959 resultados para Broad clinic


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OBJECTIVE: To assess satisfaction among female patients of a youth friendly clinic and to determine with which factors this was associated. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in an adolescent clinic in Lausanne, Switzerland, between March and May 2008. All female patients who had made at least one previous visit were eligible. Three hundred and eleven patients aged 12-22 years were included. We performed bivariate analysis to compare satisfied and non-satisfied patients and constructed a log-linear model. RESULTS: Ninety-four percent of patients were satisfied. Satisfied female adolescents were significantly more likely to feel that their complaints were heard, that the caregiver understood their problems, to have no change of physician, to have received the correct treatment/help and to follow the caregiver's advice. The log-linear model highlighted four factors directly linked with patient satisfaction: outcome of care, continuity of care, adherence to treatment and the feeling of being understood. CONCLUSIONS: The main point for female adolescent patient satisfaction lies in a long term, trustworthy relationship with their caregiver. Confidentiality and accessibility were secondary for our patients.


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When Bank of England (and the Federal Reserve Board) introduced their quantitative easing (QE) operations they emphasised the effects on money and credit, but much of their empirical research on the effects of QE focuses on long-term interest rates. We use a flow of funds matrix with an independent central bank to show the implications of QE and other monetary developments, and argue that the financial crisis, the fiscal expansion and QE are likely to have constituted major exogenous shocks to money and credit in the UK which could not be digested immediately by the usual adjustment mechanisms. We present regressions of a reduced form model which considers the growth of nominal spending as determined by the growth of nominal money and other variables. These results suggest that money was not important during the Great Moderation but has had a much larger role in the period of the crisis and QE. We then use these estimates to illustrate the effects of the financial crisis and QE. We conclude that it would be useful to incorporate money and/or credit in wider macroeconometric models of the UK economy.


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OBJECTIVE: Familial cold urticaria (FCU) and Muckle-Wells syndrome (MWS) are dominantly inherited autoinflammatory disorders that cause rashes, fever, arthralgia, and in some subjects, AA amyloidosis, and have been mapped to chromosome 1q44. Sensorineural deafness in MWS, and provocation of symptoms by cold in FCU, are distinctive features. This study was undertaken to characterize the genetic basis of FCU, MWS, and an overlapping disorder in French Canadian, British, and Indian families, respectively. METHODS: Mutations in the candidate gene NALP3, which has also been named CIAS1 and PYPAF1, were sought in the study families, in a British/Spanish patient with apparent sporadic MWS, and in matched population controls. Identified variants were sought in 50 European subjects with uncharacterized, apparently sporadic periodic fever syndromes, 48 subjects with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and 19 subjects with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). RESULTS: Point mutations, encoding putative protein variants R262W and L307P, were present in all affected members of the Indian and French Canadian families, respectively, but not in controls. The R262W variant was also present in the subject with sporadic MWS. The V200M variant was present in all affected members of the British family with MWS, in 2 of the 50 subjects with uncharacterized periodic fevers, and in 1 of 130 Caucasian and 2 of 48 Indian healthy controls. No mutations were identified among the subjects with RA or JIA. CONCLUSION: These findings confirm that mutations in the NALP3/CIAS1/PYPAF1 gene are associated with FCU and MWS, and that disease severity and clinical features may differ substantially within and between families. Analysis of this gene will improve classification of patients with inherited or apparently sporadic periodic fever syndromes.


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Objectives: To determine characteristics of older patients referred to a geriatric outpatient clinic; 2) to determine the prevalence of geriatric syndromes in this population; 3) to identify main recommendations made to referring primary care physicians. Design: Cross-sectional analysis Setting: Outpatient clinic of the service of geriatric medicine at the University of Lausanne Medical Center, Lausanne, Switzerland. Participants: Community-dwelling patients aged 65 and over referred to the clinic. Measurements: Demographics, social, functional and health status data, main diagnoses identified and recommendations made for primary care physicians were collected prospectively. Results: Subjects (N=206, mean age 79.7±7.6 years, 57.3% women, 48.5% living alone, 36.9% receiving formal home care) were referred by primary care physicians (76%), hospitalists (18%), or family members (7%). Main reasons for referral were request for comprehensive assessment, cognitive evaluation, and mobility assessment (45.2%, 26.2%, and 15.5%, respectively). 21.4% of patients are independent in Lawton's Instrumental ADL and 47.1% are independent in Katz's Basic ADL, and 57.3% of patients reported having fallen once or more over the last year. Overall, 76.2% of patients had gait and balance impairment, 72.8% cognitive impairment, 57.3% polypharmacy (≥6 drugs; median 6.5±3.9, IQR 4-8), 54.4% affective disorder, 48.3% osteoporosis, 45.1% urinary incontinence and 33.8% orthostatic hypotension. Polymorbidity (≥6 geriatric syndromes) was present in 58.3% of referred patients. On average, patients received 10.6±4.0 recommendations, including fall prevention interventions (85.2 % of patients: walking aid adaptation in 48.1%, vitamin D prescription in 59.7%, home hazards assessment in 59.2%, and exercise prescription in 53.4%), referral to a memory clinic (45.6%), and treatment modifications (69.9 % of all patients and 81.6% of patients with polypharmacy, mostly psychotropic drugs discontinuation). Conclusions: Polymorbidity was frequent in these older outpatients, with polypharmacy, mobility and cognitive impairments being most prevalent. Outpatient geriatric consultation is a good opportunity to identify geriatric syndromes and propose interventions to prevent or delay functional decline.


