967 resultados para Blood Culture
Objetivos: Descrever o perfil e as complicações agudas mais importantes das crianças que receberam transplante de medula óssea (TMO) em nosso Serviço. Casuística e métodos: Análise retrospectiva de 41 pacientes menores de 21 anos transplantados entre Agosto de 1997 até Junho de 2002. Deste total 20 receberam transplante alogênico e 21 receberam transplante autogênico. Resultados: No TMO alogênico a média de idade foi de 8,9 + 5,4 anos, sendo 12 pacientes do sexo masculino. As fontes de células foram: medula óssea (MO) 12, sangue periférico (SP) 5, sangue de cordão umbilical não aparentado (SCU) 3. As doenças tratadas foram leucemia linfóide aguda (LLA) 7 pacientes, leucemia linfóide crônica (LMC) 2; leucemia mielóide aguda (LMA) 4; Síndrome mielodisplásica 2; Linfoma de Burkitt 1, Anemia aplástica grave 1; Anemia de Fanconi 1; Síndrome Chediak Higashi 1; Imunodeficiência congênita combinada grave 1. Um paciente desenvolveu doença do enxerto contra hospedeiro (DECH) aguda grau 2 e três DECH grau 4. Três pacientes desenvolveram DECH crônica. Todos haviam recebido SP como fonte de células. A sobrevida global foi de 70,0 + 10,3%. A principal causa do óbito foi DECH em 3 pacientes e sépse em outros 3. Todos os óbitos ocorreram antes do dia 100. Um dos pacientes que recebeu SCU está vivo em bom estado e sem uso de medicações 3 anos e 6 meses pós TMO. No TMO autogênico, a média de idade foi de 8,7 + 4,3 anos, sendo 11 pacientes do sexo masculino. As fontes de células foram SP 16, MO 3, SP + MO 2. As doenças tratadas foram: tumor de Wilms 5; tumores da família do sarcoma de Ewing 4; neuroblastomas 3; linfomas de Hodgkin 3; rabdomiossarcomas 2, tumor neuroectodérmico primitivo do SNC 2; Linfoma não Hodgkin 1; LMA 1. A sobrevida global está em 59,4 + 11,7 %. Cinco óbitos tiveram como causa a progressão da doença de base, um óbito ocorreu devido à infecção 20 meses pós TMO e dois óbitos foram precoces por sépse. As toxicidades mais comuns em ambos os grupos foram vômitos, mucosite, diarréia e dor abdominal. Infecções foram documentadas em 58,5% dos pacientes e 46,9% tiveram no mínimo um agente isolado na hemocultura. Os tempos de enxertia de neutrófilos e plaquetas correlacionaram-se com o número de células progenitoras infundidas. Conclusão: A sobrevida de nossos pacientes é semelhante à encontrada na literatura de outros serviços nacionais e internacionais. Não encontramos diferença entre os dois tipos de transplante com relação às toxicidades agudas e ás infecções.
To investigate whether the alterations of the diverted colon segment mucosa, evidenced in fecal colitis, would be able to alter Bacterial Translocation (BT). Methods: Sixty-two Wistar male rats ranging from 220 to 320 grams of weight, were divided in two groups: A (Colostomy) and B (Control), with 31 animals each one. In group A, all animals underwent end colostomy, one stoma, in ascending colon; and in the 70th POD was injected in five rats, by rectal route – diverted segment - 2ml of a 0.9% saline solution in animals (A1 subgroup); in eight it was inoculated, by rectal route, 2ml of a solution containing Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 (American Type Culture Collection), in a concentration of 108 Colony Forming Unit for milliliters (CFU/ml) - A2 Subgroup; in ten animals the same solution of E. coli was inoculated, in a concentration of 1011 CFU/ml (A3 Subgroup); and in eight it was collected part of the mucus found in the diverted distal colonic segment for neutral sugars and total proteins dosage (A4 subgroup). The animals from the group B underwent the same procedures of group A, but with differences in the colostomy confection. In rats from subgroups A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, and B3 2ml of blood were aspirated from the heart, and fragments from mesenteric lymphatic nodule, liver, spleen, lung and kidney taken for microbiological analysis, after their death. This analysis consisted of evidencing the presence of E. coli ATCC 25922 CFU. Mann-Whitney and ANOVA Tests were applied as analytic techniques for association of variables. Results: The occurrence of BT was evidenced only in those animals in which inoculated concentration of E. coli ATCC 25922, reached levels of 1011CFU/ml, i.e. in