869 resultados para Bleaching agent
The aim of this clinical randomized double-blind split-mouth study was to assess the effectiveness of a 6% hydrogen peroxide with nitrogen-doped titanium dioxide light activated bleaching agent. 31 patients were treated with: one upper hemiarcade with a 35% hydrogen peroxide bleaching agent and the other hemiarcade with a 6% hydrogen peroxide. Two applications were completed each treatment session and three sessions were appointed, with one week interval between them. Tooth colour was registered each session and 1 week and 1 months after completing the treatment by spectrophotometer, registering parameters L*, a* and b*, and subjectively using VITA Classic guide. Tooth sensitivity was registered by VAS and patient satisfaction and self-perception result was determined using OHIP-14. Tooth colour variation and sensitivity were compared between both bleaching agents. Both treatment showed a change between baseline colour and all check-points with a ΔE=5.57 for 6% and of ΔE=7.98 for the 35% one month after completing the (p<0.05). No statistical differences were seen when subjective evaluations were compared. Also, no differences were seen in tooth sensitivity between bleaching agents. OHIP-14 questionnaire demonstrated a significant change for all patients after bleaching. A 6% hydrogen peroxide with nitrogen-doped titanium dioxide light activated agent is effective for tooth bleaching, reaching a ΔE of 5.57 one month after completing the treatment, with no clinical differences to a 35% agent neither in colour change or in tooth sensitivity. A low concentration hydrogen peroxide bleaching agent may reach good clinical results with less adverse effects.
This in vitro study compared the effect of bleaching agents modified by the addition of calcium and/or fluoride and the application of a nano-hydroxyapatite paste after bleaching, on the susceptibility of enamel to erosion. Bovine enamel cylindrical samples (3 mm diameter) were assigned to six groups (n = 20 specimens/group) according to the bleaching agent: no bleaching (C-control), 7.5% hydrogen peroxide gel (HP), HP with 0.5% calcium gluconate (HP+Ca), HP with 0.2% sodium fluoride (HP+F), HP with calcium and fluoride (HP+Ca+F) and HP followed by the application of a nano-hydroxyapatite agent (HP+NanoP). The gels were applied on the enamel surface (1 h) followed by cyclic erosive challenges (Sprite Zero®-2 min), for 14 days. The paste was applied after bleaching for 5 min (HP+NanoP). The enamel surface alteration was measured by contact profilometry (µm) (after 7 and 14 days). C-control (mean ± SD: 2.29 ± 0.37 at 7 days/4.86 ± 0.72 at 14 days) showed significantly lower loss compared to the experimental groups. HP+Ca (3.34 ± 0.37/6.75 ± 1.09) and HP+F (4.49 ± 0.92/7.61 ± 0.90) presented significantly lower enamel loss than HP (4.18 ± 0.50/10.30 ± 1.58) only for 14 days and HP+Ca+F (4.92 ± 1.03/8.12 ± 1.52) showed values similar to the HP+F group. The HP+NanoP (5.51 ± 1.04/9.61 ± 1.21) resulted in enamel loss similar to the HP after 14 days. It was found that 7.5% hydrogen peroxide increased the susceptibility of enamel to erosion. The addition of calcium or fluoride to the bleaching gel reduced the erosion effect, while the nano-hydroxyapatite agent did not provide any protective effect.
Aiming to compare the effect of different light sources for dental bleaching on vascular permeability of dental pulps, forty-eight incisors were used. The bleaching agent (35% hydrogen peroxide) was activated by halogen light; LED (Light Emitting Diode) or LED, followed by laser phototherapy (LPT) (lambda = 780 nm; 3 J/cm(2)). After the bleaching procedures, the animals received an intra-arterial dye injection and one hour later were sacrificed. The teeth were diaphanized and photographed. The amount of blue stain content of each dental pulp was quantified using a computer imaging program. The data was statistically compared (p <= 0.05). The results showed a significant higher (p <= 0.01) dye content in the groups bleached with halogen light, compared with the control, LED and LED plus LPT groups. Thus, tooth bleaching activated by LED or LED plus LPT induces lesser resulted in increased vascular permeability than halogen light.