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The investigation of unexplained syncope remains a challenging clinical problem. In the present study we sought to evaluate the diagnostic value of a standardized work-up focusing on non invasive tests in patients with unexplained syncope referred to a syncope clinic, and whether certain combinations of clinical parameters are characteristic of rhythmic and reflex causes of syncope. METHODS AND RESULTS: 317 consecutive patients underwent a standardized work-up including a 12-lead ECG, physical examination, detailed history with screening for syncope-related symptoms using a structured questionnaire followed by carotid sinus massage (CSM), and head-up tilt test. Invasive testings including an electrophysiological study and implantation of a loop recorder were only performed in those with structural heart disease or traumatic syncope. Our work-up identified an etiology in 81% of the patients. Importantly, three quarters of the causes were established non invasively combining head-up tilt test, CSM and hyperventilation testing. Invasive tests yielded an additional 7% of diagnoses. Logistic analysis identified age and number of significant prodromes as the only predictive factors of rhythmic syncope. The same two factors, in addition to the duration of the ECG P-wave, were also predictive of vasovagal and psychogenic syncope. These factors, optimally combined in predictive models, showed a high negative and a modest positive predictive value. CONCLUSION: A standardized work-up focusing on non invasive tests allows to establish more than three quarters of syncope causes. Predictive models based on simple clinical parameters may help to distinguish between rhythmic and other causes of syncope


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Hepatitis B virus (HBV) has a low endemicity in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Sexual transmission must play an important role in this virus, but the prevalence and risk factors have never been properly investigated. The aim of this paper is to determine the prevalence and risk factors for HBV infection in patients attending a Sexually Transmitted Diseases Clinic of the Universidade Federal Fluminense, from the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In a retrospective study, HBV seroprevalence was investigated in 440 patients. Serum of each patient was assayed for antibodies against hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc), hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and antibodies against hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs). Demographic and risk factor data were extracted from clinic notes. The overall seroprevalence of exposure markers for HBV (anti-HBc, HBsAg and anti-HBs) were 13%, 3.4% and 8.5% respectively. Homo/bisexual behaviour, anal intercourse, HIV infection, positive serology for syphilis and blood transfusion were predictors of the HBV exposure. Among demographic data, age and place of birth were associated with the anti-HBc seropositivity.


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For the last four years the Journal of Translational Medicine (JTM) has hosted the Section of Tumor Immunology and Biological Cancer Therapy. Under the editorial leadership of Dr. Pedro Romero and with the direct support of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC), this section enriched the communication between basic immunological sciences and the clinical investigation arena in oncology. We are re-launching this Section of JTM, now entitled Immunobiology and Immunotherapy, succeeding Tumor Immunology and Biological Cancer Therapy. While aiming to build on the editorial success and focus of its predecessor, this novel Section will have a broader scope, hosting translational immunology topics pertaining to immunotherapy beyond oncology, including disciplines such as inflammation, autoimmunity, transplantation, metabolic disorders and others. As the vision of this re-launched Section of JTM broadens up to serve a communication need for translational immunologists involved with immunotherapy irrespectively of the therapeutic area, a novel and focused journal entitled Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer (JITC) has just been initiated, sponsored by the SITC.