Subgroups A3 and B3, although, being significantly greater (80%) in those animals without colostomy (subgroup B3) when compared to the ones with colostomy (20%) from the subgroup A3 (P <0.05). Lung, liver and mesenteric lymphatic nodules were the tissues with larger percentile of bacterial recovery, so much in subgroup A3, as in B3. Blood culture was considered positive in 60% of the animals from subgroup B3 and in 10% of those from subgroup A3 (p <0.05). There was greater concentration of neutral sugars, in subgroup A4 - mean 27.3mg/ml -, than in subgroup B4 - mean 8.4mg/ml - (P <0.05). Conclusion: The modifications in the architecture of intestinal mucosa in colitis following fecal diversion can cause alterations in the intestinal barrier, but it does not necessarily lead to an increased frequency of BT
Trypanosoma cruzi infection was evaluated in 390 resident individuals in different rural communities of Caicó municipality, State of Rio Grande do Norte (RN). Of 28 investigated communities the soroprevalence of T. cruzi infection was 2.8% in eight rural communities individuals. The epidemiological characteristics of seropositive shown that the age ranged from 22 to 64 years, being significantly raised from 31 years (90.9%). The female gender was predominant and low education degree. Those individuals reported that they never donated blood, but they had direct contact with triatomines bug. The isolation of the parasite was performed by blood culture and xenoculture methods to determine the genetic variability of the samples. Twenty seven T. cruzi isolates were analyzed by RAPD as genetic marker using three random primers (M13-40, gt11-F and L15996). The T. cruzi isolates showed 73.7% of shared bands considering the average obtained with the three primers, and were genetically well correlated. Using this marker it was possible to separate the populations of the parasite in three distinct groups. The first group composed by isolates obtained of triatomines and humans from four different districts (Caicó, Caraúbas, Serra Negra doNorte and Governador Dix-Sept Rosado); the second contained isolates obtained of triatomines of two different species (T. brasiliensis and P. lutzi) captured in Caraúbas and Serra Negra do Norte. The third grouped isolates obtained from humans of Angicos and Caicó municipalities. In different localities of distinct mesoregions, State of RN, a profile genetic well correlated was identified among all isolates and the presence of three distinct groups of the parasite circulating among vertebrate and invertebrate hosts
Este estudo prospectivo avaliou os métodos semiquantitativo e qualitativo de cultura de cateter para o diagnóstico de infecção relacionada a cateter (IRC) em recém-nascidos (RN). Foram incluídas pontas de cateteres provenientes de recém-nascidos internados na Unidade Neonatal do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, UNESP. Foram utilizadas as técnicas semiquantitativa e qualitativa de cultura de cateter. Para o diagnóstico de IRC, os microrganismos isolados das culturas de cateteres e de hemoculturas periféricas foram identificados e submetidos ao teste de sensibilidade a antimicrobianos. O padrão ouro correspondeu ao diagnóstico de certeza de IRC, com o isolamento do mesmo microrganismo (espécie e perfil de sensibilidade a antimicrobianos) isolado em hemocultura periférica. Foram estudados 85 cateteres provenientes de 63 RN. A cultura semiquantitativa, embora tenha apresentado menor sensibilidade (90%), apresentou uma maior especificidade (71%) em comparação à sensibilidade de 100% e especificidade de 60% encontradas na cultura qualitativa. Através da identificação dos microrganismos obtidos nas culturas de cateteres, observou-se uma predominância de espécies de Estafilococos coagulase-negativa (ECN). A espécie Staphylococcus epidermidis foi a prevalente (77,5%) nos cateteres com culturas semiquantitativas positivas. Dos 11 episódios de IRC diagnosticados, 8 (72,7%) foram associados a espécies de ECN, dos quais 6 eram da espécie S. epidermidis. Também foram detectados dois casos de IRC por S. aureus e um caso por Candida parapsilosis. O método de cultura semiquantitativo cateter apresentou vantagens para o diagnóstico de IRC em RN quando comparado com o método qualitativo tradicional.
