983 resultados para Breast Model


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Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a feature of migratory cellular processes in all stages of life, including embryonic development and wound healing. Importantly, EMT features cluster with disease states such as chronic fibrosis and cancer. The dissolution of the E-cadherin-mediated adherens junction (AJ) is a key preliminary step in EMT and may occur early or late in the growing epithelial tumour. This is a first step for tumour cells towards stromal invasion, intravasation, extravasation and distant metastasis. The AJ may be inactivated in EMT by directed E-cadherin cleavage; however, it is increasingly evident that the majority of AJ changes are transcriptional and mediated by an expanding group of transcription factors acting directly or indirectly to repress E-cadherin expression. A review of the current literature has revealed that these factors may regulate each other in a hierarchical pattern where Snail1 (formerly Snail) and Snail2 (formerly Slug) are initially induced, leading to the activation of Zeb family members, TCF3, TCF4, Twist, Goosecoid and FOXC2. Within this general pathway, many inter-regulatory relationships have been defined which may be important in maintaining the EMT phenotype. This may be important given the short half-life of Snail1 protein. We have investigated these inter-regulatory relationships in the mesenchymal breast carcinoma cell line PMC42 (also known as PMC42ET) and its epithelial derivative, PMC42LA. This review also discusses several newly described regulators of E-cadherin repressors including oestrogen receptor-α and new discoveries in hypoxia- and growth factor-induced EMT. Finally, we evaluated how these findings may influence approaches to current cancer treatment.


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Breast cancer is a highly prevalent disease among women worldwide. While the expression of certain proteins within these tumours is used for prognosis and selection of therapies, there is a continuing need for additional markers to be identified. A considerable amount of current literature, based predominantly on cell culture systems, suggests that a major mechanism responsible for the progression of breast cancer is due to tumour cells losing their epithelial features and gaining mesenchymal properties. These events are proposed to be very similar to the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) process that has been well characterised in embryonic development. For the developmental and putative cancer EMT, the cell intermediate filament status changes from a keratin-rich network which connects to adherens junctions and hemidesmosomes, to a vimentin-rich network connecting to focal adhesions. This review summarises observations of vimentin expression in breast cancer model systems, and discusses the potential role of EMT in human breast cancer progression, and the prognostic usefulness of vimentin expression.


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We investigated the effects of the matrix metalloproteinase 13 (MMP13)-selective inhibitor, 5-(4-{4-[4-(4-fluorophenyl)-1,3-oxazol-2-yl]phenoxy}phenoxy)-5-(2-methoxyethyl) pyrimidine-2,4,6(1H,3H,5H)-trione (Cmpd-1), on the primary tumor growth and breast cancer-associated bone remodeling using xenograft and syngeneic mouse models. We used human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells inoculated into the mammary fat pad and left ventricle of BALB/c Nu/Nu mice, respectively, and spontaneously metastasizing 4T1.2-Luc mouse mammary cells inoculated into mammary fat pad of BALB/c mice. In a prevention setting, treatment with Cmpd-1 markedly delayed the growth of primary tumors in both models, and reduced the onset and severity of osteolytic lesions in the MDA-MB-231 intracardiac model. Intervention treatment with Cmpd-1 on established MDA-MB-231 primary tumors also significantly inhibited subsequent growth. In contrast, no effects of Cmpd-1 were observed on soft organ metastatic burden following intracardiac or mammary fat pad inoculations of MDA-MB-231 and 4T1.2-Luc cells respectively. MMP13 immunostaining of clinical primary breast tumors and experimental mice tumors revealed intra-tumoral and stromal expression in most tumors, and vasculature expression in all. MMP13 was also detected in osteoblasts in clinical samples of breast-to-bone metastases. The data suggest that MMP13-selective inhibitors, which lack musculoskeletal side effects, may have therapeutic potential both in primary breast cancer and cancer-induced bone osteolysis.