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PURPOSE: Whole tumor lysates are promising antigen sources for dendritic cell (DC) therapy as they contain many relevant immunogenic epitopes to help prevent tumor escape. Two common methods of tumor lysate preparations are freeze-thaw processing and UVB irradiation to induce necrosis and apoptosis, respectively. Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) oxidation is a new method for inducing primary necrosis and enhancing the immunogenicity of tumor cells. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We compared the ability of DCs to engulf three different tumor lysate preparations, produce T-helper 1 (TH1)-priming cytokines and chemokines, stimulate mixed leukocyte reactions (MLR), and finally elicit T-cell responses capable of controlling tumor growth in vivo. RESULTS: We showed that DCs engulfed HOCl-oxidized lysate most efficiently stimulated robust MLRs, and elicited strong tumor-specific IFN-γ secretions in autologous T cells. These DCs produced the highest levels of TH1-priming cytokines and chemokines, including interleukin (IL)-12. Mice vaccinated with HOCl-oxidized ID8-ova lysate-pulsed DCs developed T-cell responses that effectively controlled tumor growth. Safety, immunogenicity of autologous DCs pulsed with HOCl-oxidized autologous tumor lysate (OCDC vaccine), clinical efficacy, and progression-free survival (PFS) were evaluated in a pilot study of five subjects with recurrent ovarian cancer. OCDC vaccination produced few grade 1 toxicities and elicited potent T-cell responses against known ovarian tumor antigens. Circulating regulatory T cells and serum IL-10 were also reduced. Two subjects experienced durable PFS of 24 months or more after OCDC. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study showing the potential efficacy of a DC vaccine pulsed with HOCl-oxidized tumor lysate, a novel approach in preparing DC vaccine that is potentially applicable to many cancers. Clin Cancer Res; 19(17); 4801-15. ©2013 AACR.


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Treatment of cancer using gene therapy is based on adding a property to the cell leading to its elimination. One possibility is the use of suicide genes that code for enzymes that transform a pro-drug into a cytotoxic product. The most extensively used is the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (TK) gene, followed by administration of the antiviral drug ganciclovir (GCV). The choice of the promoter to drive the transcription of a transgene is one of the determinants of a given transfer vector usefulness, as different promoters show different efficiencies depending on the target cell type. In the experiments presented here, we report the construction of a recombinant adenovirus carrying TK gene (Ad-TK) driven by three strong promoters (P CMV IE, SV40 and EN1) and its effectiveness in two cell types. Human HeLa and mouse CCR2 tumor cells were transduced with Ad-TK and efficiently killed after addition of GCV. We could detect two sizes of transcripts of TK gene, one derived from the close together P CMV IE/SV40 promoters and the other from the 1.5 Kb downstream EN1 promoter. The relative amounts of these transcripts were different in each cell type thus indicating a higher flexibility of this system.


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Rapport de synthèse: Les rendez-vous manqués représentent un problème important, tant du point de vue de la santé des patients que du point de vue économique. Pourtant peu d'études se sont penchées sur le sujet, particulièrement dans une population d'adolescents. Les buts de cette étude étaient de caractériser les adolescents qui sont à risque de manquer ou d'annuler leurs rendez-vous dans une clinique ambulatoire de santé pour adolescents, de comparer les taux des rendez-vous manqués et annulés entre les différents intervenants et d'estimer l'efficacité d'une politique de taxation des rendez-vous manqués non excusés. Finalement, un modèle multi-niveau markovien a été utilisé afin de prédire le risque de manquer un rendez-vous. Ce modèle tient compte du passé de l'adolescent en matière de rendez-vous manqués et d'autres covariables et permet de grouper les individus ayant un comportement semblable. On peut ensuite prédire pour chaque groupe le risque de manquer ou annuler et les covariables influençant significativement ce risque. Entre 1999 et 2006, 32816 rendez-vous fixés pour 3577 patients âgés de 12 à 20 ans ont été analysés. Le taux de rendez-vous manqués était de 11.8%, alors que 10.9% avaient été annulés. Soixante pour cent des patients n'ont pas manqué un seul de leur rendezvous et 14% en ont manqué plus de 25%. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence plusieurs variables associées de manière statistiquement significative avec les taux de rendez-vous manqués et d'annulations (genre, âge, heure, jour de la semaine, intervenant thérapeutique). Le comportement des filles peut être catégorisé en 2 groupes. Le premier groupe inclut les diagnostiques psychiatriques et de trouble du comportement alimentaire, le risque de manquer dans ce groupe étant faible et associé au fait d'avoir précédemment manqué un rendez-vous et au délai du rendez-vous. Les autres diagnostiques chez les filles sont associés à un second groupe qui montre un risque plus élevé de manquer un rendez-vous et qui est associé à l'intervenant, au fait d'avoir précédemment manqué ou annulé le dernier rendez-vous et au délai du rendez-vous. Les garçons ont tous globalement un comportement similaire concernant les rendez-vous manqués. Le diagnostic au sein de ce groupe influence le risque de manquer, tout comme le fait d'avoir précédemment manqué ou annulé un rendez-vous, le délai du rendez-vous et l'âge du patient. L'introduction de la politique de taxation des rendez-vous non excusés n'a pas montré de différence significative des tàux de rendez-vous manqués, cependant cette mesure a permis une augmentation du taux d'annulations. En conclusion, les taux de présence des adolescents à leurs rendez-vous sont dépendants de facteurs divers. Et, même si les adolescents sont une population à risque concernant les rendez-vous manqués, la majorité d'entre eux ne manquent aucun de leurs rendez-vous, ceci étant vrai pour les deux sexes. Etudier les rendez-vous manqués et les adolescents qui sont à risque de rater leur rendez-vous est un pas nécessaire vers le contrôle de ce phénomène. Par ailleurs, les moyens de contrôle concernant les rendez-vous manqués devraient cibler les patients ayant déjà manqué un rendez-vous. La taxation des rendez-vous manqués permet d'augmenter les rendez-vous annulés, ce qui a l'avantage de permettre de fixer un nouveau rendez-vous et, de ce fait, d'améliorer la continuité des soins.