Aiming to compare the effect of different light sources for dental bleaching on vascular permeability of dental pulps, forty-eight incisors were used. The bleaching agent (35 % hydrogen peroxide) was activated by halogen light; LED (Light Emitting Diode) or LED, followed by laser phototherapy (LPT) (λ = 780 nm; 3 J/cm²). After the bleaching procedures, the animals received an intra-arterial dye injection and one hour later were sacrificed. The teeth were diaphanized and photographed. The amount of blue stain content of each dental pulp was quantified using a computer imaging program. The data was statistically compared (p < 0.05). The results showed a significant higher (p < 0.01) dye content in the groups bleached with halogen light, compared with the control, LED and LED plus LPT groups. Thus, tooth bleaching activated by LED or LED plus LPT induces lesser resulted in increased vascular permeability than halogen light.
O clareamento dental é o meio disponível mais simples, comum e conservador para o cirurgião-dentista proporcionar aos pacientes o padrão de cor de seus dentes mais desejado. Em alguns casos, os dentes que vão ser clareados podem apresentar restaurações realizadas com compósitos dentais, que são mais suscetíveis a alterações químicas, quando comparados a outros materiais restauradores. Alguns estudos mostraram que diferentes concentrações de agentes clareadores levaram a um aumento significativo da rugosidade superficial e das porosidades em compósitos dentais. Este estudo avaliou o efeito de dois agentes clareadores (Whiteness HP Blue 20%, Whiteness HP Max) sobre a rugosidade superficial de dois compósitos dentais, um micro-híbrido (Esthet X, Denstply) e outro nanoparticulado (Z 350, 3M ESPE). Um total de oito corpos de prova (9 x 2 mm) foram confeccionados com auxílio de uma matriz de teflon, sendo divididos em 4 grupos (Esthet X + Whiteness HP Blue 20%; Esthet X + Whiteness HP Max; Z 350 + Whiteness HP Blue 20%; Z 350 + Whiteness HP Max), sendo n=2. Os corpos de prova foram armazenados em saliva artificial neutra e, após 24 horas, foram polidos com discos de óxido de Alumínio (Sof-lex, 3M ESPE). Após sete dias de imersão salivar, cada corpo de prova foi levado a um microscópio de força atômica para obtenção do valor inicial de rugosidade superficial (Ra em nm). Em seguida, sem remover o corpo de prova do microscópio, o agente clareador foi aplicado sobre a superfície do corpo de prova, segundo as instruções do fabricante, de modo que permitisse uma posterior observação da mesma área do corpo de prova observada inicialmente, para obtenção do valor final de rugosidade superficial. Imagens em duas e três dimensões foram obtidas de cada corpo de prova para observação de alterações da topografia. Os resultados foram tratados estatisticamente por ANOVA e pelo teste de contraste Student-Newman-Keuls (p < 0,05). Não houve alteração significativa na rugosidade superficial (Ra) dos corpos da prova de compósitos micro-híbrido e nanoparticulado, submetidos aos agentes clareadores Whiteness HP Blue 20% e Whiteness HP Maxx. No entanto, independente do agente clareador utilizado, foram observadas maiores alterações topográficas nas imagens de microscopia de força atômica da superfície do compósito micro-híbrido do que nas imagens do nanoparticulado.