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We have characterized the LCC15-MB cell line which was recently derived from a breast carcinoma metastasis resected from the femur of a 29-year-old woman. LCC15-MB cells are vimentin (VIM) positive, exhibit a stellate morphology in routine cell culture, and form penetrating colonies when embedded in three-dimensional gels of Matrigel or fibrillar collagen. They show high levels of activity in the Boyden chamber chemomigration and chemoinvasion assays, and like other invasive human breast cancer (HBC) cell lines, LCC15-MB cells activate matrix-metalloproteinase-2 in response to treatment with concanavalin A. In addition, these cells are tumorigenic when implanted subcutaneously in nude mice and recolonize bone after arterial injection. Interestingly, both the primary lesion and the bone metastasis from which LCC15-MB were derived, as well as the resultant cell line, abundantly express the bone matrix protein osteopontin (OPN). OPN is also expressed by the highly metastatic MDA-MB-435 cells, but not other invasive or noninvasive HBC cell lines. Expression of OPN is retained in the subcutaneous xenograft and intraosseous metastases of LCC15-MB as detected by immunohistochemistry. Both VIM and OPN expression have been associated with breast cancer invasion and metastasis, and their expression by the LCC15-MB cell line is consistent with its derivation from a highly aggressive breast cancer. These cells provide a useful model for studying molecular mechanisms important for breast cancer metastasis to bone and, in particular, the implication(s) of OPN and VIM expression in this process.


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A significant percentage of human breast cancer (HBC) is dependent upon the ovarian hormone estrogen for its onset and progression. The presence or lack of estrogen receptors (ERs) in human breast cancer is an important determinant both of prognosis and of choice of treatment - a poorer prognosis being associated with ER–ve disease. Cell lines established from human breast cancer provide models for breast cancer in various stages of progression (Engel & Young 1978). When grown as tumors in athymic nude mice, these lines represent the major in vivo experimental model for HBC studies (Brünner et al 1987). The ease of both in vitro and in vivo maintenance, the human derivation of the tissue, and the similarities in plasma estrogen levels between ovariectomized nude mice and postmenopausal women (Seibert et al. 1983, Brünner et al. 1986), make the growth of human breast cancer cell lines in nude mice an attractive...


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Breast cancer is characterized by hormonal regulation. The current article reviews the role of estrogen and polypeptide growth factors in control of proliferation and basement membrane invasion of breast cancer cells in vitro. The role of antiestrogens to regulate proliferation, invasion, and growth factor secretion is further highlighted. Finally, the use of in vitro cultures of breast cancer cells to model steps in the malignant progression of the disease is emphasized. The availability of hormone dependent and independent breast cancer cell lines should allow screening for better antiestrogens, antimetastatic drugs, and antagonists of local action of growth factors.


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We have isolated a series of sublines of the hormone-dependent MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line after selection both in vivo and in vitro for growth in the presence of subphysiological concentrations of estrogens. These sublines represent a model system for study of the processes leading to hormonal autonomy. The cells form growing tumors in ovariectomized athymic nude mice in the absence of estrogen supplementation but retain some responsivity to estrogen as determined by stimulation of the rate of tumor growth in vivo and by induction of progesterone receptor. An ovarian-independent but hormone-responsive phenotype may occur early in the natural progression to hormone-independent and unresponsive growth in breast cancer. We observed no change in the affinity or decrease in the level of expression of estrogen receptors and progesterone receptors among the sublines and the parental cells. Epidermal growth factor receptors are not overexpressed in ovarian-independent cells. Thus, altered hormone receptor expression may be a late event in the acquisition of a hormone-independent and unresponsive phenotype. Sublines isolated by in vivo but not in vitro selection are more invasive than the parental cells both in vivo and across an artificial basement membrane in vitro. Thus, as yet unknown tumor-host interactions may be important in the development of an invasive phenotype. Furthermore, acquisition of the ovarian-independent and invasive phenotypes can occur independently.


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We review here the recently emerging relationship between epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and breast cancer stem cells (BCSC), and provide analyses of published data on human breast cancer cell lines, supporting their utility as a model for the EMT/BCSC state. Genome-wide transcriptional profiling of these cell lines has confirmed the existence of a subgroup with mesenchymal tendencies and enhanced invasive properties ('Basal B'/Mesenchymal), distinct from subgroups with either predominantly luminal ('Luminal') or mixed basal/luminal ('Basal A') features (Neve et al. Cancer Cell, 2006). A literature-derived EMT gene signature has shown specific enrichment within the Basal B subgroup of cell lines, consistent with their over-expression of various EMT transcriptional drivers. Basal B cell lines are found to resemble BCSC, being CD44highCD24low. Moreover, gene products that distinguish Basal B from Basal A and Luminal cell lines (Basal B Discriminators) showed close concordance with those that define BCSC isolated from clinical material, as reported by Shipitsin et al. (Cancer Cell, 2007). CD24 mRNA levels varied across Basal B cell lines, correlating with other Basal B Discriminators. Many gene products correlating with CD24 status in Basal B cell lines were also differentially expressed in isolated BCSC. These findings confirm and extend the importance of the cellular product of the EMT with Basal B cell lines, and illustrate the value of analysing these cell lines for new leads that may improve breast cancer outcomes. Gene products specific to Basal B cell lines may serve as tools for the detection, quantification, and analysis of BCSC/EMT attributes.