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Missed appointments represent an important medical and economical issue. Few studies on the subject are reported in the literature, particularly regarding adolescents. Our aim was to characterize missed and cancelled appointments in a multidisciplinary outpatient clinic for adolescents, to assess the effectiveness of a policy aimed at reducing missed appointments by introducing payment for those missed appointments not cancelled in advance, and to compare the rates between staff and resident physicians. A total of 32,816 consultations (representing 35 patients aged 12-20 years, 82.4% females) between 1999 and 200 were analysed. The missed appointment rate was 11.8% whilst another 10.9% were cancellations. Females cancelled more than males (11.3% vs. 8.4%, AOR 1.31, 99% CI 1.08-1.59), but there was no difference for missed appointments (11.6% vs. 12.3%, AOR 0.88, 99% CI 0.61-1.08). April and June to October (vacation months) were associated with more missed appointments. Globally mornings had higher rates of missed appointments than afternoons (13.6% vs. 11.2%, AOR 1.25, 99% CI 1.11-1.40). There was a slight difference in missed appointment rates between staff physicians and residents (10.4%; 11.8%, AOR 1.20, 99% CI 1.08-1.33). Missed appointment rates before and after the new policy on missed appointments were similar (1999-2003: 11.9%; 2004-2006: 11.6%, AOR 0.96, 99% CI 0.83-1.10). Conversely, cancellation rates increased from 8.4% (1999-2003) to 14.5% (2004-2006) (AOR 1.83, 99% CI 1.63-2.05). Attendance rates among adolescents show variations depending on vacation and school hours. Being attentive to these factors could help prevent missed appointments. Although having to pay for missed appointments does not increase attendance, it increases cancellations with the advantage that the appointment can be rescheduled.


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INTRODUCTION: Hereditary retinoblastoma survivors have an increased risk for cranio-facial second primary tumours (SPT), especially after treatment with external beam radiotherapy (EBRT). This multicentre study evaluates the clinical and imaging characteristics and outcomes of cranio-facial SPTs in irradiated retinoblastoma survivors. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Clinical and radiological data of 42 hereditary retinoblastoma patients with 44 second and third malignancies were reviewed. Radiological data included anatomic location and computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) characteristics. Cox regression and likelihood ratio chi-square test were used to evaluate differences in patients' survival rates. RESULTS: Cranio-facial SPTs were diagnosed at a median age of 13 years. Histological types included osteosarcomas (43%), rhabdomyosarcomas (20%) (57% embryonal, 43% alveolar) and a variety of other types of SPT (37%). Predilection sites were: temporal fossa (39%), ethmoid sinus (23%), orbit (18%), maxillary sinus (16%) and intracranial dura mater (4%). Most of the osteosarcomas (78%) and rhabdomyosarcomas (80%) occurred in patients treated with EBRT in the first year-of-life. Treatment of SPTs with a microscopically complete surgical resection led to a significantly better 5-year overall survival (OS) (P=0.017) and event-free survival (EFS) (P=0.012) compared to patients treated without surgery or incomplete resection (OS: 83% versus 52%; EFS: 80% versus 47%). CONCLUSIONS: Osteosarcomas and rhabdomyosarcomas are the most common cranio-facial SPTs in irradiated hereditary retinoblastoma survivors, which develop in specific locations and occur predominantly in patients irradiated in their first year-of-life. Microscopically complete surgical resection of SPTs is a major prognostic factor, suggesting the potential benefit of early detection by imaging.


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Functional disorders encounter for a large amount of the medical activity, including in urology. The decreased quality of life due to lower urinary tract symptoms requires a prompt management, with primary assessment undergone in community. Referral to a specialist is required when simple management has failed, and whenever any of these coexists: hematuria, recurrent urinary infection, and neurological condition. The specialized clinic in neurourology and functional urology aim at further investigating the underlying disorder responsible for the urinary symptoms and preventing urinary tract complications. A multidisciplinary team is the key to accurately assess patients with regards to their bother and handicap, therefore offering the most appropriate conservative, medical or surgical management.