The objective was to evaluate a PCR assay for the detection of Brucella canis in canine semen, comparing its performance with that of bacterial isolation, serological tests and PCR assay of blood. Fifty-two male dogs were examined clinically to detect reproductive abnormalities and their serum was tested by the rapid slide agglutination test, with and without 2-mercaptoethanol (2ME-RSAT and RSAT, respectively). In addition, microbiological culture and PCR assays were performed on blood and semen samples. The findings of the semen PCR were compared (Kappa coefficient and McNemar test) to those of blood PCR, culture of blood and semen, RSAT, and 2ME-RSAT. Nucleic acid extracts from semen collected from dogs not infected with B. canis were spiked with decreasing amounts of B. canis RM6/66 DNA and the resulting samples subjected to PCR. In addition, semen samples of non-infected dogs were spiked with decreasing amounts of B. canis CFU and the resulting suspensions were used for DNA extraction and amplification. of the 52 dogs that were examined, the following tests were positive: RSAT, 16 (30.7%); 2ME-RSAT, 5 (9.6%); blood culture, 14 (26.9%); semen culture, 11 (21.1%); blood PCR, 18 (34.6%); semen PCR, 18 (34.6%). The PCR assay detected as few as 3.8 fg of B. canis DNA experimentally diluted in 444.9 ng of canine DNA (extracted from semen samples of noninfected dogs). In addition, the PCR assay amplified B. canis genetic sequences from semen samples containing as little as 1.0 x 10(0) cfu/mL. We concluded that PCR assay of semen was a good candidate as a confirmatory test for the diagnosis of brucellosis in dogs; its diagnostic performance was similar to blood culture or blood PCR. Furthermore, the PCR assay of semen was more sensitive than the 2ME-RSAT or semen culture. Examination of semen by PCR should be included for diagnosis of brucellosis prior to natural mating or AI; in that regard, some dogs that were negative on serological and microbiological examinations as well as blood PCR were positive on PCR of semen. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A PCR assay for the detection of Brucella canis in canine vaginal swab samples was evaluated, comparing its performance with that of bacterial isolation, serological tests, and a blood PCR assay. One hundred and forty-four female dogs were clinically examined to detect reproductive problems and they were tested by the rapid slide agglutination test, with and without 2-mercaptoethanol (2ME-RSAT and RSAT, respectively). In addition, microbiological culture and PCR were performed on blood and vaginal swab samples. The results of the vaginal swab PCR were compared to those of the other tests using the Kappa coefficient and McNemar test. of the 144 females that were examined, 66 (45.8%) were RSAT positive, 23 (15.9%) were 2ME-RSAT positive, 49 (34.02%) were blood culture positive, 6 (4.1%) were vaginal swab culture positive, 54 (37.5%) were blood PCR positive, 52 (36.2%) were vaginal swab PCR positive, and 50.69% (73/144) were positive by the combined PCR. The PCR was able to detect as few as 3.8 fg of B. canis DNA experimentally diluted in 54 ng of canine DNA, extracted from vaginal swab samples of non-infected bitches. In addition, the PCR assay amplified B. canis genetic sequences from vaginal swab samples containing 1.0 x 10(0) cfu/mL. In conclusion, vaginal swab PCR was a good candidate as a confirmatory test for brucellosis diagnosis in bitches suspected to be infected, especially those negative on blood culture or blood PCR; these animals may be important reservoirs of infection and could complicate attempts to eradicate the disease in confined populations. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A pair of primers directed to 16S-23S rDNA interspacer (ITS) was designed directed to Brucella genetic sequences in order to develop a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) putatively capable of amplifying DNA from any Brucella species. Nucleic acid extracts from whole-blood from naive dogs were spiked with decreasing amounts of Brucella canis RM6/66 DNA and the resulting solutions were tested by PCR. In addition, the ability of PCR to amplify Brucella spp. genetic sequences from naturally infected dogs was evaluated using 210 whole-blood samples of dogs from 19 kennels. The whole-blood samples collected were subjected to blood culture and PCR. Serodiagnosis was performed using the rapid slide agglutination test with and without 2-mercaptoethanol. The DNA from whole blood was extracted using proteinase-K, sodium dodecyl sulphate and cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide followed by phenol-chloroform purification. The PCR was capable of detecting as little as 3.8 fg of Brucella DNA mixed with 450 ng of host DNA. Theoretically, 3.8 fg of Brucella DNA represents the total genomic mass of fewer than two bacterial cells. The PCR diagnostic sensitivity and specificity were 100%. From the results observed in the present study, we conclude that PCR could be used as confirmatory test for diagnosis of B. canis infection.