A odontologia moderna utiliza métodos e técnicas ultraconservadores no intuito de corrigir os diversos tipos de alterações cromáticas observadas clinicamente. Os meios empregados baseiam-se na utilização de substâncias químicas à base de peróxidos presentes em diversas concentrações. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a microestrutura de três resinas compostas fotossensíveis submetidas à aplicação de um agente clareador a base de peróxido de hidrogênio a 35% (Whiteness HP Maxx - fabricante: FGM), ativado por uma fonte híbrida de energia luminosa (Aparelho de Laser-Led Whitening Lase, fabricante: DMC). Para isso, foram confeccionados 30 corpos de prova (CDP) 10 para cada grupo, no formato de discos, com 13 mm de diâmetro e 2,0 mm de espessura em uma matriz de teflon e aço inox, fotoativados por um aparelho de luz halógena convencional (Optilux 401 - Demetron/UR) por 40 segundos com densidade de potência média igual a 450 mW/cm2. Os grupos foram dispostos da seguinte forma: Grupo 1 - resina microparticulada (Durafill VS - fabricante: Heraeus Kulzer); Grupo 2 - resina micro-híbrida (Esthet-X - fabricante: Dentsply); e Grupo 3 resina nanoparticulada (Filtek Supreme XT fabricante: 3M ESPE). Todos os materiais restauradores utilizados eram da cor A2. Após serem submetidos à sequência de acabamento e polimento os CDP foram armazenados por sete dias em saliva artificial, limpos em ultra-som, envelhecidos artificialmente de acordo com a norma ASTM G 154. Os CDP dos três grupos foram aleatoriamente divididos em 2 subgrupos (ST sem tratamento e CT com tratamento) e finalmente submetidos aos experimentos. Os CDP dos subgrupos 1-ST, 2- ST e 3-ST foram triturados (SPEX SamplePrep 8000-series, marca: Mixer/Mills) seguido pela verificação dos materiais por meio de um espectrômetro (marca/modelo: Shimadzu EDX 720) para certificação da ausência de elementos pertencentes ao meio de moagem e por fim foram levados a um difrator de raios-X (marca / modelo: Philips -PW 3040 -X'Celerator- 40kV; 30mA; (λ): CuKα; 0,6; 0,2mm; 0,05 (2θ); 2s; 10-90 (2θ). Em seguida os CDP dos subgrupos 1-CT, 2- CT e 3-CT foram tratados com o peróxido de hidrogênio de acordo com o protocolo do fabricante para a fonte híbrida luminosa de energia selecionada, totalizando 9 aplicações de 10 minutos, onde eram respeitados os tempos de 3 minutos de ativação por 20 segundos de descanso, finalizando 10 minutos em cada aplicação. Mediante a este tratamento, os CDP dos subgrupos CT eram verificados e avaliados pelo mesmo método descrito anteriormente. Após interpretação gráfica, análise comparativa por meio do processamento digital das imagens no programa KS400 3.0 (Carl Zeiss Vision) e análise de concordância por cinco avaliadores calibrados utilizando um escore, pôde-se concluir que houve degradação estrutural e que as estruturas cristalinas das resinas estudadas foram afetadas de forma distinta quando tratadas pelo peróxido de hidrogênio; onde observou-se que: Grupo 1 > Grupo 3 > Grupo 2. Foi sugerido a realização de novos estudos, relacionados à interação do peróxido de hidrogênio às resinas compostas.
