990 resultados para Brown University


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Il presente lavoro comincia con una descrizione dettagliata del “McMaster Model of Family Functionig” (MMFF), modello che al suo interno integra una teoria multidimensionale sul funzionamento familiare, diversi strumenti di auto ed etero valutazione e chiare indicazioni terapeutiche racchiuse all’interno della “Problem Centered System Therapy of the Family” (PCSTF). Grazie alla sua completezza il Modello fornisce ai clinici metodi coerenti, pratici ed empiricamente validi per valutare e trattare le famiglie, essi inoltre, sono stati formulati in modo da essere adattabili a differenti setting clinici e di ricerca, applicabili ad un’ampia gamma di problematiche e verificabili empiricamente. Obiettivo finale della presente ricerca è stato quello di porre le basi per l’esportazione del MMFF in Italia e poter quindi procedere alla sua applicazione in ambito clinico. La ricerca è cominciata alla Brown University con la traduzione dall’inglese all’italiano del Family Assessment Device (FAD), uno degli strumenti di autovalutazione compresi nel MMFF, ed è in seguito continuata con la validazione del suddetto strumento in un campione di 317 soggetti appartenenti alla popolazione generale italiana. Il FAD si è dimostrato uno strumento valido ed affidabile, in grado quindi di fornire valutazioni stabili e coerenti anche nella sua versione italiana. Il passo successivo è stato caratterizzato dalla somministrazione di FAD, Symptom Questionnaire (SQ) e delle Psychological Well-Being scales (PWB) a 289 soggetti reclutati nella popolazione generale. In accordo con il modello bipsicosociale che vede l’ambiente familiare come il più immediato gruppo di influenza psicosociale dello stato di benessere o malessere dell’individuo, i nostri dati confermano una stretta relazione tra scarso funzionamento familiare, spesso espresso attraverso difficoltà di comunicazione, di problem solving e scarso coinvolgimento affettivo e distress psicologico esperito con sintomi depressivi, ansiogeni ed ostilità. I nostri dati sottoliano inoltre come un funzionamento familiare positivo sia altamente correlato ad elevati livelli di benessere psicologico. Obiettivo della parte finale del lavoro ed anche il più importante, è stato quello di esplorare l’efficacia della Problem Centered Systems Therapy of the Family nella gestione della perdita di efficacia degli antidepressivi nel trattamento della depressione ricorrente. 20 soggetti con diagnosi di depressione maggiore ricorrente secondo il DSM-IV sono stati randomizzati a due diverse condizioni di trattamento: 1) aumento del dosaggio dell’antidepressivo e clinical management, oppure 2) mantenimento dello stesso dosaggio di antidepressivo e PCSTF. I dati di questo studio mettono in evidenza come, nel breve termine, PCSTF e farmacoterapia sono ugualmente efficaci nel ridurre la sintomatologia depressiva. Diversamente, ad un follow-up di 12 mesi, la PCSTF si è dimostrata altamente superiore all’aumento del farmaco ner prevenire le ricadute. Nel gruppo sottoposto all’aumento del farmaco infatti ben 6 soggetti su 7 ricadono entro l’anno. Nel gruppo assegnato a terapia familiare invece solo 1 soggetto su 7 ricade. Questi risultati sono in linea con i dati della letteratura che sottolineano l’elevata probabilità di una seconda ricaduta dopo l’aumento dell’antidepressivo all’interno di una farmacoterapia di mantenimento e suggeriscono l’efficacia dell’utilizzo di strategie psicoterapiche nella prevenzione della ricaduta in pazienti con depressione ricorrente.


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Panel 3: Encounters of Perpetrators and Victims of Genocides Lina Nikou, University of Hamburg, Germany: “Coming Back Home? Berlin Presents Itself to Refugees of the Nazi Regime Living Abroad” Download paper (login required) Michelle Bellino, Harvard University: “Whose Past, Whose Present? Historical Memory among the ‘Postwar’ Generation in Guatemala” Download paper (login required) Srdjan Radovic, Belgrade University/Institute of Ethnography SASA, Serbia: “Memory Culture, Politics of Place, and Social Actors in the Remembrance of Belgrade's World War II Camp” Download paper (login required) Chair: Michael Nolte and Michael Geheran, Clark University Comment: Omer Bartov, Brown University


