991 resultados para Brasil e revista Kosmos


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Thirty-eight tumors (five grade I-II astrocytomas, three grade III astrocytomas, four glioblastomas, one oligodendroglioma, four ependymomas, one pineocytoma, three medulloblastomas, four acoustic nerve neurinomas, one intraspinal neurinoma, one neurofibroma, 10 meningiomas, and one craniopharyngioma) and three benign lesions of the nervous system were evaluated cytogenetically after in vitro culture. Sex chromosome loss was detected in 56% of the cases (-X in 13 of the 25 female patients and -Y in nine of the 16 male patients). The objective of the present report was to study the role of this abnormality in cells of the nervous system.


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Drosophila serido is considered to be a superspecies consisting of two species: D. serido, from Brazil and D. koepferae from Argentina and Bolivia. However this probably does not express the entire evolutionary complexity of its populations. Isofemale lines A95F3 (from Brazil) and B20D2 (from Argentina), at present representing, respectively, the first and second species, were analyzed for fertility and fecundity in pair-mating intracrosses and intercrosses, as well as for development time, banding patterns and asynapsis of polytene chromosomes in the isofemale lines and their hybrids.Although variations in experimental conditions resulted in some variability in the results, in general A95F3 fertility and fecundity were lower than in B20D2. Intercrosses of A95F3 females and B20D2 males showed lower fertility and fecundity than the reciprocal crosses, following more closely characteristics of the mother strains. This is in contrast to the results obtained by Fontdevilla et al. (An. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 81: 380-385, 1988) and may be due to the different geographic origin of D. serido strains they used in crosses to B20D2. This difference and others cited in the literature relative to aedeagus morphology, karyotype characteristics, inversion polymorphisms and reproductive isolation strongly indicate that A95F3 and D. serido from the State of Bahia, Brazil are not a single evolutionary entity, reinforcing the idea of greater complexity of the superspecies D. serido than is known today.The reproductive isolation mechanisms found operating between A95F3 and B20D2 were prezygotic and postzygotic, the latter included mortality at the larvae stage in both directions of crosses and sterility of male hybrids in intercrosses involving B20D2 females and A95F3 males. The two isofemale lines differed in egg-adult development time, which was also differently affected by culture medium composition.A95F3 and B20D2 also showed differences in the banding patterns of proximal regions of polytene chromosomes 2, 3 and X, a fixed inversion in chromosome 3 (here named 3t), apparently not described previously, and a high degree of asynapsis in hybrids.These observations, especially those related to reproductive isolation and chromosomal differentiation (including the karyotype, previously described, and the differentiation of banding patterns, described in this paper), as well as the extensive asynapsis observed in hybrids reinforces the distinct species status of A95F3 and B20D2 isofemale lines.


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The chromosomes of Hyla fuscovaria, H. hayii and II. prasina, with 2n=24, and of Hyla sp. (aff. circumdata), a new species, with 2n=24 and 2n=25, were studied.The karyotypes with 2n=24 in the four species were very similar, with almost no differences in the size and morphology of the chromosomes. The numerical variability found in Hyla sp. (aff. circumdata) is due to the occurrence of a supernumerary chromosome in some specimens. NOR data obtained for the first time in the four species and C banding analysis of H. prasina indicate that such types of banding may be useful to differentiate species with very similar karyotypes, contributing to the understanding of chromosome evolution and the establishment of phylogenetic relationships among Brazilian Hyla species.


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In order to develop an efficient and low-cost technique for obtaining bird chromosome preparations, and to adapt the cytogenetic process of bird sexing for general use at zoos and breeding farms with the technical support of cytogenetics laboratories, we tested variants of the technique described by Giannoni et al. (Genet. Sel. Evol. 23: 123-125, 1991), based on the utilization of cellular material from growing feather pulp cultured in complete medium for six hours. Hanks' saline solution gave satisfactory performance as a substitute for complete medium, with no need to use PHA, serum of collagenase, when utilized in material obtained from feather pulp of Amazona amazonica (Psittacidae).


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In order to rescue molecular information from chromosome preparations, we describe a rapid procedure to obtain DNA from cytogenetic preparations in microscope slides, stored for one to live years at room temperature. This technique was modified from previously described procedures and the DNA obtained was shown to be suitable for PCR amplification.


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The karyotypes of 328 specimens of Zonotrichia capensis from four regions, three in the state of Parana and one in the state of São Paulo (Brazil), were studied. This species presents a chromosomal polymorphism due to pericentric inversion, involving the 3rd and 5th chromosome pairs. Chromosome 3 exists in the 3st and 3sm conditions and chromosome 5, in 5st and 5m conditions. Mitotic metaphase spreads were obtained from bone-marrow material of colchicine-treated animals.At all collection sites the frequency of chromosome 5m was considerably lower than that of the inverted chromosome 3sm.The present work tried to establish a correlation between the frequencies of the 3rd and 5th chromosome pairs with the climatical and geographical parameters at the collecting regions.Data show that the frequency of chromosome 5m is higher in regions with low temperature and high altitude.


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A fast, simple, and inexpensive procedure to establish fibroblast culture from bat lungs is presented. Explants plated following mechanical disaggregation provide good quality preparations for cytogenetics studies in about one week. Cultures established with this procedure may also be used for other biological studies.