La tesi doctoral presentada té com a objectius principals l'estudi de les etapes fonamentals de desintegració i flotació en un procés de destintatge de papers vell de qualitats elevades per a poder millorar l'eficàcia d'aquestes etapes clau. Conté una revisió teòrica completa i molt actualitzada del procés de desintegració i flotació tant a nivell macroscòpic com microscòpic. La metodologia de treball en el laboratori, la posada a punt dels aparells, així com les anàlisis efectuades per a valorar la resposta del procés (anàlisi de blancor, anàlisi d'imatge i anàlisi de la concentració efectiva de tinta residual) estan descrites en el capítol de material i mètodes. La posada en marxa permet obtenir unes primeres conclusions respecte la necessitat de treballar amb una matèria primera homogènia i respecte la no significació de la temperatura de desintegració dins l'interval de treball permès al laboratori (20-50°C). L'anàlisi de les variables mecàniques de desintegració: consistència de desintegració (c), velocitat d'agitació en la desintegració (N) i temps de desintegració (t), permet de discernir que la consistència de desintegració és una variable fonamental. El valor de consistència igual al 10% marca el límit d'existència de les forces d'impacte mecànic en la suspensió fibrosa. A consistències superiors, les forces viscoses i d'acceleració dominen l'etapa de desintegració. Existeix una interacció entre la consistència i el temps de desintegració, optimitzant-se aquesta darrera variable en funció del valor de la consistència. La velocitat d'agitació és significativa només per a valors de consistència de desintegració inferiors al 10%. En aquests casos, incrementar el valor de N de 800 a 1400 rpm representa una disminució de 14 punts en el factor de destintabilitat. L'anàlisi de les variables químiques de desintegració: concentració de silicat sòdic (% Na2SiO3), peròxid d'hidrogen (% H2O2) i hidròxid sòdic (% Na2OH), proporciona resultats força significatius. El silicat sòdic presenta un efecte altament dispersant corroborat per les corbes de distribució dels diàmetres de partícula de tinta obtingudes mitjançant anàlisi d'imatges. L'hidròxid sòdic també presenta un efecte dispersant tot i que no és tant important com el del silicat sòdic. Aquests efectes dispersants són deguts principalment a l'increment de les repulsions electrostàtiques que aporten a la suspensió fibrosa aquests reactius químics fent disminuir l'eficàcia d'eliminació de l'etapa de flotació. El peròxid d'hidrogen utilitzat generalment com agent blanquejant, actua en aquests casos com a neutralitzador dels grups hidroxil provinents tant del silicat sòdic com de l'hidròxid sòdic, disminuint la repulsió electrostàtica dins la suspensió. Amb l'anàlisi de les variables hidrodinàmiques de flotació: consistència de flotació (c), velocitat d'agitació durant la flotació (N) i cabal d'aire aplicat (q), s'aconsegueix la seva optimització dins el rang de treball permès al laboratori. Valors elevats tant de la velocitat d'agitació com del cabal d'aire aplicat durant la flotació permeten eliminar majors quantitats de tinta. La consistència de flotació assoleix valors òptims depenent de les condicions de flux dins la cel·la de flotació. Les metodologies d'anàlisi emprades permeten obtenir diferents factors de destintabilitat. Entre aquests factors existeix una correlació important (determinada pels coeficients de correlació de Pearson) que permet assegurar la utilització de la blancor com a paràmetre fonamental en l'anàlisi del destintatge de papers vells, sempre i quan es complementi amb anàlisis d'imatge o bé amb anàlisi de la concentració efectiva de tinta residual. S'aconsegueixen expressions empíriques tipus exponencial que relacionen aquests factors de destintabilitat amb les variables experimentals. L' estudi de les cinètiques de flotació permet calcular les constants cinètiques (kBlancor, kERIC, kSupimp) en funció de les variables experimentals, obtenint un model empíric de flotació que relacionant-lo amb els paràmetres microscòpics que afecten realment l'eliminació de partícules de tinta, deriva en un model fonamental molt més difícil d'interpretar. Mitjançant l'estudi d'aquestes cinètiques separades per classes, també s'aconsegueix determinar que l'eficàcia d'eliminació de partícules de tinta és màxima si el seu diàmetre equivalent és superior a 50 μm. Les partícules amb diàmetres equivalents inferiors a 15 μm no són eliminades en les condicions de flotació analitzades. Es pot dir que és físicament impossible eliminar partícules de tinta de diàmetres molt diferents amb la mateixa eficiència i sota les mateixes condicions de treball. El rendiment del procés analitzat en funció de l'eliminació de sòlids per l'etapa de flotació no ha presentat relacions significatives amb cap de les variables experimentals analitzades. Únicament es pot concloure que addicionar quantitats elevades de silicat sòdic provoca una disminució tant de sòlids com de matèria inorgànica presents en les escumes de flotació.