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1st & 6th President In Office: 1880-1898, 1922-1923 Inman E. Page was the first individual named "president" at Lincoln University of Missouri. He was born a slave, bought his and his family's freedom, graduated from Brown University in Washington and was nominated there as Class Orator. During his tenure he brought in many new instructors, built several campus buildings, was president of the Negro Teacher's Association, worked with the state government for meaningful funding of the institute and was popular with the press because he was well spoken. In 1889, the Board tried to oust him, to put in a new person, but the move was so highly controversial that the candidate withdrew from the process. While Inman was president, in 1891, Lincoln University became a Land-Grant Institution under the Morrill Land-Grant Fund and the first Memorial Hall was built. He also began instituting college-level courses, which faced some serious opposition, but inevitably led to Lincoln Institute becoming Lincoln University. Reference Marshall, A. P. (1966). Soldiers' Dream: A Centennial History of Lincoln University of Missouri. Lincoln University: Jefferson City, MO.


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Manuscript volume containing portions of text copied from Nicholas Saunderson’s Elements of algebra, Nicholas Hammond’s The elements of algebra, and John Ward’s The young mathematician’s guide. The volume is divided into two main parts: the first is titled Concerning the parts of Arithmetick (p. 1-98) and the second, The elements of Algebra, extracted from Hammond, Ward & Saunderson (p. 99-259).


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The diary and commonplace book of Perez Fobes is written on unlined pages in a notebook with a sewn binding at the top of the pages; only the edge of the original leather softcover remain. The volume holds handwritten entries added irregularly from August 23, 1759 until December 1760 while Fobes was a student at Harvard College. The topics range from the irreverent, to the mundane, to the theological and scientific. The notebook serves to chronicle both his daily activities, such as books he read, lectures he attended, and travel, as well as a place to note humorous sayings, transcribe book passages, or ponder religious ideas such as original sin. In the volume, Fobes devotes considerable space to the subject of astronomy, and drew a picture of the "The Solar System Serundum Coper[nici] with the Or[bit] of 5 Remarkable Comets." At the back of the book, on unattached pages is a short personal dictionary for the letters A-K kept by Fobes.


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This sewn volume contains Noyes’ mathematical exercises in geometry; trigonometry; surveying; measurement of heights and distances; plain, oblique, parallel, middle latitude, and mercator sailing; and dialing. Many of the exercises are illustrated by carefully hand-drawn diagrams, including a mariners’ compass and moon dials.


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Four-page handwritten poem composed in English by Joseph Story as a Harvard undergraduate. The verso of the last page is inscribed "Story's 1796." The poem contains classical allusions and is titled with the quote: "Aut Caeusar, aut nullus." The poem begins, "In elder climes, ere science' mystic page / Gave light unfolded to a barbarous age..." The poem ends with verse about George Washington. The text includes edits and struck-through words.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Map of the city of Providence, Rhode Island, from surveys under the direction of H.F. Walling ; engraved, printed, compiled & mounted at H.F. Walling's Map Establishment, no. 90 Fulton St., New York. It was published by F.A. Baker in 1857. Scale [1:4,200]. Covers a portion of East Providence, Rhode Island.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Rhode Island NAD 1983 coordinate system (in Feet) (Fipszone 3800) coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, railroads, railroad stations, drainage, public buildings, schools, churches, cemeteries, industry locations (e.g. mills, factories, etc.), docks and wharves, private buildings with selected names of property owners, town district boundaries, and more. Relief shown by hachures. Includes also illustrations of buildings in upper and lower margins: New Custom House, Post Office and U.S. court rooms -- Brown University -- Providence Institution for Savings -- Butler Hospital for the Insane -- First Baptist Meeting House -- Grace Church -- General railroad passenger station -- Central Congregational Church -- Providence Athenaeum -- Central Baptist Church.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.


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Supplementary note (p. S1-24) has caption title: Thermodynamics of gas mixtures, a lecture delivered at Brown university, August 23, 1945.


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Includes bibliographical references and index.


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Issued as part of the author's Linguistic atlas of the United States and Canada.


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The power of suggestion. Oration, by W.H. Spencer.--The American Igdrasil. Poem, by Preston Gurney.


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