A case of an AIDS-patient with positive blood culture for Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is reported. The patient was a 29 years old male born in Nova Londrina (Parana State, Brazil) who presented splenomegaly and fever of unknown origin. Three blood cultures were performed, each one of them for aerobic bacteria, mycobacteria and fungi. Cultures for aerobic bacteria and mycobacteria were negative. However, the yeast phase P. brasiliensis was isolated from two cultures in BHI agar, 20 days after inoculation in Negroni medium. The patient was classified in group V according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) criteria for AIDS, due to a Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. Treatment was discontinued due to an individual decision of the patient on the second dose of amphotericin B. This antibiotic was replaced by ketoconazole in the daily dose of 800 mg. The patient died one year after the isolation of P. brasiliensis on blood culture.
Several studies have demonstrated that lymphocytes from patients with Down syndrome (DS) exhibit an increased frequency of chromosome aberrations when they are exposed to ionizing radiation or to chemicals at the G0 or G1 phases of the cell cycle, but not at G2 when compared to normal subjects. To determine the susceptibility of DS lymphocytes at G2 phase, bleomycin, a radiomimetic agent, was used to induce DNA breaks in blood cultures from 24 Down syndrome patients. All the patients with DS showed free trisomy 21 (47,XX + 21 or 47,XY + 21). Individuals that showed an average number of chromatid breaks per cell higher than 0.8 were considered sensitive to the drug. No control child showed susceptibility to bleomycin, and among the 24 patients with DS, only one was sensitive to the drug. No significant difference was observed between the two groups, regarding chromatid break frequencies in treated G2 lymphocytes. The distribution of bleomycin-induced breaks in each group of chromosomes was similar for DS and controls. No significant difference was found in the response to bleomycin between male and female subjects. Probably, the main factor involved in chromosome sensitivity of lymphocytes from patients with DS is the phase of the cell cycle in which the cell is treated.
Hematological characteristics are important tools for diagnosis and prognostic features in fish population and they contribute to the comprehension of comparative physiology, phylogenetic relation, food habit and other ecological parameters. Red blood cell count (RBC), white blood cell count (WBC), thrombocytes counts, glucose, cortisol, hepatosomatic and splenosomatic relation were evaluated in Piaractus mesopotamicus. The values of hepatosomatic relation varied from 0.67% to 2.79% and splenosomatic relation from 0.011% to 0.108%. RBC 1.870 to 4.590 × 106/μL, hemoglobin concentration 5.7 to 12.1g/dL, haematocrit 24.0% to 40.0%, mean corpuscular volume 98.0 to 174.0 fL, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration 19.1 to 34.2g/dL, glucose 40.6 to 89.2mg/dL and cortisol 4.73 to 110.5ng/dL The number of total thrombocytes was 12,160.0 to 89,280.0/μL and WBC 2,019.0 to 47,473.0/μL. Differential count of leucocytes showed 54.1% limphocytes, 10.9% neutrophils, 10.3% monocytes, 9.9% PAS-positive granular leukocytes (PAS-GL), 6.7% eosinophils, 0.3% basophils and 7.8% immature leucocytes. Variation of these haematological characteristics in the same fish species was observed, being considered as the normal variation in the fish concerned. Hence it is incorrect to assume that biological characteristics in fishes are distributed normally.
Pneumonia is an infectious disease with great morbidity and mortality worldwide. According to the current guidelines recommendations the authors reviewed the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP). In this paper will be presented data about etiology, clinics and diagnostic tools. © Copyright Moreira Jr. Editora.
