985 resultados para Brasilia (DF)


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The article shows how domestic aspects influence the United States national and international climate policy. To accomplish the task, the authors analyzes the discussions when Bill Clinton was ruling the country, a time during which global discussions were forwarded. The paper recalls the debate in the Bush administration and the growing polarization since Barack Obama took office.


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Objective: To evaluate characteristics of physical activities in daily life in COPD patients in Brazil, correlating those Characteristics with physiological variables. Methods: Physical activities in daily life were evaluated in 40 COPD patients (18 males; 66 +/- 8 years of age; FEV(1) = 46 +/- 16 % of predicted; body mass index = 27 +/- 6 kg/m(2)) and 30 healthy age- and gender-matched subjects, using a multiaxial accelerometer-based sensor for 12 h/day on two consecutive days. We also assessed maximal and functional exercise capacity, using the incremental exercise test and the six-minute walk test (6MWT), respectively; MIP and MEP; peripheral muscle force, using the one-repetition maximum test and the handgrip test; quality of life, using the Saint George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ); functional status, using the London Chest Activity of Daily Living questionnaire; and dyspnea sensation, using the Medical Research Council (MRC) scale. Results: Mean walking time/day was shorter for COPD patients than for the controls (55 +/- 33 vs. 80 +/- 28 min/day; p = 0.001), as movement intensity was lower (1.9 +/- 0.4 vs. 2.3 +/- 0.6 m/s(2); p = 0.004). The COPD patients also tended to spend more time seated (294 +/- 114 vs. 246 +/- 122 min/day, p = 0.08). Walking time/day correlated with the 6MWT (r = 0.42; p = 0.007) and maximal workload (r = 0.41; p = 0.009), as well as with age, MRC scale score and SGRQ activity domain score (-0.31 <= r <= -0.43; p <= 0.05 for all). Conclusions: This sample of Brazilian patients with COPD, although more active than those evaluated in studies conducted in Europe, were less active than were the controls. Walking time/day correlated only moderately with maximal and functional exercise capacity.


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Arachis villosulicarpa is a perennial species cultivated for its soft and tasty seeds by indigenous inhabitants of the Mate Grosso State, Brazil. Besides A. hypogaea, this species is considered as the only species of Arachis which represents a valuable food source for human consumption. Due to the lack of knowledge concerning the genetic diversity of A. villosulicarpa, this study was conducted to evaluate the genetic variability of the accessions from the Germplasm Collection of CENARGEN/EMBRAPA (Brasilia, DF, Brazil) and Institute Agronomico (IAC, Campinas, SP, Brazil). In addition, the genetic similarity between A. villosulicarpa, the related wild species A. pietrarellii, and the cultivated peanut A. hypogaea cv. Tatu was evaluated. From the entire sample analyzed of A. villosulicarpa, the accession from Institute Agronomico showed the highest indices of diversity for both enzymatic systems analyzed, pointing this accession as a promising source of genetic variability that must be preserved in the Germplasm Bank. A high level of genetic similarity was observed between A. pietrarellii and A. villosulicarpa, supporting previous suggestions that A. pietrarellii could be the ancestral progenitor species of A. villosulicarpa or that both species originated from a common ancestor.


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The present work was conducted at FCAV-UNESP, Campus de Jaboticabal, in late harvest crop time of 1991. One hundred interpopulational hybrids obtained from a top-cross between Dent Composite and Flint Composite populations were evaluated. The analyzed characteristics were: Spodoptera frugiperda damages, lodging, damaged ears percentage, and productivity. Estimates of heritability, variance between progenies and genetical gain for each character of available population were determined. Estimates of the progenies variance, like those from heritability for the different analysed characters, indicate that there is an adequate genetical variance for the utilization of that material on subsequent genetic breeding programs, though allowing genetical gains, on the following selection cycles for the characteristics: grain weight, lodging and damages caused by armyworm larvae, whereas for the other characteristics the obtained results were not satisfactory.