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Radiosensitizing Effect of Electrochemotherapy in a Fractionated Radiation Regimen in Radiosensitive Murine Sarcoma and Radioresistant Adenocarcinoma Tumor Model. Electrochemotherapy can potentiate the radiosensitizing effect of bleomycin, as shown in our previous studies. To bring this treatment closer to use in clinical practice, we evaluated the interaction between electrochemotherapy with bleomycin and single-dose or fractionated radiation in two murine tumor models with different histology and radiosensitivity. Radiosensitive sarcoma SA-1 and radioresistant adenocarcinoma CaNT subcutaneous tumors grown in A/J and CBA mice, respectively, were used. The anti-tumor effect and skin damage around the treated tumors were evaluated after electrochemotherapy with bleomycin alone or combined with single-dose radiation or a fractionated radiation regimen. The anti-tumor effectiveness of electrochemotherapy was more pronounced in SA-1 than CaNT tumors. In both tumor models, the tumor response to radiation was not significantly influenced by bleomycin alone or by electroporation alone. However, electrochemotherapy before the first tumor irradiation potentiated the response to a single-dose or fractionated radiation regimen in both tumors. For the fractionated radiation regimen, normal skin around the treated tumors was damaged fourfold less than for the single-dose regimen. Electrochemotherapy prior to single-dose irradiation induced more damage to the skin around the treated tumors and greater loss of body weight compared to other irradiated groups, whereas electrochemotherapy combined with the fractionated radiation regimen did not. Electrochemotherapy with low doses of bleomycin can also be used safely for radiosensitization of different types of tumors in a fractionated radiation regimen, resulting in a good anti-tumor effect and no major potentiating effect on radiation-induced skin damage. © 2009 by Radiation Research Society.


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In contrast to extensive studies on familial breast cancer, it is currently unclear whether defects in DNA double strand break (DSB) repair genes play a role in sporadic breast cancer development and progression. We performed analysis of immunohistochemistry in an independent cohort of 235 were sporadic breast tumours. This analysis suggested that RAD51 expression is increased during breast cancer progression and metastasis and an oncogenic role for RAD51 when deregulated. Subsequent knockdown of RAD51 repressed cancer cell migration in vitro and reduced primary tumor growth in a syngeneic mouse model in vivo. Loss of RAD51 also inhibited associated metastasis not only in syngeneic mice but human xenografts and changed the metastatic gene expression profile of cancer cells, consistent with inhibition of distant metastasis. This demonstrates for the first time a new function of RAD51 that may underlie the proclivity of patients with RAD51 overexpression to develop distant metastasis. RAD51 is a potential biomarker and attractive drug target for metastatic triple negative breast cancer, with the capability to extend the survival of patients, which is less than 6 months.


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Purpose: The purpose of this work was to evaluate the patient-borne financial cost of common, adverse breast cancer treatment-associated effects, comparing cost across women with or without these side-effects. Methods: 287 Australian women diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer were prospectively followed starting at six months post-surgery for 12 months, with three-monthly assessment of detailed treatment-related side effects and their direct and indirect patient costs attributable to breast cancer. Bootstrapping statistics were used to analyze cost data and adjusted logistic regression was used to evaluate the association between costs and adverse events from breast cancer. Costs were inflated and converted from 2002 Australian to 2014 US dollars. Results: More than 90% of women experienced at least one adverse effect (i.e. post-surgical issue, reaction to radiotherapy, upper-body symptoms or reduced function, lymphedema, fatigue or weight gain). On average, women paid $5,636 (95%CI: $4,694, $6,577) in total costs. Women with any one of the following symptoms (fatigue, reduced upper-body function, upper-body symptoms) or women who report ≥4 adverse treatment-related effects, have 1.5 to nearly 4 times the odds of having higher healthcare costs than women who do not report these complaints (p<0.05). Conclusions: Women face substantial economic burden due to a range of treatment-related health problems, which may persist beyond the treatment period. Improving breast cancer care by incorporating prospective surveillance of treatment-related side effects, and strategies for prevention and treatment of concerns (e.g., exercise) has real potential for reducing patient-borne costs.


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Bone metastasis occurs frequently in patients with advanced breast cancer and is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in these patients. In order to advance current therapies, the mechanisms leading to the formation of bone metastases and their pathophysiology have to be better understood. Several in vitro models have been developed for systematic studies of interactions between breast cancer cells and the bone microenvironment. Such models can provide insights into the molecular basis of bone metastatic colonisation and also may provide a useful platform to design more physiologically relevant drug testing assays. This review describes different in vitro approaches and discusses their advantages and disadvantages.