Background. Species identification and antifungal susceptibility tests were carried out on 212 Candida isolates obtained from bloodstream infections, urinary tract infections and dialysis-associated peritonitis, from cases attended at a Brazilian public tertiary hospital from January 1998 to January 2005. Findings. Candida albicans represented 33% of the isolates, Candida parapsilosis 31.1%, Candida tropicalis 17.9%,Candida glabrata 11.8%, and others species 6.2%. In blood culture, C. parapsilosis was the most frequently encountered species (48%). The resistance levels to the antifungal azoles were relatively low for the several species, except for C. tropicalis and C. glabrata. Amphotericin B resistance was observed in 1 isolate of C. parapsilosis. Conclusions. The species distribution and antifungal susceptibility herein observed presented several epidemiological features common to other tertiary hospitals in Latin American countries. It also exhibited some peculiarity, such as a very high frequency of C. parapsilosis both in bloodstream infections and dialysis-associated peritonitis. C. albicans also occurred in an important number of case infections, in all evaluated clinical sources. C. glabrata presented a high proportion of resistant isolates. The data emphasize the necessity to carry out the correct species identification accompanied by the susceptibility tests in all tertiary hospitals. © 2010 Bagagli et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Late-onset neonatal sepsis is a common serious problem in preterm infants in neonatal intensive care units. Diagnosis can be difficult because clinical manifestations are not specific and none of the available laboratory tests can be considered an ideal marker. For this reason, a combination of markers has been proposed. Complete blood count and acute-phase reactants evaluated together help in diagnosis. C-reactive protein is a specific but late marker, and procalcitonin has proven accurate, although it is little studied in newborns. Blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and urine cultures always should be obtained when late-onset sepsis is suspected. Blood culture, the gold standard in diagnosis, is highly sensitive but needs up to 48 hours to detect microbial growth. Various cytokines have been investigated as early markers of infection, but results are not uniform. Other diagnostic tests that offer promise include: neutrophil surface markers, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, toll-like receptors, and nuclear factor kappa B. The greatest hope for quick and accurate diagnosis lies in molecular biology, using real time polymerase chain reaction combined withDNAmicroarray. Sepsis and meningitis may affect both the short- and long-term prognosis for newborns. Mortality in neonatal meningitis has been reduced in recent years, but short-term complications and later neurocognitive sequelae remain. Late-onset sepsis significantly increases preterm infant mortality and the risk of cerebral lesions and neurosensory sequelae, including developmental difficulties and cerebral palsy. Early diagnosis of late-onset sepsis contributes to improved neonatal prognosis, but the outcome remains far from satisfactory. © 2010 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Phenotypic and genotypic SPM and IMP metallo-β-lactamases (MBL) detection and also the determination of minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) to imipenem, meropenem and ceftazidime were evaluated in 47 multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from clinical specimens. Polymerase chain reaction detected 14 positive samples to either blaSPM or blaIMP genes, while the best phenotypic assay (ceftazidime substrate and mercaptopropionic acid inhibitor) detected 13 of these samples. Imipenem, meropenem and ceftazidime MICs were higher for MBL positive compared to MBL negative isolates. We describe here the SPM and IMP MBL findings in clinical specimens of P. aeruginosa from the University Hospital of Botucatu Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil, that reinforce local studies showing the high spreading of blaSPM and blaIMP genes among Brazilian clinical isolates. © 2011 Elsevier Editora Ltda.
Disseminated fusariosis has emerged as a significant, usually fatal infection in immunocompromised hosts despite antifungal treatment. We describe here two patients with acute leukemia who developed disseminated amphotericin-resistant fusariosis, and review of six studies of cases series in the literature. Two Fusarium solani strains were isolated from blood and skin cultures of one patient, and one strain from the blood culture of the second patient. Both patients died despite antifungal treatment. Strains were identified by sequencing of ITS1 and ITS4 regions. Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis of the three F. solani isolates showed a low degree of similarity. Screening for Fusarium spp. contaminants within our facility was negative. Using the CLSI M-38-A2 broth dilution method and E tests®, we found that the MICs were low for voriconazole (0. 12 and 0. 5 mg/L, respectively), unexpectedly high for amphotericin B (≥8 and ≥32 μg/mL, respectively) and itraconazole (≥16 mg/ml). Patients with leukemia or persistent neutropenia should be assessed for disseminated fungal infections, including biopsy and skin cultures. Antifungal susceptibility tests are important due to the possibility of the strains being amphotericin resistant. Treatments must be aggressive, with high doses of antifungals or combined therapy. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.