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The concern with the hydrogen penetration towards the pulp can be observed on the literature by the great number of papers published on this topic; Those measurements often uses chemical agents to quantify the concentration of the bleaching agent that cross the enamel and dentin. The objective of this work was the quantification of oxygen free radicals by fluorescence that are located in the interface between enamel and dentin. It was used to accomplish our objectives a Ruthenium probe (FOXY R - Ocean Optics(R)) a 405nm LED, a bovine tooth and a portable diagnostic system (Science and support LAB - LAT - IFSC/USP). The fluorescence of the probe is suppressed in presence of oxygen free radicals in function of time. The obtained results clearly shows that the hydrogen peroxide when not catalyzed should be kept in contact with the tooth for longer periods of time.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study evaluated the pulp chamber penetration of peroxide bleaching agent in human and bovine teeth after office bleach technique. All the teeth were sectioned 3 mm apical of the cement-enamel junction and were divided into 2 groups, A (70 third human molars) and B (70 bovine lateral incisors), that were subdivided into A1 and B1 restored by using composite resin, A2 and B2 by using glass ionomer cement, and A3 and B3 by using resin-modified glass ionomer cement; A4, A5, B4, and B5 were not restored. Acetate buffer was placed in the pulp chamber, and the bleaching agent was applied for 40 minutes as follows: A1-A4 and B1-B4, 38% hydrogen peroxide exposure and A5 and B5, immersion into distilled water. The buffer solution was transferred to a glass tube in which leuco crystal violet and horseradish peroxidase were added, producing a blue solution. The optical density of the blue solution was determined by spectrophotometer and converted into microgram equivalents of hydrogen peroxide. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and Dunnett, Kruskal-Wallis, and Tukey tests (5%). A higher level of hydrogen peroxide penetrated into the pulp chamber in resin-modified glass ionomer cements in bovine (0.79 +/- 0.61 mu g) and human (2.27 +/- 0.41 mu g) groups. The bleaching agent penetration into the pulp chamber was higher in human teeth for any experimental situation. The penetration of the hydrogen peroxide depends on restorative materials, and under the conditions of this study human teeth are more susceptible to penetration of bleaching agent into the pulp chamber than bovine teeth.
Dental bleaching represents an effective, conservative, and relatively low-cost method for improving the appearance of discolored pulpless teeth. Among the bleaching techniques, the walking bleach technique with sodium perborate associated with water or hydrogen peroxide stands out because of its esthetic results and safety. A modified walking bleach technique with the use of 37% carbamide peroxide as the bleaching agent is presented. Additionally, the adverse effects of dental bleaching in the following restorative procedures are discussed, showing the advantages with the use of 37% carbamide peroxide.
The aim of this study was to evaluate by micro-shear bond strength test, the bond strength of composite resin restoration to enamel submitted to whitening dentifrices. Forty bovine teeth were embedded in polystyrene resin and polished. The specimens were randomly divided into eight groups (n=5), according to the dentifrice (carbamide peroxide, hydrogen peroxide and conventional dentifrice) and the adhesive system (Prime & Bond 2.1 and Adper Single Bond 2). Dentifrice was applied for 15 minutes a day, for 21 days. Thirty minutes after the last exposure to dentifrice, the samples were submitted to a bonding procedure with the respective adhesive system. After that, four buttons of resin were bonded in each sample using transparent cylindrical molds. After 24 hours, the teeth were submitted to the micro-shear bond strength test and subsequent analysis of the fracture mode. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and Fisher's PLSD test (alpha = 0.05). The micro-shear bond strength showed no difference between adhesives systems but a significant reduction was found between the control and carbamide groups (p = 0.0145) and the control and hydrogen groups (p = 0.0370). The evaluation of the failures modes showed that adhesive failures were predominant. Cohesive failures were predominant in group IV The use of dentifrice with peroxides can decrease bonding strength in enamel.