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Bone metastasis is a complication that occurs in 80 % of women with advanced breast cancer. Despite the prevalence of bone metastatic disease, the avenues for its clinical management are still restricted to palliative treatment options. In fact, the underlying mechanisms of breast cancer osteotropism have not yet been fully elucidated due to a lack of suitable in vivo models that are able to recapitulate the human disease. In this work, we review the current transplantation-based models to investigate breast cancer-induced bone metastasis and delineate the strengths and limitations of the use of different grafting techniques, tissue sources, and hosts. We further show that humanized xenograft models incorporating human cells or tissue grafts at the primary tumor site or the metastatic site mimic more closely the human disease. Tissue-engineered constructs are emerging as a reproducible alternative to recapitulate functional humanized tissues in these murine models. The development of advanced humanized animal models may provide better platforms to investigate the mutual interactions between human cancer cells and their microenvironment and ultimately improve the translation of preclinical drug trials to the clinic.


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Mammographic density (MD) is a strong risk factor for breast cancer. It is altered by exogenous endocrine treatments, including hormone replacement therapy and Tamoxifen. Such agents also modify breast cancer (BC) risk. However, the biomolecular basis of how systemic endocrine therapy modifies MD and MD-associated BC risk is poorly understood. This study aims to determine whether our xenograft biochamber model can be used to study the effectiveness of therapies aimed at modulating MD, by examine the effects of Tamoxifen and oestrogen on histologic and radiographic changes in high and low MD tissues maintained within the biochamber model. High and low MD human tissues were precisely sampled under radiographic guidance from prophylactic mastectomy fresh specimens of high-risk women, then inserted into separate vascularized murine biochambers. The murine hosts were concurrently implanted with Tamoxifen, oestrogen or placebo pellets, and the high and low MD biochamber tissues maintained in the murine host environment for 3 months, before the high and low MD biochamber tissues were harvested for histologic and radiographic analyses. The radiographic density of high MD tissue maintained in murine biochambers was decreased in Tamoxifen-treated mice compared to oestrogen-treated mice (p = 0.02). Tamoxifen treatment of high MD tissue in SCID mice led to a decrease in stromal (p = 0.009), and an increase in adipose (p = 0.023) percent areas, compared to placebo-treated mice. No histologic or radiographic differences were observed in low MD biochamber tissue with any treatment. High MD biochamber tissues maintained in mice implanted with Tamoxifen, oestrogen or placebo pellets had dynamic and measurable histologic compositional and radiographic changes. This further validates the dynamic nature of the MD xenograft model, and suggests the biochamber model may be useful for assessing the underlying molecular pathways of Tamoxifen-reduced MD, and in testing of other pharmacologic interventions in a preclinical model of high MD.


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Purpose This study evaluated the impact of patient set-up errors on the probability of pulmonary and cardiac complications in the irradiation of left-sided breast cancer. Methods and Materials Using the CMS XiO Version 4.6 (CMS Inc., St Louis, MO) radiotherapy planning system's NTCP algorithm and the Lyman -Kutcher-Burman (LKB) model, we calculated the DVH indices for the ipsilateral lung and heart and the resultant normal tissue complication probabilities (NTCP) for radiation-induced pneumonitis and excess cardiac mortality in 12 left-sided breast cancer patients. Results Isocenter shifts in the posterior direction had the greatest effect on the lung V20, heart V25, mean and maximum doses to the lung and the heart. Dose volume histograms (DVH) results show that the ipsilateral lung V20 tolerance was exceeded in 58% of the patients after 1cm posterior shifts. Similarly, the heart V25 tolerance was exceeded after 1cm antero-posterior and left-right isocentric shifts in 70% of the patients. The baseline NTCPs for radiation-induced pneumonitis ranged from 0.73% - 3.4% with a mean value of 1.7%. The maximum reported NTCP for radiation-induced pneumonitis was 5.8% (mean 2.6%) after 1cm posterior isocentric shift. The NTCP for excess cardiac mortality were 0 % in 100% of the patients (n=12) before and after setup error simulations. Conclusions Set-up errors in left sided breast cancer patients have a statistically significant impact on the Lung NTCPs and DVH indices. However, with a central lung distance of 3cm or less (CLD <3cm), and a maximum heart distance of 1.5cm or less (MHD<1.5cm), the treatment plans could tolerate set-up errors of up to 1cm without any change in the NTCP to the heart.