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Aspergillus niger was inoculated into flasks containing mixed of different origins and fluorapatite as a source of phosphorus, or alternatively rock phosphates of different compositions. There was no difference in fungal growth or fluorapatite solubilization when sterilized or unsterilized vinasse was used. Total and soluble solid content was at least two times higher in 65/35 vinasse than in 10/1 vinasse. The higher total sugar content causing higher titratable acidity levels, or the lower fungal growth, may possibly have favored the greater accumulation of soluble phosphate in 10/1 than in 65/10 vinasse. No appreciable differences in residual soluble phosphate levels were detected with increasing fluorapatite concentrations. Rock phosphates of different origins and with different phosphorus concentrations affected the solubilizing ability of the fungus. Whereas crude concentrated apatite phosphorus favored the greatest accumulation of soluble phosphate in the culture medium (1.08 mg/ml), the highest solubilization (72% total phosphate) was achieved with Patos de Minas material obtained from the first crushing.


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The experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of two moisture levels (18-20% and 13-15%) and three anhydrous ammonia levels (0.0; 1.5; 3.0% of NH3) on the quality of Brachiaria decumbens Stapf hay. The hay was bailed in April and weighed and treated under plastic cover during 30 days. The hay presented a similar chemical composition when bailed with high or low moisture. The percentages of NDF (80.59; 77.61; 76.10%); hemicellulose (32.56; 29.48; 28.76%) and lignin (9.53; 8.21; 7.54% decreased and the percentages of crude protein (4.04; 11.35; 13.22%) and IVDMD (36.78; 49.72; 54.33%) increased as the NH3 level increased. The fractions ADF, cellulose, and ADIN did not change due to the ammoniation. The incidence of fungi decreased with application of NH3 being the better results obtained with the 1.5% treatments.


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The present work aimed to define the field maturity of Avena strigosa Schreb seeds cv. Comum. Three experiments were carried out in field conditions during 1986, 1987 and 1989 in Botucatu, SP, Brazil. The sowings were made in May. The characteristics evaluated were: panicles and spikelet aspects, the weight of the dry matter of 100 seeds with and without glumes, the seed moisture, the percentage of germinated seeds (sum of normal + abnormal seedlings), the percentage of germination and vigor (first count of germination test). Based on the dry matter accumulation and the gemination percentage of the seeds, it was concluded that the field maturity of the seeds was reached around 28 and 3 5 days after 100% of panicles emergence of the field. At this stage, the field presented a few percentage of particles (+/- 20%) not yet all yellowish, with spikelets at semi-hard stage and the seeds with 20 to 30% of moisture.


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Objective: To evaluate the health status (HS) of COPD patients and to identify the main predictors of HS in these patients according to gender. Methods: The study included 90 COPD patients (60 males and 30 females; mean age = 64 +/- 9 years) with a wide range of airway obstruction disorders (mean FEV(1) = 56 +/- 19% of predicted). The men were individually matched to the women by % of predicted FEV(1) (ratio: 2:1). The patients were assessed regarding body composition; six-minute walk distance; perception of dyspnea using the Modified Medical Research Council Dyspnea Scale; Saint George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ); Charlson comorbidity index; and the multidimensional Body mass index, airway Obstruction, Dyspnea, and Exercise capacity (BODE) index. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to identify the predictors of HS by gender. Results: Impairment of HS was greater among the women than among the men for SGRQ total score and for all SGRQ domains (total: 51 +/- 18% vs. 38 19%; p = 0.002; symptoms: 61 +/- 22% vs. 42 +/- 21%; p < 0.001; activity: 62 +/- 18% vs. 49 +/- 21%; p = 0.004; and impact: 41 +/- 19% vs. 27 +/- 18%; p = 0.001). The multiple linear regression showed that age and perception of dyspnea correlated with SGRQ total score for both genders (males, r(2) = 0.42; females, r(2) = 0.70; p < 0.05). Conclusions: Our results showed an association between gender and HS in COPD patients. Age and dyspnea are determinants of HS in both genders.


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The objective of this work was to estimate, by meta-analysis, the heritability (h(2)) and the genetic (r(g)) and phenotypic (r(f)) correlations of residual feed intake (RFI), and of its component traits in beef cattle from 19 breeds or genetic groups. Twenty-two scientific papers published from 1963 to 2011, from eight countries, totaling 52,637 cattle of ages from 28 days up to slaughter, were evaluated. The estimates of RFI, dry matter intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG) and metabolic weight (BW0.75) were weighted by the inverse of sample variance. The variation between studies of h(2) for each trait was analyzed by weighted least squares. The effects of sex, country and breed were significant for h(2) of RFI, explaining 67% of variation between studies. For DMI, country and breed effects were significant and explained 96% of variation. Pooled estimates of h(2) were: 0.255+/-0.008, 0.278+/-0.012, 0.321+/-0.015, and 0.397+/-0.032 for RFI, DMI, ADG and BW0.75, respectively. Pooled estimates of genetic and phenotypic correlations were low between RFI and ADG and between RFI and BW0.75 (from -0.021+/-0.034 to 0.025+/-0.035), and moderate between RFI and DMI (0.636+/-0.035 and 0.698+/-0.041) and between DMI, ADG and BW0.75 (0.441+/-0.062 to 0.688+/-0.032). The trait RFI has lower heritability estimates than its components.


