable clinical sensitivity to the cppB-LC assay. In addition; testing of the bacterial panel showed the NGpapLC assay to be highly specific for N. gonorrhoeae DNA. The results of this study show the NGpapLC assay is a suitable alternative to the cppB-LC assay for confirmation of N. gonorrhoeae-positive results obtained with Cobas Amplicor.


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When I started writing this paper, I thought I would only be writing about the parallel between the mathematical theory of inventory and production – as a familiar model of operations research – and liquidity management. And then during the writing process, predictably enough I must say, the scandals surrounding the Buda-Cash and Quaestor brokerages erupted. Likewise in this period, the debate about foreign currency lending gained fresh impetus; about who made which mistakes when, or whether there was anyone who didn’t make mistakes. The most surprising twist revealed in the Buda-Cash and Quaestor cases – beyond alleged losses running into several hundreds of billions of forints – was that all this could be accumulated in 15 years of selfless effort. And even if this information proves to be comment born of initial over-excitement, it still demands an explanation one way or another. If it’s true, then how can this be? And if it isn’t, then what made it appear as if this is what happened? The questions and contradictions are obvious. But the main questions are these: What do risk managers actually do? What do we pay them for? And how far can we trust them?


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Amikor ezt a dolgozatot elkezdtem, még arra gondoltam, hogy csak az operációkutatás közismert modellje, a raktárkészletezés matematikai elmélete és a likviditáskezelés közötti párhuzamról fogok írni. A dolgozat írása közben törtek ki a Buda-Cash és a Quaestor körüli, azt kell mondanom, ügyeletes botrányok. Ugyancsak ebben az időszakban kapott újabb lendületet a devizahitelezéssel kapcsolatos vita: ki mikor mit hibázott, illetve volt-e bárki, aki ne hibázott volna? A Buda-Cash- és a Quaestor-ügyben felmerülő, legmeglepőbb fordulat az állítólagos több százmilliárd forint veszteségen túl az volt, hogy mindezt tizenöt év áldozatos munkájával sikerült összehozni. Még ha ezek az információk első felindulásból született megjegyzések, akkor is magyarázatra szorulnak. Így vagy úgy. Ha igaz, akkor hogyan képzelhető ez el, ha nem igaz, akkor miből ered az a látszat, hogy ez így történt? A felmerülő kérdések és az ellentmondások nyilvánvalóak. A legfőbb kérdés azonban a következő: mit is csinálnak a kockázatkezelők? Miért is fizetjük őket? Mennyire bízhatunk bennük?


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Dentro del conjunto de comedias dedicadas a la historia de Hungría, Lope de Vega cuenta con tres comedias con numerosas similitudes: El príncipe melancólico, El cuerdo loco y La sortija del olvido. Este trabajo examina las relaciones de intertextualidad y reescritura en las tres obras, así como algunos aspectos del desarrollo de la comedia palatina lopesca.