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Este trabalho investigou a relação entre ambiente de moradia e duas modalidades de controle percebido controle primário (CP) e controle secundário (CS), referentes a esforços empreendidos para adaptar o ambiente às próprias necessidades e realizar metas (CP); adaptar-se ao ambiente (CS). Participaram 315 idosos (105 homens; 210 mulheres) residentes em Brasília-DF, entre 60 e 92 anos, selecionados de forma não-probabilística, por cotas de gênero. Os dados foram coletados no domicílio por meio de entrevista incluindo questões sócio-demográficas e uma escala de controle. Os resultados apontam: (1) Relação inversa entre CP e densidade social do ambiente de moradia - DESAM (r = -0,119; p ≤ 0,05); (2) Percepção de controle significativamente maior nos que dispunham de quarto exclusivo (t = 2,21; df = 313; p ≤ 0,05). Conclui-se que baixa DESAM facilita o CP nessa fase da vida em que muitas atividades são realizadas no domicílio, convertendo a liberdade de ação e a privacidade em necessidades importantes.


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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O espaço pode ser entendido como uma mediação interativa entre as formas do ambiente construído, resultantes da transformação da natureza, e a vida social que as anima, cuja dinâmica de produção articula dialeticamente as dimensões do percebido, do concebido e do vivido. Assim, o processo de produção e os modos de apropriação do espaço metropolitano de Brasília são os focos de presente análise. Como a configuração espacial de Brasília, marcada pelas descontinuidades do tecido metropolitano e pelas grandes distâncias delas decorrentes, influencia no uso do espaço-tempo quotidiano por parte dos habitantes de sua periferia goiana e oferece possibilidades e/ou limites à realização do direito à cidade? Para responder a essa questão, a realidade da metrópole é discutida em dois aspectos principais: um primeiro, concernente à compreensão do espaço metropolitano como produto sócio-histórico, resultado da concepção dos elaboradores do projeto de construção de uma nova capital para o Brasil e da prática espacial - deles e daqueles que se apropriam desse espaço, também atuando em sua produção - que resultou naquilo que hoje conhecemos como Brasília e seu espaço metropolitano; e um segundo, atinente à passagem da análise do plano discursivo ao plenamente vivido, ou seja, a partir da demonstração, por meio de ideias, conceitos, informações e constatações, de qual espaço metropolitano se trata, busca-se adentrar esse espaço à escala do quotidiano a fim de tentar mostrar o espaço vivido: aquele do qual se apropriam os habitantes de uma periferia distante e supostamente menos integrada que são, na verdade, parte constituinte da metrópole.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A elaboração de um cento de convivência voltado para o público idoso vem de encontro com a consolidação desta faixa etária no país, que ainda se ressente da falta de locais que se adequem ao seu perfil e às suas variadas necessidades. Pensando nisto, a cidade de Brasília foi escolhida como local para a inserção de tal projeto, visando criar um eixo de ligação com a Universidade de Brasília, que detém a propriedade da última superquadra não edificada na cidade. Nesta, a construção de unidades habitacionais é importante para combater o déficit habitacional bem como minimizar a crescente especulação imobiliária na cidade. Projetar em toda sua unidade se torna um grande desafio, porém essencial para que tanto o Centro de Convivência como as habitações passem a ser utilizadas de maneira eficiente e comprovem a dinâmica da superquadra, no qual espaços públicos e privados entram em consonância e se tornam local de vivência a todos os seus moradores. O centro de convivência se destinará à realização de atividades que ofereçam oportunidades de melhoria à qualidade de vida da terceira idade bem como a realização de extensão universitária que possibilite a viabilização de estudos e atendimento a esta população. Aulas de artes, informática, dança e prática de esportes serão desenvolvidas no local, que busca através dos blocos construtivos e suas cores facilitar a cognição do idoso no espaço... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)